Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 353 Ping'er's Request

Chapter 353 Ping'er's Request
Lai Wang greeted him and then stood at the outer door with his hands hanging down.

Sister Feng said, "Come here, I want to ask you a question."

After hearing the instructions, Lai Wang went into the inner room.

Sister Feng raised her eyebrows and said, "Your Second Master has someone else outside, do you know?"

Lai Wang hung his head, not daring to look at Sister Feng, and quickly bowed and said, "I am an errand boy at the second gate every day, how can I know what the Second Master is doing outside?"

With a snort, Sister Feng sneered, "Of course you don't know. If you knew, how would you stop someone?"

"This..." Lai Wang looked up and saw Feng Jieer's face was cold. He knew that what he had just said had spread. He knew that he could not hide it, so he knelt down and said, "I really don't know. It was just that Xing'er and Xi'er were talking nonsense there, and I yelled at them. I don't know the deep feelings in it, so I dare not answer rashly. Please ask Xing'er, he often goes out with the second master."

After hearing this, Fengjie spat at him with all her might and cursed, "You are a bunch of heartless bastards! You are all the same, and you think I don't know. Go and call that bastard Xing'er to me first, and you are not allowed to leave. After I have investigated him, I will come back and ask you. Good, good, good, this is the good man I want to use!"

Lai Wang had no choice but to say yes several times, kowtowed, got up and went out to call Xing'er.

After a moment, Lai Wang called Xing'er, who was playing with the servant outside the second gate, and Sister Feng called out, "Send him in."

When Xing'er heard the voice, he had already lost his mind and had to pluck up the courage to come in. When Fengjie saw him, she said, "What a good boy! What a good thing you and your master have done! Just tell the truth!"

When Xing'er heard this and saw Sister Feng'er's complexion and the state of the maids on both sides, he was so frightened that his body weakened. He knelt down and kowtowed.

Feng Jieer said, "Speaking of this matter, I also heard that it had nothing to do with you. But you didn't tell me earlier, and that's your fault. If you tell the truth, I'll forgive you. If you lie again, you'll have to touch the heads on your neck first!"

Xing'er kowtowed timidly and said, "Grandma, what is it that you are asking about? Did you and I mess it up?"

When Fengjie heard this, she became furious and shouted, "Slap him in the face!"

When Wang Er came over and was about to beat him, Feng Jieer scolded him, "What a fool! Let him beat him himself, why do you need to beat him? It won't be too late for you to beat your face later."

As expected, Xing'er slapped himself a dozen times. Fengjie asked him to stop and asked again. Only then did Xing'er tell the truth.

Xing'er was talking, Laiwang was adding, and in a little while he told the whole story. Wang Xifeng gritted her teeth as she listened, but because of Li Weijian, she was not jealous at the moment, but was alert instead.

If it was anyone else it would be fine, but it had to be You Erjie!
The Youshi who had taken over the magpie's nest and moved into her former courtyard had always had an unclear relationship with Jia Lian, and Feng Jieer had seen it more than once. Now Jia Lian secretly married You Erjie as his concubine, and it was heard that You Sanjie also lived in Xiaohuazhi Lane. What were the three sisters of the You family planning?
Fortunately, Sister Feng had tidied up the kitchen earlier, otherwise she would have been unable to sleep or eat well, fearing that the three sisters of the You family had drugged her and murdered her.

Feeling a little bit lucky, Sister Feng asked sternly, "Is there nothing else?"

Xing Er kowtowed repeatedly and said, "I don't know anything else. Every word I said just now was true. If one word is false, Madam, you can beat me to death if you find out. I won't complain."

Fengjie lowered her head and pointed at Xing'er and said, "You little monkey should be beaten to death. What did you hide from me? You thought of hiding it from me, and you are trying to please your foolish grandfather. Your new grandmother loves you very much. If I hadn't seen that you were a little scared just now and didn't dare to lie, I would have broken your legs. Get out!"

Xing'er crawled out, but was stopped by Fengjie just as he was leaving the house.

"Come back! You are not allowed to go there from today on. You must come when I call you. If you are a step late, you will be punished! If you say a word outside, watch out for your skin!"

Xing'er agreed repeatedly and left in a hurry.

