Chapter 231 Simple Mathematical Olympiad Questions

Look at the three pieces of jade in the picture.

This is also a very special piece of jade.

Why is this special?

Ye Zhen began to introduce; "Other jades are all independent pieces.

But these three pieces of jade are combined in a set.

When it was dug out, the jade plate in the middle was sandwiched between the two jade turtle plates.

Apparently this was the case at the time of burial.

It's a combination type, and it's like this, not to mention rare.

I've never seen anything like this before. "

Why is the Lingjiatan site said to be the pinnacle of jade civilization and very evil?

The reason is here, a lot of things have been unearthed.

They are all things that no one has seen before.

The processing technology of jade horns and jade figures was obviously unparalleled in that era.

Especially since things like ouroboros and tree of life were unearthed here.

It seems even weirder.

It can be confirmed that there is a tribe of Chao clan.

However, the Youchao clan is far from that simple.

The audience looked at these three pieces of jade.

"This is a turtle shell, one up and one down. This can be confirmed."

"Is it a spirit turtle? Or is this Xuanwu?"

"Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts? I understand, this is the Xuanwu tribe."

"But what is that jade plate in the middle!"

Seeing this turtle jade plate, it is obvious that the craftsmanship is very exquisite.

Anyone who has seen it can recognize at a glance that these are two jade turtle shells.

But everyone didn’t understand what was so strange about this.

Some archaeological experts asked: "Is there any inscription on this jade turtle board?"

"No, the Lingjiatan ruins, like the Sanxingdui ruins, do not have any writing."

"There is no such thing as a symbol similar to words."

"I thought it had something to do with tortoise shell divination."

Because this is how the oracle bone inscriptions were discovered before, on a medicinal material called dragon bone.

This is actually the trace of divination on the turtle board after it has been calcined.

The ancients used divination for everything. When going to war, divination was needed, and when going hunting, divination was needed.

This requires burning the turtle board.

However, the Shang Dynasty's sacrifice masters had some special methods of firing tortoise shells.


Because people in the Shang Dynasty were also very superstitious.

But they also only believe in the efficacious part.

Just like some people, when they see their left eyebrow twitching, they think they might get rich today.

If your right eyebrow is twitching, just say something. This is all superstition and cannot be believed.

Because the left side is good and the right side is bad, the left eye will bring wealth and the right eye will bring misfortune.

If you encounter something that is beneficial to you, you will believe it; if you encounter something that is detrimental to you, you will think it is feudal superstition.

The same was true for the people of the Shang Dynasty back then.

If you want to go out to fight, go to a wizard to burn tortoise shells for divination.

If the result of firing is not conducive to sending troops.

So what will they do?Do you think it will be difficult to send troops today?Go back directly?

No, I just thought that I was not pious enough when I did the divination.

Go get another tortoise shell and do divination again.

What if you still don’t get the results you want this time?

Just keep firing until you get the result you want.

Looking at the cracks on the fired tortoise board, it finally showed that it was helpful for us to send troops.

Then the leader will say, this is God's will, this is God's will for us to send troops.

This is good for the morale of your own army and so on.

That's right, that's what the Shang Dynasty people did back then.

Keep burning until you are satisfied with the result.

Some of the wizards and priests back then were really sweating.

Because this thing is a very time-consuming and physical work.

So what kind of technology did these wizards finally master?

For example, various techniques can be used to make the tortoise shells produce the results you want.

How to place it and what kind of flame you want can give you the desired result when firing the tortoise shell.

This was the divination used by the Shang Dynasty people back then.

Some people also think that this jade turtle board is something similar.

However, there are no words on the Lingjiatan ruins. It is obviously not a fired turtle board.

Because some other turtle shells were unearthed in Lingjia Beach.

These tortoise shells are not split, but integral, similar to a small bamboo tube.

In addition, there are some jade chips inserted into the small jade turtle board, which were used for divination in those days.

So it can be confirmed that this is not a turtle board used for divination.

Professor Yan Xin looked at the three pieces of jade.

"What is this? Is it something more powerful than Ouroboros and Infinity?"

"I'm blind and can't tell what this is."

Ning Xiu also looked at the jade turtle board and the jade board in the middle.

"Is this the most important thing in the Lingjiatan ruins?"

"But no matter how I look at it, it's just an ordinary jade."

Professor Zhou has conducted in-depth research on ancient books, but there are no written symbols on them.

Only the middle jade plate has carvings inside.

Professor Zhou looked at the pattern on the jade plate in the middle.

"There is a big circle in the middle, and there is also a small circle in the middle."

"When there are four things out there that are radiating out."

"Looking inward is a large circle, which contains eight radiating corners."

"These eight radial things have a circle inside."

"There is an octagonal pattern inside the circle."

"Is this the sun?"

In fact, many historians saw this pattern.

This octagonal pattern can be seen on some excavated pottery and murals.

This is different from the eight-pointed star on the jade eagle before.

But at first they thought it was a sun pattern.

Could it be said that the sun is also carved in this jade plate?

But how to explain some of the other patterns?Old Wu said from the side: "Is it possible that this is a sundial?"

"Same as the Sun God Wheel at the Sanxingdui Ruins, it is related to observing the sun."

