Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 194 Before departure

Chapter 194 Before departure

The twenty-second day of the first lunar month.

Li Weijian woke up early in the morning and discussed with Fu Qiufang about going south. Fu Qiufang was reluctant to let her go. After being together for several months, people around her had great trust in her. Not only did he entrust the manager's errands to her, but he also entrusted her with the accounting of the huge factory.

Not to mention it's just a concubine, the matriarch of the noble family may not have such trust. Feeling grateful in her heart, she buried her head on Li Weijian's shoulder and asked, "How many months will it take for Master to go back and forth?"

Li Weijian said: "We must come back before June."

It's not even February yet, so wouldn't it be half a year later? Fu Qiufang endured the reluctance in her heart and said: "I can take care of myself at home, but this time I go south, I have to go back to my hometown, right?"


"Then I will send someone to buy earthen rituals tomorrow."

"It's not urgent," Li Weijian said thoughtfully, "I will go to Jinmen first and take a boat to Guangzhou. I will handle the sugar business and then go north to Jinling."

Fu Qiufang frowned and said, "It's not an easy journey."

During the Ming Dynasty, students from Guangdong and Guangxi went to Beijing to take the exam, and the journey took as long as three months and as little as two and a half months. When we arrive in Dashun, it will probably take the same amount of time to take the land route, but it will be much more economical to take the sea route. The north wind is still blowing now. Going south now, with smooth winds and rivers, it takes about half a month to twenty days to reach Guangzhou from Tianjin.

If there is a headwind, it will take a few more days.

Li Weijian said: "So let's just divide the troops into two groups. I will go to Guangzhou first, and Qingwen, Xiangling and the others will then take the boat and escort their things to Jinling slowly."

How could Fu Qiufang be willing? Said: "Master, you can't be short of people to serve you."

Li Weijian smiled and hugged Fu Qiufang, reached out to pinch a strand of hair and played with it, saying: "At this time last year, I was just a poor scholar. Didn't I have to do everything myself?"

Fu Qiufang didn't listen at all and said: "Xiu Ying has practiced martial arts and can ride a horse. Why don't you let Xiu Ying follow the master?"

"Well, we'll discuss this later. Today I'm going to find the prince and ask when I can leave."

The two of them had discussed it, and they didn't mention getting up, dressing, washing and eating. Li Weijian went to the inner palace early that day and met King Zhongyong. When he mentioned his intention to go south, King Zhongyong seemed to be extremely busy and just sent Li Weijian home impatiently to wait.

Go home and wait? Yes, then go home.

Thanks to Li Weijian's quick return, the housekeeper Wu Haiping came to report that Mr. Zheng from the Seal Inspection and Clearance Department next door had led someone to the door.

Li Weijian did not dare to neglect and hurriedly welcomed him out. The two chatted for a while, then Director Zheng smiled and opened an imperial edict: "Master Li, hurry up and set up the incense case to welcome the edict."

Li Weijian was a little surprised, and hurriedly ordered people to set up the incense table. Then he heard Chief Zheng read in a cadence: "The Emperor Chengyun from Heaven said: I believe that those who practice spiritual practice will be able to teach their children righteousness, so I praise and favor the virtuous ministers and show kindness to them." His father, Yi Zhang Jiaoye... I specially gifted him to be Chengdelang and the chief of Duyu Division, and I will use the jings and plain shoes to comfort my filial piety forever."

"The imperial edict says: Since ancient times, the concubine's wife has not been entrusted to the world, but a filial son has devoted himself to his duties, and in the name of getting married, he has shown his kindness, and only then can anyone hear about it...Shu's virtue is cultivated. It is through gifts. You are a native of An, and you only inherit Huadian, and benefit from coming to Kun.

Admire this. "

After the imperial edict was read out, Li Weijian kowtowed to the mountain and shouted long live. I couldn't help but secretly wonder, and I didn't know what the procedure was for granting a posthumous title. I had announced a posthumous grant a few months ago, but it was only today that it was implemented.

At this time, filial piety was paramount, and the parents were given posthumous gifts. One was a Chengdelang of the sixth rank, and the other was an Anren of the sixth rank. Anyone else would have been overjoyed, and they could be said to have honored their ancestors. However, Li Weijian really didn't feel anything at all.