Sister Feng said to Lai Wang in a sarcastic tone, "Good Wang, very good, go ahead! If anyone outside mentions a word, it will all be on you!"

Lai Wang was so frightened that sweat broke out on his forehead. He said he didn't dare and retreated respectfully.

Feng Jieer held her belly and breathed a sigh of relief, then asked the maid to pour tea. The two maids were used to being ordered around by Feng Jieer, so they served the tea and quickly left, leaving Ping'er alone inside to accompany them.

"You heard everything? That's great!"

Ping Er smiled and didn't know how to answer. She finally said, "Madam, even if it's not for yourself, you should consider the young master."

Feng Jieer kept silent and thought for a long while. Ping Er said, "No matter what, we have to wait until Madam gives birth."

Feng Jieer squinted and asked, "Giving birth?" Holding her belly with one hand, Feng Jieer became angrier and angrier the more she thought about it. She couldn't help but sneer, "I'm afraid I'll be able to give birth but not raise a child!"

Ping'er immediately said with a stern face: "Madam, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"What's wrong?" Pointing to the direction of the small courtyard where Youshi lived, Sister Feng said, "That shameless girl is still hanging out with your Second Master. Now the sisters are all trying to please your Second Master, but he has a lifeless temper when he sees a pretty girl, how can he look down on us? Who knows, once the old lady leaves in the future, he might want to give up the mother and keep the son!"

Ping'er shook his head repeatedly with a wooden face: "Grandma, I'm afraid you're overthinking it."

"Am I overthinking?" Feng Jieer looked at Ping Er and said, "Just think of it as me overthinking, but have you ever thought about it yourself?"

"Me? What does this have to do with me?"

Sister Feng said coldly: "Your Second Master has always been a person who loves new things and hates old things. Now that he is not short of you, what do you think will happen to you in the future?"

Although Ping'er was kindhearted, she was still distressed when she heard this. It was okay for Youshi, after all, she was not allowed to be seen in public, but there were the second and third sisters behind her, both of whom were beauties, and which one was not more beautiful than her?

One is charming and the other is playboy. If I really let these two sisters marry into my family, I might have a hard time living happily ever after.

Thinking of Aunt Zhou who seemed like an old woman, Ping'er suddenly felt sad.

Seeing Ping'er's expression, she knew that she was already concerned. At this moment, Fengjie had a plan in mind, so she said, "I think this is the best way to deal with this matter. There is no need to wait for your master to come back to discuss it."

Ping'er leaned over and listened to Fengjie's whisper for a while. After listening, Ping'er frowned and said nothing.

Feng Jieer then scolded Ping Er and said, "At this point, do you still want to be a good person?"

Ping'er glanced at Fengjie's bulging belly and said, "Madam, if the fetus is disturbed, I'm afraid it will be--"

The birth process was difficult, especially since Feng Jieer was already very pregnant.

Ping'er was about to continue to persuade her, but she saw Fengjie frowning and said, "If you don't listen to me, then go find the new Second Madam!"

Ping'er felt so aggrieved that she swore and swore, but seeing that Wang Xifeng would not listen, she reluctantly agreed.

Feng Jieer then changed her anger into joy, and explained the details in detail before sending Ping Er to do it. Ping Er got the errand, and came out of Yihong Courtyard with a heavy heart. She came out of the main gate of Daguan Garden and happened to run into Youshi who was leading her maids to the east.

Yu Shi smiled and asked, "Where are you going, Ping'er?"

Ping Er forced a smile and said, "Replying to Grandma, our grandma has given us some errands and is about to go out."

Youshi was immediately delighted and said, "What a coincidence! My rouge and powder have just run out, and I was just about to ask someone to buy some for me." As she spoke, she called the maid, took out two silver coins, and forced them into Ping'er's hands, saying, "It's the Qu family's rouge and powder shop near the West Fourth Archway. Just mention it to me and the shopkeeper will naturally prepare it for you."

Ping'er took a quick look and saw that the two silver coins were about five taels in weight. She quickly refused and said, "I'm afraid this is too much silver. Why don't I buy it and then the eldest lady will give me the silver."

Youshi held Ping'er's hand and said with a smile, "How can you hire someone out for nothing? I'll save the rest to buy you some snacks."

