Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 179 Buying Life

Chapter 179 Buying Life

How can it be regarded as Qingshui Yamen if it holds the power of election?

In Li Weijian's previous life, a small official with real power could drive a swarm of officials from surrounding towns and villages. At that time, just find a lecturer and hold a three- to five-day study seminar. This person will pay for the lecturer's fees, so why don't you spend thousands?

As soon as Li Weijian mentioned his idea, Hu Debiao blinked and said hesitantly: "Is this... possible? If we collect money from the military, I'm afraid it will lead to the impeachment of the supervisory censor. If not, the criminal justice department will come to interrogate me. Officer."

Li Weijian said: "The doctor is overly concerned. Naturally, we can't directly ask the army for money, but we can come up with a plan to improve the combat level of the generals in the army. At the end of each period, there will be a big competition, and the winner will be selected." Priority was given to simple removal. I thought King Zhongyong would be very happy when he saw this plan.

The imperial family is now so rich that the doctor can get not only a few thousand taels, but also tens of thousands taels of silver. "

"Let's go!" Hu Debiao clasped his hands and looked at Li Weijian with increasing pleasure: "Then this plan -"

"One person has a shortcoming, so why don't we work together to give advice? We must be in line with the prince's wishes."

"Okay, okay, resurrection is indeed worthy of the name of the God of Wealth."

Hu Debiao walked away happily. Watching him go away, Li Weijian sat down and tasted the tea cup briefly, with a smile on his face. King Zhongyong didn't believe that he could train gunners, so he took a different approach and invited the soldiers of Jingying Camp for training. Infantry and cavalry Li Weijian were hard to comment on, but the gunner had something to say.

Looking through the case files, Li Weijian carefully observed Dashun's metallurgical industry. Dashun inherited the former Ming Dynasty. The initial iron smelting centers of the former Ming Dynasty were in Jiangxi and Huguang, as well as Zunhua and Foshan. It can be seen that during the war in the late Yuan Dynasty, all industries in the north were in decline, and the iron smelting industry obviously shifted to the south.

By this time, iron smelting output in Lianghu and Jiangxi dropped sharply, Foshan remained the same, and Zunhua was not as good as before. On the contrary, Hanzhong emerged as a new force.

Li Guoding, Emperor Taizong of Dashun, opened the iron ban on time. Now the tax rate is only 1 in 15. However, due to the long distance and the remote place far away from the iron smelting center, the price of iron is still high.

I have briefly looked at the Hanzhong and Foshan iron industries. The Hanzhong iron factory is run by the government, while most of the large and small iron factories in Foshan are organized by the private sector. Because Foshan Iron Industry still uses charcoal, the quality of the iron it produces is far superior to other places.

Turning to the Zunhua Iron Works, there are not only various data, but also detailed drawings of the blast furnaces used in Zunhua. Li Weijian had a headache looking at the short and fat blast furnace. It was so low and consumed fuel, and the quality of the iron produced was not high.

As for steelmaking, it is still a very primitive method of frying steel.

Li Weijian was able to design a more practical blast furnace, but since the blast furnace was tall, adding materials into it became a problem, and machinery was needed to feed it in. However, the inner government is currently focusing on building muskets and artillery, and has no time to build steam engines.

Coming full circle, the question becomes a chicken or egg question. Li Weijian thought for a long time and could only place his hope on the machinery factory he founded. He secretly thought that at least Dashun could stably produce gray iron, but what was lacking was suitable steel. He might as well design a Martin furnace later.

In this way, by purchasing iron ingots and iron ore from various places, one can use the extreme open-hearth ore method to produce suitable steel.

It's a pity that he is engaged in metallurgical machinery, so he only has a partial understanding of how to make steel. Even if he builds an alkaline open-hearth furnace, he can only test it one furnace after another. Only then can he get the low carbon steel, high carbon steel, etc. he wants. Spring steel.

Then I thought about it, this gas generator has no idea at all, even the open stove is not easy to operate. Come on, don’t think about it anymore, just go ahead and put in the reverberating mixing furnace first.

For half a month, Li Weijian arrived at the Yamen on time to order his meal. After reading a few newspapers, a cup of tea, and a stack of snacks, I would sit down at my desk to write and draw. I would go to the office at the end of the day and go to the steam engine factory in the outer city for a walk every now and then.

Now the land in the factory has been leveled and some houses have been built. More than 200 skilled craftsmen were invited to cast various instruments using clay molds according to Li Weijian's designs. There were some parts that couldn't be cast, so Li Weijian had to sacrifice his face and go to the Armed Forces Academy to pester Chief Chen.

Mr. Chen is just a little bit good. As long as he has enough money, he can talk easily. Li Weijian only owns 10% of the company's shares, so he doesn't feel bad about spending the money. I went there twice in a row and placed an urgent order worth more than 3,000 taels of silver. Manager Chen took the order in a daze and promised to have all the goods finished before the end of the twelfth lunar month.

When Li Weijian fiddled with the design drawings of the alkaline open-hearth furnace, it suddenly dawned on him that it had been more than twenty days since he had moved out of Rongguo Mansion. I had promised Jia Mu that day to go back and take a look at it every now and then. It was really unjustifiable that I hadn't seen it in the past twenty days.