It stands to reason that he is a second-grade baron. This posthumous title will be followed step by step. If he achieves great achievements, he will be given a posthumous title for three generations, even to the cheap grandfather who has never met him.

Li Weijian cursed in his heart, stood up and took over the imperial edict, and asked Chief Zheng to come in to speak.

But Mr. Zheng said: "Sir and I live next to each other and we can talk to each other at any time. Why don't you make arrangements first and let's talk again when we have free time in the future?"


After sending Chief Zheng out of the house and returning to the inner house, the whole party was filled with joy. Fu Qiufang urged her to set up an incense table in her family's temple, and respectfully offered the posthumous edict. She also placed tributes and incense candles to comfort the spirits of the two elders in heaven.

Just like this, Li Weijian had just come out of the family temple, and Wu Haiping hurried over: "Sir, Dr. Liang of the Imperial Palace has arrived and is having tea in the side hall. Seeing the smile on Mr. Liang's face, I guess it must be a good thing. .”

Li Weijian nodded and hurriedly turned around the side garden and reached the side hall in the front yard. He and Doctor Liang were old acquaintances, and after a brief conversation, Doctor Liang ordered the clerk to bring over his official certificate, seal, and letter of appointment.

When I opened my official title, I saw that it was written that Li Weijian had been promoted to the post of doctor in Kuaiji Division due to his meritorious service in creating the east wind.

Kuaijitong Accountant is responsible for auditing the accounts of various departments within the government. Li Weijian had made many meritorious deeds, and being promoted was a natural thing, but being appointed to the Kuaiji Department had a different meaning.

After reading the letter of appointment, Mr. Liang said: "The prince also told me before he left that the Lord would go and wait for His Majesty to see him early tomorrow morning. Only after the saint has met, the Lord can set a date for going south."

After thanking Dr. Liang for sending him his official credentials and letting him drink a cup of tea, Li Weijian got up and sent him away. This internal government errand is a family matter of the emperor. Previously, the clan was in charge of the internal government. Naturally, it can bypass the inspection of the official department and achieve success smoothly.

In the blink of an eye, Li Weijian became a fifth-rank doctor, while Jia Zheng, the master of the Rongguo Mansion, was now only a fifth-rank doctor. I don’t know what Master Jia Zheng will think when he learns about this.

In one day, his parents were granted titles, and in the next moment they were promoted to officials. The whole family was filled with joy. Qingwen, Xiangling and others just wanted to congratulate them and thought of hosting a banquet and inviting a theater troupe to celebrate; but Fu Qiufang and Hongyu were particularly excited.

A doctor of the fifth rank! Even if there is no title inheritance, the master can wear a red robe just because of his official status! Hong Yu was secretly glad that thanks to her keen eyesight, she had identified Fourth Master Jian early on. Otherwise, as she got older, she would have been married to a boy out of nowhere, and how would she have been as happy and prosperous as she is now?

Fu Qiufang naturally had mixed feelings. She was desperate and had no choice but to expect that her lover would rise to prominence and become a top five doctor at such an age. Thinking about her brother who has been working hard for more than ten years and is only a sixth-level promotion officer, and the person next to her has been promoted two levels in just half a year, it is really like falling into a dream, and it is incredible to think about it even now.

Fu Qiufang was gentle and quiet, and she only cared about raising her husband and raising her children. Now there is no heir, and the husband does not need to bother to help. Then the happiness that the boudoir had been thinking about for twenty years suddenly fell on Fu Qiufang's head, catching her off guard and feeling quite inexplicable. .

After being in a daze for a while, Fu Qiufang came back to her senses and discussed with Hong Yu to get silver barley seeds and golden melon seeds as rewards for the servants who came to congratulate them one after another. They also arranged wine to invite the troupe.

When Hongyu asked if she wanted to send a message to her relatives and friends, Li Weijian hurriedly stopped her. He is now thinking about going south. If this matter spreads, he will definitely be crowded with guests, and he is afraid that it will take a few days to delay his departure. Li Weijian was pressed for time, how could he have the patience to welcome and send off like this?

He only said to everyone: "I am young now, and I have been awarded many rewards. If I go out in a big way, I am afraid that I will arouse the jealousy of others. I am just a doctor in the inner palace. I don't deserve anything. Let's just have a drink behind closed doors."