Having said this, he did not allow Ping'er to refuse and led the maidservant eastward.

Ping'er held the two silver coins in her hand and thought to herself, is Youshi trying to bribe me? But isn't it a bit too much of an insult to me to give her just a few taels of silver? Turning her head to look, she saw Youshi and her group passing by Lady Wang's courtyard, and presumably headed to the east wing.

Ping'er shook her head, walked quickly out of the ceremonial gate, told the servant to prepare the carriage, and drove out.

Youshi led the maids around Lady Wang's courtyard. The head maid Yindie winked at the others, and the other three maids followed behind. Yindie whispered to Youshi, "Madam, Ping'er seems to be polite to everyone, but he is not someone who is easy to get along with. Why should you befriend him?"

Youshi said, "Running an errand for a few taels of silver, how can it be considered a good relationship? But there is no need to offend her."

Yin Die nodded and said nothing more. The group entered the east courtyard from the corner gate and were soon led to the main room. The head maid reported, and Youshi stepped inside and saw Mrs. Xing talking to Mrs. Xing Zhong's wife. Mrs. Xing Zhong was quite tactful. Seeing Youshi coming, she quickly stood up and said, "It's getting late, and I have errands to do later. I'll come to talk to you when I have time."

Mrs. Xing responded nonchalantly, and sent the maid to escort him out. She turned around and smiled and said to Mrs. You, "Why are you here?"

Yushi then sat down with Madam Xing and said, "I thought I'd come to see you, aunt. Is there anything difficult for you?"

Madam Xing curled her lips and said, "They are just odds and ends, not worth much."

Xing Zhong and his wife were also not easy to deal with. They arranged jobs for the two men, but soon Xing Zhong returned to his old ways, not only did he touch them, but he also often drank and did nothing. If it weren't for Mrs. Xing's cover-up, I'm afraid the two men would have been expelled from the house long ago.

Even now, he is still not satisfied, and is obsessed with climbing up the social ladder, and is determined to send Xing Xiuyan to the next-door mansion. Tsk... Mrs. Xing also wants to do that? I want to make amends to her, but Li Weijian has stopped his past wanderings since he married Daiyu, and has been living with Daiyu behind closed doors!
This made Mrs. Xing extremely embarrassed. Xing Zhong and his wife were not happy either, and now they came to ask for a good marriage for Xing Xiuyan. Given the current situation of Rongguo Mansion, how could they help Xing Xiuyan find a good marriage when their own daughter couldn't find one?
Seeing that he didn't say anything, Youshi said, "It's true that every family has its own problems."

Mrs. Xing squinted and immediately perked up: "What do you mean? Are you in trouble too?"

Ever since Lady Wang was imprisoned, Youshi had been deliberately trying to make friends with Lady Xing, and now was the time to use them. Hearing this, she frowned and said, "What else can we do? Yesterday, Third Sister came and let the cat out of the bag. She said that Jia Qiang, that bastard, had played a role in getting Lian Er to marry Second Sister behind her, and now he's settled in the Little Flower Branch Lane at the back. Aunt, what's going on?"

"Ah? This matter... is actually about my second sister?" Although Mrs. Xing has been staying at home these days, Wang Shanbao has been asking about her news every day, and she would always come forward to talk about it when there is news.

Mrs. Xing also knew that Jia Lian had a mistress outside, but she did not expect that this mistress was actually You Erjie.

You Shi deliberately said in embarrassment: "I heard about this, but Auntie didn't know. I was very angry. We are relatives, and now I am living in Rongguo Mansion. How can I stay here with dignity after something like this happened?"

Madam Xing said, "Don't I know what kind of person Lian'er is? She can even kill a servant's wife! I think Lian'er is most likely to blame for this."

Yu Shi wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. The ginger juice on the handkerchief immediately irritated her eyes and made them red. In an instant, she started to cry.

Yu Shi sobbed and said, "God has mercy on me. My second sister has a very gentle personality. Now she has been coaxed away by Lian'er. Isn't she being flattened and rounded by him? She has become a concubine without even a name. Even if she gives birth to a child in the future, it won't be included in the family tree!"

