Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 146 A good show

Chapter 146 A good show

The next day, it was June [-]th, Tiankuang Festival, and Li Weijian gave birth to his son.

Early that morning, Li Weijian had just gotten up, and everyone's maids came to send congratulatory gifts. Li Wan first presented clothes, shoes and socks, longevity peaches, and silver noodles on behalf of Jia Mu, Mrs. Xing, and Mrs. Wang. He also presented a set of "Historical Records" himself, saying only that it was wise to read history;

Jia Lian gave him shoes and socks, as well as a silver pocket watch that he found somewhere, which shows that he put a lot of thought into it.

Li Weijian knew Jia Lian's thoughts. The coal mining company's shares could not make a lot of money, but they were only promising. Therefore, Li Weijian didn't care how many shares Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng bought privately.

Tanchun and Xichun were still young, so one gave a fan with inscriptions and the other a landscape painting; Sister Bao gave a jade elephant ornament "Lucky Elephant and Peace"; Daiyu gave a hand-beaten sachet; Xiang Yun gave me a prairie knife with a silver handle; my second sister gave me a Xiaoyao scarf, and the two ribbons were embroidered with small regular script, full of affection.

Jia Huan gave him a handwriting. The handwriting was sloppy, just for fun.

As for Baoyu, he only sent a poem as a response to the occasion, which looked very festive.

The poems and books of the Li family in Jinling are passed down from generation to generation, and they are not as superstitious as the powerful people in the capital. Because Li Weijian never exchanged the name talisman, nor did he seek out monks and nuns to offer sacrifices to him.

When I got up early in the morning, I just went to the front yard to set up heaven and earth incense candles. After paying homage, I went to pay homage to my parents' memorial tablets. Then I placed my uncle Li Shouzhong in the distance, and then I paid homage to Li Wan and Jia Lian one by one.

After returning to the main room, Fu Qiufang, Qingwen, Xiangling, Hongyu, Xiuying and others came to pay homage to Li Weijian. Li Weijian only said that "longevity" was afraid of losing the blessing, so he only allowed five people to receive blessings and then it was revealed.

After breakfast, the girls came with Baoyu to congratulate him. All of a sudden, there were people singing and dancing, talking and smiling, it was so lively!

Xiangyun, who was dressed in red gauze, was the first to come to congratulate you. After giving him a blessing, he stood up and said with a smile, "Fourth Brother Jian, is my congratulatory gift satisfactory?"

Li Weijian asked with a smile: "Sister Xiangyun, thank you for your trouble."

Xiangyun raised his little face and said, "Second uncle learned that I was coming to celebrate fourth brother Jian's birthday, so he asked third brother to take me to search on the street for a day, and finally I saw this Mongolian knife. I heard it was forged with iron from the Western Regions and is the sharpest."

"Sister Xiangyun will thank your second uncle for me later."

"It saves you money."

Li Weijian secretly thought to himself that brothers Shi Ding and Shi Nai had already discussed it. Because they had received the letter, they not only sent Xiangyun over, but also prepared congratulatory gifts in advance. Just looking at that beaming little face, Li Weijian smacked his lips, feeling that it was still too small.

Xiangyun is still young at this moment, so instead of talking about love... it's too early.

Xiangyun stepped back, and Tanchun stepped forward with his lips pursed, saying, "Fourth brother Jian, my gift is not as good as Xiangyun's. But I also put some thought into it."

The third girl was blackmailed by Aunt Zhao a while ago, and her pockets were empty, so she could only do some female celebrities for fun. Compared with what Li Weijian gave previously, there is a distinction between high and low. So the little girl was quite embarrassed.

Li Weijian said: "Third sister is very clever and the embroidery on the fan is very good. Now I just have time to do it. It just suits my needs."

Tan Chun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "As long as Brother Jian likes it, next time Brother Jian has a baby, I will give him a more pleasant one."

After the visit, Xichun came up and said a few funny words. She is the youngest at the moment, pretty, and her auspicious words are quite interesting.

Baochai then said a few words, her heart was full of knots in welcoming the spring, but she only opened her mouth to meet the occasion. She was not good at words, but her eyes could not hide her deep affection, which seemed to be flowing out when she looked at Li Weijian.

Daiyu also stepped forward and said a few words. There were many people at this time, so it was hard to say too many careless words. But after what happened yesterday, Daiyu relied more and more on Li Weijian. The brief companionship after dusk dispelled the depression in Daiyu's heart.

Baoyu's face was gloomy, and he was always absent-minded. He stared at Daiyu for a while, and then stared at Li Weijian for a while.

Everyone had said their congratulations, but he was the only one left, but he seemed to know nothing about it. Xiangyun couldn't stand it, so he came over and said, "Brother Ai, can you also say a few words of congratulations?"

"Huh? Oh, then I wish fourth brother Jian good health and longevity."

Xiangyun blinked and chuckled: "Brother Ai is always the most talkative, why did he only say these two sentences now?"