Fu Qiufang knew that in the officialdom, she was most afraid of being provocative and adhered to the golden mean. Seeing that her beloved was getting rewards one after another, she kept her true heart. She had a pair of charming eyes, and she nodded and said: "What the master said, let's close the door." Just celebrate.”

On that day, the Li family did not mention drinking and watching theater. In the evening, Fu Qiufang was moved and rarely took the initiative. During this period, she was lingering and lingering. There are poems to prove it: After taking a first bath in Qingxing Tangzhong, she sank into the gauze and felt intoxicated again. Only because she was trapped in the body, she won the favor of the Yi family's brocade tent. .


The next day, Li Weijian went to the imperial city to wait for him early in the morning.

After the court meeting, there will be a small yellow gate to lead the courtiers to enter one by one. When it was approaching noon, he was led around by the small yellow door and entered the royal study.

Li Weijian lowered his head and went inside. He raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of a bright red figure. He quickly saluted and paid homage: "Your Majesty, Li Weijian, pays homage to the saint!"

Emperor Zhenghe put aside his pen and ink, glanced at it and nodded: "I haven't seen him for several months, and he seems to have grown taller again after his resurrection."

Li Weijian said: "I didn't pay attention to it myself."

"Some things are like this, and the authorities are confused." Emperor Zhenghe stood up and walked around with his hands behind his hands, and then gave way: "Move a Jindun."

Dai Quan quickly agreed and sent Xiaohuangmen to move to Jindun. Li Weijian thanked him and sat down, then raised his eyes to look at the saint. After not seeing each other for several months, Xu Shi's clothes changed, and the saint became more regal. Only Dai Quan was left in the Imperial Study Room to serve around him, but Yuan Chun, whom he had seen last time, was not here.

At this time, Emperor Zhenghe said: "I heard that you are sure that you will go south to create a water service project?"

Li Weijian cupped his hands and said: "For the saint, I have read through the government records over the years and found that the purchase of frosted sugar by Westerners in Guangzhou has been increasing day by day. Not only has the price of frosted sugar not decreased in thirty years, but they have also given away a lot of money. Because I read through Ancient books revealed a method of making frosted sugar, which is much less expensive than today's mud-sealing method.

If this method is done properly, the imperial court can develop remote areas into sugar cane fields. Within ten years, the sugar cane business will far exceed the capital's water business, earning at least tens of millions of taels of silver every year. "

"Ten years -" Emperor Zhenghe frowned slightly.

Li Weijian observed the situation and thought to himself, yes, there will be a war with Junggar in summer and autumn. This war is about to start, and money and food will be spent like water. The saint was afraid that he could not wait that long and wanted a quick sum of money.

Li Weijian made some calculations and figured out that regarding cement, besides repairing rivers, he would also open up fertile farmland. This would be a great weapon to benefit the country and the people, and it was impossible for him, Li Weijian, to take the lion's share privately. Rather than being slandered by the emperor afterwards, it is better to spit it out in person now.

Because Li Weijian handed over his hand again and said: "In addition to the sugar business, I also ask the saint to issue a decree to allow me to establish the cement business."

"Cement service?"

Li Weijian said: "Years ago, I visited my mentor. My mentor thought about the sufferings of the people in the Huanghuai River and planned to repair the river channel at a high cost, so he felt very moved. When I looked back, I started to think about it, thinking that since the Sanhe soil is extremely strong, Can we use Sanhe soil to build embankments to relieve flood problems?"

Emperor Zhenghe smiled and nodded: "It's hard for Yan Qing to think about what the people want, but he is resurrected. This move is quite whimsical... Um... Could it be that there is something gained from resurrecting?"


Emperor Zhenghe perked up and asked, "Oh? What do you get?"

"Back to the sage, I crushed and calcined lime, clay, and broken iron slag. The resulting gray powder turned into stone when exposed to water. After a few days, it became comparable to rocks, and it is not afraid of being washed away by rain."

"Is there such a thing?" Emperor Zhenghe was shocked: "Is it really as hard as rock?"

Li Weijian said: "Well... I'm afraid it's not as good as it is. But the stones are made of cobblestones, sand, and bamboo tendons mixed with cement, whether it's for building cities or straightening rivers. It's expected to be enough. Calculate the cost of throwing away, and you can at least save it." Sixty percent."

