Chapter 559 Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind

Dear elementary school students, middle school students, and college students who are in front of the TV.

After everyone heard what Ye Zhen said.

They all felt that Ye Zhen was just joking.

"I'm just a little nurse, what can I do?"

"Didn't you just take care of the aliens?"

"I don't believe there's anything that can shock me."

Xiao Ming moved a small stool and watched Ye Zhen's program in front of the TV.

He widened his little eyes, already looking forward to what Ye Zhen would say next.

Ye Zhen's voice began to speak loudly.

Ever since Ye Zhen's mental power has condensed into a crystal of mental power.

Because I was in such a hurry at the time, I only had time to find an available nurse in Aloy.

That is, three little gray men. "

Aloy is very ordinary, like most people born in the United States.

And Aloy didn't know what he was encountering at first.

When you're holding such a big secret inside.

“But not like Bob.

Aloy wanted to join the army with the intention of serving his country.

What will you do?
Aloy's choice is after his own death.

"Let's make trouble! The more chaotic the world is, the better." Saint Celia's compassionate eyes showed a rare hint of madness, and the corners of her mouth could not help but raise slightly.

Make everything you know public.

All the materials were packed and sent to the nearest church.

Suddenly, I received a very urgent order from my superiors.

Seeing what Ye Zhen said, Saint Celia felt that her big plan had succeeded.

An entire medical team was sent directly to a secret place via a transport plane.

What did Aloy see?
Two lifeless corpses appeared as gray villains.

Until his death, Eroy never revealed anything about Area 51.

Just let her start setting off without bringing anything else.

They all believe in Christianity.

However, because of the incident in Area 51, Aloy, who was only 23 years old at the time, was involved.

At that time, the United States could indeed be said to be a beacon country for mankind.

“Based on Aloy’s record.

This place is Area 51.

Because Aloy strictly abides by the agreement with the United States.

At that time, Celia was not a saint, but a little nun in the local church.

She was still serving in the army at the time.

What to do, but she was the only woman there at that time.

It's just that Aloy only passed away in 2007.

In the Roswell incident that year, the U.S. military not only discovered the fallen flying saucer.

And because of this, Aloy also ended the matter in Area 51.

The other one kept squirming in his mouth and his body moved from time to time.

He retired from the US military and received a large amount of pension.

The same goes for Aloy.

So there's everything I know now.

Because that's exactly what she wanted.

Before his death, Aloy recounted everything he experienced in Area 51.

Specifically, it makes people feel more involved when telling stories and popularizing science.

She was born and raised in the classic golden age of America.

Why does Saint Celia have these things?
Because Aloy was like most white Americans back then.

Now Ye Zhen's voice also has a certain degree of mind control.

And then there are the three alien corpses above.

It looks completely different from all known creatures on Blue Star.

Instead, it's like some kind of toy.

You may have seen pictures of the Gray Man, who are basically hairless.

It has only three fingers and toes and a huge head.

Their heads are inlaid with a pair of huge black pupils without the whites of their eyes.

According to Aloy, when he saw the pure black eyes of the gray man.

A feeling of great fear arose in my heart for no reason.

It turns out that Elroy is here to help treat the remaining grays.

But during this process, Aloy could see that there were many experts and professors at the scene. There are linguistics experts, sign language experts, cryptography experts, mathematicians, etc.

They were all talking about something to the remaining little grays.

Someone was gesturing with their hands and speaking in sign language.

Someone spoke all the existing languages ​​in the world in front of the Gray Man.

Someone else was holding a board and writing something on it, drawing some schematic diagrams.

The only thing they want is to communicate with this alien who is still alive.

But they found that the alien paid no attention to them.

They seem to be unable to communicate with aliens.

At this moment, Aloy seemed to hear a voice he had never heard before.

Aloy felt a consciousness in her mind.

At first, Aloy wasn't sure if it was his hallucination.

Aloy looked at the Grays strapped to three dissecting tables.

Aloy tried it out and responded with his own consciousness.

Because Aloy himself has never tried to communicate spiritually with others.

Communicate directly using your consciousness.

"Are you talking to me?"

"That's right, I'm the one talking to you."

After getting the reply, Aloy immediately shouted on the spot.

Obviously this movement attracted the attention of everyone present.

It's just that everyone thinks that Aloy was frightened.

Because not to mention Aloy, even these experts have never seen similar scenes.

But Aloy's words immediately shocked everyone.

Because Aloy said that the gray man lying on the bed was talking to him. "

Listening to everyone here, it feels like watching a movie.

Ye Zhen's words made them seem to have seen what happened at that time.

"Conscious communication, isn't this a special function?"

"Telepathy! This is telepathy!"

"But luckily we use our consciousness to communicate, otherwise I really wouldn't know what to do."

In some science fiction movies, many scientists have hypothesized.

What if there is a misunderstanding when communicating with aliens?
Don't say it's a different race.

Even as humans, some of our things are not agreed upon and customary.

Like here in India, shaking your head means affirmation.

But if you use consciousness to communicate, you don't have to worry about it at all.

When Professor Yan Xin heard this, his face showed that this was indeed the case.

"Why was the United States so determined to research superpowers back then?"

"A large part of it should be related to this alien."

"It would be great if I could dissect this alien."

Researchers under Professor Yan Xin think so too.

Now that there are aliens, superpowers and the like are not that outrageous.

The Cold War after World War II.

Because of the German Empire, the former Soviet Union and the United States have invested in the research of superpowers and supernatural powers.

The United States at that time actually already knew part of the German Empire.

Professor Zhou, who was tired of winning, looked at the conscious communication mentioned by Ye Zhen on the screen.

"It seems that superpowers are not unique to us humans."

Strictly speaking, Professor Zhou is also an extraordinary person.

Because Professor Zhou has the power to hate winning.

"There are actually three alien corpses, and they are all intact." Old Wu couldn't help but sigh at how lucky the United States was.

When Si Xiaoping was studying, he saw anatomical views of aliens circulating on the Internet.

The memory is still fresh now, especially the appearance of the little gray man.

In Bureau 749, what Ning Xiu could confirm was in the database of the Bureau.

There is no relevant information or information about Aloy at all.

"Consultant Ye, where did you get all this?" Ning Xiu felt that there was some organization behind Ye Zhen?
Otherwise, why was Ye Zhen so determined not to sign a contract with them?

Being able to have a system is the dream of all college students who have just graduated from college.

But Ye Zhen refused.

Song Xuan touched her lips and said, "Why do you have to communicate with this person named Aloy?"

"Weren't there many people at the scene?"

"Could it be that this alien is also a pervert?"

(End of this chapter)

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