A mob of clones

Chapter 32 Inflated and deflated, the intrusive Usagi

Chapter 32 Inflated and deflated, the intrusive Usagi

Pain from the inside out…

Feeling the twitching muscles all over his body, Wu He couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Those two guys were really foresighted. They directly used the pulse technique to empower me in my mental state. Not only did I mentally adapt to the fluctuations of the pulse, but it also made me accustomed to such pain in advance..."

The systemic pain occurs about 5 minutes after the injection, which exactly corresponds to the 5-minute onset of effect. Although it is not precise, it is probably the same.

Of course, just inserting a needle into the heart requires a big heart, and you have to find the right position, otherwise just inserting the needle into the ribs would be a very scary thing...

Thinking about other things before diverting his attention, and at the same time making sure that the pain on his body was barely bearable, Wu He gently covered his chest, directly clicked on the timer next to him, and then tied up the horse in place. Take a step and start to adjust your breathing.

Using Bai Xiaofei's vivid example, Wu He knew very well how powerful kw74 injection can be in improving the human body.

This kind of power even surpasses the power that the "soft" in the martial arts realm that Wu He temporarily learned about in the space can exert.

After all, in theory, "softness" is just the ability to control all the power in the whole body. Every movement of hands and feet contains the power of the whole body, and the force of punches and kicks can reach a thousand catties.

But in the original work, Bai Xiaofei easily had this level of power after strengthening.

But Wu He understood better that this little bit of power was nothing in this Brother Corpse world. In the words of a doctor in a hospital not far away who was suppressed to the point of psychopathy, this thing was like sugar water in front of the strong.

Therefore, Wu He naturally had to do his best to absorb the effect of the strengthening potion to the greatest extent possible. It was best to directly open the veins in the process, or even accumulate a breath in his chest to complete his rigidity.

As time went by, Wu He only felt that his body temperature was getting higher and higher, and Wu He's brain was becoming more and more drowsy. If it weren't for the ever-moving pulse in his body that was still barely supporting Wu He's spirit, I'm afraid that he will be forced to shut down directly by the self-protection mechanism in his brain.

But even so, Wu He forced himself to keep breathing to prevent his breathing from being disordered.

The breath was flowing, and I didn't know how this potion worked. In just four to ten minutes, Wu He's body, which was still a little fat, began to show obvious muscle outlines, and a faint mist spread from the pores of Wu He to the surroundings. Spreading, the not-so-thin subcutaneous fat turned into firewood, stimulating Wu He's body to undergo rapid changes. The Xuangu and Lunquan veins on Wu He's hands also quietly opened during this process.


An hour passed quickly. Looking at the two empty glass syringes on the ground, Wu He let out a long breath and felt the pain in his body fading rapidly, feeling as if he had been reborn.

Suddenly, Wu He suddenly opened his arms, and a sound like a bell was mixed with the blue light and shadow and spread to the surroundings. The ring-shaped sofa around it also vibrated and trembled, drawing a distance of more than ten centimeters toward the back, which was harsh. The sliding sound really made Wu He's scalp numb.

After realizing that something was wrong with him, Wu He quickly adjusted his breathing and forcibly controlled the pulse of his body to stop the spread of the pulse technique.At the same time, he carefully scanned the surroundings and ran to the window to open the curtains. He looked carefully and found that there was no special movement and no strange corpse brother was attracted. Then he breathed a sigh of relief...

"Huh~ It scared me to death, but as long as I didn't attract any powerful monsters..."

Although Wu He has become stronger, it is better not to provoke any too powerful enemies before testing his true strength. To survive, it is not shabby...

After standing there for a long time and being quiet for a long time, there really wasn't any big abnormal noise. Wu He then carefully clenched his fist, controlled the pulses in his body, and vibrated the pulse gate again.


The sound of opening the pulse this time was slightly lower due to Wu He's careful control. Although it was not as loud as the previous bell-ringing, it was still comparable to the sound of a basketball hitting the ground.