"good very good!"

Li Weijian said: "I will first go to Guangdong and Guangxi to run the sugar business. Once I have achieved success, I will immediately go north to the south of the Yangtze River to find a place to start a cement business. If the saint allows me to raise funds and joint stock in Jiangnan, it is impossible to say-"

What can't be said? It can’t be said that it’s just another Jingshi Water!

Emperor Zhenghe frowned and waved his hands, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. After a while, Emperor Zhenghe asked: "Resurrection, can this cement recipe be kept secret easily?"

Li Weijian said truthfully: "Back to the saint, I'm afraid this matter is not easy. The materials used for cement are nothing more than lime, clay, and iron scraps. The cement must be built in a kiln for calcination. Although outsiders don't know it for a while, they can try it repeatedly later. Sooner or later you will figure out the recipe."


Emperor Zhenghe thought to himself, is it not just Huanghuai that is suffering from floods? Every time a local official takes office, he must win over the local big families and raise money to build bridges and roads. He not only earns fame but also gets real achievements, so he kills two birds with one stone.

However, there are still only a few capable local officials. Most of them went to the local area and saw that there were only a few people who responded, so they simply went about their lives.

Expect the government to pay? Oh, every summer and autumn tax, most of it is collected by the superiors. Even the salary of the six-room clerk comes from fire consumption. Where is there any extra money to rectify floods?

It is good that Li Weijian made cement, but the money——

Li Weijian looked at the saint's expression and hurriedly told him all about his subsequent methods, which made the saint stunned. A small piece of concrete sounds like it is not too complicated to build. Emperor Zhenghe initially only wanted to build a fortress on the grassland and the vast sea. If it continued to spread all the way, the Junggar traitors would be surrounded sooner or later. Later, he thought about building embankments, bridges and even roads, but never connected them with fertile farmland!

Build embankments with cement and then sell the fertile land obtained in the future. As long as there is one successful example, this cement business will probably spread like a snowball.

Although after opening up a land, it is not as promising as water affairs every year, but even if it is a one-time deal, Dashun is so vast that it will take many years to spread in Jiangnan alone. A high-quality paddy field in the south of the Yangtze River costs ten taels. If ten million acres are silted out, wouldn't that mean hundreds of millions of taels of silver?

With such methods, this is what Tao Zhu will do when he is alive, right?

Emperor Zhenghe was overjoyed, feeling that God had given Li Weijian to help him achieve great things. Because Li Weijian became more and more pleasing to his eyes, the age of the princesses was not quite the same as Li Weijian's, and both the emperor and the emperor wanted to marry the princess!

Do peers not intermarry? What a joke, the Li family in Guanlong is far different from the Li family in Huguang! Foreign relatives are not allowed to participate in politics? If the other prince-in-law could be as capable as Li Weijian, Emperor Zhenghe would also let him be an official!

Suddenly he thought of his younger brother's precious daughter Meng Qing, who was about the same age as him, but King Zhongyong's daughter was nothing like his daughter. He bluntly said that he would never get married before the age of eighteen... Li Weijian would already be in his twenties by then, so he was afraid that he would not get married until he turned 18. It can't take that long.

Well, we can discuss this later.

Emperor Zhenghe came to his senses and said sternly: "Resurrection is a great good! This time when you go south, I will give you the king's order flag to supervise the sugar and cement affairs."

King's flag? Dashun is not the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and there is no Shangfang Sword. This king's order flag is the imperial order. To put it bluntly, it is the imperial envoy, one level higher than the official.

Li Weijian was overjoyed and hurriedly worshiped: "I thank the saint."

But Emperor Jianzhenghe was worried and said: "Besides this, I will send another outpost to the capital to protect the resurrection. I will give you two more handwritten letters. If you encounter any difficulties in the place, you can use my handwritten letters to find them yourself." The local governor.”

Now it was Li Weijian's turn to be worried. He thought to himself: "Sage, my trip south will be short-lived, so I'm afraid I won't see great results."

Emperor Zhenghe said with a straight face, "How could I not know that haste makes waste? Fusheng is very thorough in his work and has many strange ideas. This time I am delegating power to you, so you can just use it freely."

