Chapter 424 The Power of Feng Shui

In fact, in recent years, medical research has discovered that.

Hydrogen has different effects on the human body.

Specifically, when it comes to animal experiments.

Injecting hydrogen gas into water turns ordinary water into hydrogen-rich water.

This hydrogen can resist oxidation and eliminate free radicals in living organisms.

Another function is to repair the damage caused by organ transplantation.

Specifically, it is effective against ischemia-reperfusion injury.

The most amazing thing is that in 1975.

Some experimenters directly placed mice with cancer into a high-pressure hydrogen chamber.

Finally, it was found that the cancer cells in the mouse were regressing.

Why did King Mu of Zhou know that he was seeing the Queen Mother of the West?

"So this is a civilized building from a previous era, and they are all Feng Shui masters?"

"Isn't Feng Shui and Kan Yu what our country is best at?"

There are also various numbers of heaven and earth contained in this universe.

"Does the Pyramid of Khufu also use the power of Feng Shui?"

So there is no difference between this hydrogen-rich water and ordinary water.

Because Feng Shui is something that can be said to be deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

"Can Feng Shui actually achieve this level?"

"I have long said that this Kunlun Hill belongs to our ancient China. Look, it's proven now."

Just like the nuclear power plant 20 billion years ago.

I was also shocked.

In the words of us Chinese people, this is the power of Feng Shui.

It is also like this that people began to pay attention to the effect of hydrogen on living organisms.

It is precisely because of this that it has the effect of such an energy power station.

As long as you go to some large construction sites or some movie shooting ceremonies.

The audience finally understood the role of Feng Shui.

It can be said to be the most perfect place under the rules of heaven and earth.

This not only requires extremely developed knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and architecture.

Returning to Ye Zhen's show, Ye Zhen stood on the stage in high spirits.

The location of this pyramid, the specifications and numbers of its construction.

"So the location where Khufu's Pyramid is located is really a geomantic treasure."

The Queen Mother of the West is a figure in ancient China.

"Is it possible that this is a paradise?"

This is actually an application of Feng Shui.

Nowadays, some businessmen in the world are promoting hydrogen-rich water in order to make money.

In other words, some people in high positions believe in Feng Shui more.

Only with the ultimate knowledge of Feng Shui can we achieve this. "

"To be specific, this Feng Shui theory originated from Hetu Luoshu."

After hearing what Ye Zhen said, some Feng Shui masters in the country became uneasy.

In fact, clinically, there is no experimental data on the effects of hydrogen-rich water on the human body.

The place where the Pyramid of Khufu is located can be said to be the most exquisite place in the world.

The location of Khufu's Pyramid is also particular.

This energy power station also takes advantage of the power of the environment.

This Khufu Pyramid is a matter of energy power station, when Ye Zhen analyzed it by himself.

This is done at eight standard atmospheres.

You will inevitably see others making sacrifices or inviting masters to come and take a look.

When Ye Zhen said this, it can be said that the domestic audience understood it very well.

But this research only ends here.

They are all carefully designed, which puts the Pyramid of Khufu in a key position on the entire Blue Star.

Because there are records in ancient books about what the Queen Mother of the West looks like.

"Now everyone understands what the Pyramid of Khufu is.

But some historians and archaeologists have a problem.

"I didn't expect that Kunlun Qiu is actually an energy power station."

"The "Book of Mountains and Seas" records that Kunlun Qiu is a place where all things exist."

"It seems that this place was very prosperous back then."

But these are some foreign archaeologists and some scholars.

They have no understanding at all of things like Feng Shui and Kanyu.

So it's no wonder that they can't analyze what the function of the pyramid is.

"What exactly is this Feng Shui Kanyu?"

"Why haven't I heard of this technology before?"

"Could it be that this is the black technology of the Chinese people?"

But they also belong to the East Asian cultural circle, and belong to the two countries of Bangzi and Japan, which are branches of our civilization.

They know exactly what Feng Shui is.

Especially the Bangzi Kingdom, of course they want to steal it.

Unfortunately, they only have a partial understanding.

"Are these ancient Egyptians also proficient in Feng Shui?"

"Isn't this feng shui belonging to our stick? Smecta."

"Feng Shui actually has such power, it can indeed affect a country!"

This is even more true in Japan.

Since the previous episode of Ye Zhenzhen Takeuchi's program.

Ye Zhen has also become popular in Japan.

The whole of Japan is a fan of Ye Zhen.

"We are still not proficient enough in Feng Shui."

"Does Feng Shui still have such knowledge? Use heaven and earth as the layout."

"It seems that we have to go to China to steal our troops."

Among them, the people of Jiuju faction are even more like this.

They discovered that the defeat in China was not unfair at all.

