Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 183 Shocking News

Chapter 183 Shocking News

The elder Jia She squinted his eyes and thought, what else could Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law have come with Li Weijian for? It must be a spring wedding!

Thinking of one person's shortcomings, Jia She quickly called the servant: "Go and invite the madam."

The boy agreed and hurriedly went to Neiyi Gate to deliver the message. Jia She then ordered: "Go and invite Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law and Brother Jian."

The servant in charge responded and offered snacks and fruits from his maid. After a moment, Li Wan and Li Weijian came in together.

When the three of them met, Jia She, the eldest man, saw that Li Weijian's expression was as usual, but Li Wan pursed his lips as if he was thinking deeply, and his heart suddenly thumped, secretly thinking that the marriage might change!

Sure enough, before Li Wan could say anything after sitting down, Li Weijian said sadly: "Uncle Shi, my uncle replied to the letter yesterday, and it seems that he doesn't approve of my marriage to my second sister."


Li Wan hurriedly said: "My father said that Brother Jian is still young and is not in a hurry to get engaged. He is the only one in this family, and he will live behind closed doors from now on. If he gets married early, Brother Jian's temper has not been settled yet, so the young couple bickered and bickered a lot, so there was a gap in their hearts.

In the future, if Hu Meizi takes the opportunity to ask for favors, she will do something that will hurt her relatives and make her enemies happy. Sir, I think it’s better to slow down this matter? "

Now Jia She felt even more depressed, and kept a sullen face without saying a word.

At this moment, I suddenly heard jingling bells outside, and it was Mrs. Xing who came with the maid and the mother-in-law. With just a brief glance, Mrs. Xing suddenly knew something.

It's just that she doesn't care whether the second girl gets married or not. What she cares about is Li Weijian, the God of Wealth!

After a brief greeting and sitting down, Mrs. Xing had already made up her mind. Since we can't get married, we have to take advantage.

Because she opened her mouth and said, "What did the master just say?"

Li Wan said: "The eldest master hasn't spoken yet, but I was the one talking just now. That's it..."

Now Li Wan briefly recounted what happened, and Mrs. Xing's face darkened. He said: "Brother Jian is young, but he is only fourteen or fifteen. The marriage has been decided. Wouldn't it be appropriate to get married in two or three years? Master, when I look at Li Jijiu, I am afraid that I will dislike the fact that the second girl is a concubine. Woolen cloth."

"It's too much to bully people!" The eldest master Jia She put down the tea cup and said: "They are all girls from Rongguo Mansion. What's the difference between the direct descendants and the concubines? The old lady had made a message earlier and prepared preparations for several girls early in the morning. The dowry is ten thousand taels of silver.

Xichun is a direct descendant, isn't it just like the Spring Festival dowry? "

Li Wan smiled apologetically and said, "What the elder said is true, but my father really didn't mean that -"


Li Wan hurriedly said: "I think so too. Since my father disapproves, then this matter -"

"Eh?" Mrs. Xing said: "Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law, that's not what you said. Brother Jian is like a good Yingchun person. They get together every now and then. Don't talk about the gossip in this house about you." I've never heard of it. Now that the marriage has fallen through, it's our second girl who suffers."

"This -" Li Wan was speechless and had no choice but to look at Li Weijian for help.

Li Weijian knew clearly that Mrs. Xing was trying to take advantage since she couldn't get married. The elder still owes him eight thousand taels of silver!

He immediately said: "It's all my nephew's fault. If I had known this, why bother... Hey - Uncle Shi and Auntie, now the uncle's letter has arrived, and the meaning in it has been stated. Uncle Shi and Auntie are unknown. What do you think?"

Jia She asked, "What do you think, Brother Jian?"

Li Weijian said: "My uncle has raised me since I was a child, and I am like my parents. Naturally, I dare not violate my parents' orders. If my uncle and aunt think that this matter will be settled, my nephew is willing to offer two thousand taels as an apology. Take the six thousand taels of silver and never visit me again."

Jia She thought about it, if he waived two thousand taels, wouldn't there be still six thousand taels left? He now only has three thousand taels of silver on hand, and he still has to count on it until next year. How can he afford it?

So he hurriedly stopped him and said: "Listen to my nephew, is there another way to say it?"

Li Weijian smiled bitterly and said: "Yes. With these two, I have to trouble my second sister to wait a little longer. Uncle Shi also knows that there has been a lot of noise in the court recently, and the Spring Palace of the Practical Academy may not be open next year."

"Yeah." Jia She nodded.

