Chapter 545 Worldwide Influence
Now Ye Zhen is also the deputy director of Yangcheng TV station.

It is still necessary to have a secretary.

"Okay, put it down and I'll look at it." Ye Zhen asked Director Huang's little secretary to put the file on the table.

Ye Zhen just flipped through it casually and finished reading it.

Ye Zhen read all these files.

All of them are graduates from prestigious domestic universities.

There are also many who have returned from overseas.

There are even foreigners inside.

Ye Zhen also discovered a characteristic, that is, the profile looks of these secretaries were all excellent.

It can be said that you can become a little star if you pull him out.

"If there is any reason why they don't come out, they have to hide underground!"

It was also from this show that domestic audiences knew that lizard people existed.

"We humans are actually the descendants of lizard people?" 》.

Now Ye Zhen has become a regular guest on TV.

Ye Zhen's video slices can now have tens of thousands of views.

But Ye Zhen's thoughts are not here.

But now because of Ye Zhen's fame, many people want to come and work at Yangcheng TV Station.

There are also some who repeatedly play Ye Zhen’s program late at night.

There have been hot searches about Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen didn't understand whether this was what Director Huang meant or what.

"What generation of human civilization are we in? 》.

All kinds of outrageous headlines are flying across the Internet.

"I think there must be some special reason why the lizard man can't come out."

All highly educated beauties.

Everyone started discussing it on the Internet.

At this time, everyone’s discussion is at its highest.

Some TV stations even opened a special program to interpret Ye Zhen's program.

"This is a lie. How could such a creature exist?"

Now in the world, Ye Zhen's reputation can be said to be unknown to everyone.

"None of you believe that there are really lizard people under the ground!"

On short videos, if you watch ten videos, Ye Zhen will definitely appear in them.

"You usually just think it's special effects and filming a movie."

Needless to say, Ye Zhen is the most popular person in China now.

"Is this the truth about the lizard people?" The end of mankind is coming! 》.

The night after the show had just finished airing and the next day were when Ye Zhen was most popular.

Yes, among these candidates, they are all beautiful women.

"If lizard men exist, can you come out and let me have a look!"

"Descendants of the Dragon?" Descendants of the Dinosaurs! 》.

If it were before, there wouldn't be such a choice at all.

If lizard men exist, why don't you come out and let me see them?
Others think so.

Good looks and ability to do things.

"Could it be that the moon in the sky is really monitoring our blue star, but it's not just humans?"

It has reached an unprecedented point.

"Even if the lizard man appears in front of you now, would you think it is real?"

"The Shocking Truth!" Fuxi and Nuwa are actually lizard people!"

But these secretaries are definitely not as simple as vases.

Even if you don't want to read it, the screen is almost full of news about Ye Zhen.

But Ye Zhen also discovered that these people seemed to have a very good-looking secretary beside them.

Many people on the Internet now have similar thoughts.

Various websites and news are reporting on Ye Zhen’s program.

Currently, Ye Zhen can account for at least five or six of the top ten hot searches in China.

Everyone has different opinions.

Because there are indeed no sightings of lizard people in the country.

But it is different online in foreign countries.

Ye Zhen's popularity and entries are among the best on some apps.

Second only to the current general elections in foreign countries.

Even the heat is sometimes slightly exceeded.

The first sightings of lizard men occurred in foreign countries.

Foreign people are very concerned about this.

Some of the younger ones had no idea this had ever happened.

And some older foreigners know it very well.

Among them are some eyewitnesses from that year.

"What on earth are foreign governments hiding?"

"The truth about lizard people, foreign high-level officials are all lizard people".

"We have always been controlled by lizard people."

"Beware the Lizard People Around You."

"Top Ten Famous Lizard People in Foreign Countries, Teach You How to Identify Lizard People".

There cannot be any talk of independent thinking below.

"I saw lizard men when I was a kid, and they were terrifying."

"Yes, I also saw a lizard man back then and even called the police. This is the record from that year."

"I didn't expect that Mr. Ye Zhen would pay attention to this matter. I thought no one knew about it now."

Because of Ye Zhen’s show, there is now another lizard man craze all over the world.

Foreign White Houses now receive calls every day.

They all came here to ask about the lizard people.

However, the attitude of foreign countries is very ambiguous, neither admitting nor denying it.

Another place that has also been bombarded by people across the country is the foreign space agency NASA.

