Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 201 If you don’t accept it, sue!

Chapter 201 If you don’t accept it, sue!

The white fish had gone bad early in the morning, and most ordinary people would steam it. Although the woman saw fine silks, silks, satins, and gold and silver, she still dug vegetable oil from the jar and fried it.


When the bad fish is put into the pot, the unique aroma immediately fills the air. Qingwen sniffed it, and her childhood memories were immediately brought back. It seems like when I was a child, my mother would only be willing to cook it with vegetable oil during holidays. The fish meat is mixed with vegetable oil, the outside is crispy, and the inside is tender and chewy. One bite is a delicacy in the world.

Qingwen couldn't help but move her index finger and asked, "Mom, sister-in-law of the Liu family is still in the village?"

"Fleeing -" the woman paused and said, "The whole of Kunshan was flooded the year before last, and there was no food to be found. The Liu family took their children to Songjiang."


"Oh." The woman quickly took out the white fish and placed it next to the stove. She also moved a bamboo table and placed it in front of Qingwen. She then placed the plate of white fish on it and handed over the chopsticks. The woman forced a smile and said, "Eat it while it's hot."

"Yeah." Qingwen picked up a piece of chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing it a little. It was indeed the taste in her memory. After eating a few mouthfuls, seeing her mother secretly swallowing her saliva, Qingwen quickly greeted her: "Mom, you eat too. I just ate not long ago, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it."

The woman just said she was not hungry yet and refused to move her chopsticks. Qingwen was about to eat silently when she heard the woman say: "The flood the year before last, your brother... happened to be catching eels by the bridge. A wave came over and they disappeared. Your father went twenty miles away and found no trace of eels. No one was found."

Qingwen paused with her chopsticks and remained silent. If it wasn't because she was a girl, how could she be betrayed to someone else?

The woman added: "There is no harvest from the fields, and I am sick again. Dad Nai has no choice but to sell Yu'er... too."

After sniffing, the woman said sadly: "Since I recovered from my illness, I have been secretly saving money. I thought that whether it was a magpie or a robin, I would have to redeem one." As if she was afraid that Qingwen wouldn't believe it, the woman got up and went I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets inside, and after a long while I found out the scattered silver taels wrapped in a handkerchief, and said with a smile on my face: "Look, I have saved two taels now."

How could Qingwen still hold back? He threw away his chopsticks and threw himself into his mother's arms: "Mother~"

"Don't cry, don't cry. Now that you are doing well, mother is relieved. Don't cry, mother will sing to you... In the spring, the mantis calls the boat to go on the spring boat, the dragonfly rocks the boat, and the grasshopper supports the boat and builds a pergola. The cooler it gets..."

Qingwen cried harder and harder, sobbing and twitching, and in the blink of an eye a large area of ​​the woman's clothes was wet. After a long while, Qingwen stopped crying and hurriedly rummaged through her purse and said, "Mom, keep this bank note and redeem it if you find Yu'er."

Although the woman was illiterate, she still recognized the numbers on the banknotes and was immediately shocked: "Quieer, where did you get so much money?"

Qingwen said: "I collect money every month, plus the reward from the fourth master during the New Year, it makes up to fifty taels. It could have been more, but many officials have extorted money from me several times." She seemed to be afraid. Not enough money, Qingwen gritted her teeth and took off a green hairpin from her head: "Mom, this hairpin——"

"No, I can't have it, mother." The woman said anxiously, "If the face is missing, people will ask again later..."

Qingwen said: "It doesn't matter, since you gave it to me, it's mine." Suddenly she thought of the deed in her armhole, and she hurriedly took it out and said: "Mom, keep this deed. Dad... He sold four acres of our land."


"I begged the fourth master, who bought it. Nowadays, water conservancy projects are being built in various parts of Suzhou. Kunshan will be free of floods in one or two years. The land in our house is worth not only nine taels, but fifty taels." .”


"Mom, put it away quickly. If he sees it, he might exchange it for yellow soup."

"You gave it all to me, where are you, Que'er?"

Qingwen sniffed, smiled and said: "Fourth Master dotes on me. I don't need money for food, clothing, makeup, etc. Mom, just keep it."