I only saw Ye Zhen explaining on the stage.

"Does anyone think this is a sundial?

What is a sundial?

This sundial can be said to be the clock of the ancients, as long as it stands at a certain angle.

Place a needle in the middle to pass the shadow of the sun on this sundial.

To determine what time it is now, this is the most primitive clock. "

Everyone who has gone to school, as long as they have nine years of compulsory education, all know this sundial.

This is the wisdom of the ancients.

Some people actually speculate that this is a sundial.

Because the patterns in the middle symbolize the sun.

But Ye Zhen shook his head, "I can tell everyone that this is not a sundial.

Because the sundial needs a hole in the middle, a needle needs to be placed in the middle.

There is no hole in the middle of this jade plate at all.

Moreover, the ancient people of Lingjiatan had very superb hole-opening technology.

Moreover, the corresponding needle was not found in the excavation place.

So this jade plate is not a sundial. "Ye Zhen directly rejected most people's answers.

The jade plate in the middle is not a sundial.

Because there is no hole in the middle at all.

If this is a sundial, what are the upper and lower jade tortoise panels for?
This cannot be explained.

Xiao Ming looked at the jade turtle board and the jade board in the middle, "Is this some kind of innate spiritual treasure?"

Xiao Ming's father asked: "What did you say? What kind of innate spiritual treasure?"

Xiaoming said honestly: "Dad, haven't you read any novels about cultivating immortals?"

At Xiao Ming's father's age, of course, he has never read any novels about cultivating immortals.

Because when Xiao Ming’s father was that age, it belonged to the world of martial arts.

Jin Yong's cologne was something from the era of Xiao Ming's father.

Apparently Xiao Ming’s father stopped reading novels after work.

Naturally, I don’t know what Xiao Ming is talking about.

Xiao Ming said helplessly: "I can't explain this to you."

Maybe it's the generation gap.

Liu Yancai had just escaped from the tree of life and alchemy explained by Ye Zhenna.

This leaf is really preaching to her!
In Liu Yan's eyes, Ye Zhen is a rare delicacy, and now Ye Zhen has become even more sacred.

"Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen, I will finally get you one day." Liu Yan wiped her saliva.

Some scientists have also begun to have their imaginations opened up.

Because ouroboros, this thing that is conceptually infinite.

It is similar to our current universe.

The ancient people's philosophy and world view believed that the universe is infinite.

Although the universe we observe now has boundaries, it is also infinite.

Some say the end of science is theology.

Many scientists actually have religious beliefs.

Not to mention that Newton was a devout believer from beginning to end.

Rather than as everyone said, Newton only believed in God in his later years.

The truth is that Newton was always trying to find God in his own way.

That’s why I started studying science halfway through.

"Is this jade turtle board some kind of spaceship?"

“Did the ancients see turtle-shaped spaceships back then?”

"Just like the primitive tribe before Teacher Ye."

Apparently these scientists have different views on this jade tortoise shell.

"Someone burst out laughing. Is the Jade Eagle a nuclear-powered spaceship?"

"Because the eight-pointed star in the middle represents the power device of nuclear fusion."

Obviously, these scientific researchers are already fascinated by it.

Because in the scientific community, some people firmly believe that aliens exist.

They even believe that some governments have already made deals with aliens.

The evidence is the explosion of human science and technology in the past 200 years.

The other part is arrogant and believes that only our blue star has life in the entire universe.

And we are the only intelligent intellectual life on the Blue Star that has given birth to civilization.

This is also the result we get from observing the universe now.

But if you watch Ye Zhen’s show, you will know.

The world is far more wonderful than we imagine.

Ye Zhen gave everyone enough time to think.

"Okay, now let me announce the answer."

Ye Zhen drew a nine-square grid on the small whiteboard behind his back.

This Jiugongge is the Jiugongge when we played OOXX.

The one who wins as long as three of them are in a row.

I saw Ye Zhen writing nine numbers on the side.


Ye Zhen said to everyone: "Let's do a primary school math Olympiad question. Fill in the nine numbers next to it into the nine-square grid."

"The sum of the horizontal and vertical grids of these nine palaces is 15."

After hearing what Ye Zhen said, some people reacted immediately.

"Is this possible? The sum of horizontal and vertical directions is 15."

"It's exactly equal to 15. It can't be done."

"Elementary school math Olympiad problem? It's a pity that I'm a college student, otherwise I would make it for you in minutes."

But everyone still hasn’t thought about how this has anything to do with the jade turtle board?
Ning Xiu looked at Ye Zhen with a strange look on her face, "Consultant Ye, what on earth are you doing?"

Everyone didn't expect that Ye Zhen actually asked them to do math problems?
Many people hate mathematics when they are studying.

This is a very common thing.

Because mathematics will not lie to you. If you don't, you won't be able to do it even to death.

But this question doesn't seem that difficult.

Everyone really started to write.

But there are some who understand Kanyu and plum blossoms.

After one of the old men saw this nine-square grid and nine numbers, he immediately thought of something.

"But this is impossible!"

"Isn't this something legendary?"

"It doesn't make sense. This can't be true."

"I don't believe it. Isn't this a myth and legend?" The old man's cloudy eyes were full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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