Chapter 561 Cause of Alien Death

Live show dissecting aliens.

Although now is an era of entertainment to death.

There are short videos floating around, but seeing an alien dissected is still considered a tough job.

Although it's just a prop.

Audiences at home and abroad watched Ye Zhen dissect and popularize science with ease.

"Ah! Teacher Ye is so handsome!"

"One thing I have to say is that Teacher Ye is not a doctor at first glance."

"Is it possible that this is not a prop at all?"

"Just to be able to broadcast it, it's just a prop!"

Professor Zhou already knew that Ye Zhen would continue to bring surprises to everyone.

"Someone has indeed dug up something called Tai Sui."

"This is no longer a surprise, but a bit of a shock."

"Isn't this something fake at first glance?"

Because this is a completely different kind of creature from humans.

But after hearing what Ye Zhen said next, I knew it was just a prop.

Song Xuan laughed heartily at the side, "Captain Ning, why do you think the Grays in Consultant Ye's show are real?"

"But in archaeological excavations, we often deal with soil."

"And how do they reproduce? Asexual reproduction, or cloning?"

"They don't have any internal organs? How do they survive?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Ye surprises everyone every time!"

"Are there any living things in the world that are not cells?"

But when they heard Ye Zhen say, it was just a prop.

Especially Professor Yan Xin, it was an eye-opener for him.

"How can it be shown in public like this!"

They were all frightened and speechless.

Si Xiaoping didn't understand and looked at Lao Wu, "What does this have to do with Tai Sui?"

Old Wu shook his head and did not continue.

Because this is too realistic.

Look at it from their professional perspective.

My mood calmed down.

Ning Xiu calmed down and stroked her violently rising chest with her hand.

"You can also come up with stunts like dissecting aliens."

Researchers under Professor Yan Xin also have this view.

"The Grays don't feel like they were born naturally."

Professor Zhou and the three of them saw that Ye Zhen actually pushed out an alien corpse.

"Some people say that Blue Star itself is a giant creature, and even the entire universe is the same."

Lao Wu tapped his fingers lightly on the table, "This reminds me of Tai Sui, which is widely rumored among the people."

"I just said how could Consultant Ye be such a person." Ning Xiu had just seen the body of the little gray man and panicked.

However, some biologists listened to what Ye Zhen explained while dissecting.

"Just like some viruses and some Tai Sui, can you tell what kind of life forms they are?"

"Now we don't know what kind of life Tai Sui is."

Because Ning Xiu had encountered these little grays before.

Why did Ning Xiu react so violently?

Ning Xiu, who was watching the show, stood up immediately.

"But it doesn't look like the Grays are living beings or robots."

"They're not even living things by our definition."

In game 749, when he saw the body of the little gray man after Ye Zhen lifted the white cloth.

"Consultant Ye, what are you going to do!" Ning Xiu stood up suddenly, "Such an important thing should be handed over to the country!"

Humanity's definition of life is too narrow.

They are probably the most concerned with the content of the anatomy.

Ning Xiu glanced at Song Xuan with her curved eyes, and Song Xuan immediately covered her mouth and stopped laughing.

"You don't understand Consultant Ye." Ning Xiu shook her head and laughed at herself: "If it were him, anything could happen."

Regarding dissecting aliens.

When the lieutenant general in Area 51 saw the white cloth that Ye Zhen pushed out, he was already worried.

When he saw that there was a body of a gray man inside the white cloth that was lifted.

"Is he willing to do this because he wants humanity to be destroyed?" The Lieutenant General finally couldn't hold himself any longer, his face flushed red from holding back, "How dare he do this!"

The next second the lieutenant general fainted from the anger and lay down on the ground.

"Military doctor! Call the military doctor over immediately!" The soldier hugged the lieutenant general and shouted at the top of his lungs.

The lieutenant general didn't even hear Ye Zhen's words following behind him, so he fainted from anger.

Back to Ye Zhen’s dissected body.

"If you take a closer look, the Grays don't even have muscle tissue in their bodies.

We all know that life activities require muscles to assist.

The Grays not only have muscles, they don't even have bones. "Under Ye Zhen's exquisite anatomy.

Everyone can clearly see the internal structure of the Gray Man from the lens.

Because of the development of modern camera technology, everyone can now see with incomparable clarity.

