Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 139 The Promise of Tiankuang Chapter

Chapter 139 The Promise of Tiankuan Festival

Li Weijian made trouble and said: "It's weird, if it's not that my second sister misses me, then someone must be scolding me behind my back."

Rouyi is captured in the hand, plump and boneless.To welcome the Spring Festival, I wore a purple-red bordered dark-patterned silk jacket with a cross-collar coat and skirt inside.

With one hand being held and played with, the second girl's face turned red and she was too shy to speak.

"Brother Jian... he will be seen by outsiders."

"Then let's go inside and talk?" Unable to refuse, Li Weijian hugged Yingchun and went to the inside.

The two of them were sitting on the embroidered bed. Yingchun ignored her shyness and said, "I heard... Brother Jian took a concubine yesterday?"

Li Weijian nodded and said: "My second sister has also seen this girl, it's Fu Qiufang. It's pitiful to say -"

At that moment, Li Weijian talked about the past.It is said that Fu Qiufang heard that Fu Shi wanted to give her away as an outhouse, so she ran away all night and bumped into her own mansion by mistake.Later, the Fu Shi case occurred, and Fu Qiufang had nowhere to go.The man also attached great importance to friendship. When he came to Li Weijian, he was willing to sell himself for 5000 taels of silver in exchange for Fu Xian's life.

Li Weijian once said that the second girl sighed and said: "In this way, Miss Fu is a rare good girl."

She paused, and Li Weijian heard Xian's elegance and said, "Actually, I advised her earlier that even without the 5000 taels of silver, Fu Shi would have saved her life. He also gave her money to go to Shandong to find her relatives. . Maybe she was heartbroken by her brother. She only thought that her brother was able to sell it, and that her aunt who had not been in contact with her for a long time did not know how to abuse her. "

Yingchun felt the same, nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right." He raised his eyes and glanced at Li Weijian, and said, "Brother Jian is still kind-hearted, but it's not Brother Jian who took him in. It's hard to say what Miss Fu will be like in the future."

5000 taels of silver. The eldest master Jia She bought the poor man for only 1000 taels of silver. Compared with Fu Qiufang's appearance, it was not much different.Brother Jian didn't think it was because of Fu Qiufang's beauty that he spent so much money.

With the spring in my heart, all the unhappiness disappeared immediately.

She muttered for a moment and said: "Brother Jian, wait a moment, I... have something to give you."

Li Weijian let go, bit his lower lip and stood up. He rummaged through the bottom of the box to find the embroidered purse. He turned back and handed it to Li Weijian hesitantly: "The embroidery is not good. Brother Jian, please don't laugh at me."

Li Weijian took it and glanced at it, and saw a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered on it.The stitches on that purse are so fine that it looks like a good red girl.Li Weijian raised his head and met those affectionate eyes, and said with a smile: "Thank you, second sister, I will definitely cherish this."

Yingchun shook her head shyly and said, "It's just an object. Brother Jian can just use it. If it breaks, I will... embroider another one for Brother Jian later."

"it is good."

Li Weijian put the purse aside, reached out and took Yingchun's hand, and after a little while, the second girl exclaimed and sat in his arms.

"Brother Jian——" Yingchun's face was as red as blood, and the blush extended from her cheeks to her ears.

Li Weijian said softly: "I haven't seen you for a few days. Let me take a good look at my second sister."

Yingchun responded, turning her head and not daring to look at Li Weijian, and whispered: "Then...just talk."

"Have you, second sister, been able to eat well these past two days?" His left hand was already around Yingchun's waist.

The second girl trembled, and Li Weijian said, "Why do you seem to have lost some weight?"

"Maybe, maybe it's a bit bitter summer."

"I'll buy some ice later. I can't make my second sister suffer."

"No, there is still a lot of money left from Brother Jian's gift last time."

As he spoke, Li Weijian moved slightly and knocked the purse beside him to the ground.Yingchun stood up to pick it up, but Li Weijian beat him to it.He leaned over and grabbed his purse, and glanced up at a pair of embroidered shoes under his skirt.

As if sensing his gaze, the embroidered shoes immediately shrank back.Li Weijian's heart moved and he reached out to catch it.

Yingchun suddenly became anxious: "Brother Jian!"

Li Weijian smiled, stood up but did not let go, rubbed it a few times, took off the embroidered shoes, and played with the feet a little, the two girls couldn't bear it anymore, and fell into his arms with a groan.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the beauty inside.

Outside, Xiuju picked up the food box and returned, but was stopped by Siqi, who said that the second girl was talking to Fourth Master Jian, so it was not good to disturb her.

Xiuju suddenly blushed.The last quick glance is still vivid in my mind.Where are you just talking?If they weren't so scrupulous, I'm afraid these two would have accomplished good things long ago.

With this thought in her heart, Xiuju couldn't help but be curious.While taking off the clothes to dry, he secretly glanced inside and saw his girl nestled in Li Weijian's arms, her face turned red and she was biting her fingers.However, half of the quilt that covered the outer covering peeled off at some point, and Li Weijian was burying his head in it, holding the soft ball...