If this kind of sound were placed in a busy city, this sound would naturally be inconspicuous.

"If possible, during normal battles, it is better not to open the veins as much as possible. If there is too much movement, I am afraid that it will directly attract a wave of corpses..."

It's not surprising that he opened two Wu He in one go. After all, according to what Wu He said, the two veins are basically the basic skills of the demon clan. As long as you are an adult, don't go too far even if you train a little deliberately. It is basically easy to open two pulse doors in one go.

The actor Wu He on the other side was not yet fully mature. After he had enough physical fitness, he found the trick and directly opened the pulse after Wu He's guidance.

After strengthening, Wu He, whose strength has soared to the top of the three, is naturally not a problem.He even felt that as long as he was willing to grind it out, Wu He finally figured out the third vein that really widened the gap between ordinary people. It shouldn't be a big problem.

"Now when I go back and see, I won't have to beat those two guys with one hand."

After clenching his fists, Wu He reached out and took the iron hand on the side. He squeezed it hard and kneaded it into a cake like dough. Then he kneaded it into a ball with both hands, as if kneading plasticine. , usually pinch it into various shapes, until the metal fatigue reaches the maximum and breaks into several sections, then the hand stops.

"This power is really outrageous. If you add the power of the pulse gate, I'm afraid even Erlang, who was injected with the so-called god's gene, can't beat me..."

"It's a pity that this medicine cannot be used by me in other worlds, otherwise they should be able to get better martial arts guidance and pulse training methods..."

"Hey, but this is a good idea..."

But just when Wu He was feeling complacent, an inexplicable shaking caused Wu He's body to sway violently.However, he quickly stopped his horse and stabilized his figure.

The shock came and went away just as quickly.But they still broke many bottles and jars in Wu He's house.

But Wu He didn't pay attention to this problem now.After the vibration ended, he quickly came to the tightly closed window, slightly pulled up the curtains and looked out the window. While looking out, he murmured to himself:

"What's happening?! Is this an earthquake?"

But the scene in front of him in the next moment forced Wu He to shut his mouth directly... He saw a man covered in strange armor like lizard scales, and each scale had a strange organ. .

Or human eyes, or human mouth, or human nose, or human hands, or human legs, or human genitals, or human internal organs, or various parts of other animals. The characteristics are like a "display wall" with various biological organ specimens.

The monster's scales covered with various organs obviously have no offensive function. Those scales are like a complete armor, surrounding the strange corpse brother, like a circle of barrel-shaped turtle shells.

And inside the barrel-shaped scale-arranged armor, there were countless twisted tentacles of flesh and blood protruding from both the top and bottom.

Those tentacles were not the ring-mounted sucker boneless tentacles of squid or octopus. On the contrary, Wu He could clearly see the traces of bones on these tentacles.There were a lot of them, not just finger bones, metacarpal bones, arms, or thigh bones, or even spines that were twisted and stacked, and then added with flesh and blood to form tentacles.

And under Wu He's enhanced vision, Wu He could even see the twisted and growing teeth, ears, eyes and even scalp on the so-called flesh and blood.

If that's all, it wouldn't make Wu He feel so horrified. After all, Wu He has seen enough twisted monsters in the past few days. The one in the stairway alone is enough to make Wu He vomit, no matter how disgusting it is. But just like that, what really frightened Wu He was the terrifying destructive power of this monster.

I saw one of the opponent's thick and terrifying tentacles wave hard. The reinforced concrete wall and the ceramic tiles on the wall were directly dug out like a cake. A long ditch was dug out. From Wu He's field of vision, even Torn steel bars could also be seen beneath the concrete.

"This is fucking cheating!"

Directly cutting the steel bars and bending the steel bars are two completely different concepts.

It was like Wu He had just flattened and rounded the wrench, but he had to twist it several times before breaking it.

There are steel bars in this because they are firmly fixed by the concrete, but it is enough to show the power of the tentacles.

Almost instantly, the little pride in Wu He's heart was shattered into pieces.