The former sentence originally refers to the flourishing of vegetation, and extends to the prosperity of people and smooth career; the latter sentence means to prolong life, and together it is a common congratulatory message.

It's just that Baoyu always loves to be naughty. Whenever the sisters have a baby, he always talks the most and his congratulatory messages are always very innovative. There were not many words to say at this time, and it seemed a bit dull.

Baoyu said sarcastically: "Maybe I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I was still confused when I woke up early in the morning."

Xiangyun said: "It turns out that if you love your brother, you will recognize your bed. Next time you love your brother, you might as well learn from me and bring a pillow with you wherever you go. It will be much better this way."

Baoyu responded in a muffled voice, and Xiangyun turned back to look for Li Weijian: "Fourth brother Jian, are you going to see a show today?"

"Yes, the troupe will be here shortly. I specially invited the Fengchun troupe."

Xiangyun immediately clasped his hands and became happy: "Okay, I will order a lesson from Fat Girl later!"

At this time, Kun Opera was too elegant and was only circulated in the homes of the powerful and wealthy. The slightly more conventional Hui Troupe came to Beijing one after another and made a big name.

If history had not changed, the four major Hui troupes would have gradually merged with various operas in the capital to form the Peking Opera in the future.

This Fengchun troupe was a Kunqu opera troupe that came from Suzhou and only circulated among the families of the rich and powerful. Li Weijian still asked Yan Fengzhen to invite him.

As she spoke, Hongyu walked quickly in and said happily: "Fourth Master, Ding Huyuan sent word outside that he saw the troupe going up the mountain."

Before Xiangyun could say anything, someone behind him shouted, turned around and ran out: "I'll go take a look!"

It was Jia Huan who ran out. Tanchun hesitated to speak, feeling extremely helpless towards this younger brother.

Li Weijian just smiled and nodded to Tanchun, and then stood up: "Then let's go and have a look."

The stage is ready-made, and there is an open space in front of the new building. The ground is covered with curtains to serve as a stage. People can go up to watch the theater and avoid the suffering of the hot summer.

Without further ado, the theater troupe came in. Fu Qiufang arranged tables and chairs in Jianxin Building, prepared refreshments and fruits, and Yingying Yanyan and Li Weijian went to Jianxin Building together.

The second floor had the best location, so Li Weijian gave the second floor to the girls, and he went to the third floor with Jia Lian, Baoyu, and Jia Huan.

Being separated from her sisters again, Baoyu became increasingly anxious. The play cards took turns, Xiangyun ordered one from Journey to the West, while Daiyu and Sanchun discussed and ordered The West Chamber. When he got to the third floor, Li Weijian waved his hand and refused, letting Jia Lian and Bao Yu wait for a look.

Baoyu was absent-minded and randomly clicked on the story of the Golden Sable, and Jia Huan ordered the story of the White Snake. After counting more than a dozen plays, the schedule for the day was full.

Li Weijian was a man who had been bombarded with information and entertainment during his two lifetimes. He couldn't appreciate the babbling Kun Opera, so he started talking to Jia Lianyan who was next to him.

After talking about some gossip, Li Weijian thought about it for a while and finally revealed the matter about the coal mining company.

"Second brother, please prepare some money. I'll have accurate information at the end of this month, or at the beginning of next month." "Oh?" Jia Lian perked up after hearing this, and quickly came over and asked in a low voice: "As of now, Jian Jian Brother, if you let some news slip, I can go back and talk to her."

Li Weijian smiled without saying anything and pointed to the northwest.

northwest? It can't be a border war, right? This has nothing to do with stocks, does it? Jia Lian thought about it for a while, but still couldn't figure it out, so Li Weijian softly uttered one word: "Coal."

"Coal mine?" Jia Lian heard the string and understood the elegant meaning, which can be said to be understood at once.

"Brother Jian said this, could it be that the inner palace——"

Li Weijian nodded and lowered his voice: "The Xishan coal mines are all under the control of the inner government. Even a few scattered coal mines are also in the hands of the inner government. It won't be long before 20 million kilograms of coal will be sent to the capital. This year The minimum guarantee is a good living of [-] taels.

Although it is not as good as the water company, it is not bad at all. If the second brother doesn't want to get rich suddenly, but only wants to make some profit every year, this coal mining stock is the most stable. "

Jia Lian was thoughtful after hearing this, and immediately smiled at Li Weijian and cupped his hands and said, "Brother Jian, I won't say much anymore, let's look at the future."

Li Weijian smiled and agreed. He made friends with Jia Lian, firstly, in the Rongguo Mansion, Mr. Lian was the best to deal with, and he was reasonable and understanding of the world; secondly, he would be leaving the mansion after the autumn period, and without his care, he was always afraid that his eldest sister would be wronged again.

With today's incense and love, it is expected that if the eldest sister encounters trouble in the future, Wang Xifeng will not stand idly by.

The two talked for a while, and Hong Yu came upstairs again, happily reporting: "Fourth Master, the Second Young Master is here to celebrate Fourth Master's birthday."