Xiuju secretly spat, immediately turned around and left.But my heart seemed to be pretending to be a rabbit, and it was beating so hard that I was in panic.

After a stick of incense, Li Weijian came out of the room, called Hongyu, and walked towards Jia Mu's courtyard.

Xiuju didn't want to expose the second girl's embarrassment, so she delayed delivering the food box.Si Qi's heart moved, he took the food box and walked inside.

Putting the food box on the table, Si Qi calmly and attentively listened to the rustling inside, as if they were changing clothes in the spring.

Si Qi tiptoed into the inner room and saw that Yingchun had just changed into a new set of clothes. The undressed dress was thrown on the bedside, and watermarks could be faintly seen on it.

"You-" The second girl caught a glimpse of Siqi, and immediately became anxious, and hurriedly hid the clothes behind her.

Siqi then came over and said, "I am the girl's maid, how can I harm the girl?"

Yingchun thought that Siqi had been doing his best to treat him these days, so he didn't say anything else.

Siqi sat aside and lowered his voice: "Girl, I'm not the one who says it, it's always like this... sooner or later you can't help it. What if -"

"Stop talking, stop talking!"

Yingchun is ashamed to death.Somehow, every time we meet, I make up my mind that I just want to talk to him and never let him do anything else.But every time it made him go further... But she was thinking about it and was intoxicated with it.

Si Qi pursed his lips and smiled secretly, and then said: "Girl, actually you don't have to do that... there is a way."

"Huh?" Yingchun glanced at Siqi with wonder.

Siqi's voice dropped even lower: "I'll secretly bring the album later. The girl will know it as soon as she sees it."

"This -" Yingchun instinctively wanted to refuse.In the boudoir, this thing is especially taboo, and the sisters in The West Chamber would secretly go and look at it, let alone such a straightforward thing.

Si Qi said, "I just took it. If you want to see it, you can look at it. If you don't want to look at it, you can even burn it on fire."

After hearing what Si Qi said, Yingchun hesitated for a long time, but finally nodded.Siqi smiled and said: "I will wash the clothes later, don't worry about it, miss. I will take it back secretly when I go to rest, and show it to the miss in the evening."


Siqi stood up and spread out the food boxes, Yingchun had a lot of thoughts in her heart.If Bendao takes a concubine, he won't be so depressed.Unexpectedly, he was still as eager as ever, as if he wanted to eat himself alive.

On second thought, I felt a little secretly happy. Brother Jian was so infatuated with him, so he probably cared about himself very much.


But he said that Li Weijian passed through the hanging flower gate all the way to the main house, and was greeted by the maid Yuanyang.

"Is Fourth Master Jian here? I'll go tell the old lady."

"Excuse me, Sister Yuanyang."

Yuanyang smiled and shook his head, reported, and immediately led Li Weijian inside.

In addition to comforting Daiyu and welcoming the spring, he had other serious things to do this time.Fu Qiufang had just moved in, and the two were newly married and inseparable. It was hard for Li Weijian to stay in Rongguo Mansion, let alone take Fu Qiufang over.

In addition, the wing room also needed to be renovated, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter, so Li Weijian thought of taking Fu Qiufang, Qingwen and others to live in the Xiangshan Villa for two months.Come back in autumn.

When entering or leaving Rongguo Mansion, you must speak to Jia Mu, otherwise you will be disrespectful of etiquette.In addition, I received an assignment from King Zhongyong not long ago to design a mount for the new artillery of the Ministry of Works.

Now Li Weijian has an idea and even made a first draft.Today I learned from Dr. Liang that Qiongzhou Prefecture has obtained the letter from the Inner Prefecture and is now transporting the batch of latex to the capital by sea ship.We can arrive in the capital around the end of June.

Li Weijian thought that since rubber was already available, why not design tires to further reduce the weight of the gun mount?So I put the first draft on the shelf, waiting for the rubber to arrive in the future to improve it again.

Entering inside, he saw Jia's mother sitting high on the soft floor, with Daiyu sitting beside her. Wang Xifeng was talking and laughing below, making Jia's mother lean back and forth.What's even more strange is that Baochai is also there.

She sat quietly, with a smile on her face. She caught a glimpse of Li Weijian and looked around to see what was coming.

Li Weijian stepped forward and bowed and saluted: "I've seen the old lady."

"Brother Jian, sit down quickly. Don't be so polite to your relatives."

"Yes." Li Weijian lifted up his robe and sat next to Wang Xifeng. After meeting Wang Xifeng, Baochai and Daiyu, he said, "Old lady, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything."

Jia Mu smiled and said, "Brother Jian has something to say. I'm old and I can't make up my mind. There are still great masters and masters outside who can make the decision."

"You don't need to trouble me, sir... It's like this. Recently, I have been sent to the inner palace, so I have to think quietly. In addition, I really can't bear the heat, so I thought of going to Xiangshan to live for a while.