Li Weijian said: "My nephew is thinking that he will always look for an opportunity to go back to Jinling during the Chinese New Year. Then I will persuade my uncle in person, and there is no room for change in this matter."


"This -" Li Weijian gritted his teeth, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and then slapped his thigh and said: "If you don't make a three-year agreement, you have to settle the matter before the second sister's double birthday. If it is done by then, of course, If nothing else, if it doesn't work, my nephew will tear up the IOU on the spot and take it as an apology!

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, these eight thousand taels are regarded as the betrothal gift of the second sister. What do uncle and aunt think? "

Jia She twisted his beard and said nothing, still trying to figure it out, but Mrs. Xing could no longer sit still.

Eight thousand taels! How much is the betrothal gift these days?

This is not the time of Li Weijian. In the south, only a bride price was given, and the woman could only accompany her with a car. Some have nothing at all.

Nowadays, the betrothal gift is only symbolic, and the dowry often costs several times as much as the betrothal gift.

The eldest master, Jia She, and Mrs. Xing had already made up their mind that the second girl would definitely spend nothing on their marriage, acting like a strong man. This dowry all depends on the old lady's personal wealth. And the old lady had said it first, ten thousand taels per person.

In this way, the betrothal gift is only two thousand taels less than the dowry.

Besides, if the dowry is carried over, it will be considered as a gift to welcome the Spring Festival, and Li Weijian must not use it. Li Weijian was not short of a little money. When he was in trouble, he softly asked for help, and Yingchun privately sent back some more dowry.

Not to mention that with a son-in-law like Li Weijian, who is known as the God of Wealth, there will be fewer opportunities to make a fortune in the future?

"Master? I think Brother Jian is sincere. Look -"

"Yes!" Jia She responded solemnly, half of his face finally showed a smile, and said: "I know my nephew's intentions. Anyway, for the sake of my nephew's sincerity, this agreement, I Yes!"

There was a lot of fun in the study at the moment, with uncle, aunt, and nephew calling each other affectionately, but Li Wan was the only one who couldn't understand it. I thought to myself, why is this different from what I said?

Where did Brother Jian get the confidence to convince his father? Her father was famous for his stubbornness in food.

But no matter what, the matter is settled and the storm is over for the time being. Even if there is going to be trouble in the future, it will be a matter of tomorrow. It is better than breaking up with the eldest master and his family now.

After drinking a cup of tea, Jia She was in a good mood and couldn't help but said: "My dear nephew, I felt a little uncomfortable when I was knighted that day, for fear that your uncle would look down on Yingchun as a commoner. Because it's a commoner." , I came up with an idea——"

Li Weijian hurriedly asked: "Uncle Shi, what's his clever trick?" Jia She said: "Don't Li Jijiu despise Yingchun for being a commoner? Later, I found Brother Jing from Xuanzhenguan and simply passed Yingchun into the name of Brother Jing. , so, wouldn’t it be justified?”

Isn’t this just taking off your pants and farting!

He thought so in his heart, but Li Weijian praised: "Uncle Shi's idea is really brilliant. I wonder when Uncle Shi will take care of this matter?"

"This -" Jia She's face froze, and he evaded: "No rush, no rush, we have to pass your uncle's test first."

Is it the other way around? If Li Shouzhong is understood, what does it matter whether Yingchun is adopted or not?

When Li Weijian saw Mrs.

It’s not easy to urge me at the moment, so I just made a haha ​​and let it go. After a while, he said goodbye to his eldest sister Li Wan and left.

When we walked out of the black door, sparse snowflakes suddenly began to float outside. Li Wan buttoned up the hood of his outer cloak, and Li Weijian couldn't help but said: "Eldest sister, I just mentioned Jia Jing... The eldest madam has a different look on your face. Is there any reason for this?"

Li Wan frowned and said, "Why do you ask this?"

"I'm not curious."

Li Wan scolded: "You are old now and you have ideas. If you want to find out something, you can go find someone else to ask. Why bother asking me?"

Li Weijian blinked, knowing that Li Wan was angry. He immediately coaxed: "Sister, you saw it just now. If I didn't say that, how could the eldest master let us go? I live in a different place, so I'm not afraid, but sister, you are still in Rongguo Mansion... I am not I'm afraid these two people are looking for trouble for you."

Li Wan said angrily: "It's because of me again? You always have a point!"

Li Weijian smiled again and came over and said, "Sister, why don't you tell me the inside story? I can use this to break the situation."

Li Wan looked around and sent the two maids away. He saw that they were still some distance away from the corner gate, so he lowered his voice and said, "Brother Jian, if you find out about this, don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, eldest sister, when have I ever broken my tongue?"

