Chapter 163

Prince Yi Zhong committed suicide by taking poison. Dai Quan and Wu Qian discussed it. The latter just picked it up, and the former immediately returned to the palace to report.

On that day, Wu Qian searched and found [-] secret letters, [-] pieces of armor, and [-] muskets from Prince Yizhong's palace.

Then the next day, Zhan Chong, the newly appointed imperial envoy to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, impeached Prince Yi Zhong for fourteen major crimes, including secretly forming alliances with party members, harboring arrogant ambitions, and plotting rebellion. Emperor Zhenghe was furious and ordered the Third Division to thoroughly investigate Prince Yi Zhong's case.

It was September, and Yan Xiyao was waiting for the first day of autumn, so he handed the knife to the new party, but unexpectedly he was tripped up by this matter. Emperor Zhenghe naturally wanted to hand over such a major and important case to someone with high trust. Yan Xiyao, the left minister of the Ministry of Punishment, took the imperial envoy and had to put aside the vicious fight with the New Party for the time being and instead investigate the case thoroughly for the saint.

This matter has nothing to do with Li Weijian. After all, he is still young now. He has just passed the autumn period and has not yet entered an official position. No matter how capable he is, Yan Xiyao will not let you take the lead in doing things right now.

So Li Weijian spent his free time at home studying the latex ratio with Yan Fengzhen every day, and went out every now and then to meet with scholars. There were nearly [-] scholars from all over the country rushing to the capital this time. Only [-] of them could survive the autumn period, and the rest were uneven. Li Weijian deliberately made friends with them and secretly observed those who could be used.

Whether he stays around as a helper or plans to join the army as an artillery officer, it will be of great use.

The next day came the second day of September, and Li Weijian returned to Rongguo Mansion before it was too late.

Just after they returned to their small courtyard, Hongyu came out and said, "Fourth Master, I heard Sister-in-law Liu say today that Mingyan, who is next to Second Master Bao, is causing a lot of trouble in the private school."


"Later, I made Second Master Bao angry. I heard that Jin Rong later kowtowed to the Qin family's uncle."

Is this happening in the TV series? He couldn't remember it, and Li Weijian didn't take it seriously. Shi Shiran walked inside and said, "Is there anyone else?"

Hongyu murmured for a while, and when Li Weijian looked back, she whispered: "I heard that Grandma Qin in Dongfu is sick again."

Qin Keqing is sick again? What happened for this?

He was thinking secretly on one side of the room. On the other side of the room, Jin Rong's aunt heard his mother's gossip and angrily went to talk to Youshi. Because Jia Zhen left the meal, she immediately felt that she had gained face, so she dropped the complaint. The country of Java.

After lingering for a while, he said goodbye and left.

As soon as she left, Jia Zhen asked, "What is she doing here?"

Youshi said: "I didn't say anything. When I came in, my face seemed to be a little annoyed. After talking for a long time, I mentioned my daughter-in-law's illness again, and she gradually calmed down. You again She was asked to eat. When she heard that her daughter-in-law was so sick, she was embarrassed and just sat there. She chatted a few words and left without asking for anything.

Now let’s talk about your daughter-in-law’s disease. It’s important where you can find a good doctor to take a look at her. Don’t delay! Nowadays, the group of doctors in our family, no matter where they are, they all listen to people's tone and add a few elegant words to what people say. But he was very attentive, and three or four people took turns checking his pulse four or five times a day. They all discussed making a prescription, but it didn't work. Instead, they had to change their clothes four or five times a day and sit up to see the doctor, which was not helpful to the patient. "

Jia Zhen said: "But! This child is also confused. Why bother to take off and change clothes? If he catches a cold and becomes more sick, then it's okay! No matter how good the clothes are, they are worth nothing! The child's body is important , even wearing a new set every day is not worth much.

I was coming in to tell you: Feng Ziying came to see me just now. He saw that I was a little depressed and asked me what was wrong. I just told him that my daughter-in-law suddenly felt very unhappy because she didn't have a good doctor. She couldn't tell whether she was pregnant or sick, and I didn't know whether it was an obstacle or not. So I was really anxious these past two days.

Feng Ziying mentioned that he had a teacher from whom he studied when he was a child. His surname was Zhang Youshi. He was the most knowledgeable, and he also had profound medical knowledge and could decide between life and death. This year he went to Beijing to donate an official position to his son, and now he lives with his family.

From this point of view, it is unknown whether the wife's illness was cured by his hands. I immediately sent someone to invite me with my name card. If it's too late and I can't come today, I'll definitely come tomorrow. Moreover, Feng Ziying went home immediately and begged him in person to ask him to come and take a look. Let’s wait until Mr. Zhang comes to take a look. "

Youshi was very happy after hearing this. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Jia Zhen say again: "Yes, brother Jian's allicin seemed to be quite useful to my wife after she took it last time. You can ask for some more later. I wonder if my wife will be better after taking it."

You agreed and then said: "The day after tomorrow is my grandfather's birthday, what should I do?"

Jia Zhen talked about the arrangements for the future. Because she was worried about Qin Keqing's illness, Jia Zhen didn't pay attention to Youshi's happy expression from time to time.

