Troubled times: Start practicing spiritual practice by taking care of your sister-in-law

Chapter 213 The reason why the years are peaceful is because some people are carrying the burden for

Chapter 213 The reason why the years are peaceful is because some people are carrying the burden forward.


Hearing her husband's teasing, Yi Shiyan, who had not learned well in the first place and felt nervous, immediately raised her hands to cover her face, then turned her back and buried her head in the quilt, feeling so embarrassed that she wanted to die.

Chen Mo closed the door, sat down on the round stool in front of the table, took a sip of tea, looked at Xiaolu who was still muttering about being shameless in front of others, and said with a smile: "Xiaolu, I'm just teasing you."

After saying that, he stood up and walked forward.

"My husband is so annoying." Yi Shiyan turned around, kicked off the coverings on her feet, hugged her round knees, and looked at Chen Mo with pursed lips.

Chen Mo looked at the blushing girl and said softly: "Why do you want to learn this?"

"I'm not dad yet. He said that after I get married, I will still be like a child, not mature at all. He said that after a long time, my husband will hate me, so..." Yi Shiyan pouted.

Chen Mo sat down next to the bed, grabbed Yi Shiyan's little hand, and promised, "No way, my father-in-law is either too worried or trying to scare you."

Then he said: "Did your father-in-law see you when you were playing around, and then he said this to you?"

"Husband, how do you know?" Yi Shiyan's eyes widened and she immediately said, "I was eating candied haws while playing shuttlecock with Xiao Ling. When my father saw it, he scolded me."

"Do you need to be more steady?" Chen Mo said.

"Husband, you already know this." Yi Shiyan was stunned.

Chen Mo smiled and did not answer.

He is also here.

After graduation, I was already in my 27s or 28s, and I had not yet seriously dated a girlfriend. I went to the bar every night and only played all day long, and then my parents said this to him.

"Don't worry, my father-in-law is just trying to scare you."

"But I think what dad said makes sense."

"Then there's no need to pretend. When the deer gives birth to children in the future, it will naturally become mature and stable."

When it comes to having children, Chen Mo actually deliberately uses contraception. He is only seventeen, still young, and he is still a child, so he does not want children at the moment. In addition, the current world is not peaceful, and he is not ready to welcome children. Prepare.

At least he has to wait until he is not coerced by others and can control his own destiny before he considers having children.

At present, the foundation is not big, and it does not mean that giving birth to a child will settle people's hearts.

So don't rush.

Of course, if the women really desperately want a child, he will consider it.

Hearing this, Yi Shiyan looked shy and said in a trembling voice: "Husband."

After giving birth to a baby, the girl couldn't help but feel a tremble in her heart when she thought about her big belly, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The atmosphere was heightened, and Chen Mo couldn't help but kiss her.

The girl hugged Chen Mo's neck and cooperated enthusiastically.

The two of them were rubbing each other's ears for a while. Just as they were undressing each other, Yi Shiyan suddenly said, "When do you plan to go to accompany your sister-in-law?"

Chen Mo was taken aback.

"I know everything about you and your sister-in-law." Yi Shiyan said, biting her pink lips.

Chen Mo: "..."

"Don't worry, I don't mind. Moreover, I told my sister-in-law that in front of outsiders, I will still call him sister-in-law. At home, I will call her sister."


Chen Mo looked at Xiaolu. He was originally thinking about how to tell her about his sister-in-law, and even how to deal with her emotions after telling her, but he didn't expect that the matter had already been resolved.

Fortunately, Chen Mo actually didn't intend to hide it, mainly because his sister-in-law wanted to hide it.

Chen Mo took the girl's bare hand and said softly: "Xiaolu, why don't we go to your sister Han's place now?"

Chen Mo just said this as a test, and he didn't expect Xiaolu to agree.

But Xiaolu just agreed and said: "Okay, when my husband was away, I slept with Sister Han for several nights. It feels so comfortable to hold Sister Han."

Chen Mo lowered his head and kissed the corners of Yi Shiyan's lips and said, "Xiaolu, then I will carry you over."



In the separated Gebu mosquito net, Han Anniang knelt on the bed, looking at the bronze mirror in the distance, trying on clothes.

Because her uncle was coming over later, and she would definitely have to dress up nicely.

Han Aniang usually sleeps in Chen Mo's room, so her room still has a summer layout, and the mosquito net is not removed.

Just as she was changing her clothes, Chen Mo gently kicked the door open and walked in with Yi Shiyan in his arms.

At this time, Han Anniang was wearing a thin, close-fitting dress, which outlined her exquisite figure. Because her mind was too broad, and there was a sense of budding that could not be contained, she could see a beautiful scenery at a glance.

"Uncle? And Xiaolu, why are you here?"

Han Anniang hurriedly pulled the quilt aside and covered herself.

Chen Mo hugged Yi Shiyan and put him on the bed, then went over and closed the door.

"Sister Han." Yi Shiyan lay down and said shyly.

Han Aniang was shocked. When she heard this title, she knew that Xiaolu had said everything.