The woman only said that Qingwen was just saying something nice, and she might be feeling sad behind the scenes. Because of the red circles in his eyes, he said: "Quie'er, I have no ability, I can't redeem you... If you encounter difficulties in the future, you have to think about the good things. You should also calm down your little temper, that young master can pamper you for a while. , how can I pamper you forever?"

"I know, Mom, don't worry about it." Qingwen stood up, took the chopsticks and forced them into the woman's hands: "Mom, I really can't eat this fish, you can eat some too."

"it is good."


In the carriage at the entrance of the alley, a bowl of sweet soup was placed on the small table. The spoon was stirred slightly. Li Weijian picked up a spoon and tasted it briefly, then felt disappointed.

This sweet soup made with chicken head rice is indeed best eaten in July and August. The chicken head rice left over from the season is really not fresh. But at least it still tastes good.

It was past noon at this time, long past the agreed time. Wu Haining was bored with waiting. He ran to the corner to count ants, but Li Weijian had no intention of urging him.

When mother and daughter meet again, if they meet briefly and then break up, the relationship will definitely fall apart. She hasn't come out yet, do you think she can resolve Qingwen's knot this time?

Near the end of the day, the wood door opened, and Qingwen walked out of the small courtyard reluctantly. The woman kept sobbing, and Qingwen was wiping her tears while giving instructions. After a long while, the woman leaned against the door and watched Qingwen get on the carriage while turning back three times.

"Fourth Master..."

Seeing Qingwen's eyes like a pair of rotten peaches, Li Weijian sighed and said, "Why don't you stay a little longer?"

Qingwen just cried and shook her head: "We have to leave anyway, what's the difference if it's later or earlier?"

Li Weijian thought to himself: "If you are reluctant to let go, why don't you go back and I will send someone to take your parents to the capital together. Master, my family has a big business, so I don't need to accommodate two people."

Qingwen shook her head and said, "My mother is not in good health. I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the cold after going to the capital."

Li Weijian stopped persuading and took Qingwen's hand and stroked it. As the carriage rolled, Qingwen looked back through the window at the figure in front of the chaimen, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

Before going out, my mother told me not to make any noise, so as not to let the neighbors know about it and then tell his father. Qingwen endured it until she could see the alley. Finally, Qingwen couldn't help but shout: "Mother~"

The woman covered her mouth tightly and opened her mouth to scream. Although Qingwen didn't hear the response, she knew that her mother was also shouting "Quieer".

The separation of flesh and blood is the most touching thing. After the carriage was far away, Li Weijian took Qingwen in his arms and kept comforting her, saying that he would come and see his mother when he had time the next day.

Qingwen cried for a while, until the carriage left Suzhou City, she whispered: "Fourth Master, mother has never forgotten me."


"Suck~ Mom even saved up money to redeem me."


Once the depression of several years was relieved, Qingwen cried as if to vent her feelings, and she felt extremely happy in her heart. She held Li Weijian tightly, and after a long while she said, "Fourth Master, will I really be able to come back and see my mother in a few years?"

"Oh, have I ever lied to you?"

Qingwen burst into laughter and kept rubbing her forehead against Li Weijian's chest.

All the way to Depanxiang Temple, it was almost dusk. The carriage stopped and the two people got off it. Li Weijian glanced casually and saw a wisp of red clothes walking towards the lake.

During these busy days, even if I bumped into Xing Xiuyan, I only said a few words and said goodbye in a hurry. Thinking that he would set off tomorrow, Li Weijian's heart moved and he said to Qingwen: "You go back first, I'll go down and take a look around."

In the past, Qingwen would have asked more questions. But at this time, Qingwen was so busy thinking about her mother that she forgot to ask further questions and only asked Li Weijian to come back soon.

Li Weijian agreed, and immediately led two forbidden soldiers towards the lake.

The sun was setting over the western mountains, and the sunset was turning into beautiful colors. Li Weijian was walking leisurely by the lake embankment, with two imperial guardsmen dotted far behind him. Perhaps he had made a mistake just now. Li Weijian searched for a long time but could not see Xing Xiuyan.

He smiled to himself and said that he was afraid that he would not have the chance to say goodbye, and then simply stopped by the lake embankment and looked at Xishan Island in the south.