Because it was a sudden turn of events, after Li Weijian left the office, he picked up four-color gifts and drove straight to Rongguo Mansion.

Yu Liu, the disciple, was bored and waiting at the corner gate when he saw a carriage coming from the east of Ningrong Street in the distance, with two riders in front clearing the way. If you look closely, you will see that the person in the lead is Ding Rufeng, who is next to Fourth Master Jian!

"Hey!" Yu Liu was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly greeted him at the foot of the steps.

When the carriage stopped in front of the corner gate, Yu Liu quickly and diligently set up the stool, and saw the curtain lifted, and Li Weijian in a bright red official robe walked out from inside.

The bright red official robe was dazzling, and Yu Liu quickly bowed it to the ground: "Young man, please welcome your lordship!"

Li Weijian got out of the car and said with a smile: "Yu Liu, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are getting richer?"

"Thanks to Sir, the little one eats well and sleeps soundly. Doesn't that make him fat? Hey, speaking of which, he can't compare to Sir, but Sir is getting more and more radiant."

Li Weijian laughed and threw a silver barley coin casually: "Where did you learn the crooked words? Take it and read a few books. Don't use the words you don't know in the future."

"Hey, thank you Sir for the reward." Yu Liu, who was pleased with his subordinates, hurriedly whispered: "Sir, both the master and the eldest master have been released from office. There is nothing going on in the house recently."

"Yeah, okay." Li Weijian responded, and then walked into the corner door with the four-color gift in hand. When the steward saw it, he hurriedly welcomed the general up, smiling and not saying anything, but also quickly sent someone to inform him.

After taking a few steps towards the Neiyi Gate, even the chief manager, Lai Da, came to greet him. Also accompanied by a smiling face, that smile was full of flattery.

Revisiting the old place, thinking back to the day when I first entered Rongguo Mansion, the situation was naturally very different. Li Weijian smiled on his face, but sighed in his heart, so he still has to make progress. If you climb high, you will see smiling faces when you look down; if you climb low, you will see butts when you look up!

Entering the Neiyi Gate, I was greeted by the stewardess, speaking complimentary words from time to time on the way. Li Weijian casually asked the old lady how she was doing. She only said that everything was fine, but she was getting old and was not able to walk well in autumn and winter.

Turning around the hall, they saw Li Wan's maid Biyue coming out of the hanging flower door. When she saw Li Weijian, she was overjoyed at first and said hello. Then she saw her mother-in-law beside her, and she suddenly seemed hesitant to speak.

Is something wrong?

Li Weijian then said to the old woman: "Mama Xu, as for my relatives, I have lived in the house for more than half a year, so I can't be considered a foreigner. I will just go by myself. Aunt Xu can go and do her own business."

Nanny Xu was also a discerning woman. She smiled when she heard this and said, "If your lordship says so, then I will go on my own."

As soon as Nanny Xu left, Bi Yue stepped forward and said, "Fourth Master Jian has not been here for some time."

Li Weijian said seriously: "But something happened to eldest sister?"

"This -" Bi Yue looked around and saw no one before she lowered her voice and said, "Fourth Master, it happened at the beginning of the month. That day when the eldest grandma returned from the palace, the axle of the carriage on Ningrong Street was broken. The eldest grandma didn’t want to wait, so she got off the carriage and returned home, thinking that it was only a few steps away. I didn’t expect to run into that Jia Rui halfway!”

Li Weijian frowned immediately.

Then I heard Biyue say again: "After talking about some and all, I finally said that Lang Geer is not very dedicated to his private studies now. I will come back to talk to my eldest grandma later. The Fourth Master also knows that our grandma is not very devoted to Lang Geer." He was most concerned about enrolling in school, so he agreed without much thought. Two days later, Jia Rui came over and made some random remarks. The toad's desire to eat swan meat was almost written on his face. !

Grandma was upset about this matter for several days. Yesterday, Jia Rui came to harass her again. Grandma hid in the old lady's courtyard to avoid being upset. "

Li Weijian was furious: "This unethical bastard will definitely give him a bad death!"

Last time Jia Jing celebrated his birthday, everyone gathered at Ningguo Mansion. When Jia Rui saw Wang Xifeng, he became suspicious and turned around and was beaten up by Li Weijian. This guy probably thought that it was Jia Lian who took action, but he gave up his thoughts on teasing Wang Xifeng, but in the end he decided to target his eldest sister.

Haha, do you really think that Li Weijian’s sister is easy to bully?

Li Weijian was furious, took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry about this, I have my own concerns."

Biyue breathed a sigh of relief, and then worriedly said: "Fourth Master, won't something happen?"

Li Weijian sneered and said: "What can we do? He is not even a child, and his surname is not Jia. Whether such a thing can have a full meal is a matter of two or two. That's it, you meet the eldest sister and reassure her, three or two One day, I will definitely take care of this beast!"

Biyue responded and then happily left.

