Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 172 Moving Chapter

Chapter 172 Moving back

Where can Fu Qiufang sleep peacefully? Yesterday, Wu Zhong came twice. The first time he came to tell him that he had won the imperial examination. Fu Qiufang was so relieved that she clasped her hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, filled with joy. The second time she came and said that she had been knighted and was still a second-class man!

Fu Qiufang couldn't be happy anymore. After asking Wu Zhong repeatedly to confirm that he was not wrong, Fu Qiufang became confused.

This was an act of desperation. Fortunately, he had a gentle temper and treated me very well, but he was a bit fond of tossing people in bed... Fu Qiufang was already satisfied, but unexpectedly, the master turned around and knighted her!

Fu Qiufang felt as if she was about to starve to death, so she gave up her dough and begged for a bowl of food. Unexpectedly, just as she moved her chopsticks, a large stuffed pie about a foot thick fell from the sky, knocking her dizzy. Huh, I don’t know why.

Nian Xia came to congratulate him first, and then all the servants of He Mansion came to congratulate him. Fu Qiufang had a dull look on her face, thinking that Li Weijian was not here, but it was not easy to give out the reward right now, because she only asked for extra meals that day. After hearing about this, Jia Yun from the East Crossing Courtyard came to congratulate her. Then he said that the new plaque would have to be changed again.

At that time, when people called a certain mansion, most of them were honorifics. According to Dashun's regulations, only those built with money from the imperial court can be called mansions, just like Yan's mansion and Imperial Rongguo mansion.

For ordinary people, it is a home. A house built with some family property is called a house; for a third-rank official or above, a house built by oneself is called a house.

Further up, the houses built by the princes and princes are called mansions, and only the houses of the prince level can be called royal mansions.

This residence was originally the residence of General Fengen, and there were not many changes in its shape. The plaque was originally titled "Li's House". Now that Li Weijian has been granted the title of second-class male, and the official is the same as the second-rank, the plaque will naturally be changed from Li Zhai was replaced by Li Di.

Fu Qiufang thought for a while, thinking that the plaque could not be made in one day, so she nodded in agreement. Not to mention that Jia Yun happily led the people to take down the plaque, Fu Qiufang was in a daze all day long, tossing and turning at night unable to sleep, always afraid that if he woke up after falling asleep, he would realize that what happened before was a good dream.

Just like this, she woke up, fell asleep, and woke up again. It was not until dawn that she fell asleep for two hours. When she woke up, she calmly talked to her maid Nianxia for a while. After confirming that Li Weijian had indeed been knighted, Fu Qiufang breathed a sigh of relief.

Joy filled her heart. She originally knew that Li Weijian was a capable person. He had invested so much money into the family fortune at such a young age. Unexpectedly, this was too much, and he was knighted!

Although Fu Qiufang never slept peacefully, she felt refreshed during happy events and was in high spirits. The only drawback was that she had not yet seen Li Weijian.

After breakfast, while arranging work, Qianxue came over with a smile and reported: "Auntie, the master is here!"

"Master is here?" Fu Qiufang suppressed her joy, nodded slightly, and immediately led the maid to welcome him to the Yimen.

Just when he arrived in front of Yimen, he saw Li Weijian striding over.

Fu Qiufang said "Master" and leaned forward to bow. But before she could kneel down, Li Weijian took three steps at a time, stepped forward to hold her up, and waved to several maids: "No need, just a gift is all. How old am I? But If you can’t afford it, let’s all kneel down together.”

Fu Qiufang said: "I am not thinking clearly."

"I don't tolerate red tape. I'll save it if I can in the future."

Fu Qiufang secretly noted that Li Weijian grabbed his hand and walked towards the inner house. Li Weijian was going to go to the wing where Fu Qiufang was, but Fu Qiufang said: "Master, I have recently hired a lot of maids and servants, and they are here to pay homage to the master. Besides, the master has a double happiness, so it is not good to say nothing." "

Li Weijian asked: "Let's give the reward for a month?"

Fu Qiufang immediately said angrily: "You can't be so generous!" Fu Qiufang was used to living a life of careful planning in her boudoir. After passing the family, although she is now rich, she has never been lavish.

Li Weijian said happily: "Qiu Fang, how should I reward you?"

Fu Qiufang thought: "For a person like Qianxue who is in charge of things, just one tael of silver will be enough; the rest will be five hundred for the personal maid, and a bunch of money for the maid and mother-in-law, just to feel happy."

"Okay, then it's up to you."

The two of them entered the main room. Fu Qiufang was already prepared and asked Nian Xia to bring a silver box, which was full of silver barley and string coins.

Li Weijian had not yet moved in. There were only about thirty maids and servants in the house. Qianxue got the order and led the maids to come in batches to pay their respects. However, after being rewarded with more than a dozen taels of silver, the maids who had been hired were all beaming with joy.

