Chapter 403 Three Spiritual Realms

Early the next morning.

Ye Zhen went to work early.

Driving back to Yangcheng TV station.

Now that Ye Zhen has a car provided by the TV station, it is actually not as convenient as before to go to work.

When Ye Zhen lived in the staff dormitory before, it only took four or five minutes to go to work.

Nowadays, there are traffic jams every day when driving.

In fact, with Ye Zhen's current physical fitness, there is no problem in running directly to work.

For Ye Zhen, it was as if he did not consume any physical energy.

But running on the street is too eye-catching.

If it were before, Ye Zhen would be okay.

But now he is the host of the number one program in Asia.

In the entire Yangcheng City, it is also known to everyone.

You can still cover your tracks while driving.

After fermentation overnight.

Ye Zhen's show is now not only popular in China.

Even abroad, it is beginning to gain a certain degree of popularity.

In China, as long as Ye Zhen’s program is broadcast.

The headline of the next day's newspaper must belong to Ye Zhen.

Because every issue is about Ye Zhen, the sales volume of this newspaper will increase steadily.

So their newspapers also focused on Ye Zhen's program.

I spent the whole night typing up news about Ye Zhen.

But some newspapers are very clever.

Nowadays, the era of print media has declined, just like traditional media.

So they use various means.

For example, something like "The Stories Ye Zhen and Twelve Women Have to Tell".

"Ye Zhen is today because of doing these three things."

"The shocking secret, is Ye Zhen actually such a person?" 》.

These newspapers don't need to wait for Ye Zhen's program to be broadcast.

Usually seven days a week, you can enjoy the heat of Ye Zhen every day.

Ordinary people are also very curious and gossip about the news about Ye Zhen.

There are also reports about Ye Zhen on TV channels.

Because Ye Zhen proved yesterday that the Queen Mother of the West is indeed a real person.

She is not a figure in myths and legends, but a female pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

King Mu of Zhou also traveled to ancient Egypt.

This is of great significance to our country’s history of long-distance travel abroad.

I just pushed it forward for an unknown amount of time.

It proves that there have been exchanges between the two places a long time ago.

Some scholars even claim that the Queen Mother of the West has been part of our Chinese system since ancient times.

This ancient Egypt and the female pharaoh may have been part of our ancient China.

Just like the American continent, Central Asia and Africa may have been part of our territory for a long time.

The news also reported Ye Zhen's achievements as usual.

In the self-media, it is even more chaotic.

Now Ye Zhen is their traffic password and eye-catching tool.

There was even a program analyzing and interpreting Ye Zhen's program.

And a lot of people went to watch.

"Shock! The ancient continent actually belonged to ancient China! 》.

"Is the Queen Mother of the West actually her?" "A Thousand Years of Love with the Emperor".

"The true form of the Pyramid, the truth of the Sphinx is actually like this!" 》.

"The Elixir of Life is There!" 》.

These are all about Ye Zhen’s programs. As long as you click on them, they will be the contents of Ye Zhen’s programs.

"The Biography of Emperor Mu" is also considered by everyone to be more than just a record of supernatural novels.

But a true travelogue.

After Ye Zhen’s analysis, the conclusion can finally be drawn.

But this is only within the country.

Abroad, Ye Zhen's program also began to spread widely.

Foreigners are also very interested in this.

"The emperor of China actually fell in love with the female pharaoh of ancient Egypt."

"I would like to know if this leaf is a monster? How come he knows everything."

"Pyramid, will the next episode explain the pyramid? I'm already waiting."

"In order to understand this program, I specially hired a translator."

Some Western viewers have gone crazy.

Now they worship Ye Zhen as a god.

However, some Egyptian viewers criticized Ye Zhen.

Because ancient Egypt is also one of the four ancient civilizations.

Before the Sumerian civilization was discovered.

Ancient Egypt is said to be an older human civilization than China.

The pyramids and the Sphinx are symbols of the glory of their ancient civilization.

But now it is discovered that the concept of ancient Huaxia actually existed before Huaxia.

It was a super-ancient civilization, older and longer than any other civilization.

Now it is discovered that this female pharaoh of ancient Egypt actually had an affair with King Mu of Zhou?

And their female pharaoh was actually the Queen Mother of the West recorded in Chinese records.

How can they accept this?

Therefore, Ye Zhen's program and reputation are not very popular in Egypt.

In any case, Ye Zhen has really become popular in foreign countries.

Ye Zhen drove back to the TV station.

Now this meeting can be said to be specially held for Ye Zhen.

If Ye Zhen is not here, this meeting will be meaningless.

The ratings of Ye Zhen's program are also unparalleled in China.

The meeting was held immediately after Ye Zhen returned.

Not surprisingly, Ye Zhen’s program is still the first in ratings nationwide.

Since that time, Ye Zhen has been as stable as Mount Tai.

Now there is another one, and it is the most watched program in Asia.

Now the show has spread to Europe.

However, in Europe, Ye Zhen's ratings growth has slowed down.

"Is it just the top ten programs in Eurasia?" Ye Zhen was not very satisfied with the ratings ranking of this program. only?

The rest of the people in the conference room heard Ye Zhen's tone.

