Chapter 157
  Wu Haiping didn't want to break into the inner house, so Fu Qiufang quickly called two maids, and several of them helped Li Weijian into the main room. Later, Fu Qiufang cleaned and replaced Li Weijian, not to mention it.

Li Weijian was so drunk that when he woke up, he couldn't tell the difference between morning and night. He looked up and saw that it was dark outside and candles were lit inside. The candlelight danced, and a woman wearing only a middle coat sat quietly beside her, embroidering her bellyband stitch by stitch.

Blinking for recognition, it took a while to recognize Fu Qiufang. Li Weijian opened his mouth to scream, but his voice became hoarse.

When Fu Qiufang heard the commotion, she hurriedly dropped her work, walked quickly to the bed, took the warm tea on the table, and said angrily: "Master is still young after all, how can he drink so much wine?"

Li Weijian smiled bitterly and shook his head, speechless. He took the tea cup and drank it in one gulp. Moisturizing his throat a little, he said in a hoarse voice: "There is a promotion meeting today... Well, it's probably the master. I want to raise funds to set up a factory. We are here to send you. The rich people everywhere can't help but give them face. One cup of this. I really can't refuse the one cup.

What time is it now? "

Fu Qiufang said: "It's half past midnight. I've been drunk for more than two hours. I'm sleeping in a state of confusion. How can I still fall asleep at night?"

Li Weijian tried to hold himself up, but felt a splitting headache as soon as he moved. You don’t need to think too hard to know that removing methanol from drinks these days is all about luck, and there is no technical hard work at all.

Seeing this, Fu Qiufang quickly leaned over and sat on the bedside, gently moved Li Weijian's head and placed it on his lap, stretched out a pair of bare hands and gently kneaded it.

Being kneaded by a pair of warm little hands, Li Weijian immediately felt much relieved.

Fu Qiufang tentatively tried to comfort him: "At this age, the master has earned a family fortune that no one else can earn in a few lifetimes. Why bother to set up a factory? Nowadays, it is widely spread in the capital that the master is the reincarnation of the God of Wealth. As the saying goes, the rafters who stand out first are the first. Damn it, if I don’t concentrate on studying my books, I can take care of myself in the future so that I can protect the family business.”

There was a smile on Li Weijian's face, he reached out and took the warm little hand, put it on his cheek and rubbed it slightly, and said, "What you said is a good thing in ordinary terms, but I have other plans in mind."

Fu Qiufang wondered: "What are your plans, sir?"

"Change the world."

"Blind!" Fu Qiufang trembled in fright, thinking that Li Weijian was going to rebel.

But Li Weijian said: "Thousands of years of men farming and women weaving, pastoral songs, it's time to change it. When my steam engine becomes popular and the small farmer economy collapses, hehe..."

By that time, Dashun's country was strong and powerful, but civil strife arose. Emerging industrial products need a market, and the people in the country who have lost their income have to eat, so they can only force Dashun to expand outward. The goals of expansion are all ready-made. After Yashan and the late Ming Dynasty, all parts of Nanyang were Han people. They had been oppressed by the Western barbarians for hundreds of years. Now that Dashun is in charge, he will definitely eat the pot of pulp to welcome the king!
  Li Weijian was lost in thought, so Fu Qiufang took a closer look and saw that he didn't seem to have any intention of rebellion. He only said some words that she didn't understand, so he relaxed a little. I thought to myself, maybe the master wants the world to be unified? All Confucian scholars have such ambitions, and I don’t think the master, who takes the path of practical learning, thinks the same way.

She took out the hand that was being held and kneaded it for Li Weijian for a while. Suddenly, she saw a pair of clear eyes staring at her.

Fu Qiufang's pretty face turned red. She had been here for more than a month, but this look was the most familiar to her. Because he turned his head and muttered: "Master, you have to wash up first before talking."


Li Weijian agreed, stood up, took off his shoes, and went outside to wash up. Turning around, he saw Fu Qiufang coming in with a basin to wash her feet.

Li Weijian's heart is so hot right now, why can he still be patient about bathing his feet? Immediately he took the basin and threw it aside, hugged Fu Qiufang and walked inside.

The moon is crescent, and the maid Nianxia is dozing under the eaves with her cheeks propped up. The aunt fetched water, and she was free and happy as she did not have to wait for the master to wash his feet. It's just that the basin has to fall over after the foot bath, so she waits here.

But when he saw no one on his left and heard his aunt's call on his right, Nianxia wondered, secretly thinking that his aunt and the master had fallen asleep just now?

Suddenly he heard a cat meowing, and Nian Xia became more and more suspicious. The gun was kept in the Rongguo Mansion. When did the cat come to the manor again?
  He stood up and walked lightly to the window of the main room. He took a sneak peek and saw the red waves inside. Nian Xia blushed and her heart beat fast. She wanted to look away but couldn't... After a moment, she saw the arch of her feet. It was tense, then relaxed, and then the sound inside stopped.