The old lady also knew that the younger generation spent some money to buy a villa in Xiangshan. "

Wang Xifeng said: "I know about this. Brother Jian bought it, but it was the annex of Shenwu General Feng Tang. It cost a full 6 taels."

After Wang Xifeng married in, Rongguo Mansion was already in decline, but it had never seen the wealth it had before.But Jia Mu has seen the world. When she was the head of the family, she only had 6 taels of silver, which was just one year's worth of income for Ningrong's second house.Many Zhuangzi today were purchased at that time.

"That doesn't cost money." When Jia Mu heard that Li Weijian was just going out for a short stay, she had no objection.He said: "Brother Jian is still young after all. Since the summer is bitter, let's move here for a while. If you don't like it, just move back here."

"Yes." Li Weijian agreed with a smile, and then said: "Junior went over to tidy up a little bit. When the festival is held on June [-]th, I would like to invite the old lady and you to stay for a while."

Jia Mu waved her hands and said, "I'll forget it. I'm too old to bear the trouble."

Wang Xifeng was thoughtful, and suddenly remembered that Li Wan had said a few days ago that Li Weijian's son would be born on the Sixth Day of June.Because he smiled and said: "Ancestor, that day was Brother Jian's son. He just wanted everyone to go there and have fun."

"Oh, he is Brother Jian's son."

Li Weijian smiled and said: "The old lady, brothers and sisters are always tired after staying here for a few months. It doesn't matter if they have a baby. The younger generation just wants to use this to give something back."

Mother Jia nodded with a smile and said, "Brother Jian is interested. If that's the case, then I asked Sanchun and the others, and they all went there to have fun if they wanted to. Brother Feng didn't have time to spare, so he just happened to go over and have some fun."

Wang Xifeng said: "Old ancestor, I don't have that kind of leisure life. If you don't take care of everything in this house, something will definitely go wrong. I think it's better to let my sister-in-law take care of it, so as to avoid a few mistakes. This little one is too naughty and has no one to control him."

"That's okay...Brother Jian, what do you think?"

Li Weijian said: "When the old lady opens her mouth, how can the younger generation have any place to comment? It is very appropriate."

Jia Mu made a decision and said: "Then it's decided, June [-]th... I'll go there on the fifth day of June, stay for two days, and come back on the seventh day of the lunar month."

After the matter was settled, Li Weijian turned to talk about other things, but did not mention Fu Qiufang.Wang Xifeng sat aside, casting searching eyes from time to time.She didn't care who Li Weijian accepted, but what she cared about was the business Jia Lian talked about last night.

However, Li Weijian hadn't spoken yet, so she couldn't say much at the moment.If the eldest man and the eldest wife of Dongkuaoyuan find out, how many troubles will arise if they are not protected.

Daiyu sat next to Jia Mu, and occasionally made eye contact with Li Weijian. Looking at the young man in front of her who spoke and behaved like her father, she thought to herself that the fourth brother Jian was always so tense, so he could only hide like he did just now. You will show a different look when there is no one around, right?

Baochai was also looking at Li Weijian at this moment, and she was extremely puzzled.Li Weijian is actually moving out!

Although he only went out to live temporarily, how could Li Weijian move back after Qiuwei?If this is the case, wouldn't the tacit understanding she had reached with Li Weijian be in vain?

Furthermore, although there is not much hope for the small selection, we must always find an opportunity to ask Li Weijian for help.If he moved away like this, how could Baochai find an opportunity to ask for permission?
Didn't Li Weijian covet Daiyu?Thinking of this episode, Baochai paid attention to the two of them, but he saw that the two people would make eye contact from time to time.Sister Bao became increasingly puzzled. Could it be that the two of them already had a tacit understanding?

Just as he was thinking about it, there were rapid footsteps outside, "Old Ancestor" shouted, and Baoyu walked in quickly.

"You're here just in time, dear," Mother Jia beckoned, "Brother Jian's son will be born in a few days. Brother Jian is inviting everyone to play in his other courtyard."

Baoyu suddenly became happy and rushed to Li Weijian in two steps. Just as he was about to speak, he remembered Mrs. Wang's instructions and quickly bowed: "I haven't thanked Fourth Brother Jian yet. Thanks to Fourth Brother Jian for helping me that day."

Of course he was talking about being hit on the head by Jia Zheng that day, and Li Weijian was responsible for it.

Li Weijian said: "My relatives are just trivial matters. Brother Bao doesn't need to worry about them."

Baoyu said with a smile: "Then I won't be polite. Fourth brother Jian, does that other courtyard have a good view? Yes, it's in Xiangshan, and there are beautiful scenery all around. But are there any stubborn ones around?"

"There are hot springs."

Sister Bao, who was opposite, looked at the two of them laughing and chatting, and thought to herself that Brother Ruobao didn't know what to think when they learned that Sister Lin and Fourth Brother Jian were flirting with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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