Li Weijian walked towards the Chuihua Gate, thinking to himself, it's no wonder that the eldest sister is angry, a widow like her who is unemployed is most afraid of such things. If word spreads, it will be yellow mud stuck on the crotch, which is either feces or feces.

A beating alone can't relieve the hatred in my heart. Since this beast has lustful thoughts, let him die because of the word lust!

After entering the hanging flower door, he saw the maid Yuanyang coming up to him. The cold look on Li Weijian's face suddenly disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face. He greeted the maid and followed her into the Rongqing Hall. It was great to meet Jia Mu. A narration.

Li Weijian only said that the new official took office and there were many chores, so he delayed his transition. Mother Jia was very fond of Li Weijian. She scolded him for a few times, half-seriously and half-falsely, and then turned to talk about something else.

After sitting for a while, Sanchun, Daiyu, and Baochai all rushed over after hearing the news. Li Weijian smiled and chatted with the girls for a long time, but they just talked about matters in the inner government yamen.

Later, Wang Xifeng and Li Wan also came. The eldest sister Li Wanxian had received a message from Biyue. Now she looked at Li Weijian with worry in her eyes.

Seeing that the wedding day was approaching, Jia Mu decided to leave Li Weijian to eat, and also ordered the kitchen to add two more dishes. Li Weijian was filled with anger. Where could he eat at this moment?

It was just that his colleagues had a gathering in the evening, and it was hard for him to refute the dignity of his colleagues when he arrived for the first time. Mother Jia said a few words of regret and asked Li Weijian to come back when he had time.

Li Weijian agreed and immediately stood up to leave.

As soon as he got up, Li Wan followed him. He wanted to say a few words before seeing him off, but he was overtaken by Wang Xifeng.

I heard Wang Xifeng laugh and say: "Old ancestor, brother Jian is now prosperous. It's so easy to go to the house. I have to take good care of him. In the future, I will ask for it on brother Jian. Haha, I'll go and see him off. A gift to Brother Jian."

With Wang Xifeng here, Li Wan naturally couldn't say anything else, so after a slight hesitation, he saw the two people leaving Rongqing Hall together.

Li Wan secretly worried, fearing that Li Weijian would get into trouble and cause a big trouble again.

Let's not mention this side of things for now, but say that Li Weijian and Wang Xifeng came out of Rongqing Hall. Wang Xifeng only winked, and Ping'er quietly followed a few steps behind with his maid.

After passing the Weeping Flower Gate, Wang Xifeng said: "Brother Jian, that Jia Rui is very evil. He was beaten last time, but he didn't dare to take my idea anymore. Unexpectedly, he turned around and thought about my sister-in-law."

Li Weijian nodded and said, "Thank you, second sister-in-law, for informing me. I know about this."

Housekeeper Wang Xifeng, how can she hide the big and small things in the house?

Seeing what he said, Wang Xifeng hurriedly added: "Brother Jian, it's not that I don't care. I just learned about it yesterday and arranged for Brother Qiang and Brother Rong to deal with Jia Rui."

How can Wang Xifeng deal with it? It was just a lovesickness trap, and Jia Rui eventually caught a cold and died. It's only October now, and it hasn't reached the twelfth lunar month of winter when dripping water turns into ice. The best I can do is teach someone a lesson in this lovesickness game, and I'm afraid no one will die.

Since Li Weijian was filled with hatred, how could he allow Jia Rui to survive?

Because he smiled and said: "Second sister-in-law, next time something like this happens, just send someone to tell me. I won't bother Second sister-in-law this time, so as not to dirty your hands."

Wang Xifeng couldn't figure out what Li Weijian was thinking for a while, and only said: "Brother Jian, please don't get separated from me because of this."

"Ha, where is the second sister-in-law talking? If Jia Rui commits suicide, what does it have to do with the second sister-in-law?"

Wang Xifeng finally let go of her worries and sent Li Weijian to Yimen before turning around. Nowadays, Li Weijian is not only Li Caishen, but also a dignified second-class man. He will never suffer any loss if he makes friends with him.

But he said that Li Weijian got out of Rongguo Mansion and got into the carriage. When he left Ningrong Street, he opened the curtain and called Ding Rufeng, who was accompanying him.


Li Weijian thought: "Do you still remember Jia Rui whom you beat up last time?"

"Master, remember."

"Well, if you are looking for a pair of people who are engaged in zahuodun (called in the Ming Dynasty, it was only called immortal dancing in the middle and late Qing Dynasty), send them to prison!"

Ding Rufeng smiled and said: "Uncle Rui is going to flirt with the second mistress again? Tsk tsk, I really don't know--" Seeing Li Weijian's unkind expression, Ding Rufeng immediately stopped his smile and accepted the order: "--Um, yes, Master Qinghao'er Bar."

Li Weijian nodded, took out a thousand-tael silver note from his sleeve and handed it over. Ding Rufeng glanced at him and said, "Master, you can't deal with a mere white body for so much money."

Li Weijian said: "The rest will cost Jia Rui his life!"

 I was delayed yesterday, I'll try to make up for it in the next two days. After a rough inspection, there are still some typos, please help me pick them out.



(End of this chapter)

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