Nian Xia secretly spat and quickly returned to his own room, thinking that he would not dare to peek again next time.

There was nothing to say that night. When dawn came, Fu Qiufang got up a little later than usual, but Li Weijian didn't wait until dawn.

After getting up, he let Fu Qiufang wait on him. Li Weijian was as lazy as an uncle. Fu Qiufang was clear in body and mind, but she spoke with persuasion: "Master, you can't be so indulgent in the future."

Li Weijian glanced at himself in the mirror, looking slightly haggard, and immediately said with a straight face: "Yes, drinking and sex are harmful to the body. From today on... give up drinking."

A pair of charming eyes stared at Li Weijian in confusion. She was speechless for a long time, and then said angrily: "I am talking to the master seriously, but the master wants to make a joke."

Seeing that he was indeed annoyed, Li Weijian smiled and tried to coax him, moved his hands to his shoulders, turned around and said: "The joy of the boudoir and the pleasure of the bed are important matters of human relations. Isn't it just right for you to be in love with me? It's better than being a fool. They also respect each other like ice." After a pause, he added: "Besides, weren't you beautiful yesterday?"

Fu Qiufang's face suddenly turned red. She was more than just beautiful. It feels like the soul has been lost, like falling into the clouds. The feeling is really like ecstasy eroding the bones. Because he bit his lower lip and said: "That's not's not good. It's always like this. When you're done with it, do you still want to be healthy?"

Li Weijian reached out and took him into his arms, and whispered: "It always hurts me. Let's change the style a little more next time."

Fu Qiufang nodded in understanding, and when she saw Li Weijian's weird smile, she felt that she was going to try another way to torment him.

But then I thought about that feeling, and then I thought, just do it, who calls myself a concubine? After Li Weijian finished his meal, rubbed his temples and left, Fu Qiufang began to think wildly again, thinking about what he said... He was thinking about it for a long time, and then he realized that he shouldn't think about such shameless things... No wonder the master is so good at tormenting people!


But he said that Li Weijian was leaning in the carriage and went straight to the inner government office to look for him.

Yesterday, the fund-raising intention was achieved. For the wealthy people in the north and south, any family can shell out tens of thousands of taels of silver. Now it is up to the Neifu to join the party.

Unfortunately, Li Weijian arrived at the inner palace before noon, but was told by Doctor Liang that King Zhongyong had received the letter early in the morning and had gone to work in the Department of Punishment.

Li Weijian couldn't ask much about what he was busy with, and Dr. Liang couldn't say much either. When King Zhongyong didn't return until late afternoon, Li Weijian had no choice but to get up and return.

This time I returned to the small courtyard in the northeast of Rongguo Mansion, which naturally made the four maids very angry.

Qingwen's eyes turned red and she said: "If the fourth master doesn't come back, I won't say anything. The four of us were worried yesterday, but now we don't feel at ease. It's because the fourth master is back now, we're afraid we have to go." I'm looking for Grandma to listen."

Qingwen was sincere, and Li Weijian knew that he had done something wrong, so he kept saying angrily: "It's all my fault. Yesterday, I had a drink with Shanxi and Huizhou merchants. Unexpectedly, I drank too much, and I didn't know what happened afterwards." , Haiping thought that if I were sent here, my son would be in a state of panic, so he sent me to his own house."

Xiu Ying said: "Brother is also unreliable. Don't you know how to send a message after sending it to the person? It makes us very worried."

Qingwen immediately nodded: "That's right!"

Li Weijian immediately smiled, took one's hand, held the other's waist, and comforted the four pretty maids. Qingwen breathed a sigh of relief, frowned and said, "I just hope that Fourth Master will pass the autumn as soon as possible so that we can move out together."

Li Weijian wondered: "What's wrong? Why do you feel unhappy when you hear these words?"

Hongyu brought tea and said, "I don't know, Fourth Master, but Uncle Xue has returned from Jinling. Today Qingwen went to the warehouse in the east courtyard to get mosquito coils, and when she came back, she bumped into Uncle Xue in the corridor."

Li Weijian suddenly lost his smile and said, "Did Xue Pan bully you?"

Qingwen pursed her lips and said: "It's nothing, it's just that her eyes are so straight that she feels panicked when she looks at them."

Do you dare to think about the people around you? Xue Pan's scar has healed and he has forgotten the pain. It seems that he did not clean it up too well. He must look for an opportunity to teach this guy a lesson again!
  After thinking about it, Li Weijian patted Qingwen's back twice and said comfortingly: "Next time he dares, I will give him a good son."

Qingwen said: "The fourth master is taking care of me, and I feel grateful in my heart. But now we are living under someone else's roof, and it is hard to cause trouble. We don't have much time left in Qiuwei. After Qiuwei, we can move out together." , so I won’t be so annoyed."

"Okay, then listen to you."