Because everyone is very curious whether the video of Apollo 18 is real.

Did the three-eyed female corpse really exist? Of course NASA couldn't reply.

It is also handled with an attitude of neither denying nor confirming.

This aroused everyone's curiosity even more.

"I just said that foreign countries must be hiding something."

"Didn't Douyin say he was going to be banned recently? I think this is the biggest conspiracy!"

Because some young people nowadays really don’t watch TV anymore.

TV is too boring and I have to watch commercials.

Their main source of information in era z is the Internet.

The most important thing is the short video platform, where the most famous one is the short video Douyin.

Ye Zhen’s slices and video interpretations are flying all over the world on overseas Douyin.

It's just that Ye Zhen's show about lizard people has just come out.

Foreign countries actually immediately initiated a vote and passed the vote and bill.

I want to directly ban Douyin, I want to directly remove and ban this software.

Because on the Internet, Ye Zhen’s videos are the most widely distributed on this short video software.

This has to arouse everyone's doubts.

A foreign country that originally required many rounds of discussions and discussions to do anything.

The speaker who was chosen as a bullshit before was forced to vote dozens of times.

In the end, the decision was made with the advantage of one vote.

But now regarding the short video, it was passed at once.

Everything was decided in almost two days, and it was as if no one had reacted.

That's why everyone is asking whether the Lizard Man Platform controls all of this.

Because Douyin came from China, and Ye Zhen was from China.

But this aroused everyone's rebellious psychology even more.

Now you can see Ye Zhen’s program being broadcast on foreign streets.

Ye Zhen is a very famous person internationally.

Now when people talk about China, it’s not just about pandas, kung fu, Bruce Lee and the like.

He also talks about Ye Zhen and Ye Zhen’s program.

Everyone has a feeling that the world is quietly changing.

The world is still the same world as before.

But because Ye Zhen exists, the whole world is different from what everyone knows.

Some experts now say that we humans may now enter a new era.

And the person who caused all this was Ye Zhen.

Some scientists even predicted that.

"Every country now seems to have hidden undercurrents."

"Whoever masters the technology of super ancient civilization first will own the entire world."

"We can find out in Ye Zhen's show."

"Back then, Mustache was able to resist the entire world on his own because he had mastered part of the technology of super-ancient civilization."

"And foreign countries and the two major countries of the former Soviet Union have also followed this path."

"Especially in foreign countries, they had the technology to land manned men on the moon."

There are many similar remarks.

They all believed that the superpowers of the past had just exploited the technology left over from the civilization of the previous era.

The best proof is China.

After watching Ye Zhen's show, people all over the world will look for Ye Zhen's previous programs to watch.

I saw the glory of Chinese civilization.

They believe that the Chinese civilization can be passed down to the present, and it should have mastered a large part of the technology of super-ancient civilization.

Especially the system of traditional Chinese medicine and meridians.

Even if our current science has developed to this point, we still cannot completely crack it.

And how did the ancient Chinese know all this?

This is not scientific at all.

Some foreigners think so.

"I think the Chinese are the descendants of the lizard people."

"Don't they claim to be the descendants of dragons? Doesn't this mean they are the descendants of dinosaurs!?"

"I heard they have something called the Book of Changes, and the Book of Changes in it is the Lizard Man's lizard!"

"I think they look very similar. Don't you see that Nuwa and Fuxi from China are half-human and half-snake?"

This statement was spread by people both inside and outside France.

It was as if they had discovered some shocking secret.

Everyone wants to know what the truth of this world is.

The moon in the sky, the world below, and everything in ancient times.

Everyone is looking forward to Ye Zhen's next show.

Not just the general audience, but also some scientists and researchers.

Many of them have found many inspirations and projects in Ye Zhen.

Some even just changed it a little and added a little bit of my own opinions.

Just published a new paper.

Such things abound, and now super-ancient civilization can be said to be the most popular.

Atlantis civilization, the Sphinx, the mysterious cabin on the moon, etc.

These are what everyone is looking forward to.

An international joint scientific expedition team has been launched.

I want to study what Ye Zhen mentioned in the show.

If something super ancient civilization is unearthed.

You can directly leave your name in history! Directly let the entire human civilization remember you.

But now everyone doesn’t believe in the governments of these countries.

I think they concealed a lot of information and content.

They want to explore it all by themselves, just like Ye Zhen.

Disclose everything you know.

This is what everyone wants.

(End of this chapter)

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