All the cement produced on the island every day is transported to Suzhou and Kunshan by boat. Now the prefect Zhuang Yougong is mobilizing the people to build stone ponds. It is expected that the rainy season in June will be better this year. At least 60% of the land in Kunshan will not become Zeguo.

This time, without waiting for the opening of the stock exchange, all the 40% of the stocks were sold out, which was regarded as making friends with the Jiangnan gentry. This time it was just a familiarity, but because time was so tight, I could only wait until another time to socialize with these gentry.

However, he and these gentry were completely in harmony with each other. Even if they didn't deliberately make friends, these people would sooner or later get on Li Weijian's pirate ship. The proprietors of the weaving fields sent people to Beijing one after another to buy pot camel machines. When steam engines bloomed everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River, this area naturally became Li Weijian's supporter and base.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a scent wafted from a distance. Li Weijian sniffed, then turned to look around, and saw smoke curling up from the cooking pots beside the rice fields. The man in red clothes was squatting at some point, cooking delicious food.

Li Weijian smiled and walked towards the car. Before she got close, the little girl Zhuan'er said angrily: "Why are you here to steal food again?"

Li Weijian laughed loudly, Xing Xiuyan scolded him quickly, then stood up to express his annoyance.

Li Weijian's mind was not on eating. He nodded slightly towards Xing Xiuyan and said with a smile: "Miss Xing, please entertain me again and again. If the girl comes to the capital one day, I will certainly entertain you."

Xing Xiuyan immediately heard the meaning of farewell and asked, "Is the doctor leaving?"

"Yes, something has happened here. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the capital, so I have to leave."

Xing Xiuyan had heard his father talk about the cement business these days, and he didn't care about making money. She only knew that the cement was a very good thing. It was said that the cement was as solid as a boulder and was cheaper than stone. Now Suzhou Prefecture is dredging rivers and building stone ponds. It is unlikely that floods will be eliminated from now on.

Xing Xiuyan felt grateful in his heart, bowed down and said, "The doctor has benefited the people of Jiangnan this time. Those who survive due to the doctor's kindness in the future will definitely remember the doctor's actions today."

Li Weijian said: "I don't care much whether the people remember it or not. I always only want to be clear in my heart when I act."

Xing Xiuyan knew, however, that the people would probably only remember the local officials who built the stone ponds, and not many would remember Li Weijian, who founded the cement industry. She bit her lower lip and said, "Others may not know it, but civilian girls remember it."

Li Weijian took a deep look at him and sighed, "Just remember?"

Xing Xiuyan blinked, suddenly at a loss. Li Weijian suddenly took two steps forward, picked up a pair of chopsticks from the bamboo basket, lifted up his robe, squatted down, picked up a piece of river eel and started eating: "There must be something practical... This pot of river eel is even Xing." It’s a thank you gift from the girl.”

"Uh..." Xing Xiuyan was speechless for a while. Li Langzhong, Li Caishen, moved the south of the Yangtze River and shook the Yangtze River. Countless gentry flocked to him, crying and throwing money at him... but he came like a lazy guy to grab the braised river eels made for Zhuan'er.

Zhuan'er was really anxious: "Sister, look, he's here to grab food again!"

Xing Xiuyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she could only comfort Zhuan'er: "Don't worry, I'll do it for you later."

How can Zhuaner be willing to listen? Angrily, he squatted down, carrying chopsticks like flying, and started fighting with Li Weijian. There wasn't much in the pot of river eel, but it was all snatched away by two people, one large and one small, in just a moment.

After eating, Li Weijian wiped his mouth, stood up, laughed, and held his hand towards Xing Xiuyan: "Thank you for the treat, miss. See you later."

Then he turned around and left, leaving only Xing Xiuyan and Zhuan'er in a mess beside the rice fields - how could such a good doctor in the inner palace be like this?


But Li Weijian Shi Shiran returned to Panxiang Temple, while Qingwen and Xiangling were packing their bags. Wu Haining came over and handed over a letter saying: "Sir, a letter from Guangzhou."

"Oh?" Li Weijian took the letter, unfolded it and looked at it, then a smile appeared on his face.

