Chapter 421 The legacy of super ancient civilization

These data on the pyramid can be found by just searching online.

In fact, the audience can also directly open the world map to verify Ye Zhen's words.

Sure enough, some viewers opened the world map directly.

I found the coordinates of Khufu’s Pyramid on my phone.

"31.131126° East Longitude 29.975582° North Latitude."

"It's actually the speed of light. How is this possible?"

"It's incredible how this is done!"

"Could it be said that this is also a precognitive ability?"

It’s not just a fan holding a cell phone in front of the TV.

This is something everyone can check.

Domestic historians and archaeologists have never known these things.

"This must not be a coincidence. How can there be such a coincidence."

"This must be a very advanced civilization."

"Does it turn out that this pyramid still contains such truth?"

Some foreign mathematicians and physicists were also shocked.

As professionals, of course they know.

If a civilization is developed, it will inevitably develop superb mathematics.

Because mathematics can be said to be the mother of all subjects.

This simple number is actually very easy to verify.

A mathematician immediately found various data about the pyramid.

Calculate according to what Ye Zhen said.

“It’s really pi, and the bottom five digits of pi.”

"And the height of this pyramid is really the distance from Blue Star to the sun."

"Why is this happening? This mathematics is simply amazing."

"It was thousands of years ahead of the world at that time."

“Wouldn’t that mean that our civilization is really going backwards?”

As Mariel, who has studied the Pyramid of Khufu for so long.

He himself didn't know any of this.

Marie showed a shocked expression for the first time.

"How on earth does this person know these contents? Even I don't know this."

So did the staff at the Egyptian Museum in the conference room.

Before Ye Zhen said it, they did not know that this pyramid actually contained such mathematics.

Seeing Curator Marie's shocked expression.

The staff also knew that this leaf really had something to offer.

Professor Yan Xin felt that the Pyramid of Khufu must have a special purpose.

"This Pyramid of Khufu may be something deliberately created by psychics."

"This is evidence that super-ancient civilization existed."

According to the productivity and technology at that time.

Only when people have enough to eat can they pursue other things.

If this were not the case, even food and clothing would not be solved.

How could it be possible to spend so much manpower and material resources building something like this?

Some domestic Feng Shui masters are also paying attention to Ye Zhen's program.

"This Pyramid of Khufu is in a Feng Shui position."

"That's right, look at this place. If there really was a mountain, it would be buried here."

"Feng Shui Treasure Land, when you say this, I can see it."

In their opinion, the location of Khufu's Pyramid seemed to be placed in an important position on Blue Star.

This place was not chosen randomly.

The coordinates are positions at the speed of light, and are through the prime meridian.

There is also the Orion constellation in the sky, and the ventilation shaft also faces Orion and Polaris.

Professor Zhou in "Weird Victory" now sees some clues.

"Why does this feel a bit like a thing that hates winning?"

I don’t know why Professor Zhou suddenly felt like this.

Old Wu glanced at Professor Zhou strangely, "Why do you think this is a thing that hates winning?"

Obviously Lao Wu was a little surprised by Professor Zhou's opinion.

"It's just a feeling." Professor Zhou shook his head and laughed at himself: "Maybe there is something wrong with my brain. This aversion to winning is unique to us in China."

Si Xiaoping on the side said: "This is a man-made mountain, that is, Kunlun Qiu."

"Could it be that because there are no mountains here, we deliberately built such a pyramid in this geomantic treasure place?"

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, this layout is indeed a very good place in Kanyu.

But not everyone has the ability to create a mountain out of thin air.

But this goes back to the previous question.

From the perspective of a Feng Shui master, this is a Feng Shui treasure land.

Then it must be used for burial.

Doesn’t this fit in with the initial statement that this is the tomb of the Pharaoh?

But we now know that this is not the tomb of the pharaoh.

So what is such a geomantic treasure land used for?

Ning Xiu felt that the secret of the pyramid was emerging bit by bit.

"How did Advisor Ye discover these things?"

Song Xuan is also very curious about such things, if you are not proficient in mathematics and have in-depth research on the pyramids.

It can't be so clear.

"Consultant Ye is indeed a god." Song Xuan looked at Ye Zhen with even more admiration.

Isis and Tom are far away across the ocean.

Ever since he watched Ye Zhen's show, Tom also became interested in China on the other side of the ocean.

It is the place where his parents were born, and he has a deeper understanding.

Like Tom, who was born in the United States.

My parents themselves were immigrants who came here illegally.

When China came to the United States, it was a very powerful thing.

But there was a look of determination on Isis's face. "It is indeed him, he is the only one who can help me." Isis said to herself, "I want to go to China."

Tom had no reaction at first, "Going to China, right? It's good, right?"