Yan Fengzhen is here?
Li Weijian smiled and said to Jia Lian, "Brother Jing Wen couldn't make up his mind a while ago, but somehow he came here again just now."

Hearing that it was the second son of Shaosi Kou's family who was coming, Jia Lian did not dare to neglect him and quickly got up and went to greet him with Li Weijian.

The two of them came downstairs, and after walking not far, they turned around the path and bumped into Yan Fengzhen, who was attracted by Xiu Ying. The second young master, who was tired from work and had a sunburnt face, caught a glimpse of Li Weijian in the distance. Yan Fengzhen gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here to congratulate you on your resurrection."

Li Weijian first introduced Jia Lian and Yan Fenzhen, and then said, "Brother Jing Wen, why are you here now?"

"I'm sending you a congratulatory gift." Yan Fengzhen said playfully: "The little two hundred kilograms of copper lumps just managed to hang up the mountain."

Li Weijian blinked and suddenly became ecstatic: "Did you get the thing out? No, didn't Director Chen say last time that it would take half a month?"

Yan Fengzhen sneered and said: "Chen Laoshi always leaves half of his words. The object was almost finished the day you left. I tried playing with it for a long time yesterday, but I didn't understand it. I guess I can pretend to be resurrected, right?"

At that moment, Li Weijian could no longer care about anything else. He walked away towards the garden gate with long strides and said happily: "Yes! I'm so good at it! Hahaha——"


Let's not talk about Li Weijian for the moment. Over there, Li Weijian and Jia Lian went to greet Yan Fenzhen. Only Baoyu and Jia Huan were left on the third floor, and a few maids waiting on them.

The laughter and laughter floated from the second floor, and Baoyu became increasingly unable to hold back. With both hands holding the robe on his knees until it was wrinkled, he finally stood up.

Jia Huan on the side was eating fruit happily and watching the show below. When he saw Baoyu getting up, he quickly asked, "What are you doing, second brother?"

Baoyu said casually: "I'm going to change clothes."

The two maids Xiren and Meiren wanted to follow, but Baoyu only waved his hand and didn't let them follow. He came down the stairs, and through the screen he could vaguely see the sisters whispering, and Daiyu was bickering with Xiangyun at the moment.

He was so happy that he couldn't help but take a few steps towards the screen. Suddenly, a familiar figure stopped in front of him. After a closer look, it was the maid Nian Xia who stopped in front of the house yesterday.

Baoyu suddenly felt unhappy.

Nian Xia then said: "Second Master Bao, this is a female family member. It's not easy to let outsiders in."

Baoyu frowned and said, "They are all my sisters here, so what kind of outsider am I?"

Nian Xia didn't care about this and said directly: "My aunt is still inside."


If he were still in Rongguo Mansion and encountered such a situation, I'm afraid Baoyu would have lost his temper and started making trouble. However, this was Li Weijian's other courtyard, and he knew that even if he made trouble, he would be shameless.

Because of this, he sighed, lifted up his robe and walked downstairs.

When Nian Xia saw him walking away, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and entered the inner room. Fu Er spoke to Fu Qiufang, and Fu Qiufang nodded towards him and praised him in a low voice. Nian Xia was immediately happy. She had been with her aunt for a long time, and today she finally got a compliment.

But on the third floor, Jia Huan was lying by the window, eating melon seeds, and casually dropped the melon seed peels, which fell all over the floor downstairs. Journey to the West happened to be being played at this moment, and Mr. Huan was very happy to watch it.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Baoyu's bleak figure walking towards the other end of the waterside pavilion.

Third Master Huan rolled his eyes, thinking that Jia Lian and Li Weijian were going to entertain guests at this moment, and all the female relatives below were watching a play. There should be no one in the garden to take care of them at this moment, so he immediately thought about it.

After throwing away a handful of melon seeds, Jia Huan suddenly covered his stomach and shouted: "Hey, it seems like my stomach is broken!"

The two maids who were accompanying him immediately came up with concern. Jia Huan waved his hands to repel the two maids and said, "I'm going to the latrine, but I can't wait for you to go so slowly."

After saying that, he got up, holding his stomach and ran downstairs.

As soon as he saw the new building, Jia Huan first ran towards the small courtyard of the guest house. After hiding in the bushes, he crouched towards the waterside pavilion.

At this moment, Baoyu was already standing on the Peeping Fish Bridge, staring at the water in a daze. His mind was filled with the smiles that Li Weijian and Sister Lin looked at each other at dusk yesterday.

Thinking that she had annoyed Sister Lin earlier, Sister Lin turned around and started talking and laughing with Fourth Brother Jian. Could it be that the sister who fell from the sky wanted to abandon her?

When Baoyu thought of this section, his heart suddenly twisted like a knife.

At this time, Jia Huan quietly came out from behind the bushes, crept up behind Baoyu, looked around, and saw that no one was there. He immediately became angry and disgusted, and raised his foot to shine on Baoyu's back. He kicked me in the waist!

"Go down you!"



(End of this chapter)

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