After six hundred miles of expedited delivery to the capital, the factory worked overtime to build several more centrifuges and sent them to Guangzhou along with the pot camel machines.

Jia Yun thought about it for more than ten days and finally figured out how to make white sugar. First, use carbon powder to remove the floating color, and then boil the massecuite. Then the massecuite is divided into three centrifuges A, B, and C. The A centrifuge must be started intermittently, and the white sugar part is used as a primer and thrown into the B centrifuge. , the white sugar obtained in machine B is then used as a starter, and thrown into machine C... The white sugar obtained by this method looks like cotton, and when it is blown up, it looks like sand.

The impurities deposited by the toner were only used to fertilize the fields at first. When the machine was started, the deposits accumulated so much that there was no time to clean them up. In addition, the weather in Guangzhou was hot. Over time, vinegar actually brewed!

Jia Yun was very thoughtful, thinking that since this thing could make vinegar, there was no reason why it couldn't make wine. Because he led people to collect the sediment, mixed it with sugarcane bagasse, and threw away the distiller's yeast for fermentation, and sure enough, wine was brewed!

In this way, a rough calculation of the cane sugar business shows that although there is an additional fuel cost, it saves a large part of the labor cost. In addition, the residue can also be used to make wine, and the white sugar obtained is completely different from the past. Especially the white sugar, which is as soft as white sand, can be sold for a high price of four taels of silver per load even in Guangzhou!

Calculated in this way, after the transformation of the sugar sugar business, compared with the previous increase in production and efficiency, the income is at least 60% higher! Now, following Li Weijian's instructions, Jia Yun is signing underwriting contracts with farmers, waiting for a big start next year!

Li Weijian knew that sugarcane cultivation in Guangdong was only a small one, and the real big one was Guangxi. There is a precedent in Guangdong, and the cane sugar business can be replicated in accordance with the law. Next year, the cane sugar business can be set up in Jiangxi and Guangxi. With another ten years of training, earning tens of millions per year will not be a problem at all. After receiving the letter, Li Weijian ironed it in his heart. This Jia Yun is a lucky general. Things he didn't understand clearly fell into his hands and were taken care of.

Now he just wears the name of book office. With this merit, he can get an official position immediately. If there are too many, I dare not say that the officials in the Guangzhou government do not dare to take advantage of Mo Jia Yun's merits. If I recommend him again, I will give him a ninth-grade deacon and he will not run away.

It would take a year or two before the sugar business could get on the right track, but unexpectedly this time it was all in vain. In autumn and winter, there will be a war with Junggar. This time, as long as we win a small victory and do not fall into the reputation of a saint, we have the capital's water affairs, cement affairs, and sugar affairs to provide blood transfusions for Dashun. If we fight again in the future, even if we use money to smash them, we can kill Junggars!

In a good mood, Li Weijian pulled Qingwen around and had a rough time that night. At first, she couldn't help herself, and almost went into the alley, but when she was about to stop, Qingwen came to Tiankui. Li Weijian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to let Qingwen wait for him for a while before falling into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, a guard of forbidden troops escorted Li Weijian towards Xushuguan. This is the canal pass, where you can board the official ship and go north, crossing the Yangtze River to Yangzhou.

At that time, Li Weijian only informed Zhuang Yougong and others, but not the rest of the Jiangnan gentry. If this matter spreads, I'm afraid it will take a while before we can leave for the north.

Now that the Dragon Boat Festival has passed, Li Weijian not only has to visit Sister Lin, but also has to go back to the Li family's old house to stay for a while. This time is extremely tight, so he keeps everything simple.

After getting on the official ship in the afternoon, a small official from Chaoguan informed him that the Suzhou gentry knew that Li Weijian did not want to disturb the place, so there was no farewell banquet and only some local rituals were sent on board.

Li Weijian looked at the ten huge boxes and cages and couldn't laugh or cry. Except for two boxes of food, the rest were all made of silk and satin. Even Qingwen and Xiangling were dazzled by them.

Li Weijian stood on the bow of the boat and couldn't help but sigh: "I traveled in a hurry, but I didn't expect to be rich and famous."

Xiangling wondered: "Could it be that Fourth Master is writing poetry again?"

