Chapter 346 The disappearing time

Everyone now feels that the world they live in is different from the world in their memories.

Ye Zhen had a faint smile on his face.

"If you want to know more, I can give you an example now."

"For example, in the old version of Journey to the West, what kind of scenes are there in the country of Chechi?"

"And whether Mickey Mouse has a shoulder strap on him."

“And Bruce Lee’s famous line.”

The more Ye Zhen talked, the more he talked. This was completely different from what everyone remembered.

After the audience heard what Ye Zhen said.

"I clearly remember that in the old version of Journey to the West, there was a scene in which the frying pan was fried."

"I clearly remember it, but I didn't dare to look at it at the time!"

"Also, doesn't Mickey Mouse always have a red suspender? Did I remember wrongly?"

"The Chinese are not the sick men of East Asia? Isn't this the original sentence?"

These are all things that everyone is familiar with.

But the impressions in their minds were confused with the real world.

Because this is what happens after the timeline is changed.

The three phenomena Ye Zhen just mentioned.

Many people remember it clearly.

"When Bruce Lee was playing in the gym, didn't he say that Chinese people were not the sick men of East Asia?"

"Is there anything wrong with this? I remember this clearly."

"I just checked, and it turns out there doesn't seem to be the word East Asia."

"But it means that Chinese people are by no means sick men."

Everyone who found it this time was confused.

Everyone has always said that Chinese people are not the sick men of East Asia.

But now when I look at it, I see this classic line from a Bruce Lee movie.

It's actually different from what everyone thought.

Some scientists also feel confused.

"Why are these lines from Bruce Lee's classic movies different from what we remember?"

"For such a famous movie, I remember what it said at the beginning was that Chinese people are not the sick men of East Asia."

"Why is the word "East Asia" missing?"

Especially many movie lovers and some movie critics.

What they remember in their minds is that "Chinese people are not the sick men of East Asia."

Bruce Lee is only popular in China.

Bruce Lee can be said to be the first generation of international superstars.

It affects an unknown number of people.

Some foreigners were watching Ye Zhen’s interface.

Many of them have watched Bruce Lee’s movies, and that’s where they started.

They were exposed to Chinese Kung Fu, and it was Bruce Lee who let everyone know how powerful the Chinese people were.

So when Ye Zhen said it.

Some foreign viewers were also shocked.

"How is it possible? I remember that the original line was not like this."

"Why have you become a Chinese and not a sick man now?"

"It's so scary. Where did the memory in my mind come from?"

Both Tom and Isis have watched Bruce Lee's movies.

Tom is a Chinese who grew up in the United States.

He has watched countless Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies since he was a child.

When people talk about China, they often think of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and pandas.

"I remember what Bruce Lee said back then was that Chinese people are not the sick men of East Asia."

"Why has it changed now?"

Isis felt that there must be some hidden secret behind this.

The same is true for Japanese audiences, who like Bruce Lee's movies very much.

Because this East Asia includes Japan and Bangzi Country.

They were very sympathetic at that time, so Bruce Lee was also very famous in Japan.

But when some Japanese people recall.

So are their memories.

"How come there is no word "East Asia" in it?"

"I remember it was about the sick man of East Asia?"

Also, have you ever seen the scene in Journey to the West where you were put in a frying pan?

It can be said that there is almost no Chinese audience who has not watched "Journey to the West".

I won’t talk about it for older people, but they must have seen it back then.

Even the younger ones, during the summer vacation.

At that time, classic TV series such as "Journey to the West" were repeatedly played on TV.

As soon as some TV series are played on TV, you know that summer vacation is coming.

There wasn't as much entertainment back then as there is now.

Television is the most accessible form of entertainment to everyone.

So everyone has watched "Journey to the West" countless times.

Professor Yan Xin said: "I clearly remember the time when we were fighting in Chechi Kingdom."

"There is indeed a scene where the Great Immortal Yang Li gets into the frying pan."

So did some of the other researchers.

"I remember there was such a scene?"

"I also remember that this episode was too bloody, so I remember it very clearly!"

"Beheading, disembowelment and putting in a frying pan."

Why does everyone remember it so clearly?

Because that episode was indeed very bloody and terrifying.