Li Weijian secretly thought to himself, after all, it would save trouble to hire someone. Seeing that the servants in Rongguo Mansion were all born from a wealthy family, they all had an eye for wealth. If the rewards were too small, they might be talking behind their backs. Calculating that spending twenty taels today can make the whole family look good and do the same thing, yesterday Li Weijian spent hundreds of taels!

The maids left happily saying auspicious words such as "May the princes live forever".

Only then did Li Weijian and Fu Qiufang start talking. Fu Qiufang first talked about the plaque, and then a few other small things. Then she stared at Li Weijian with burning eyes, her brows unblinking, and after a long while she said: "Is the master really knighted?"

"If it's true, why don't you still refuse to believe it after a day?"

Fu Qiufang said angrily: "I have been in a trance this day, as if I was in a dream. I am afraid that when I wake up, I will find that it was all in vain."

Li Weijian smiled, took out a brocade box from his sleeve and handed it to the table in front of Fu Qiufang.

"This is?"

"Would you know if you open it and take a look?"

Fu Qiufang opened the brocade box and saw the yellow silk jacquard brocade. She was immediately shocked: "Imperial decree?"

Seeing Li Weijian smiling and nodding, Fu Qiufang's heart suddenly pounded, and he unfolded it tremblingly. After taking a closer look, and especially looking at the 'Treasure of Destiny' inscribed below, he suddenly became heartbroken. He quickly put the imperial edict back into the brocade box and said: "This imperial edict cannot be placed randomly. When the master moves it back, I will invite the grandpa and grandma to take their memorial tablets, and then offer the imperial edict to make the grandpa and grandma happy." .”

"Well, just settle it down."

Fu Qiufang was filled with joy and she couldn't help asking: "When will the master move back?"

"I just casually asked the Taoist fortune teller on the way, and he said that the 24th is a good day. Then there is no need for trouble, just settle on the 24th."

Fu Qiufang said angrily: "I can't be so casual. Now that I have a title, I have to be dignified when I go in and out. In my opinion, it's better to find a temple and live a good life."

Li Weijian said: "Don't forget that I have been living in Maoshan for two years. I don't know if it will be of any use?" After a pause, he added: "Besides, I am just a second-class man with no title. Who can I give this to? See? It’s a lot of waste and fattening up the monks and Taoists. Instead of doing this, it’s better to exchange it for food to support the people.”

Fu Qiufang couldn't talk about Li Weijian and didn't accept it, so he turned to other things. When it was approaching noon, Fu Qiufang quietly turned over the almanac and saw that the 24th was indeed a good day, so she agreed. The two of them had not seen each other for several days, and they had lunch together, during which time they were very affectionate. It's just that Fu Qiufang has a cautious temper and resists Li Weijian's efforts to achieve good things, causing Li Weijian to be troubled.

After lunch, Li Weijian headed east across the courtyard. After passing through the moon gate, you will see two rows of long greenhouses. The glass roof is tilted towards the sun, and smoke from the chimney is curling up.

Since September, Li Weijian sent Jia Yun to hire vegetable farmers. There are many small vegetable gardens in the capital. In September, due to the weather, all the fruits and vegetables in the gardens are not planted. When I heard that someone was hiring a vegetable farmer, many people flocked to the place.

Jia Yun worked carefully, carefully scanning everyone's reputation and reputation, and then selected the best from the best, and then selected three vegetable farmers.

Li Weijian walked around the greenhouse to check and caught a glimpse of his figure. Jia Yun hurried out and followed him. The east-span courtyard is not very big, and there is a gap between the two rows of greenhouses, so the land within it is only about one-fifth of a field.

Jia Yun said: "I hired three vegetable farmers to take care of two meals for 800 yuan a month. The three people worked shifts. They lifted the bedding during the day to let the vegetable seedlings shine in the sun, and then put the bedding down at night. There are also servants to look at. I specialize in burning coal stoves in Zhutian, but the weather has turned cold recently, so I have to burn it twice in the morning and evening."

Li Weijian nodded and said, "Have the vegetable seedlings grown out?"

Speaking of this, Jia Yun immediately scratched her head and said: "Fourth uncle is really good. Those three vegetable farmers, just because of the monthly money, refused to grow vegetables in autumn at all costs, saying that this was against the harmony of nature. As a result, vegetable seedlings appeared in the greenhouse in the past two days, and the three vegetable farmers were amazed for several days, and they all said that the fourth uncle must have learned the magic from some expert."

"Hahaha——" Li Weijian laughed for a while and said: "Just use magic. Let the three vegetable farmers take care of it with all their heart. Sprinkling water and fertilizing is indispensable."

Jia Yun took the order and said, "Don't worry, fourth uncle. My nephew is watching. I guarantee you that they won't dare to neglect you."