Qingwen pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's the kind of money that can lead to the gods." She thought to herself that the fourth master's wealth and reputation are better than his talent. It's better to have Zi Chun's heart rippling.

"So he is so rich and famous." Xiang Ling laughed for a long time.

The two maids counted the silks and satins in the cage, and then Qingwen asked: "Fourth Master, should we go back to Jinling directly?"

"Well... let's go to Yangzhou first. Lin Yansi... I'm afraid that time is running out."

Qingwen couldn't help but curl her lips secretly. Going to visit Lin Yansi? I'm afraid he was going after Miss Lin. Who around him doesn’t know what Fourth Master Jian is thinking?


——Have a dream of Yangzhou for ten years, and won the reputation of a brothel.

——With a hundred thousand guan tied around his waist, he rode a crane down to Yangzhou.

Poems from past dynasties have highlighted the prosperity of Yangzhou, which is due to its location at the hub of the canal. In the Dashun Dynasty, although Yangzhou Prefecture was not as prosperous as before in the Ming Dynasty due to the distribution of profits by shipping, it was still prosperous due to the salt policy.

Li Weijian has been to Yangzhou twice and talked a lot with Lin Ruhai in private, so he learned a lot about the inside story. The Dashun court's annual salt tax is only four million taels, but the salt merchants can earn fifteen million taels!

Fifteen million taels, you can earn half of Jingshi Water Affairs in a year!

These salt merchants were burned by money. When fighting for wealth, they would spread gold foil on high-rise buildings. They spent three thousand taels of gold to buy the entire Suzhou tumbler, and then poured it into the river to directly block the river.

During his tour to the south, the emperor casually said, "There is a pagoda missing here." At that time, the richest man in Yangzhou saw the appearance of the White Pagoda in the capital and built a nine-story pagoda overnight. Taishang was surprised to find that the salt merchant was so rich that he could rival the country.

In Li Weijian's previous life, Suzhou's gardens were famous all over the world, but now, they are all left over from the Yangzhou salt merchants. At this time, there was a jingle in Jiangnan: Hangzhou looks at the lakes and mountains, Suzhou looks at the markets, and Yangzhou looks at the gardens.

It was the salt merchant who built the White Pagoda for the Supreme Being. His family’s garden included a lotus pond and a plum garden of more than ten acres. The garden was so exquisite that even the Supreme Being was amazed when he saw it...

Such a large amount of money would make even the emperor jealous. Therefore, when Emperor Zhenghe became the head of the family, he began to think about reforming the salt law. Well...the so-called reform is to attack the eight major salt merchants in Yangzhou. The pigs are so fat that at the end of the year they have to be killed for meat.

The boat sailed for two days and arrived in Yangzhou at noon. Here, the Yamen of the inner government sent carriages and horses to greet him. Li Weijian went to the post house first to make arrangements, and then sent someone to the Salt Bureau to deliver a greeting card.

Turning around, it was already the eighth day of May. Li Weijian drove in a simple carriage and headed towards Yansi Yamen with only Qingwen accompanying him.

The Yansi Yamen is located on Yunsi Street in Beicheng. As the carriages and horses approach the street, they will see the towering archway. Opposite the screen wall is the Yansi Yamen.

As the chariot and horses approached, the gate saw that the man who came had an extraordinary bearing, and that there were forbidden troops accompanying him, so he immediately welcomed the general. Wu Haining said: "My master is a second-class baron. He is a doctor in the Kuaiji Department of the inner palace. Li Tao is frugal. He sent a greeting card yesterday and this time he came to pay homage to Lord Yun Si Lin."

The doorman cupped his hands and said: "It turns out that Mr. Li is in person. I have already told you that Mr. Li is not an outsider. Please go directly to the inner house, even though you are young."

Li Weijian opened the carriage under the curtain, nodded slightly at the door, and then led Qingwen inside.

On the three-bay door, there was a large gilt calligraphy inscription on the plaque, "Lianghuai Salt Transport Department". Li Weijian was thinking of Sister Lin in his heart, but he didn't pay attention to the couplets on both sides.

The last time I came here, I still walked through the corner gate, but now it's different. Li Weijian is an official of the fifth rank and has a title of second rank. He is a distinguished guest no matter what.

