Chapter 286 The last prince of the Shang Dynasty

"The dynasty after the Shang Dynasty is the Zhou Dynasty."

"We've all learned this in history books."

"Before the oracle bones were discovered, everyone thought that the Shang Dynasty was just a dynasty in myths and legends."

"No one thinks that the Shang Dynasty was a real dynasty in history."

"But after the oracle bone inscriptions were discovered, everyone discovered that the Shang Dynasty recorded in the history books really existed."

"Just like the ancient Shu Kingdom before it, it also appears in ancient books and in the mouths of ancient people."

"But everyone also believed that the ancient Shu kingdom did not exist until the Sanxingdui site was unearthed."

"The ancient Shu Kingdom has also been proven to be real." Ye Zhen was introducing the past history to everyone.

The audience in front of the TV listened attentively.

"King Wu defeated Zhou. When the Zhou Dynasty was established, King Wu of Zhou went to defeat King Zhou.

The Shang Dynasty fell apart and the Zhou Dynasty began.

But it was just like the inexplicable death of Qin Shihuang back then.

During the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou sent some princes to fight outside.

This prince is You (You) Houxi. Back then Youhouxi was sent out by the King of Shang to fight.

But before Youhou Xi could win the battle, King Zhou Wu had already killed King Zhou.

Because it only took one day for King Wu to defeat Zhou and the battle was resolved.

The speed is simply jaw-dropping.

Just like what I said about Zhao Tuo before.

When Zhao Tuo was fighting in Baiyue, he learned that Qin Shihuang was dead.

I never thought about going back to help.

You Houxi also knew that King Zhou had lost and the entire Shang Dynasty had perished.

At that time, Youhou Xi led an army of 25 people.

Guess what he went to do? "Ye Zhen started asking the audience in front of the screen again.

Everyone didn't understand why Ye Zhen suddenly told the story of King Wu's defeat of Zhou.

"Is this Youhou Xi the same as Zhao Tuo, who established himself as king?"

"So where is Youhouxi now?"

"Will you go back and die with King Wu of Zhou directly?"

"I don't think it's that simple."

The audience knows Zhao Tuo’s previous deeds, which are exactly the same as before.

But some historians know Youhouxi clearly.

"This is the last prince of the Shang Dynasty."

"But there is no record in history where these 25 people went."

"This is an unsolved mystery in history. These 25 people disappeared like this."

"Anyway, there is no trace of Youhou being crowned king."

In history, the whereabouts of the last army of the Shang Dynasty is an unsolved mystery.

Archaeologists are also very curious about where the last prince of the Shang Dynasty went.

"Logically speaking, this 25-strong army was the top force back then."

"If you submit to the Western Zhou Dynasty, you may at least become a prince."

"But now we haven't found any trace that this person is called Youhou Xi."

"It's like he disappeared."

At that time, Zhao Tuo established the Nanyue Kingdom here in Baiyue.

This is all recorded in history books and leaves traces.

But Youhouxi disappeared inexplicably back then.

Some scientists thought of a possibility.

"No way, where did Youhou Xi go?"

"It's impossible, but the evidence from this American continent has told us."

“Now we can all connect!”

After Professor Yan Xin saw it, he asked, "Is this Youhou Xi the same as Zhao Tuo?"

"Self-proclaimed king, if it were me, I would do the same."

Apparently that's what most people think.

Otherwise, the class teacher would return to the court and directly compete with King Wu of Zhou.

Otherwise, just like Zhao Tuo, directly establish himself as king locally.

But none of this happened.

Professor Zhou remembered, "Youhou Xi must have been in Shandong back then."

Lao Wu said: "If there is a chance, please invite Mr. Ye to come to us again."

Professor Zhou looked at what Lao Wu said, "Others have already said that we won't get involved because we are tired of winning."

"It's useless for you to invite me again."

Old Wu shook his head, "You will know by now."

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan had never heard of Youhou Xi.

Just like Zhao Tuo, even the locals in Yangcheng don't know much about the original history.

You said that not many people knew about Zhao Tuo, and the same was true for Youhou Xi.

This prince in history was also very prominent at that time.

But not many people know about it now.

Unless you are someone who specializes in this aspect of history.

Song Xuan seemed to be in a state of spiritual bliss, "This Youhou Xi is the last prince of the Shang Dynasty."

"It has also mysteriously disappeared from history."

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan looked at each other and added what Ye Zhen had prepared before.

The two said in unison: "He went to the American continent."

Obviously both of them had inferred this result based on what Ye Zhen had put forward before.

But how is this possible?

King Zhou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, was more than two thousand years after Columbus discovered the American continent!

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan both saw shocked pupils in each other's eyes.

In fact, there are more than just Song Xuan and Ning Xiu.

Some other viewers also saw it.