"Sure enough, one should not be too proud. It would be better for me to stay at home for another two days."

But it was obvious that Wu He wanted to be stubborn, but the people below did not give him a chance.

Just when Wu He closed the curtains again, there was a place on the street below that was previously blocked by the huge corpse brother's body, and Wu He could not see it.A white mechanical rabbit with obvious white paint coating all over its body suddenly burst out with a dazzling light from a pair of blood-red mechanical eyes.

This ray of light was extremely dazzling, and instantly blinded a large area of ​​the eyes of the huge corpse brother in front of him.Immediately, the rabbit robot suddenly shifted its position, and a pair of blood-red eyes locked on the position where Wu He was standing before.

"Survivors found! Start sensing the intensity of the infected inside the xx building."

"It has been detected that there is no powerful corpse brother inside the xx building. It is determined that kfct1523 is the composite product of the corpse brother in the xx building."

"The best solution is being calculated and the best solution is determined."

"According to the combat effectiveness judgment, the combat effectiveness of KFCT1523 is 4399, and victory cannot be determined."

"After being judged to give up on killing kfct 1523, we used the narrow space to block kfct 1523's freedom of movement, entered the building and took out the survivors, and headed to the survivor base..."

After a series of independent calculations, the white mechanical rabbit directly turned on the jet power, and the figure suddenly sprang out, intending to take advantage of the corpse brother being temporarily "blinded" to pass over the huge corpse brother's head and rush towards Wu He. balcony.

It is obvious that the engineers who designed this robot rabbit considered many issues, but they did not consider the front, rear, left, and right sides of a certain creature, from the tentacles on the top of the head to the wall-climbing tiger. Generally, creatures with eyes on their toes eat a flash of light. What will happen after playing.

So it was almost no surprise that the moment the mechanical rabbit approached the large corpse brother, a tentacle with eyes directly tied it firmly.In other words, biting is better. After all, the lower end of this tentacle has a lower jaw that came from an unknown person, and the front end is an upper jaw that came out from someone unknown. The moment it was tied, it formed a big mouth, rubbing against the steel of the robot. body.

Fortunately, the mechanical rabbit also clearly has a plan for how to release the restraint when attacked by a python. As soon as the sound of opening an airlock door was heard, the mechanical rabbit's head and body separated directly, and plasma was sprayed out from under its neck, like a missile. It crashed into the balcony where Wu He was, and at the same time his limbs separated, leaving only the hard body slowly being crushed by the tentacles.

No, to be precise, it shouldn’t be squeezed, it should be compressed inwards independently...

"Self-destruction program starts, countdown~, five, four, three, two..."


The huge explosion not only resounded on the streets below, but also spread directly to Wu He's balcony.

Looking at the shattered balcony glass of his home and the spherical object that was wrapped around his curtains and fluttering on the ground, Wu He's eyes widened, and his figure stepped back and came directly to the door of the hall. At the same time, blue pulses burst out between his hands. If one of them was wrong, , he was afraid that he would just open the door and escape instantly.

As for fighting?Are you kidding me? What's the fight? Didn't you see what that thing is outside? !He is about seven or eight meters tall, and one of his tentacles is thicker than his waist. The various organs are so scattered that it is almost indescribable. Who knows how to fight that thing? !

Fortunately, it was not some corpse brother who rushed into Wu He's house. The next moment, four fire sticks burning with plasma flew from the window, and then directly got into the curtains, embedded together, and then directly He broke open the curtain and walked out.

This is a white robot, or a machine rabbit. The overall look is like a Purcell robot, with a round head with pairs of ears, and short hands and short legs.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, this little chic looks like a real thing.But when he looked at Wu He, he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. However, when the other person spoke, Wu He reacted.

"Survivors please evacuate in time, it is dangerous here..."

"The Yanhuang Zodiac Robot Maotu of the Yanhuang Kingdom will open a path for you, and the survivors are asked to evacuate as soon as possible..."

(End of this chapter)

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