Because the middle gate was wide open, someone had already come in to report. In just a moment, the co-president, the deputy envoy and the three judges in the middle were all full of energy and came forward to greet them.

Just talking about official positions, the highest ranking among them is only from the fifth rank, because when they were greeting each other, the five of them took the lead in raising their hands to Li Weijian and said: "I am waiting for you, Mr. Li!"

Li Weijian laughed loudly as he returned the gift and said, "My colleagues have invited me. I'm here for private matters, not official matters, so I don't need to be so solemn." After a pause, Li Weijian looked at his colleague and said, "Uncle Cui, I don't know the salt department." Is your body in good health?"

Cui Jun looked bitter and said thoughtfully: "This... In February, the saint sent an imperial doctor, and he nursed him back to health for more than a month, but he still didn't get better. In March, he invited Xu Daye, a famous doctor from Jiangnan, to nurse him for more than a month, and he only got better in the first half of the month. No, I don’t want to…”

Li Weijian frowned and said, "Do you know what kind of disease you have?"

Cui Jun shook his head and said: "There are different opinions... but Doctor Xu said that Yan Si suffered from poisonous evil accumulation."

Li Weijian frowned and secretly wondered, could this Lin Ruhai be poisoned? Then he thought about it and said, "That's all, Uncle Cui is busy. I went to see the Salt Division on my own. Let's talk later."

But Cui Jun seemed hesitant to speak. When the deputy saw this, he cupped his hands towards Li Weijian and said: "I guess Mr. Li and Cui Tongzhi are very familiar with each other, so they must have something to explain. In this case, the officials and others will go back to the second hall to take care of things. It’s official business.”

After a brief exchange of greetings, the deputy envoy led the three judges back. It was only then that Cui Jun came closer and said, "Master Li——"

Li Weijian quickly interrupted: "Uncle Cui, this is not official, it's just a personal friendship between us."

Cui Jun nodded and said: "Resurrection, this time Ruhai is quite dangerous. On the Dragon Boat Festival, people were ordered to buy longevity materials. When the Lin family heard about this, they rushed over from Gusu. Ruhai was seriously ill, and his grandson The aunt is just a concubine, and Miss Lin has to take care of everything.

Because of several people named Lin, Miss Lin was stunned several times. "

Li Weijian immediately became angry. Does anyone dare to make Sister Lin angry? Baoyu's guy had offended Sister Lin. Li Weijian was not very aggressive on the surface, but he was very cruel in private. Hey, he wanted to see who could offend Sister Lin without opening his eyes!

Then I thought it was wrong, so I hurriedly said: "Didn't you say that Jia Lian sent Sister Lin back? Where are the others?"

Cui Jun said: "The Jia family's surname is Jia, how can they live in Lin Yansi's house? I sent Miss Lin back in the twelfth lunar month, stayed for a few days, and then went to Jinling."

"I see." Li Weijian cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Uncle Cui, for the suggestion. I will handle this matter myself."

Cui Jun originally wanted to give a few words of advice, but then he thought about it, now that Li Weijian is so different, why should he still worry about those Lin family members who don't have a starter?

Because of this, he nodded and said: "Okay, go to Fusheng. It seems that Yan Si is getting better today and is awake now."

The two of them stopped talking, and Cui Jun sent the clerk to lead Li Weijian to the back house to look for him.

The Yansi Yamen is vast. There is a Yimen in the foyer, which is divided into the lobby, the second hall, the third hall, the Jingxian Tower, the Qingyan Hall, the warehouse and the inner chamber.

After passing through three halls, you can enter the inner house through the corner door. The Lin family's housekeeper knew Li Weijian, and when he saw him coming forward with the clerk, the housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Master Li, you are finally here."

Li Weijian said: "Steward Yu, how is Uncle Lin doing today?"

Butler Yu led the way and said, "The master woke up early in the morning and just had some rice porridge before going to bed. Now the girl and my aunt are taking care of him." After a pause, Butler Yu stopped talking.

Li Weijian caught a glimpse of his expression and said with a smile: "Uncle Lin has been a favor to me. I just heard that a few idiots came to the house to make trouble. Uncle Lin is sick and has no time to care. I can't say that today I have to step in and take over for Uncle Lin." As soon as I get home.”