"Uncle, you...are you here with the deer?" Han Anniang asked nervously when she saw her uncle closing the door and walking over.

"Xiaolu still wants to get close to you." Chen Mo showed a meaningful smile. Han Aniang was also an experienced person at this moment and understood a little bit. Her face turned red and she hurriedly said: "No, no, it won't work."

Two maids.

It's ridiculous too.

She doesn't care how many women Chen Mo has, but let her be with other women.

She obviously can't accept the tradition.

"Hey, it's here." Chen Mo said the old saying.

"No, no." Han Aniang hugged the quilt and shrank to the side of the bed, saying: "Uncle Xiaolu was brought in by beating the gongs and drums. The so-called farewell is better than a wedding. Just let her serve you. The slave family is lying on the bed. It’ll be nice next to it.”

Chen Mo was not in a hurry, they were all on the same bed, could she escape?

Chen Mo untied his thick belt, then took off his shoes and got on the bed.

Yi Shiyan shyly took off her single clothes, but Chen Mo said, "Don't move, let me do it."

Yi Shiyan didn't dare to move and lay down obediently.

Chen Mo first took off the socks on Yi Shiyan's feet. She was petite, and her feet were naturally small and exquisite. Her ten toes were as bright as a handful of sapphire green, and her nails were painted with green rouge.

Yi Shiyan covered her eyes and shrank her little feet in shame. Ever since her wedding day, when she knew her husband liked her, she had specially taken care of them and kept them clean and white.

Chen Mo stroked it gently, very carefully, for fear of hurting the skin.

"Husband, it's itchy." A gap appeared between Yi Shiyan's fingers, and her whole body was as hot as fire.

But soon, she felt it.

Although Han Aniang was lying on the side of the bed, she still secretly paid attention to the two of them.

Seeing her uncle kissing the little deer's feet, Han Anniang's eyes widened a little.

This is too.

Yi Shiyan only felt deeply shy, and her heart was extremely sweet. Her husband had to like her to be so intimate with her.

"Husband, it's better to rest early." Yi Shiyan glanced secretly at Han Anniang inside, for fear of being discovered by her.

"It seems that Xiaolu is already anxious." Chen Mo looked up and smiled.

"Ah, my husband is making fun of me again."

"Okay, just satisfy Xiaolu." Chen Mo stood up, put his hands on Yi Shiyan's shoulders, then raised one hand, took Xiaolu's blindfolded hands, and said, "Look at me."

Xiaolu's face turned red, but he still did as he was told and actively hugged Chen Mo.

Chen Mo gently hugged the little deer and sat up, while saying: "Little deer, how are you doing with the tail-eye fish?"

"I found high-quality fish bait and took care of it. Thirteen of the original fish eggs survived, and now they have grown half as long as my hand. Sir." Yi Shiyan paused for a moment, then pressed tightly. Hugging Chen Mo's neck.

"Is it half the size of a palm?" Chen Mo was stunned. It has only been a few months, how can he grow up so fast?

Yi Shiyan seemed to be aware of her husband's doubts, and said: "Husband, I don't know something. Ordinary small fish eggs only need to be grown up to be fully grown.

Spiritual creatures like the tail-eye spirit fish will grow faster as long as they are cared for with good food and drink. "

There was some noise in Yi Shiyan's voice.

Han Aniang lay on the innermost side, hiding her face with her hair hanging down under the brocade quilt, secretly listening to Chen Mo and Xiaolu talking together, her heart wandering back and forth in the stormy waves.

These two people actually ignored themselves and started playing as if there was no one around.

This made her feel neglected and lost.

At this moment, she felt the quilt on her body being pulled away by a huge force, and then she saw Yi Shiyan lying next to her, with her hair also disheveled.

"Uncle, you..." Seeing Chen Mo's glance, Han Aniang felt extremely embarrassed and was about to grab the quilt.

"Don't move." Chen Mo shouted softly.

Han Anniang really didn't dare to move.

Chen Mo stroked Han Aniang's cheek: "Sister-in-law, are you so good?"

After that, he continued talking to Yi Shiyan and said, "In this case, wouldn't it be possible to eat it after spring starts?"

"Almost." Yi Shiyan calculated the time and found that three or four months was enough.

"Have you found the breeding fish for that female fish?" Chen Mo said.

"No need to look for it, just wait until the little fish grows up."

Hearing this, Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled, yes, he was thinking about fish with human thinking.

"Trouble Xiaolu." Chen Mo said.

"This is what a concubine should do."

"Then work harder, little deer."


Yi Shiyan's clear eyes were in a trance, and soon she heard an exclamation from beside her, and then she felt a soft feeling on her back, and her heart was filled with embarrassment.

Fortunately, she is already a warrior and has extraordinary arm strength, so she can carry Han Anniang forward with a heavy load.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Stop messing around." Han Anniang looked embarrassed and completely panicked.

Chen Mo changed the subject and said: "We are all a family, and we must live in harmony from now on. Sooner or later we will get close, so it's better to get used to it in advance."


Han Anniang wanted to say something else, but Chen Mo didn't give her a chance to speak and just idled away.

(End of this chapter)

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