Professor Zhou also began to recall, "Back then, "Journey to the West" was watched by many people."

"Everyone remembers such a scene, the scene of putting someone in a frying pan."

Lao Wu also nodded and acknowledged Professor Zhou's statement.

But now when we watch "Journey to the West", we find that there is no such scene in it.

Especially when everyone is searching now, the episode of Che Chiguo is actually different from what everyone remembers.

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan found the video of "Journey to the West" directly on the Internet.

"It's true that there was no scene of being put into a frying pan." Ning Xiu was also confused, because she also remembered the scene of being put into a frying pan.

When Song Xuan was in school, she watched "Journey to the West" and "Huan Zhuge Ge" almost every summer vacation.

So Song Xuan remembers it very deeply.

"Impossible!" Song Xuan shouted immediately when she discovered that there was no scene in "Journey to the West" about frying oil.

"I don't know how many times I have watched "Journey to the West"." Song Xuan covered her head.

Crazy is remembering what it was like.

But the memory in Song Xuan's mind is the scene of getting into the frying pan.

But in the video, there is no scene where Che Chiguo gets into the frying pan.

This is indeed very strange.

So many mistakes and omissions, confusion and collision between the real world and memory.

The memories Ye Zhen mentioned are inconsistent with the real world.

Everyone watching the show has this phenomenon of memory confusion.

No one can avoid it.

You must know that Ye Zhen's current program is not only watched by domestic audiences.

There are many fans even in foreign countries.

The impact proved to be global.

And finally, the pants on Mickey Mouse’s upper body.

Everyone remembers that this upper body had a red belt.

Everyone even has the memory of Mickey Mouse pulling the straps in their minds.

But the real Mickey Mouse has no straps on his upper body at all.

Just a pair of red shorts.

This makes some Mickey Mouse lovers unable to bear it.

"Why is this Mickey Mouse strap gone?"

"Has Mickey Mouse changed too?"

"Are the versions different?"

But when everyone is looking for the old version of Mickey Mouse.

No matter which version of Mickey Mouse it is, no one has been found with a strap.

So how did Mickey Mouse wearing suspenders appear in everyone's mind?

In fact, there are many similar phenomena.

It's just that Ye Zhen came up with something widely known. "Do you still believe in your memory now?" Ye Zhen just asked this sentence.

Now everyone was silent.

At first, everyone thought Ye Zhen was joking.

But now everyone discovered that what Ye Zhen said was actually true.

This is what everyone fears the most.

Something that clearly seems outrageous and impossible is actually true.

The audience swallowed.

"Did what happened in 99 have such a huge impact?"

"It can affect the entire human society."

"What exactly happened back then? Do you remember it?"

Everyone felt scared, and there was a nameless fear that enveloped everyone.

Some scientists cannot imagine what the indescribable thing is.

It will cause changes in human society, the memory of all mankind, and the real world.

"What kind of ability is this?"

"It directly affects everyone's memory and also modifies the real world."

"99, it turned out that 99 was not a joke."

"Can it be said that we have really experienced a very huge catastrophe."

Professor Yan Xin drank a few glasses of wine, "The most terrifying thing is that we didn't notice this strange feeling before Mr. Ye Zhen said it."

In Weary of Victory, although there are only a few people left.

But those who can stay obviously have their own ideas.

Professor Zhou said: "It can affect us unconsciously."

Lao Wu continued what Professor Zhou said, "A real god? Or something else."

Si Xiaoping had a strange idea.

These are very small things, if Ye Zhen hadn't said them.

No one has really noticed it yet, but why is it that only Ye Zhen can find it?

Song Xuan said: "What happened in 99 is already a first-level abnormal event."

In Song Xuan's understanding, this abnormal event was the highest level.

Ning Xiu pondered, with only Ye Zhen in her eyes, "Consultant Ye, how much do you know?"

If that's the case, some people still don't believe it.

How could this world be so magical?

Only then did Ye Zhen begin to speak slowly.

"Do you think this might be a collective memory disorder?"

"Or some psychologist said that maybe everyone just remembered it wrong."

"Because there have indeed been incidents of collective hallucinations in history."

"If you want any explanation, I can give you a few explanations here."