Some of them are indeed sitting in a well looking at the sky.

He thinks he is invincible.

After all, the meridian system of Feng Shui and traditional Chinese medicine comes from ancient China.

And then let's carry over to now. Now it seems that the Pyramid of Khufu may have been something from the ancient Chinese civilization.

It is a building belonging to the period of the Queen Mother of the West.

But later on, for some unknown reason, this ancient Huaxia began to slowly disappear all over the world.

But this root still remains here in China.

Professor Yan Xin also has a new understanding of this extraordinary power.

"This Feng Shui can also be said to be a kind of spiritual power." Professor Yan Xin was already considering whether to study Feng Shui.

Professor Zhou from Yanshengli feels that the Pyramid of Khufu actually uses Feng Shui, one of our traditional Chinese cultures.

"Doesn't this mean that the Pyramid of Khufu is actually part of the ancient times and ancient China?"

Old Wu smiled and said: "Of course it is. Isn't the Queen Mother of the West the evidence?"

Si Xiaoping did not expect that the Pyramid of Khufu actually used the power of Feng Shui.

"To put it bluntly, Feng Shui means taking advantage of the right time and place, and the power of the environment and earth's veins."

"Use the power of heaven and earth?"

For human power, the power of heaven and earth is indeed different.

In the 749th game, Song Xuan and Ning Xiu were the two.

Song Xuan had a question, "What is this energy power station used for?"

Ning Xiu also had such a question.

"Could it be said that the ancients used it for practice?"

Ning Xiu discovered that Ye Zhen did not say what the Pyramid of Khufu was used for.

But now it seems that some scholars before this said that this was the tomb of the pharaoh.

What a ridiculous statement.

But this is how knowledge is, with the progress of the times.

Some knowledge that was considered true before will gradually be discovered to be wrong.

Just like some ancient Western philosophers believed.

For example, Aristotle and others believed that objects of different weights fall at different speeds.

Later it was broken by Galileo.

At that time, they believed that the origin of the world was composed of four elements.

Water, fire, earth, and air are the four elements that make up everything in the world.

Later, with the development of science, humans knew molecules.

Atoms were discovered again.

At this point, humans think they have found the most basic particles in the world.

Physics is already beyond reach.

But we now know that under atoms, there are neutrons and electrons.

Even neutrons and electrons are not the smallest.

There are quarks further down.

Now humans think that quarks are the smallest.

But recently, new substances composed of quarks have been discovered.

This is the difference in human cognition with the development of different eras.

It's a bit like a game version update.

As humans conduct in-depth research into this world, each version is being updated.

It's like the new rules of heaven and earth.

In different eras, there are different rules of heaven and earth.

Ye Zhen looked at the time and saw that it was almost the same.

"Okay, audience friends, let's move on to the next step."

"Phone connection."

As Ye Zhen said this sentence.

A series of numbers appeared on the TV screen.

It’s Yangcheng TV station’s phone number.

It was the first time for some foreign viewers to watch Ye Zhen's program, and they did not expect that there would be this link.

In fact, as long as I watch Ye Zhen's show, I can't help but have many different thoughts and questions in my mind.

The best solution to these problems is of course to ask Ye Zhen himself!

Some foreign viewers discovered that this was a Chinese domestic number.

I simply can't get through.

However, there are also some foreign fans who have already been prepared.

Some people find their Chinese friends and ask them to borrow their phone cards.

Some use special methods to obtain them on the Internet.

Anyway, it was the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers.

Not to mention the domestic audience, they are already ready to go.

"I must get it this time!"

"Please, please it must be me!"

"It has to be my turn this time."

The phones in Yangcheng TV Station have already been upgraded.

Because this has already been noticed by the country.

There is a reason why the Guangdong Radio, Film and Television Bureau came forward.

Because no matter what Ye Zhen said, he could be regarded as half of the 656 game.

This is a good opportunity for China to communicate and publicize to the outside world.

The telephone system of Yangcheng TV Station has been comprehensively upgraded.

And the cost of this upgrade is not borne by Yangcheng TV Station at all.

But obviously the pressure of this call exceeded everyone's imagination.

A director of the local communications department in Yangcheng.

"The upgrade is complete this time. It should be able to perfectly handle the congestion of telephone communication."

Because this is already the highest communication specification so far.

But when Ye Zhen's program started receiving calls from all over the world.

The communication system was paralyzed again without any surprise.

"Supervisor!" A staff member from the communications department trotted over.

"Our system is down again. The amount of data is too terrifying!"

The head of the communications department stood up from his chair, "What? Haven't you endured this?"

"This is already our highest-standard communication transformation."

Obviously, Ye Zhen's popularity is beyond everyone's knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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