Li Weijian breathed a sigh of relief and then thanked him. Afterwards, the monarch and his ministers talked for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, Dai Quan on the side reminded him repeatedly. Emperor Zhenghe remembered that he and his concubine had decided to spend noon together today, so he sent Dai Quan to send Li Weijian out of the palace. Holding a whisk in his hand, Dai Quan led the two little yellow gatekeepers Li Weijian out of the palace with a smile. He stopped at the palace gate and watched with a smile.

After turning around, Xiao Huangmen beside him said: "Godfather, look at this posture, this Master Li is very popular."

"Popular?" Dai Quan sneered: "How can a person like Mr. Li use the word "popular"?"


Dai Quan lowered his voice and said, "I'll teach you a good lesson today, but you can see that in ten or twenty years, Mr. Li will be a real tumbler!"

Xiaohuangmen couldn't help but secretly gasped, and said: "Godfather, Mr. Li is related to Rongguo Mansion. In this way, isn't that person from the Jia family——"

"What do you know?" Dai Quan scolded: "The Jia family is the Jia family, and Mr. Li is Mr. Li." After a pause, his voice lowered, and he said: "Let's put it this way, if the Jia family rebels at this time, Even if Mr. Li knows this and doesn't report it... the saint will probably turn a blind eye, do you understand?"

The two little yellow gates were immediately stunned. Is it not possible to punish such a serious crime as rebelling with knowledge but not reporting it? This Master Li is more than just a roly-poly, he is simply the magic needle that fixes the sea!


But when the newly baked tumbler Li Weijian came out of the palace, he was immediately filled with ambition. There was not much time left for him. He had to take care of the sugar and cement affairs within five months. During this period, he also had to take time to go back to Jinling to see his uncle, and even to Yangzhou.

In this case, this time must be calculated carefully. After leaving the palace city, Li Weijian felt very excited. How could he be patient about riding in a carriage at this moment? After driving Ding Rusong to the carriage, he rode the horse and left.

It was still early at this moment, and the teacher Yan Xiyao might not have left the office yet, because Li Weijian rode to the outer city and delivered all the drawings of the pot camel machine and the next generation steam engine that had been prepared long ago.

That day, following Li Weijian's instructions, the craftsmen used the steam engine to drive the boring machine and did a little experiment. Unless there were some waste cutter heads, which would break from time to time at high speed, everything else was fine.

Li Weijian previously presided over the reverberating mixing furnace to smelt a pile of high-carbon steel, but he was worried that it would be useless, so he simply made it into a knife head.

Li Weijian called three factory managers again and carefully explained his production plan for the past few months before he left.

When it was approaching Shen's time, Li Weijian arrived at Yan's Mansion.

After waiting for a while, the teacher Yan Xiyao returned to the mansion. When the two of them entered the study, the servants served them tea, and Li Weijian told them about the meeting and farewell.

"Fusheng is leaving now? Why are you so eager?" Yan Xiyao asked in confusion.

Li Weijian smiled bitterly and said: "Time waits for us. If the disciple cannot come back within five months, the war will not be able to catch up. The prince agreed earlier and said he would take me to Qinghai to earn some military merit."

Yan Xiyao stared: "Military merit? Why is the resurrection like this?"

Li Weijian said insincerely, "Isn't it true that military merit is required for further advancement in title?"

Yan Xiyao immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "I still expect to be resurrected to take charge of the government after serving as an official. How can I be resurrected to be a noble?"

Li Weijian said: "Teacher, what you said is wrong. When the emperor was in power, there was a Jia Banchao. Who said that nobles and nobles should not be in charge of the government?"

Yan Xiyao snorted with a straight face: "Jia Banchao? What about the Jia family now? Fusheng has always been far-sighted, so why did he lose his mind when it came to the title? In the past dynasties, honors and honors were only two dynasties, and after that, they didn't use civility to control military affairs?" It is really unwise for a nobleman who has been resurrected to work as a laborer to fight for his life on the battlefield!"

After a pause, Yan Xiyao said again: "No, Resurrection has always acted safely, so why are you so eager on this matter? Is there something hidden?"

Li Weijian lamented in his heart, knowing that he could not hide it from his teacher. After thinking about it, he changed his words and said: "Teacher also knows that the war in Qinghai is related to the revolution. If our country is defeated, I am afraid that the saint and the New Deal...Teacher also knows that the student is Coming from a background of practical learning, if another saint fails to take practical learning seriously in the future, wouldn’t the disciple end up in vain?