Li Wan nodded, his voice became deeper and deeper, and said: "It's all old things... After Uncle Jing resigned, Ben stayed at home for a while. Later, he discovered the good things of the elder... Well... What do you think? The girl Xichun is obviously a girl from the East Mansion, why is she always raised in the West Mansion?"

Li Weijian's eyes suddenly widened and he said in disbelief: "In this case, the fourth girl must be the eldest master's..."

"Shh!" The eldest sister gave Li Weijian an annoyed look: "Keep your voice down!"

Li Weijian was in a daze, he couldn't think of it, he couldn't think of it! It was because of this that Jia Jing became disheartened and fled to Xuanzhen Temple outside the city.

This old man is really What Jiao Da said about raising a brother-in-law—could he be referring to the eldest man?

That's why Mrs. Is this because he is afraid that Jia She will be killed if he sees him?

After hearing such strange news, how could Li Weijian be willing to leave? Immediately, he shamelessly pestered his eldest sister Li Wan, went to her room and asked her carefully, and then he figured out the general story.

The prince lost power more than ten years ago, and Jia Jing was too involved with the prince because he resigned and returned home to spend some time doing nothing. Xu Shi, because he was discouraged, indulged in sex every day, and gradually neglected his first wife.

Then by chance, I don't know how the eldest man Jia She got involved with his sister-in-law. After the Chengtianmen Incident, Jia Jingqing knew that the overall situation had been decided, and became more and more sensual. One day I went out to have fun, but there was a fire in Jinxiang Courtyard, so I had to return disappointed.

What a coincidence, when I came back, I bumped into my pregnant wife and Jia She rolling together.

How can Jia Jing endure it? He immediately drew his sword and wanted to kill Jia She. Jia She pulled up his trousers and turned around to run away. Jia Jing's wife begged to stop him, and Jia She escaped with his life.

Jia She knew that he was in great trouble, so he hurriedly begged Jia's mother. After hearing this, Jia's mother swayed so hard that she almost fainted.

When his mind was clear, he hurried to Ningguo's Mansion and put aside his old face to plead for mercy for his evil son. Jia Jing could not help Jia's mother, so he simply took refuge in the study.

After all, it is a family scandal that should not be publicized. Jia Jingfa's wife had difficulty giving birth a few months later, and she died two days after giving birth to Xichun. Jia Jing was so disheartened that he simply passed the title to Jia Zhen and took refuge in Xuanzhen Temple.

Jia Zhen was in her twenties at the time. How could she not know that there was such a big fuss? Mother Jia thought that she was always the flesh and blood of the Jia family, so she took Xichun to Rongguo Mansion and kept her by her side.

After hearing these secrets, Li Weijian thought in his heart, "What a guy!"

What the old man is playing's really not as delicious as dumplings! No wonder Jia Mu doesn’t want to see the eldest man! No wonder Dongfu ignored Xichun! No wonder Mrs. Xing and Li Wan looked so weird just now!

After sighing, Li Weijian thought about the arrival of the eldest master Jia She, and couldn't help but wonder: "Now that the matter has come to this, why does the eldest master still dare to ask Jia Jing?"

Li Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said: "How did I know? The thoughts of this great master and his wife must be different from ordinary people."

Li Weijian couldn't help but smile, thinking that his eldest sister Li Wan would also complain. This clearly meant that the couple were mentally ill and had broad ideas.

Li Weijian touched his chin and said, "Weird, instead of asking Jia Jing, why not ask the master? They are brothers."

This time Li Wan gave the exact answer and said, "Why else? Isn't it because of you?"


Li Wan said: "My eldest son wants you as a wealthy son-in-law, but I never want him to have anything to do with you again."

Oh, I understand, the typical person would rather be a foreign traitor than a domestic slave. For the sake of Rongguo Mansion's family business, although the eldest master never broke up with him, he wished in his heart that Jia Zheng would die early.

At this time, Shenshi had passed and Jia Lan was back, so Li Wan wanted to stay with Li Weijian for dinner before leaving. Only then did Li Weijian remember that Jin'er was Hongyu's son, so he immediately declined and hurriedly got up and left.

When he went out, he bumped into Jia Lian, who was in a smoky mood. The two exchanged words before Li Weijian got into the carriage. Recalling what had happened before, Li Weijian suddenly realized that Jia Lian, who was not taboo about meat and vegetables, was just following the great master.

A true son must be like a father and a son.

(End of this chapter)

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