Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 150 Persuasion

Chapter 150 Persuasion
Xu time.

After the Fengchun troupe finished singing, Fu Qiufang thought that it would be difficult to travel at night, so he placed the troupe in the servants' room in front. The food and wine were always hot on the stove, but Li Weijian and Yan Fengzhen never left Zhiyuan Hall.

Fu Qiufang murmured and thought, then he saw Xiu Ying pacing back and forth anxiously like a headless fly. Xiuying is on duty today, but there’s no need to be so anxious, right?
While she was thinking about it, Xiu Ying came closer and said, "Auntie, it's already this hour, how about I call the young master again?"

Fu Qiufang said: "Go ahead. If the master is busy with business, then don't disturb him."

"Well, I saved it."

Xiu Ying walked out of the second house, picked up a lantern and walked all the way towards Zhiyuan Hall. When they arrived in front of Zhiyuan Hall, they saw the Ding brothers holding whistle sticks and guarding them like door gods.

Look inside, good guy! The clouds and mist are steaming, like a fairyland! You can also smell the faint smell of sulfur in your nose. Xiu Ying blinked and thought to herself, could it be that the young master moved in the alchemy furnace that afternoon? Is this an elixir?
There is a way of saying that one person can achieve the goal, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. If the young master refines the elixir, I wonder if he can get one for himself. If you are well served tonight, you will probably have one for yourself, right?

Xiu Ying felt increasingly anxious, but she hesitated to go in.

Ding Rufeng wondered: "Miss Xiuying, if you are looking for the young master, just go in and look for him."

"Ah? Isn't it in the way?"

"It doesn't matter." Ding Rushong said.

Xiu Ying said: "Then why don't you brothers go in?"

Ding Rufeng said disgustedly: "It smells like burning coal and is steaming with heat. Who can bear to go in?"

Xiu Ying became more and more hesitant: "Will this...will disturb the young master's alchemy?"

"Huh?" The two brothers were happy, and Na Ding Rusong said: "As soon as Miss Xiuying went in and took a look, she knew it was really not alchemy. Tsk tsk, brother, don't tell me. From a distance, it really looks like alchemy."

Seeing the two men's vows, Xiu Ying hesitated to enter. The heat and humidity that hit her face made the smell of sulfur become even stronger. Beyond the white mist, Li Weijian and Yan Fengzhen were seen guarding the boiler. One was staring at the mercury column in the glass tube, and the other was twisting the valve.

"How many?"

"Almost three."

Li Weijian immediately stopped the valve and pulled Yan Fenzhen and the newly arrived Xiu Ying away from each other. After waiting for a long time, he saw that the valve and pipeline had not leaked. Then he smiled and breathed a sigh of relief: "Not bad, it is stable under three pressures." Run it, then go back and test the limit. Calculate that this steam engine has at least six donkeys of power."

"Donkey power?" Yan Fengzhen frowned and said, "This word is really harsh. I think it's better to change it to horse power."

Li Weijian said happily: "You don't understand."

In another time and space, a few years later, Watt was building a steam engine. In order to make it easier for him to calculate power, he used horsepower as the unit. As a result, the donkey used at that time, and Watt thought that the power of a donkey was equivalent to half of the horse power... Then the fun came. The real horse power was between ten and fourteen horse power. An adult strong man had four horse power.

Li Weijian had carefully played with this double-expansion steam engine in his previous life, and its thermal efficiency was approximately [-]%. What does eight percent thermal efficiency mean?
Newcomen's efficiency was only [-]%, and Watt's improved steam engine was only [-]%. It was not until the mid-[-]th century that successively improved steam engines could achieve this efficiency.

As mentioned earlier, if he wanted to promote industrialization in the old empire of Dashun, Li Weijian's opponent was not the Western Barbarians or any system, but the extremely cheap labor force with a population of nearly [-] million.

Unless his steam engine was far superior to human power from the beginning, it would not be popularized at all.

The second young master squatted at the door, looking at the steam engine running smoothly inside, feeling itchy in his heart. He touched Li Weijian on his shoulder and said with a flattering smile: "Fusheng, look at this steam engine——"

"The blueprints are in the Military Academy. If Brother Jingwen wants it, just build another one."

Yan Fengzhen blinked and laughed out loud: "Doesn't that mean we have to wait two months?"

"The molds are all ready-made. It won't take that long this time. It will last for a month." After saying that, Li Weijian suddenly remembered that Yan Fenzhen seemed to be short of money. He only had 20 taels of silver per month. In addition to spending it on his favorite practical creations, he also had to spend some of it to buy rouge and gouache for his concubine Leyan, which naturally made him even less wealthy.

Because Li Weijian said again: "Friends have a common sense of wealth. I will order two more later and share one with Brother Jingwen."

Yan Fengzhen was immediately overjoyed: "Fusheng is really a righteous man. You are a rich man, so I won't be polite to you."