Thinking about how prominent Wang Xue was in the pre-Song Dynasty, Wang Xue was still popular for decades, so this practical learning cannot be compared to Wang Xue. "

Yan Xiyao stared at Li Weijian and saw that he did not seem to be faking, so he said: "But the ability to resurrect is not in the war, so what's the use of going away?"

Li Weijian got excited and said: "Teacher, I don't know that this disciple is also quite accomplished in the military. The new gun, the new gun mount, the range table, and the newly built Dongfeng rocket are not just a boast of the disciple. If the disciple alone can command an army , although I don’t know if I can win, but at least I won’t lose the battle.”

Yan Xiyao blinked, blowing his beard and glaring: "You kid with a yellow mouth, he's full of nonsense!"

Li Weijian immediately smiled playfully. Teachers are such people. The closer they are to someone, the more they get scolded. If they are mortal enemies, Yan Xiyao just smiles on his face and secretly plots his fate in his heart.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Yan Xiyao thought that there were still a few months left, so he might as well wait until then. So he turned around and said, "When you go south this time, take a trip to Yangzhou and visit Lin Yansi on behalf of your teacher."

Li Weijian was startled and said, "Lin Yansi...isn't it bad?"

Yan Xiyao shook his head and sighed, and said: "In the winter months, the Salt Secretary reported that Lin Ruhai was seriously ill. The saint was so frightened that he quickly sent an imperial doctor to Yangzhou. Now that the imperial doctor is taking care of him carefully, Ruhai's condition is still good and bad. I'm afraid... …”

Li Weijian frowned along with Yan Xiyao. For some reason, he only felt a little sorry for Lin Ruhai, and then worried about Daiyu.

A moment passed, and it wasn't until Yan Xiyao called out a few times that Li Weijian came back to his senses.

Before Yan Xiyao could ask, Li Weijian bowed his hands and said, "Teacher, I still have something to ask for."

Yan Xiyao said, "Just tell me."

Li Weijian once said that Yan Xiyao was dumbfounded after hearing this. "Have you... thought about it?" Yan Xiyao said, "I heard that Miss Lin has been weak since she was a child. It's not certain whether she will grow up in the future."

"Teacher, my disciple has made up his mind."

Seeing this, Yan Xiyao could only nod his head and said: "Forget it, come to my place before leaving. I have to think about how to write this letter."

Li Weijian breathed a sigh of relief and talked briefly for a while before Shi Shiran returned home.


Next day, everyone in the Li family was busy, either packing their luggage or buying earthenware items. Fu Qiufang and Hongyu stayed in the capital, rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find all the spring and summer clothes they needed.

It didn't matter what he was looking for. Although the spring shirt was still new, no matter the material or style, it was no longer worthy of Li Weijian. Because Fu Qiufang was busy making new clothes for Li Weijian.

Fortunately, the materials were all ready-made. Qingwen took them from the warehouse and took over. No one else needed help, and she could make a set of clothes in one day. The dexterity of his hands amazes all the girls.

Li Weijian had no time to spare that day. He first went to the Yamen to order his mao, and then left Du Yusi before noon, picked up his horse and headed towards Rongguo Mansion.

When he went south, he would always return to Jinling, where his relatives were bound, and he would always inform the Rongguo Mansion to ask what he should bring.

When they arrived at Derongguo Mansion, Jia Zheng had not left the office yet, so Li Weijian went straight through the Neiyi Gate and headed towards Jia Mu's courtyard.

Just after passing through the hanging flower gate, I bumped into Wang Xifeng who had just come out.

"Brother Jian?" Wang Xifeng suddenly felt happy when she saw Li Weijian.

After tossing and turning that day without sleeping peacefully, Wang Xifeng began to murmur in her heart that her aunt was not easy to get along with. If the money she earned afterwards was taken by the public servant, wouldn't it mean that she was making wedding clothes for others in vain?

And the dowry is not that easy to sell, just the decorative jewelry, gold necklaces and the like. Keep some commonly used ones, and you won't be able to tell that they are missing. The shop and farm are all there on paper. If they were gone, it would definitely attract everyone’s attention.