"Huh?" Tom realized at this time, "What did you say?"

"You are going to China. Why are you going to China alone?" Tom didn't understand.

In his opinion, the United States is paradise.

Otherwise, why would so many people come to the United States every year?

Why do you have to go to China?

But at this time Isis had already made up her mind, "Do you want to go with me?"

Tom raised his eyebrows, obviously very happy, but he didn't show it.

"Ahem." Tom pretended to cough twice.

This is a man and a woman traveling together!

Tom is already imagining his future with Isis.

Even the child's name has been decided.

"Of course, I'm from China, and I'm a China expert."

"If you are with me, this trip to China will be very safe."

After Isis heard Tom's reply, she didn't pay much attention to it.

Continue to watch Ye Zhen’s show.

Ye Zhen just continued to introduce the pyramid.

“Everyone knows that the highest god in ancient Egypt is the Sun God.

Also known as Ra, the sun god.

This sun god Ra is a god with the head of a bird and a human body.

The height of the pyramid is only 136 meters now, multiplied by one billion times.

Is it different from the current distance from Blue Star to the Sun?

Because this data is already the height of the Pyramid of Khufu after it weathered and fell off.

The original height is 146 meters, which doesn’t seem to be consistent, right?

Because the distance from this blue star to the sun is 149597870 kilometers.

Only by truly understanding the distance from the sun to the blue star can we build it to such a height.

After all, in the legend, the sun god Ra came from the sun.

You must know that there was originally a Benben stone on the Pyramid of Khufu.

This Benben Stone looks like a small pyramid.

Including the Benben Stone, the height of the entire Pyramid of Khufu is 149.5 meters.

There are also the corners of this pyramid, facing due north and due south.

It's not the north and south of the magnetic poles.

But the north and south of Blue Star itself. "

North and south on the magnetic poles and true north and south on the blue star are two different concepts.

One is due to the blue star's own magnetic field, and the other is related to the earth's axis.

This is something that everyone has only really known in recent years.

But the ancient Egyptians actually knew about this a long time ago?

It's incredible.

"Do you think this Khufu Pyramid is incredible?

Even more incredible things are yet to come.

Have you noticed that this pyramid is a little different from the real North Pole and does not completely overlap?

Do you think this is an error? "Ye Zhen shook his head.

"Because the earth's axis is actually shifting every year.

So a long time ago, there was a gap between the North Pole on the Earth's axis and now.

We use the current earth's axis as a standard to measure the orientation of the Pyramid of Khufu.

Actually this is not accurate.

If the slight error in that angle is erased.

The Pyramid of Khufu is aligned with the true geographical North Pole.

The position where the Blue Star's polar axes point toward the sky changes every day, over a 2.5827-year cycle.

Going around the sky and returning to its original position, the sum of the pyramid's diagonals is exactly equal to 25826.6.

It can be calculated that the North Pole of the Earth's axis was more than 10,000 years ago.

This is the true North Pole that the Pyramid of Khufu points to. "

What does Ye Zhen mean by this?

This shows that the Pyramid of Khufu was not built by the ancient Egyptians at all!

“Everyone has always thought wrong, why can’t everyone guess how the Pyramid of Khufu was built.

Because the ancient Egyptians at that time did not have any technology or methods to build it.

This Pyramid of Khufu did not exist thousands of years ago, but existed tens of thousands of years ago.

The Pharaoh of Egypt just discovered the Pyramid of Khufu.

The Pyramid of Khufu is the earliest pyramid and the oldest pyramid.

Later pyramids were just imitations of the Pyramid of Khufu. "

Based on this astronomical knowledge, Ye Zhen deduced the time of Khufu's Pyramid.

Some astronomers knew that Ye Zhen was not wrong at all.

And some astronomers entered the locations of the three pyramids of Giza into the computer.

Find on the timeline what night it is.

The three pyramids of Giza face Orion in the sky.

"The star map from more than 12,000 years ago shows that Orion and the three pyramids of Giza overlap."

"How is this possible? This Pyramid of Khufu is actually from more than 10,000 years ago."

"This is a remnant of the civilization of the previous era, a building from a super ancient civilization!"

Ye Zhen's words stirred up a thousand waves with one stone!

This Pyramid of Khufu is actually a trace left over from a super ancient civilization?

Many people have previously questioned Ye Zhen's super-ancient civilization without real evidence.

A pyramid that big now is proof!

Why is there so many mysteries surrounding the Pyramid of Khufu?

Because this is not a product of ancient times at all, but something from the previous civilization era.

Just like the Fusang sacred tree in Puma Pungu.

The ancient Egyptians also discovered such a majestic building.

This was not built by them!

(End of this chapter)

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