Chapter 415: What is the Pyramid used for?

“Everyone knows it in textbooks and history books.

This pyramid is probably the tomb of the Pharaoh.

Has everyone never doubted such a statement?

Why build your own mausoleum above the ground?

And it's so conspicuous. Are you afraid that others won't see it? "

Ye Zhen raised this question.

Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

The Egyptian pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs, and this knowledge has been deeply ingrained in everyone's mind.

No one has ever doubted this fact.

“What if this pyramid is really the tomb of the pharaoh?

Why is the inside of this pyramid so crude?

There were no funerary objects at all, not even murals.

The Pharaoh Khufu who could build such a majestic pyramid.

Would you let your mausoleum be so simple?

And the remaining two pyramids next to the Pyramid of Khufu.

It is also logically considered to be the tombs of Khufu's son and grandson.

But so far, no one has ever found a mummy in this pyramid.

Not even the mummies buried with him were seen.

Why is this?

Why do you think this pyramid is the tomb of the pharaoh? "

Ye Zhen asked many questions in succession.

In fact, these are some obvious questions.

But if Ye Zhen hadn't brought it up, no one would have ever thought of it this way.

The audience became suspicious for the first time after hearing Ye Zhen's question.

"Yes, why should the tomb be built so conspicuously? It is obviously unreasonable."

"Are you afraid that others won't be able to steal it?"

"This really doesn't look like an emperor's tomb."

"I've been inside the pyramid, and it's really too plain inside."

The audience also thought of the problems involved.

It seems that we have been taught this way since childhood.

This pyramid is the tomb of the Pharaoh, but I have never doubted that there is a problem?

Why do you need to confirm this in the first place?

How could a pharaoh who could build such a majestic pyramid be unknown?

And no grave goods or cultural relics were left behind at all.

This is simply incredible.

Some foreign viewers have also thought about this issue.

"Is it possible that the authorities have been deceiving us?"

"I asked why I have never seen mummies in the Egyptian pyramids."

"But it's possible that the European guys from back then ate it up, hahaha!"

"There is indeed something wrong with this pyramid tomb."

Chinese archaeologists and historians did not expect it.

As soon as Ye Zhen came up, he wanted to overturn this thing that was generally accepted by the archaeological community.

"This pyramid is not the tomb of the Pharaoh, what could it be?"

"There is no record of when Khufu reigned or how many years he reigned."

"This foreign archeology is too childish and ridiculous."

"Compared with the complete archeology in our country, the foreign ones are just like playing house."


It is not clear how many years Khufu has been in power and in what era he was in office.

In fact, it's not just Ye Zhen who is suspicious.

Some people in foreign countries have long suspected that the real owner of the Pyramid of Khufu is?

Because one thing is very strange.

No inscriptions or records have been found in the Pyramid of Khufu.

There is no writing on the entire pyramid.

You must know that this ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics is one of the earliest human writings.

There are no grave goods in such a majestic building.

There are no murals, records or texts.

Isn't this strange?

Some foreign scholars have thought of it.

"In the beginning, it was a colonel named Howard."

"Back then they claimed to be explorers, but they were actually just a group of tomb robbers."

In the 19th century, it was a very barbaric era.

Howard had his eye on the Pyramid of Khufu back then.

But back then, the Pyramid of Khufu was not called the Pyramid of Khufu.

At that time, these Western powers began to search for cultural relics from other civilizations around the world.

Just like what Spain and Portugal did to the indigenous peoples of the American continent.

Our country also suffered greatly back then.

The Eight-Power Allied Forces and the Old Summer Palace, this is a pain that can never be forgotten.

Egypt, one of the four ancient civilizations, is certainly the same.

Back then, Howard blew up a cave in the room called the King inside the pyramid.

Use explosives to blow up the king's room.

Why is this Pyramid of Khufu considered the tomb of the Pharaoh.

Because a room was found inside, and there was a room made of granite.

This is considered to be the coffin of the Pharaoh.

So this room was named the King's Room because it was considered by Western scholars to be the Pharaoh's coffin.

Now if you travel to Egypt, you can also spend money to go to the king's room and watch it.

But there was nothing inside, only a granite coffin with a corner missing standing there.

How did the West confirm that this was the tomb of Khufu?

There is a five-story deflation room above the king's room.

It was here that some graffiti was discovered.

This is the only text in the entire Pyramid of Khufu. It was in these words that they found the name of Pharaoh Khufu recorded in them.

That’s the conclusion.