Li Weijian went into the greenhouse and took a look around, and saw that there was indeed green sprouting on the four furrows. The three vegetable farmers were timid and did not dare to come forward and talk to them. Li Weijian thought to himself, did he really think he was a magician?

At the moment, he didn't tell anyone, he just called a vegetable farmer to ask a few questions, and then led Jia Yun out of the greenhouse. After walking a few steps, Li Weijian thought for a while and said, "I don't need to look after you here. Just let my aunt take care of me later."

Jia Yun remained calm and said 'yes'.

Li Weijian continued: "I will probably join the Inner Palace as an official in some time. Then you will stay with me as a helper. If you get the chance, I will find you a job as a clerk in the Inner Palace."

This book office is between officials and officials. Although it has no rank, it is rich in salary and income. Especially the secretarial office of the inner government, which always collects dozens or hundreds of taels of extra money every year.

Because Jia Yun was immediately overjoyed, she bowed respectfully and said, "My nephew, thank you fourth uncle for your support."

Li Weijian waved his hand and said: "They are all relatives of the same family. This is a heretic. I support you because of your ability to do things. You go home and rest for the next few days. I will call you after some time."

Jia Yun was extremely obedient, bowed respectfully, and then left.

Li Weijian lingered for a while before returning to Rongguo Mansion. The banquet for the two days has been decided, and it will always be held with or without him.

Li Weijian changed his clothes and led his maid to Rongqing Hall. Fortunately, Jia Zheng, Jia She, and Jia Zhen were not here today, so only Jia Lian was with him during the dinner. Therefore, Li Weijian felt more relaxed and drank a little wine. After watching the opera for a while, when it was getting dark, I went to find Jia Mu and decided on a day to move out.

Jia's mother felt very sorry for it. The so-called fragrance from far away and smell from near is probably the case. Because he specifically ordered Jia Lian to look after him on the 24th, he was ordered to avoid anything going wrong.

Jia Lian agreed, Li Weijian also accepted the kindness, and the banquet dispersed immediately.

When leaving the table, he caught a glimpse of his second sister Yingchun's eyes filled with resentment. Li Weijian just smiled and nodded slightly before leading the maid away.

Whatever I say right now is wrong. Instead of saying anything, it is better to say nothing and wait until uncle Li Shouzhong's letter comes to comfort him and welcome the new year.

Turning around, the small courtyard in the northeast was busy up and down. With the experience of staying at Xiangshan Villa last time, the four maids were much more effective. They packed the belongings into categories, leaving only the clothes to change tomorrow and the bedding for the night.

I have been living in Rongguo Mansion for more than half a year. Although because of Li Weijian's fortune, his courage to live under someone else's roof was cut off as soon as he showed up, but after all, he is always a little uncomfortable in someone else's mansion.

Because it was night, not only Xiuying, Hongyu and Qingwen, but also Xiangling said a lot of things.

After a while, he said that the wing room was reserved for his aunt, and they and their maids could live in the wing. After a while, he said that there was a maple tree in the side garden. The red leaves were falling, and it must be artistic. After a while, he said again When we change to three meals a day at home, our daily routine should also be changed accordingly.

Chirping, until it was time to watch, the maids retired sleepily. Li Weijian and Hong Yu washed up and got into bed. Hong Yu chatted for a while and never felt sleepy.

Li Weijian knew clearly that without Fu Qiufang, Hongyu would be at ease. But with Fu Qiufang, especially since she has the title of aunt, Hongyu is naturally concerned about how to arrange the management of the mansion in the future. She was afraid that she would lose her job. If her appearance was not as good as Xiangling's, and she would lose her job, her status would naturally plummet.

Li Weijian wanted to be funny and chatted with him all the time. It wasn't until early in the second watch that Hongyu couldn't help but feel sleepy, so she curled up in her arms and fell asleep.

The next day is twenty-four.

Early in the morning, several maids stood up and helped Li Weijian wash up, and then brought breakfast. When it was almost time, everyone had had breakfast, and Jia Lian went to the door with his servants.

After living there for more than half a year, Li Weijian bought a lot of things, but after just a few trips, a carriage was almost full.

Then Li Weijian went to say goodbye to the elders of Rongguo Mansion, and then led a few maids and took a car with Jia Lian to his residence.

On the way, Li Weijian chatted with Jia Lian for a while, and then said with a smile: "I'm so busy with Brother Lian's help this time, but I just moved here and I didn't take advantage of it. One day, I will definitely come to the door to send a message and invite Brother Lian." Come and burn the bottom of the pot at home."

Jia Lian responded with a smile. At this moment, the car was approaching Tai'anhou Hutong, but it suddenly stopped. Wu Haiping reported from the carriage: "Master, someone in this alley is moving out."

(End of this chapter)

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