Butler Yu was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Li, thank you, Mr. Li!"

After entering the inner house for the third time, Li Weijian followed Butler Yu to the main house in a blink of an eye, and heard the sound of quarrels in the distance.

"Who doesn't know Xu Daye? He was famous for being a prodigal in his early years. He only learned medical skills after his family's fortune failed. He is also considered a famous doctor? Daiyu, if you listen to me, pay me two hundred taels of silver. I will set off immediately. In three to five days Then I found Ye Gui, the first doctor in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Ye Gui is seventy and eighty years old. He has stopped asking for medical treatment for a long time. If you ask me, it is better to go to Taoist Huaiyun. He is a famous doctor, okay?"

A female voice said: "Mr. Ye has stopped asking for medical advice a long time ago. Master Huaiyun wandered away last year. I'm afraid -"

The rough male voice scolded: "You concubine, how can you say anything?"

Another male voice said: "Daiyu, can we still deceive you? To put it bluntly, if Ruhai has a good thing and a bad thing, the second uncle will always take you to Gusu to raise you until you keep your filial piety and get married. These are all members of our own family, and if we can’t write two characters of Lin in one stroke, how could the second uncle harm Ru Hai?”

I heard a female voice that looked like an oriole saying: "Although my second uncle said it, my niece knows it. It's just that Dr. Xu is good at this subject, and my father has gotten better last month -"

The rough male voice said: "How is it getting better? Oh, half-dead, like a tuberculosis ghost, you wake up for a few hours every day and you get better? Isn't that funny?"

"Eh? Yu'er's words are not easy to talk nonsense——"

Li Weijian felt angry after hearing this. He walked a few steps past Butler Yu, crossed the threshold and entered. Then I saw a woman in her early twenties with a droopy head sitting beside her. Two men, one old and one young, occupied the main seat. Daiyu, who had lost a lot of weight, was squeezed to the bottom.

Daiyu hadn't heard the sound yet. When the two of them caught a glimpse of Li Weijian, the young man immediately frowned and said, "Who are you? If there is something going on in the yamen, don't you let someone know first?"

Li Weijian looked at the man with a smile and said softly: "Get out!"

At this moment, Daiyu was shocked to realize that someone had entered the room. She quickly turned around to observe. Her frowning eyebrows instantly relaxed, and her face was first surprised and then happy: "Fourth Brother Jian!"

Li Weijian smiled and nodded at Daiyu, then stared at the man with a smile.

The man was annoyed, dropped the tea cup with a bang, and cursed: "You're such a coward..."

When the elder saw Li Weijian wearing a red official robe, he suddenly felt that something was wrong and quickly spoke to stop him: "Yu'er, shut up -"

late! With a smile on his face, Li Weijian reached the man in two steps, reached out and grabbed his front, and pulled him up.

When he was reborn, he was already stronger than his peers, and the guy was weak, so he was lifted up with this lift.

"you want--"

Without waiting for anything else, Li Weijian swung his palm and fired his bow left and right, and slapped him with more than a dozen slaps. His strength can't even be resisted by Xiu Ying who is practicing martial arts, let alone a libertine who looks like a chicken?

The guy couldn't continue talking immediately, and when he was slapped, stars appeared in his eyes, and he didn't even scream. After more than a dozen slaps, blood spurted out from the mouth!

Li Weijian said slightly loudly: "Get out, don't let me say it a second time!"

Throwing it away casually, the young one collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud. The older one got anxious and stood up and said: "You...who are you? Why do you hurt people for no reason?"

Li Weijian looked at him and smiled without saying a word. Butler Yu, who was following closely behind him, said, "Master Cang, this is my old man's old friend. He is a second-class male and is a fifth-grade doctor. Li Tao Weijian... Mr. Li!"

Li Weijian shook his hand, took out his name card and slapped it on the table next to 'Master Cang': "This is my name card. If you are not convinced, take the name card to Yangzhou Mansion and sue me!"

 I wanted to write more. But the Red Mansion can also be considered a historical text. In order to investigate the Lianghuai Salt Division Yamen, the canal, the salt dealers, and the salt tax... In short, this chapter took more than nine hours, and I was convinced.



(End of this chapter)

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