If Li Weijian were here, he would definitely be suspicious. Everyone knows about the affair between Jia Zhen and Qin Keqing. To put it in a bad light is to say that the daughter-in-law has stolen her mother-in-law's home. Her daughter-in-law is seriously ill at the moment. How can You be happy to hear that a famous doctor can cure Qin Keqing? stand up?

Anyone else would be annoyed at this moment! Youshi, who is born in this area, is overjoyed at this moment!

It is said that if something is abnormal, it must be a monster. So why did Feng Ziying, who often hangs out with Jia Rong, Jia Qiang, etc., come at this time and recommend Zhang Youshi to Jia Zhen?

It's a pity that Jia Zhen didn't pay attention to You's expression, and because Qin Keqing was seriously ill and confused, she didn't think about it carefully.

Immediately, she told You about her meeting with Jia Jing. She said that the master only wanted to be clean and could not bear the excitement, so Jia Zhen asked You to prepare two banquets for the day after, and invited everyone in Xifu to have a lively time. Just wish Jia Jing a happy birthday.

You called Jia Rong immediately, gave instructions about the banquet, and said: "Go to the Xifu in person to invite the old lady, the eldest lady, the second wife and your second aunt Lian to come and hang out.

Your father heard about another good doctor today and has already sent for him. He will surely come tomorrow. You can tell him in detail about his illness these days. "

Jia Rong agreed one by one and was about to turn around to do it when Youshi stopped him again and said, "I'd like to ask Uncle Jian again to ask for some allicin for your wife in private."

Jia Rong hesitated for a moment, then agreed. When he came out of the house, he bumped into the boy sent to invite Zhang Youshi. After hearing the words, Jia Rong turned back and reported to You and Jia Zhen. Then he came out and called Lai Sheng, ordered the table to be prepared, and hurriedly went to Rongguo Mansion invites you.

Jia Rong first went to Jia Mu's place, then walked around again, and finally went to the northeast to enter the small courtyard. This person has been abused by Jia Zhen since he was a child. He is obviously a child of a serious family, but he has developed a character that bullies the weak and is afraid of the strong, and is self-indulgent.

Because he was called through the door and entered the main room, Jia Rong seemed to have completely forgotten the previous disagreement, and said in a normal tone, showing humility: "Uncle Jian, it is the birthday of Grandpa Jian, and my father sent me to invite Jian. Fourth uncle will come over to the house and it will be lively."

Li Weijian didn't want to see Jia Rong, but he got along well with Jia Zhen, so he nodded and agreed: "Go back and tell your father that my son will be here soon."

Jia Rong bowed to accept the order, and then said: "Uncle Jian, my wife is sick again. I wonder if I can ask Uncle Jian to give me some more medicine?"

Li Weijian frowned and said, "It's better to ask a famous doctor for diagnosis and treatment. My medicine may not be the right medicine."

Jia Rong bowed repeatedly and said: "Uncle Jian, I don't know, but my father has sent for a famous doctor. He will come over tomorrow to see him. Last time, my wife took Uncle Jian's medicine and she got better after a month. I expected Uncle Jian's medicine will definitely be effective." Li Weijian couldn't refuse his request, so he agreed, "That's fine, I'll prepare it in the next two days and send it to you when your son comes over."

Jia Rong thanked him profusely, and after lingering for a while, he stood up and left.

Li Weijian watched him leave the small courtyard and thought to himself, the so-called famous doctor was probably Zhang Youshi, right? In this case, wouldn't Qin Keqing be about to die soon?

But he had no history with Qin Keqing, and he had no medical skills, so he could only sit back and watch.

It was already close to Shen Shi, and Hong Yu turned around from the kitchen and said, "Fourth Master, I have given you all the orders. Now the kitchen is cooking carefully, just waiting for Fourth Master to pass on the dishes."

Li Weijian said: "Let's go and ask Second Master Lian and Second Grandma for a visit -"

As he was talking, he suddenly heard laughter and laughter from outside, and a woman said: "Brother Jian has invited me over and over again. If outsiders learn that Li Caishen is hosting a banquet, they will be eager to come over. If your second brother and I want to be together, we will come over." Brother, please treat me again, it’s really too ignorant. Giggle--"

While they were talking, a group of people came in from the door, headed by Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng, followed by their concubine Ping'er.

Li Weijian hurriedly greeted him: "Second brother Lian and second sister-in-law came just in time. Just now Hongyu said that the kitchen is ready. Please, let's talk in the house."

Li Weijian immediately invited a few people in with a smile. He sent an invitation yesterday, inviting these two people to come to the small courtyard to get together today. It is now September, and in ten days until the results are released, Li Weijian will have to move back to his own house.

He really couldn't worry about his eldest sister Li Wan. After much thought, he put his mind on Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng. He had been closely related to this couple recently, so he just took the opportunity to make some moves.

When the group of people entered, Qingwen hurriedly called Xiangling to serve the tea. Wang Xifeng saw that Jia Lian was paying attention to several maids of different colors, and immediately stepped on her feet secretly, then turned around and said with a smile: "I just said Well, I have to come to Brother Jian to absorb some literary talent. In a few days, Brother Jian will be the master of civil education."