Mrs. Xing had an idea when she heard this. A few days ago, an old relative wanted to visit, and Mrs. Xing thought she would take care of it by herself, but unexpectedly, Li Wan was with her this time. Although Zhuge's daughter-in-law was quiet and didn't socialize with those ladies, she followed Mrs. Xing everywhere and watched her every word and action.

Mrs. Xing was immediately restrained, and because of Li Wan, she had to keep many things to herself. When she returned home, the old lady ordered that the next time she went to the palace to visit the empress, she should visit Zhuge's daughter-in-law instead... Mrs. Xing was suddenly awakened.

After a quick listen, he found out that Li Weijian had planted maggots after he left that day!

Mrs. Xing was timid on the outside, and she knew that Li Weijian was powerful, so she naturally did not dare to retaliate. It was not easy to offend the old lady, and she became more and more angry with Feng Jieer. It was not that this daughter-in-law did not give her, the mother-in-law, face, so why did the old lady find fault with her?
Now that Jia Lian has inherited the title and Lady Wang is under house arrest, it can be said that the Rongguo Mansion is in the hands of the eldest wife. Lady Xing thought that her life would be much better from now on, but the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't get along, and her life is worse than usual.

When Madam Wang was in charge of the household, she had to give Madam Xing some face and arranged for Madam Xing's chambermaids to be arranged everywhere. But now, except for Xing Zhong and his wife, the rest of the people are all in the East Cross Courtyard to listen to orders. If it weren't for sending people to look around every day, Madam Xing would be almost blind!

How could Mrs. Xing tolerate this?
Mrs. Xing had seen You Erjie before... Although she had an ambiguous relationship with Jia Zhen, she looked indeed gentle. Mrs. Xing could not help but be moved. Apart from Sister Feng, no matter who became Lian's second wife, they would have to respect her as the mother-in-law, right?

Besides, what she asked for was not excessive, she just wanted to share some of the benefits. Now that her box was empty, it was not a big deal to save some money.

Thinking about this, and looking at Youshi again, and faintly smelling the scent of ginger, Mrs. Xing suddenly understood - it turned out that Youshi had the same plan.

Now that the eldest master is gone, she has lost face again and again, and she is afraid that she will not be able to speak in front of the old lady. But helping to practice Taiping boxing is not a big deal.

Therefore, he followed Youshi's words and said, "Lian'er is also a jerk. She always clings to her relatives. Since she likes my second sister, why not just bring her home?"

Youshi said, "First, we are in mourning for the country and the family; second, we are afraid of Lian's second wife, who will not tolerate any injustice."

Mrs. Xing snorted coldly, "There are three unfilial acts, and not having a son is the worst. She can't give birth to a boy, but she still occupies the house and doesn't allow others to enter? Look around and see how can she be so jealous? After a few years of marriage, all the girls of color were driven out, leaving only the obedient Ping'er. Even so, Lian'er is only allowed to kiss her two or three times a year. Tsk tsk, even the eldest master couldn't stand it when he was alive. No wonder Lian'er is hungry and looks for food outside!"

Youshi said, "I came to see you today to ask for your advice. Second sister...cannot be left outside forever." She lowered her voice and said, "Third sister was hesitant earlier, and it seemed that Second sister is pregnant."

"Yes?" Mrs. Xing said seriously, "Then you must bring him home. Don't worry, I will teach him a lesson when Lian'er comes back!"

Youshi said, "I'm afraid Lian'er is also afraid of Fengjie'er."

Mrs. Xing smiled and said, "How difficult is that? You can go find the old lady to complain later, and I'll help you. I think Feng girl won't be able to say anything. Last time she made a scene and wanted to beat and kill her, but in the end she just kept suppressing herself."

Mrs. Xing secretly calculated that Feng Jieer had a bad temper. If You Erjie came into the house, she would be so angry that she would die sooner or later. If You Erjie became the successor, as a mother-in-law, she would definitely get some benefits, right?

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, You Shi hurriedly thanked her, saying, "I know that you are kind-hearted. I came to ask you for help today because I was afraid that I would not be able to speak in front of the old lady."

After the two of them discussed the matter, Youshi had an idea in her mind and waited for Jia Lian to return from Ping'an Prefecture before revealing the matter.