“But they don’t have some of the connections to the body other than muscles and bones.

There are things like fascia, like connected nerves.

It's just different from us humans.

Why are their body structures like this?

According to Aloy's conversation with the Grays.

Their bodies are purposely made this way.

In order to adapt to survive in space.

In space, none of this is needed.

Because if you are in space, if you don’t exercise for a long time.

Muscles will atrophy.

That's why everyone can see it in the space station. Seeing that various astronauts are actively exercising their bodies.

Because there is no gravity in space, it is a very special environment.

For the Grays, muscles and bones are unnecessary.

The second thing is that they don't have ears either.

Because there is no need to speak or sound in space.

They rely on consciousness to communicate.

The only thing they resemble us is their mouth and nose.

But I just told you that this little gray man does not have any digestive organs in his body.

So they don't need to eat or excrete.

This is very necessary for space navigation. "

Because one of the problems that currently limits space navigation is that humans need to eat, drink, and defecate.

All of this requires a lot of space and consumption.

The body structure of the Grays was simply designed for space navigation.

It feels a bit like cargo.

“Their bodies can tolerate extremely high and low temperatures.

It can withstand huge impact and is also corrosion-resistant.

Because at that time, the US military directly used the bodies of the Grays for human experiments.

It's exactly what the gray man said.

If you have seen the UFO videos released by the United States before.

Or in other videos displayed on the Internet.

There is a very special place about UFOs.

Even when it's in the air, it seems like it can violate all kinds of physical laws.

It can stop suddenly, hang still, hover suddenly, accelerate and disappear directly.

If you know anything about airplanes, you will know how incredible this is.

This not only requires a very powerful aircraft, but also requires a very huge pressure.

If it wasn't strong enough, it would disintegrate in the air.

The aircraft is one aspect, and the other aspect is the people inside.

If a person was in such a flying saucer, his body would be torn apart in an instant.

That's why some pilots are so valuable.

It can be said that they are all selected from a million.

An equal weight of pilots is more valuable than an equal weight of gold.

Various physical examinations are required.

Even if there are minor scars on the body and the inability to squat down, it won’t work.

Because during high-speed flight, our bodies are subjected to tremendous pressure and acceleration.

Everyone has been on a roller coaster. Just increase the feeling ten times.

If a human were to take a stance on a flying saucer, the blood and bones of an accelerated human would be mushy.

There is no way to survive.

The body structure of the Grays is designed to adapt to this kind of flying posture that violates the rules of physics. "

Everyone should remember that when Yang Liwei got off the Shenzhou 5, his mouth was actually full of blood.

Because the human body is too fragile.

After hearing this, some biologists noticed a loophole, and it was still a very big loophole.

"If this is the case, the Gray's body should be very durable."

"You are born to adapt to this kind of environment."

"Then even if they crash, they won't die, right?"

"That's right, isn't it said that it can withstand various extreme environments? Why does it die so easily?"

In fact, these biologists are not the only ones who have thought of it.

Many people around the world have discovered this flaw.

Could it be that this is a huge farce?

Otherwise, why would there be such a loophole?

Everyone feels that it shouldn’t be right.

Professor Yan Xin also discovered it.

"Based on the current dissected structure."

"The Grays are indeed very suitable for the space environment and various extreme environments."

"But if that's the case, they can't die because of a plane crash."

What does this feel like?

You say that you are indestructible and can withstand all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds.

But because of a fall, he fell to death, which is a bit funny.

Some people may say that this may be due to the explosion of a flying saucer or something.

It was the explosion that killed the Gray.

But there were no traces of injuries from the explosion on the Little Gray Man's body.

Their three corpses were all very complete and smooth, as if they were brand new from the factory.

If he was really killed by the explosion, his arms and legs should be severed.

Ye Zhen seemed to know what everyone was thinking.

"Are you curious how the Grays' bodies are so resistant?

How did he die?

Aloy also asked.

The Gray Man's answer was that they did not die because they fell from a height.

Nor did he die because of the explosion of a flying saucer.

It was because of breathing the poisonous gas on Blue Star.

What is this poisonous gas? "Ye Zhen smiled, as if his face said you know.

The same thought came to everyone's mind.


Oxygen is poisonous. Were they poisoned by oxygen?

(End of this chapter)

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