Why did Ye Zhen suddenly tell them about King Wu's defeat of Zhou? Ye Zhen smiled mysteriously, "I believe many people have already guessed it.

This Youhouxi did not go back to Chaoge to seek revenge on King Wu of Zhou.

Nor did he find a mountaintop to make himself king like Zhao Tuo.

At that time, Youhou Xi was like a ghost, and a total of 25 people disappeared.

There is no trace of Youhou Xi, the last prince of the Shang Dynasty, in history.

Some historians in history want to find traces of this group of people.

Just like when Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to overseas fairy mountains to find the elixir of immortality.

But Xu Fu is gone forever.

Finally, he settled down in Japan.

At the time when Youhou Xi disappeared.

On the American continent, far away from the ocean, an existence called the Olmec civilization appeared from the sky.

This is known as the Olmec civilization, the mother of civilization on the American continent.

No one knows where they come from, and no one knows why these people are so similar to the Chinese.

Some foreigners in Mexico saw the local indigenous people.

They all thought they were seeing Chinese people, because the two sides looked exactly the same.

If you don't talk, you can't tell the difference in appearance.

That's right, Youhou Xi traveled across the ocean and went to the American continent.

Why can Monk Huishen travel to and from the American continent so smoothly?

Because there were ancient people who did this before. "

After Ye Zhen said such a result, although someone had already guessed it.

But after Ye Zhen said it, everyone still thought it was impossible.

The audience touched their brains and felt their brains shaking.

"Is this the real world? It predates Columbus by more than two thousand years."

"This Youhou Xi is really ruthless. He has already been to the American continent during the Shang Dynasty."

"So Monk Huishen just followed the path of his predecessors to the American continent?"

"This Youhou Xi is worthy of being the last prince of the Shang Dynasty. He will go directly to another continent."

"But what's the evidence for this? I don't think the evidence is enough."

Some historians do not study this aspect.

But they had also heard of Youhou Xi, the last prince of the Shang Dynasty.

"Is it possible for Youhou Xi to go to the American continent?"

"Did the Yin people make the eastward journey? So this legend is true?"

"Not only is it earlier than Monk Huishen, it's also a thousand years earlier."

"Now Columbus is really a clown."

It turns out that the civilization of this American continent is really a branch of their Chinese civilization.

"It's really outrageous. This is not a novel but actually happened."

"It stands to reason that there should be more evidence in the American continent."

"No wonder there are things like Oracle in the American continent."

Professor Yan Xin did not expect that Ye Zhen actually started to prove the entire process step by step.

From some cultural relics at the beginning, we can directly infer a prince who disappeared inexplicably in the history of the Shang Dynasty.

"What amazing reasoning and information sorting abilities." Professor Yan Xin had invited Ye Zhen to come to the laboratory before.

But Ye Zhen was just used as an experimental subject.

Because Ye Zhen was too young and not from a major.

But now it seems that Ye Zhen possesses all the good qualities that scientific researchers must have.

"We must invite Mr. Ye to come over." Professor Yan Xin has already made a prediction.

Professor Zhou also saw what happened to You Houxi a few years ago.

As the last prince of the Shang Dynasty, Youhou Xi was not alone.

Back then, it brought 25 people.

There was a large group of people back then, but this group of people disappeared inexplicably.

"This is also an unsolved mystery in history. I don't even know where Youhou Xi went back then."

"Now it seems that you actually went to the American continent?"

After taking a sip of tea, Old Wu said softly: "No one thought that Youhou Xi could actually go to the American continent."


There were many assumptions at that time that Youhou Xi and King Wu of Zhou died together.

Some people also say that Youhou Xi took this army and hid in the deep mountains and old forests.

Others say that Youhouxi's army encountered a natural disaster on its way back.

For example, in major floods, earthquakes, etc., the entire army disappeared.

But now it seems that Youhouxi has gone to the American continent.

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan had already guessed the answer.

"So did Youhou Xi really go to the American continent back then?" Song Xuan still couldn't believe it.

Because even if you go to the United States now, it is not an easy task.

Not to mention Youhou Xi back then.

Ning Xiu was also a little skeptical, "But those unearthed cultural relics cannot be deceived."

Same as some archaeologists think.

Some cultural relics unearthed locally cannot be deceived.

Bronze wares with the style of the Shang Dynasty, as well as some jade wares.

They were all brought there by Youhou Xi.

This Olmec civilization was born after the fusion of local primitive civilizations added by Youhou Xi, a prince of the Shang Dynasty.

It directly turned into a myth and legend and was passed down in the local area.

On the other side of the sea, there are gods coming with civilization and everything.

This is the truth of local myths and legends.

But this lacks some detailed evidence.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "A lot of people think I'm talking nonsense and think this is impossible."

"Let me show you some evidence."

(End of this chapter)

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