Ping'er left the Rongguo Mansion and saw that it was just past noon. She thought that Fengjie's angry order was not appropriate. After thinking for a while, she couldn't help but ordered the driver to turn around and go to the inner government office.

At this time, Li Weijian accompanied the king and lived in Jingyuan in Haidian. He would handle miscellaneous affairs on his way back from work, and occasionally go back to the Bo's Mansion to see Baoqin, Hongyu and Fu Qiufang, who had just finished her confinement.

Ping Er knew that she could not persuade Feng Jie Er, so she went to look for Li Wei Jian as if she had luck. Coincidentally, Li Wei Jian was handling chores in the government office that day.

The Fengxian Hall has been demolished, and bricks, stones, glazed tiles and other materials have been gathered from various places. The supporting beams and pillars must be made of thick fir wood from Guangxi and Liaodong and transported to the capital.

There were already rules to follow for rebuilding the Fengxian Hall. Li Weijian only had to follow the rules, allocate money on time, and lead experts to inspect the site from time to time.

Li Weijian was concerned about other things. First, the Heyifeng Restaurant in Xisi Archway was demolished and turned into a wasteland. Li Weijian bought a vacant lot outside the East Gate and built a cement brick factory. Now the factory doesn't even have a wall, but has a rain shelter. Materials are collected from all over, and several steam engines are running. After trial operation, it can produce more than 5,000 cement bricks a day.

Li Weijian sought out experts in building construction from Shan Ziye and the Ministry of Works, and also sought out several Hanlin scholars from the newly established Practical Academy to discuss together, and finally designed a four-story shop.

Unlike the previous type of shop in front and warehouse in the back, this time the warehouse in the back was also demolished and then included in the four-story building.

Since we already have cement bricks, how can we lack prefabricated panels? Because next to the cement brick factory, there is another prefabricated panel factory.

Although the foundation of the original restaurant is still being dug, Li Weijian is confident that the new building will be completed before winter. By then, it may even set off a construction revolution in Dashun.

The second incident was also due to the bidding in Shuntian Prefecture.

On the day of bidding, only two businesses came to Shuntian Prefecture to undertake the project. Yan Chengzhang had previously received invitations from Changle Palace and Cheng'en Marquis, so he already knew the situation well. He simply divided the imperial city into two parts along the central axis. The east side went to Changle Palace and the west side to Cheng'en Marquis, thus avoiding offending either side.

He turned around and found Li Weijian, pointing at Li Weijian's nose and scolding him for being dishonest. Li Weijian had no choice but to swallow his anger and smile. In the end, he pushed the two new businesses to Yan Chengzhang.

Yan Chengzhang made a rough calculation. Regardless of whether it was cement bricks or prefabricated panels, the cost was much lower than before! The reconstruction of the capital was not something that could be done overnight. It might take several years or even more than ten years. As the saying goes, a pile of sand makes a tower. These two businesses, which were long-term and steady, were of great benefit.

Yan Chengzhang had forgiven Li Weijian, but he looked strange when he was leaving, saying that he always felt that Li Weijian would not be so kind.

Li Weijian immediately laughed and said, "The old man will be begging for his bones soon, so why bother about so much?"

Yan Chengzhang thought about it and left with a laugh. He thought to himself that the Crown Prince and the King of Jin might have fallen into a trap.

That day, Li Weijian was handling chores when Ding Rusong quietly entered the duty room and whispered, "Master, Miss Ping'er wants to see you."

Li Weijian was thinking about something, and it took him a while to react. He turned his head and asked in surprise, "Ping'er?"

Ding Rusong nodded and said, "Looking at his anxious face, I'm afraid there is something important."

Li Weijian looked at the document in front of him, put it down, stood up and walked out. After leaving the main gate, he walked around for a while before catching a glimpse of the Rong Mansion's carriage in the alley. From a distance, he saw the curtain open and Ping'er looking over anxiously.

"Fourth Master Jian!"

Li Weijian nodded and got on the carriage. He felt a little stuffy inside. Ping'er was wearing a silk dress, which was soaked by the heat. Not only her arms but also her honey-colored bellyband were clearly visible.

Ping'er was shy and quickly covered her chest, saying, "Master Jian, I'm afraid grandma will be angry this time. Please go and persuade her!"

(End of this chapter)

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