Later, Western scholars said that the graffiti inside was left by Egyptian workers.

But this is very strange.

There are no inscriptions or records in the entire Pyramid of Khufu.

There are workers’ graffiti in the deflation room on the fifth floor?

And it was confirmed just by relying on this graffiti.

In fact, some cultural relics have long been able to use the C14 dating method to confirm the age of the cultural relics.

But it happens that the Egyptian pyramid and the things inside are just stones.

This calculation is the age of the stone, which is millions of years old.

Obviously this is inaccurate.

But the pigments used in these graffiti can be measured!

So back then, two so-called experts specifically applied to enter the pyramid to do research.

When Marière had not yet taken office, it was a barbaric era.

Almost anyone can enter.

But these two people didn't go in for anything else.

Instead, the graffiti paint was scraped off the fifth floor deflation room above the king's room.

Because these are all organic matter! You can use c14 to calculate the year!

Finally, I discovered that these graffiti are actually modern things!

Those graffiti contain modern chemical components and were not graffiti by ancient Egyptian workers at all.

So after Howard blew up the five-story deflation chamber.

It is very possible that he directed and acted himself and painted it.

What other evidence is there?

It’s the grammatical errors scrawled in here.

There are traces of modern grammar, which is not what the Egyptians used in ancient Egypt at all.

In fact, this is semi-public in the Western archaeological community.

No one admits it.

Now being directly questioned and exposed by Ye Zhen, they can't say anything.

After seeing Ye Zhen's doubts, some scientists also agreed with Ye Zhen's statement.

"There is really no logic to this."

"Is Western archeology so rudimentary?"

"So who is the real owner of Khufu's Pyramid?"

This is also one of the answers everyone wants to know.

Professor Yan Xin led his researchers to watch Ye Zhen's program.

It's strange to say it, since I watched Ye Zhen's show.

Their research progress has not slowed down at all.

And it is faster than some people from other project teams.

"I have long felt that this pyramid is not simple." Professor Yan Xin knew it.

This ancient Egypt is related to many mystical things.

Whether it's mummies or ancient Egyptian black magic or something like that.

Anyone who studies this mystical science is bound to go to Egypt to learn the scriptures.

Because the legendary origin of magic and alchemy is here in ancient Egypt.

How could this pyramid be just a so-called tomb of a pharaoh?

Absolutely not.

Is this Khufu? What qualifications, manpower and material resources are there to build such a huge building?

If you have played Civilization VI, you know that this is a wonder of civilization!

Even in the game, it is a very difficult civilization victory to achieve.

In Yanshengli, the atmosphere now feels inexplicably depressing.

Although everyone seems to be harmonious.

But Professor Zhou could feel the disgust of others towards him.

But Professor Zhou didn't pay much attention to them.

"If the owner of the Pyramid of Khufu is not Khufu, then who does it belong to?" Professor Zhou asked a question.

In addition, Lao Wu also asked from the side: "I think this is not a mausoleum, but something else."

As a fan of megalithic civilization research, Si Xiaoping knows this megalithic civilization very well.

"This Egyptian pyramid is a miracle in the megalithic civilization."

Speaking of the Egyptian pyramids, Si Xiaoping has something to say.

Because here in Egypt, there are many pyramids of various sizes.

However, only a few pyramids can be preserved intact.

Logically speaking, it is also based on the current history of human technological civilization.

Human civilization should progress slowly and little by little.

But what is strange is that some of the pyramids were built after Khufu.

No matter in terms of scale or size, it is completely different from the Pyramid of Khufu.

They are simply two things.

It seems, as if human civilization and technology have regressed again.

None of the pyramids after the Pyramid of Khufu is as solid and exquisite as the Pyramid of Khufu.

It's not even in good condition.

Some pyramids younger than the Pyramid of Khufu are already in dilapidated condition.

This in the end is why?

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan just thought of a question.

"If this pyramid is not a mausoleum, what is it used for?" Ning Xiu felt that this was a key question.

Song Xuan also spoke from the side: "Growing up, we have been taught that this pyramid is the tomb of the Pharaoh."

"No one questioned it."

"Now that Advisor Ye has said this, the idea that this pyramid is a mausoleum is indeed full of loopholes."

But so far, it's just some doubts.

There is no conclusive evidence to overturn this statement.

There is obviously a lack of real evidence.

Some foreign viewers watching Ye Zhen's show for the first time.

"Then bring out the evidence to prove that this pyramid is not a mausoleum."

(End of this chapter)

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