After some calculations, I can only find seven or eight thousand silver. Now that Jia Lian has gone to Yangzhou again, he has no hope at all. What should he do? Wang Xifeng has been thinking about it for the past few days, and has been thinking about finding a partner who is not short of money to run this business.

When I suddenly saw Li Weijian today, I suddenly realized that someone who is not short of money is right in front of me! Brother Jian’s wealth is more than one million? Just a tiny bit of leakage between fingers is enough for Wang Xifeng to hold it and run a greenhouse to make a living.

"Second sister-in-law."

Wang Xifeng came closer and said with a smile: "Brother Jian, why are you here today?"

"Second sister-in-law, I have been sent on a mission and will be heading south soon. I will probably stay in Jinling for a while. Why don't you hurry up and tell the old lady that if you have anything to bring, I will bring it over. ”

Wang Xifeng was shocked: "Brother Jian is leaving? When will he come back?"

Li Weijian wondered, why does Sister Feng care about him so much? He replied: "I won't be able to return until mid-June."

It's not even February yet. If you think about it, wouldn't it take half a year?

Wang Xifeng turned around and followed Li Weijian inside: "Hey, are you going to go for so long?"

Li Weijian said: "Second sister-in-law doesn't need to accompany me..."

"It doesn't matter. Brother Jian also knows that everything in this house is trivial. It doesn't matter if it's early or late. Brother Jian is going to travel far. This is a big deal."

While talking, the two hugged Xia and entered the Rongqing Hall. At this moment, Jia Mu was about to have lunch when Yuanyang reported. Jia Mu put down her chopsticks and turned around to see Li Weijian and Wang Xifeng walking in together.

Since Li Weijian was knighted, Jia Mu became more and more friendly to him, so she smiled and said, "Brother Jian is here? Come on, I'm worried that I can't eat anything at lunch. Brother Jian, come and have some."

Li Weijian cupped his hands and thanked her: "Hey, I'll thank the old lady then."

Yuanyang smiled and led Li Weijian to clean his hands.

After Li Weijian was done with it, Wang Xifeng had already told Jia Mu about the matter. Jia Mu asked in surprise: "Brother Jian is going back to Jinling?"

"I'm going south on errands, and I'll probably pass by Jinling."

Jia Mu then said, "If it's cheap, brother Jian will help bring some earthen rituals along the way."

The Jia family has twenty rooms, twelve of which live in their hometown in Jinling. I can't write two characters "Jia" in one stroke, so if it's inconvenient to come and go, that's all. If someone comes along, I'll naturally need a letter and some local rituals.

Li Weijian smiled and agreed, and Jia Mu asked again: "When does Brother Jian plan to set off?"

"Probably the day after tomorrow."

"So eager?"

Wang Xifeng said: "Ancestors, please don't forget that Brother Jian is still on an errand."

Jia Mu asked, "Is this how you got the trust?"

"I just got it yesterday."

"I didn't expect Brother Jian to have prepared anything. So, you don't have to chat with me after lunch. Just go home and prepare."

Li Weijian smiled and agreed, then used some pastries and stood up to leave. As soon as he left Rongqing Hall, Wang Xifeng chased him from behind.

"Brother Jian, let me see you off."

Li Weijian nodded, paused slightly, and waited for Wang Xifeng to catch up, then the two of them walked side by side. He is a talented person. How could he not see that Wang Xifeng is so eager?

Because he smiled and asked in a low voice: "Second sister-in-law, is there something wrong?"

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "As expected, I can't hide it from Brother Jian... I am still doing the business of making a living in the greenhouse."

Li Weijian slowed down slightly, and Wang Xifeng said: "To be honest, if I don't have enough money, I want to form a joint venture with Brother Jian."

Li Weijian asked: "Second sister-in-law, how much money is still missing?"

Wang Xifeng frowned and calculated: "This Zhuangzi is ready-made, but the glass is expensive. After calculation, I still need seven or eight thousand silver."

After a pause, Wang Xifeng said something else, and Li Weijian nodded and said, "It's such a small amount of money. I'll talk to Qiu Fang later, and my second sister-in-law will send someone to discuss it with Qiu Fang."

Wang Xifeng was immediately stunned... It's seven or eight thousand silver, so he nodded?

 Happy New Year everyone! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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