Li Weijian cupped his hands and smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Second Sister-in-law, for your kind words. If it were in front of outsiders, I'm afraid I would have to pretend to be humble. But since it is the Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law in front of each other, I won't be polite to you. I won't hide it from you two. , as far as I am concerned, this is just a matter of holding a hand."

Wang Xifeng's triangular phoenix eyes suddenly curled up and she said happily: "Hey, Brother Jian usually looks modest, but it is rare for him to talk like this, which shows that he is confident. Counting these relatives, Brother Jian is still the first. If one is successful, my sister-in-law will offer tea instead of wine and wish brother Jian a bright future."

Li Weijian smiled, raised the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Several people were chatting and laughing happily, and soon Hongyu and others took the table, and everyone went to the wine table.

Wang Xifeng winked at Jia Lian repeatedly, but Jia Lian didn't know why at the moment, which made Wang Xifeng frown secretly, so she had to say: "Brother Jian, thanks to your advice last time, we made a little profit. Now. Who doesn’t know Brother Jian’s reputation as the God of Wealth? Good things will happen in the future, but don’t forget about your relatives.”

Li Weijian toasted the two of them with a glass of wine, then smiled and said, "Second sister-in-law, has she also heard about my setting up a factory?"

"Yes, I heard that wealthy businessmen from all over the world are flocking here, crying and shouting to give money to Brother Jian."

Li Weijian shook his head and said with a smile: "This is a bit exaggerated. But someone did send money, but I can't accept it." Immediately, Li Weijian said the same rhetoric he had used to fool the eldest wife before, which made Wang Xifeng frown. Incessantly.

"Brother Jian, since this matter is so risky, why do you still insist on setting up a factory?"

Li Weijian said: "Second sister-in-law also knows that now that I am not short of money, I just want to do some practical things. Some things are indeed thankless, but someone must do it."

Jia Lian heard this and praised: "Brother Jian has such a big heart, he will definitely accomplish something in the future."

Wang Xifeng cursed in her heart, not only did the factory not make money, but it also lost money. What was the purpose?

After careful observation and seeing that Li Weijian didn't seem to be cheating, Wang Xifeng temporarily gave up the idea of ​​getting involved in the matter. The three of them had been eating and drinking for more than half an hour, when suddenly a maid came and said that the eldest master was currently meeting with the second master Lian to discuss the birthday of Grand Master Dongfu.

Jia Lian did not dare to be negligent, so he immediately apologized, stood up and left the table.

Only Li Weijian and Wang Xifeng were left at the banquet, and they were somewhat inconsistent with etiquette. But on the one hand, Ping'er's identity was awkward and it was difficult to sit at the table; on the other hand, there was an age difference between the two, so Wang Xifeng didn't think much about it.

Li Weijian thought about it and thought that it would be better to say something to Wang Xifeng than to say it in front of Jia Lian.

After drinking a glass of wine, he muttered and said: "Second sister-in-law, when the results are released soon, I will move back to my mansion. My eldest sister, I need my second sister-in-law to help take care of her all day long."

"That's what Brother Jian said," Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "My sister-in-law is a serious young lady in the house. Who dares to treat her badly? Even I have to treat her respectfully when I meet her."

Li Weijian smiled and said: "Second sister-in-law, you don't tell lies in front of real people. I can see how my eldest sister is doing. I saw her for the first time in the first month. Although she is not very skinny, she is still skinny. How can she live well? ? I know that the second sister-in-law is guarding against the eldest sister being the housekeeper, but now that the eldest sister is on the job of being a teacher in the palace, how can she have time to be the housekeeper?"

Wang Xifeng lost her smile and said, "Brother Jian, these words... I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Why is it hard to say? Although Wang Xifeng secretly guarded Li Wan, she never treated him harshly or made any trouble. The one who really meant this was Mrs. Wang!

Li Weijian lowered his voice and said: "I know that the second sister-in-law is the housekeeper, not the head of the house, so she cannot decide on some things. But the elder sister has learned from the past, and the second sister-in-law must be careful."


Li Weijian said: "My wife doesn't like Brother Lan because of Baoyu. Who knows that one day she won't dislike my second sister-in-law because of Baoyu? It should be noted that Baoyu has already understood human affairs, and in three to five years the marriage will be arranged." When Baoyu's daughter-in-law comes in, will my wife make a mistake with the second sister-in-law and let Baoyu's daughter-in-law take care of the house?"

"This -" Wang Xifeng has seven exquisite orifices, how could he not have thought of this? It was precisely for this reason that Li Weijian broke the news, leaving him at a loss as to what to say.

Li Weijian paused and said, "My wife has been planning something all these years. The second sister-in-law doesn't know about it, right? To put it bluntly, the second brother Lian and the eldest sister-in-law are the eldest. If the eldest master has a horse with a high horse and a short stirrup, he will not be able to attack the prince." It should be the second brother Lian. The second sister-in-law’s relationship with my wife’s aunt and nephew is unusual, but I have to think about it for myself.”

(End of this chapter)

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