Li Weijian was about to say something when he suddenly saw that Yan Fengzhen's entire face was blackened by soot, except for his fair eyes behind his glasses. He thought of the comedian and suddenly became overjoyed.

Yan Fengzhen thought he had something on his face, so he wiped it randomly, and his face suddenly turned into a painted face. Laughing, Li Weijian knew that he might not look like himself at this moment, so he immediately took Yan Fengzhen to Qingzhai to take a bath.

Unexpectedly, when Yan Fenzhen entered the pool, he suddenly became shy and insisted on going to the small pool on his own. Li Weijian was astonished. He was a man. Why can't he see others?

He glanced at his lower body and thought, could it be that the second young master is afraid of feeling inferior?
After soaking in the warm soup, the two of them were so hungry that their chests pressed against their backs. They ate their meals indiscriminately and went to rest. This steam engine testing limit must be discussed later.

It was already dark, and Li Weijian entered the main room dressed in Chinese clothes and with his hair in a bun. Xiu Ying looked over, estimated the time, and muttered: "Master, how about... let's talk about it tomorrow?"

Li Weijian was teasing and nodded with a smile: "Okay, Xiu Ying is still considerate and knows that I am very tired today."

Xiu Ying responded, although she didn't say much, her little mouth was so pouted that it looked like it could hang a bottle of oil.

The two got on the bed, covered only by blankets, and Xiu Ying turned towards the outside of the bed, with her back to Li Weijian. Li Weijian lay flat for a moment, then turned around and quietly stretched out his hand.

The soft hand of Yingying was smooth at first, and she changed her style at will. After a while, she heard Xiuying's breathing become heavy. She suddenly turned around and looked at Li Weijian with a pair of autumn eyes: "Master, isn't it clear?"

Li Weijian leaned over, pursed his lips, and whispered, "I'm afraid you won't be able to wait."

After saying that, she stepped forward. Xiu Ying was surprised and happy. She grunted and opened her arms to meet him. After a while, something was suddenly dropped from the bed. Upon closer inspection, it was Mr. Jiao who came from nowhere.

Here is a poem to prove it:

After taking my first bath in the Qingxing Tang, I feel deeply intoxicated again after sinking into the gauze;
Just because he was in trouble and invaded Lang Bing, he won the favor of the Yi family.

In the main room, a foot stepped on the edge of the bed, and its beady toes clung to the edge of the bed. Suddenly, the arch of the foot tightened, and even the foot began to tremble.

After waiting for a long time, the rhombus feet began to relax. The breathing went from rapid to gentle, rustling, and the two of them wrapped themselves in blankets and hugged each other.

Mr. Jiao stuffed it into a corner, with a water bag placed side by side.

The gauze curtain was lowered, and the insiders were whispering. "Sir...that's very nice."

"Did you just... lose it?"

"Yeah." The female voice was embarrassed.

The male voice became more and more surprised: "Weird."

"What's weird? Is there something wrong?"

After a long while, the male voice said: "No, it's good." Can you lose your soul if you go through the back door? It's really weird.

It was silent inside, except for the sound of crickets outside.


Turning around, I saw Xiuying's face was rosy when she woke up early in the morning. She was originally a wild girl from the countryside, but she only learned how to use rouge and gouache after following Li Weijian, so the skin on her face was slightly rougher than that of Qingwen and Xiangling.

Perhaps it was because of the diligent watering last night that the skin on Xiuying's face looked white and rosy this morning, and was extremely delicate.

Not only that, Xiu Ying felt that she was favored by Li Weijian and had a guarantee from then on, so she became much more confident in her every move, and she looked completely different from the silly girl yesterday.

Xiuying's change naturally aroused Qingwen and others' surprise. While Li Weijian and Yan Fenzhen were having dinner, Qingwen asked Xiu Ying to question her. How dare Xiu Ying speak out? It was just hemming and hawing, which made Qingwen complain a lot.

Li Weijian and Yan Fengzhen had breakfast, and the second young master urged them to leave for the Military Academy. Yan Fengzhen loves machinery and prefers to tinker with it at home. I got Li Weijian's promise yesterday, so I wanted to get it as soon as possible.

Li Weijian couldn't bear to give him the banknote directly. He expected that this would hurt Yan Fengzhen's face, so he had no choice but to follow him to the capital. On the way, I suddenly thought that I had an idea with Jia Huan yesterday, and I didn't know what the situation was like in Rongguo Mansion.

Even if a woman like Daiyu cannot marry, she cannot be held back by Baoyu. He took advantage of the situation and made Baoyu's reputation as a womanizer known to everyone. It's hard to believe that he could move out of the inner house in advance with just a little persuasion. In this way, Daiyu would not have to spend time with her day and night and forget about the previous disagreements.

After making up their minds, the two went to the Military Academy first. Li Weijian had a talk with Chief Chen, set a price of 200 taels of silver per set, and placed an order for two more sets.