The tyrannosaurus rex came inside with a greeting. Aunt Xue hurriedly ordered the maid to bring tea. Brother has a guest."

Aunt Xue said: "They are all relatives, and it will be the same if we go tomorrow. My son, you look like... well, you are getting stronger this time."

Aunt Xue looked at Xue Pan's protruding belly and felt really uncomfortable telling lies against her will. This back and forth lasted for nearly three months. In addition to taking care of the funeral of his second uncle, Xue Pan also bribed the yamen and privately promised benefits to the fourth house, and then he stayed in the fourth house. Now his name is Xue Xie (meaning dragonfly).

Daibawang consciously changed his name and identity, and the previous lawsuit had nothing to do with him anymore. Because all the barriers in my heart were gone, I was so stubborn in Jinling, but when I returned to Rongguo Mansion, I was walking like a dragon and a tiger, with my chest and belly raised.

Putting down the tea cup, Xue Pan smiled and said: "Mom, I just bumped into the little maid named Li on the road. Hehe, I haven't seen you for several months, and the maid is becoming more and more charming."

Aunt Xue said with a face: "My son, you must not provoke Brother Jian again!"

Xue Pan said: "I just said it casually, how can I cause trouble?"

Aunt Xue felt uneasy, and Baochai on the side said: "Brother, the fourth brother Jian is probably richer than us now. And the people who come and go are either princes or ministers, not people like us who can afford to offend him."

"Where is the provocation? I just mentioned it casually." After exposing the matter lightly, Xue Pan suddenly said: "What can someone named Li do?"

Aunt Xue said: "My son, you don't know. The water business has created a lot of momentum. It is said outside that Brother Jian is the reincarnation of the God of Wealth."

Is Li Weijian so powerful? Xue Pan blinked and blurted out: "Since he is so capable, I think it is better to marry my sister to him."

Aunt Xue was startled and quickly scolded: "You are so ridiculous as soon as you come back! Can you talk about this matter at will? Brother Jian doesn't say anything else. He is quite at odds with our family, and he is single and weak. Where can I marry him?"

Having said that, she felt it was wrong. Aunt Xue then thought about it. She was only slightly older than Baochai, talked and laughed like a scholar, had no bachelors in her dealings, and had such a family fortune. Could she be a proper son-in-law? It is expected that the Xue family's family business will not be looked down upon by other people's wealth.

He is only fourteen years old, and after a few years he entered the court, it seems that Brother Jian also has a heart for the city, and he will be able to serve as prime minister in the future... Thinking about it this way, this is something you can't even ask for. What a good son-in-law.

Aunt Xue immediately felt regretful. If she had known this, she should have made good friends with her. Now he is just on the surface, but Brother Jian has always looked down on the Xue family.

Turning her head to glance at her daughter Baochai, with regret in her heart, Aunt Xue could only say: "No matter what Brother Jian can do, he will not be as noble as his years of service."

Baochai's face was as smooth as a lake, and he nodded and said, "That's what mom said."

A pair of shining ancient wells have no ripples, and it is impossible to tell what is in his heart.

Aunt Xue then changed the subject: "Brother Rong and Brother Qiang from Dongfu are recovering well?"

Xue Pan said: "Brother Rong has recovered early in the morning, but Brother Qiang is still on crutches now. The imperial doctor said that it takes a hundred days to break the muscles and bones, and it will take some more time to recover."

After a pause, Xue Pan said again: "I see that Dongfu seems to be doing some rituals. He is a monk and a woman with a female crown. Could it be that Brother Zhen has attracted evil spirits?"

"Another nonsense!" Aunt Xue said angrily, and then said: "Is Brother Rong's daughter-in-law perhaps in bad health again?"

Xue Pannahan said: "That's not right. I heard Brother Rong say that his wife is in peace a long time ago."

Aunt Xue said: "You should pay less attention to other people's private affairs, and don't talk about it outside."

Xue Pan responded casually and didn't mention it.

Ningguo Mansion.

Jia Zhen's face was as dark as water, and she sent the old monk out of the house. When the old monk was about to get into the car, he suddenly turned around and said, "Jia Tanyue had better make plans early."

Jia Zhen frowned and said, "That's not it yet... I'll wait until I report it to my father."

The old monk was furious: "If you don't stop, you will be disturbed! It's better for Jia Tan to take care of himself!"

After saying this, he shook off his monk's robe, got in the car and left.

Jia Zhending thought for a long time in front of the door, hesitating for a moment. After a moment, I suddenly heard the sound of soft footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Jia Rong walking back thiefly.

Jia Zhen was already in a irritable mood, and she immediately yelled: "What a beast! Just when you are feeling well, you have to go out and have fun!"

Jia Rong suddenly cried and said: "My...Uncle Pan is hosting a banquet in the evening, and even Uncle Lian from Xifu is there. My son is not going to mess around."

(End of this chapter)

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