"The first one is what I just said, and everyone has misremembered it."

"These types of memory errors are very common."

"What do you think of this explanation?"

Obviously this cannot convince everyone at all.

However, it is indeed possible for an average psychological expert to say so.

Say you just have a memory disorder.

If it's one person and two people, forget it.

Why is everyone watching the show the same?

Only a very few have memories that are different from others.

"The second one is the possibility of multiverse." Ye Zhen stretched out his second finger.

"Besides our universe, there should be many other universes similar to ours."

"The closer the universe is to us, the more similar it is to our history."

“It’s often just a little different.”

"It's possible that our two universes merged, so one person's memory is the memory from the previous universe."

Ye Zhen's statement has been recognized by many scientists.

The theory of multiverse integration.

"There is a third possibility, which is that a time machine has been invented."

"Someone traveled through the timeline and changed history."

"So the butterfly effect is caused, and everyone's memory will be different from reality."

"Maybe some people's memories are still stuck in the past."

After hearing Ye Zhen's explanation, the latter two seemed very outrageous.

But it is scientifically possible.

"Time machine?" Professor Yan Xin is a professor of life sciences.

Although I don’t know much about this time machine, I have dabbled in it.

"If someone traveled back in time and changed history."

"It's possible to change history in ways that could affect our current reality."

"But our memories are still stuck in the past."

At this moment, Ye Zhen asked everyone to take out their mobile phones.

"If everyone has a mobile phone, please take it out." Ye Zhen's words made everyone feel very confused.

"Maybe this will take up a little of your time."

"Look at the calendar on your phone. If you scroll forward, will it stop at 1900 and not be able to scroll forward?"

Ye Zhen's words made everyone pick up their phones and start scrolling.

Most people's mobile phones are like this, and the calendar can only be pushed forward to 1900.

None before 1900.

But there is a person’s mobile phone that can keep scrolling forward.

"If your phone can scroll all the way forward."

"Jump to the year 1582." Ye Zhen's words made everyone confused.


Why jump to 1582?

"Everyone look at this day in October 1582."

The audience kept sliding up according to what Ye Zhen said.

Finally, I slid to the year 1582 and found the day in October.

Some viewers didn’t understand why Ye Zhen wanted everyone to do this?

"I'm way ahead of my cell phone. I've reached October 1582."

"Is there something wrong with this? I don't see it?"

But gradually, some viewers realized something was wrong.

Everyone felt cold sweat coming directly from their foreheads.

The cold air surged directly from the soles of the feet, and the whole person felt as if he had seen something incredible.

Some historians and archaeologists did what Ye Zhen said.

"How is that possible! What's going on?"

"Am I dazzled? What's going on?"

"Can you actually do this?"

Professor Yan Xin also did the same. He glanced at the date of October 1582 and said, "How is that possible? Are you sure this isn't a program error?"

Professor Zhou and Lao Wu also did what Ye Zhen said.

They were also stunned as they looked at October 1582 on their mobile phones.

"It's incredible how this works."

Old Wu didn't know what to say, "What on earth is going on?"

Si Xiaoping took one look and suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Mr. Ye, who are you?"

Song Xuan and Ning Xiu were also flipping through their calendars.

Finally, after a while of hard work, I found October 1582.

At first, the two of them didn't understand what Ye Zhen was going to do.

But when they saw October, they immediately felt like they had fallen into an abyss.

Ning Xiu's voice trembled: "What's going on? Is this the ability of Nian Beast?"

Bin Zhou also stood up, "This year's beast won't do this."

Isis and Tom also found that day in October 1582.

Isis looked at her phone, "Oh my God, what the hell is going on!"

But Tom said: "I believe what Ye said now."

Ye Zhen said with a smile: "Everyone must have turned to October of 1582."

"Yes, there are 10 days missing in October this year."

"The time jumped from the 4th to the 15th."

That's right! There are actually 10 days missing in this history!

A full ten days disappeared inexplicably from this calendar.

Everyone has seen the calendar.

How could there be a calendar with ten days missing here.

Jumped directly from No. 4 to No. 15.

What exactly is going on? What does it have to do with memory confusion?

(End of this chapter)

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