After coming out of the Military Academy, Yan Fengzhen wanted to follow Li Weijian back to Xiangshan, but Li Weijian said: "Brother Jingwen, whether you live for a short time or for a long time, you must prepare some change of clothes. In addition, I happened to bring Le Yan with me to let her relax." .”

Yan Fengzhen immediately clasped his hands and praised: "Resurrection is still thoughtful. That's fine, then I'll go back home... What about Resurrection? Aren't you going to see my father?"

Li Weijian shook his head and said: "Yesterday Baoyu fell into the water, and today I have to explain it to some elders. After that, I will go to your mansion to meet Brother Jingwen, and we will go to Xiangshan Mountain."

"What do you have to say to some poor people?" Yan Fengzhen muttered, knowing that he couldn't persuade him, so he agreed: "That's fine, I'll go home first and wait for my resurrection."

The two of them entered the inner city and separated from each other. Li Weijian led Wu Zhong on horseback and rushed towards Rongguo Mansion.

After a while, they arrived at Rongguo Mansion. Yu Liu, the disciple, had not seen Li Weijian for a while, so he immediately came forward to greet him attentively, saying some auspicious words without any hesitation.

Li Weijian was in a good mood and immediately threw a piece of silver as a reward, which made Yu Liu smile happily.

Leaving the horses to Yu Liu, Wu Zhong stayed in the gatehouse to wait. Li Weijian Shiran entered the Rongguo Mansion, thought about it for a while, then turned around and came out, entering the East Cross Courtyard through the black oil gate.

The person in charge knew Li Weijian, so he stepped forward to greet him and sent people inside to inform him. After a while, the boy returned and led Li Weijian to the outer study of the eldest master Jia She.

"When will my nephew come back? Don't tell me in advance, so I can tell the house to prepare a banquet." The eldest master, Jia She, sat down at the desk, half of his face was smiling, and the other half of his face was blank, and he looked very surprised. weird.

Li Weijian smiled and held up his hands: "I just arrived. Why don't you come to visit Uncle Shi immediately? Uncle Shi, are you feeling well lately?"

"It's okay, it's okay, my nephew will be seated soon."

Li Weijian sat down as he was told and waited for the servant to serve tea before he said: "Uncle Shi also knows that my nephew gave birth to a baby yesterday. Unexpectedly, something went wrong and Brother Bao fell into the water. Although it was a false alarm, Brother Bao claimed Someone kicked me in the back... My nephew ordered people to search, but the culprit was never found. Therefore, I am here to explain to the elders. "

Jia She frowned and said, "What are you talking about, good nephew? That Baoyu gets crazy from time to time, and he might get distracted and fall into the water. Where can a bad person come from in broad daylight?"

Li Weijian nodded with a smile and said, "Uncle Shi told my nephew what was in his heart. But Uncle Shi also knows that Brother Bao is very favored by the old lady. I was afraid that I would not be able to tell the old lady, so I came to invite Uncle Shi." Come and help me talk about it."

There is a saying that eating people is the shortest, and taking people is short-handed. The eldest master Jia She still owes Li Weijian 8000 taels of silver, so he accepted this small favor without any excuse.

After saying a few words, Li Weijian stood up and said goodbye: "Uncle Shi, my nephew has to go to seek political advice with his second uncle. After a while, I would like to ask Uncle Shi to go to Rongqing Hall again."

"It's easy to talk, my wife and I will be there soon."

After bidding farewell to the elder Jia She, Li Weijian walked out of the black oil gate and entered Rongguo Mansion through the main entrance. After looking around for the steward, I heard that Jia Zheng was currently at Mengpo Zhai, so he passed the Yimen and walked along the side road towards Mengpo Zhai.

The young man didn't want to say anything. After a while, Li Weijian sat down in Mengpo Zhai.

Before Li Weijian could talk about what happened yesterday, Jia Zheng said with a look of shame on his face: "Resurrection, that evil obstacle has messed up your good life, I feel really sorry.

Yesterday I was going to teach me a lesson, but my mother stopped me, so I couldn't do anything. "

"Uncle Shi, just don't blame me."

"Where are you talking? It's all the evil obstacle that is responsible for it!"

Li Weijian's mind was spinning, and he immediately thought of a plan and said: "Uncle Shi, Brother Bao is naturally intelligent, but he has been exposed to the hands of women in the house since he was a child. He has become too tainted with makeup and lacks responsibility. If things go on like this, Bao will be afraid." Brothers will also be stained with makeup."

Li Weijian had something to say, and Jia Zheng thought about it briefly and understood. At this time, it is popular to favor the husband-in-law. When two men are in the same place, there must be one who is the husband-in-law. I have been fooling around with my daughter's family all day long, so I just imitated my daughter's family...

Thinking of this section, Jia Zheng suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

Li Weijian observed the words and said quickly: "According to my nephew, Brother Bao has already found out about the situation. It's not good to hang out in the inner house now. It's better to move out and live separately."

(End of this chapter)

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