Suddenly I felt that Ye Zhen was not too arrogant!

That’s the top ten of all programs in Europe and Asia!

What kind of concept is this? This is basically one third of the world.

But in Ye Zhen's eyes, is it just "actually"?

If others want this one-tenth, no, a one-hundredth achievement would be a blessing.

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Ye Zhen's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 30 million popularity points]

Although this ratings did not reach the top ratings in Asia and Europe.

But these 30 million popularity points are real.

It seems like it has a lot of popularity.

Ye Zhen thought this way before, but now Ye Zhen understands.

No matter how much popularity you have, you are never enough.

Each of these three spiritual realms requires 1000 million popularity points to open.

This is just the popularity value that is turned on, if anything needs to be changed in the third spiritual realm.

This is another 1000 million popularity value, otherwise Ye Zhen may be crushed by the Gaia consciousness, the will of the world, or something called the way of heaven.

Ye Zhen might have died in this spiritual realm.

So this additional 1000 million popularity points are necessary.

So now Ye Zhen only has 1000 million popularity points left for him to use.

The remaining popularity points can only be exchanged for three skill points.

In addition, the saint's [power of gathering] also requires the consumption of popularity points.

These are Bai Huahua's popularity points.

No amount of more is enough.

Therefore, this popularity value seems to be high, but it is not worth it at all.

Ye Zhen has decided that these three spiritual realms must be opened this time.

Because Ye Zhen had already strengthened all the popularity points on himself last time.

Just to prepare for the opening of this spiritual realm.

After the meeting, Ye Zhen found Producer Chen.

"Producer Chen, I have something to discuss with you." Ye Zhen feels that it is still not good to be in the top ten ratings in Eurasia.

Producer Chen was curious about what happened to Ye Zhen.

Because Ye Zhen rarely comes to him for anything.

Producer Chen became nervous and said, "Isn't this something that happened to the show?"

Ye Zhen nodded.

Producer Chen became even more nervous, "What's going on? Don't scare me!"

"Are aliens going to invade the world?"

Apart from this reason, Producer Chen can't think of anything that could cause trouble for the show.

"No." Ye Zhen shook his head and smiled, "Where did you think you were going?"

"There is no problem with the program. I just want you to help me talk to CCTV."

"Let our program be broadcast on the European side and be previewed."

Producer Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "That's it? I thought it was something else."

"It's just a small matter." Producer Chen patted his chest and said, "I'll take care of it."

Ye Zhen is like this. Returned to his office.

Producer Chen quickly contacted CCTV.

CCTV is looking for people to find connections to open up the program broadcast channels on the European side.

If Ye Zhen asked CCTV to be opened before, they were still a little suspicious.

Now they understand how far-sighted Ye Zhen is.

Without hesitation at all, he immediately did what Ye Zhen said.

Ye Zhen returned to the office and fed the little turtle on his desk.

"What are these three spiritual realms like?" Ye Zhen felt that these three spiritual realms were definitely not simple.

Otherwise, how could it cost 1000 million popularity points to open it?

Since obtaining the status of saint, Ye Zhen found that his spiritual power has become more condensed.

Originally, Ye Zhen's mental power was already perfect and could no longer make any progress.

But after gaining the status of a saint, Ye Zhen had the mark of the saint in his mind.

Ye Zhen's mental power is being condensed all the time, making the quality of Ye Zhen's mental power much higher than before.

Although the amount of mental power has not improved, the quality is completely different from before.

The question now is if Ye Zhen wants to pursue the next realm.

Ye Zhen doesn't have a clue yet, but Ye Zhen has a vague feeling.

The opportunity for me to reach the next realm is in these three spiritual realms.

For this reason, Ye Zhen has prepared everything to enter the third spiritual realm.

[Ding, do you want to spend 1000 million popularity points to open three spiritual realms? 】

The voice of the system came from Ye Zhen's mind.

"Yes." Ye Zhen responded directly in his mind.

Ye Zhen suddenly felt that his consciousness turned into a butterfly.

Flying above the rainbow line and the universe is like flying above the nine heavens.

After Ye Zhen woke up, Ye Zhen found himself in a cave.

And there was a ragged young man in front of him.

This young man is only in his early twenties.

"Master, please accept me as your disciple." The young man kowtowed devoutly in front of him.

Ye Zhen encountered such a scene as soon as he came up.

Suddenly I didn't know what to do.

But Ye Zhen looked at the surrounding environment and the clothes of the young man in front of him.

Ye Zhen knew that this was definitely not domestic.

The key is the young man in front of him.

"Child, what's your name?" Ye Zhen asked the young man in front of him.

The boy just replied respectfully, "Teacher, my name is Siddhartha Gautama."

Ye Zhen was shocked, was it him?

He wants to worship me as his teacher? These three spiritual realms were indeed extraordinary.

Ye Zhen asked the young man to get up, "You get up first."

But Gautama did not listen to Ye Zhen's words, "If the teacher does not agree to accept me as a disciple, I will not be able to kneel down."

"Get up, kid." Ye Zhen nodded on the top of Gautama's head, "I promise you."

Gautama looked up with joy on his face, "Thank you, teacher!"

Ye Zhen looked at the young man with an energetic face and his eyes were full of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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