Chapter 563: The road to genetic ascension?

In fact, in life sciences, many organs and parts of our body seem to be unnecessary.

The most common ones are the tonsils and cecum.

These two things, in addition to making you die of pain when you are inflamed.

Scientists really haven't found any effect at all.

There is no effect at all after cutting it.

There are other organs, such as kidneys and liver.

As we all know, humans have two kidneys.

But if one is cut off, you will still have no problem.

It's just that the body will be much weaker.

It's exactly the same as normal.

who are you?

It can also be said that Tu Qiong dagger met.

People will undergo great changes.

The military confirmed through Elroy that the Grays were a race that could communicate.

Generally speaking from medicine and science.

This was translated by Elroy based on the consciousness of the Gray Man.

And in the vacuum and various cosmic ray environments like outer space.

“Actually, when we were recovering the bodies of the Grays.

But in the end they found that this was unnecessary.

Only then did they feel free to contact the Grays.

They put on the highest level of protective clothing.

Aloy himself is not sure whether it is such a thing.

First of all, who are the Grays?

Scientists don't know what's going on.

Or to put it another way, what exactly are they?
Because judging from the anatomy, they are completely different from the creatures recognized in human science.

Because after this man lost most of his brain.

Where do you come from?

There have been very extreme cases where half of a patient's brain was accidentally cut off.

Some bacteria and viruses simply cannot survive.

It's just that I'm afraid of things like radiation or alien viruses.

Next, the military asked Elroy to ask some very critical and important questions.

The Grays answered that they were humanoid fully autonomous adaptive living beings.

What was directly visible to the naked eye was that half of his head was gone.

Life and abilities are not affected at all.

After a period of communication and inquiry.

As for the kidneys, you can do without them at all.

What's the purpose of coming here?
Just a few simple questions like these are what the US military wants to know most.

But the emergence of such an extreme situation cannot help but make people doubt the world.

So some medical scientists are skeptical.

Some areas of the brain are simply not needed.

If it is damaged a little, people will go down and lose a lot of abilities.

The Grays are also more than happy to answer humans' questions.

Just like Alzheimer's, a certain protein in the brain is damaged.

This person is definitely dead.

Even if both kidneys are cut, there is actually no big problem.

Even if it is not damaged at all, there will only be a little problem with the brain.

Some people can donate their kidneys.

There is no such thing as radiation on the Grays.

Because many cases tell us that the brain is an extremely sophisticated organ.

Because according to modern technology, machines can be used to give you dialysis.

It's just that the US military has no idea what this is.

Finally after a series of explanations.

Only then did the U.S. military realize that the Grays were not a real life form.

It is something created, similar to a tool man.

If the ai robot is artificial intelligence.

Then they Grays are biological intelligence.

This is an area that the US military has never imagined.

Artificial intelligence, now we can say that we have touched the door.

It seems that the real artificial intelligence of the future is already waving at us.

Now it is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Some concepts have already started to get hyped.

But this kind of biological intelligence is completely unimaginable to American scientists.

Because humans are currently unable to create even the simplest cells.

That is to say, this realm of life has always been the realm of God.

It is something that humans cannot yet set foot on.

And what kind of civilization is it that can create the Grays?

In terms of evolution and evolution in uncertain directions.

This one is created according to the needs and obviously saves countless time. This kind of technology is unimaginable at this stage.

If it were in the novel, this would be the ability to create a new race.

It is equivalent to the level of Nuwa creating human beings.

However, it is difficult to say whether Nuwa used the same technology as the Gray Man when she created humans. "

After some viewers heard Ye Zhen's explanation.

Although they are all words, each one can be understood individually.

But when combined, it's very confusing.

"Humanoid fully automatic adaptive living body, what is this?"

"Is the creator of the Grays also a scientist?"

"I'm curious as to what kind of technology can create a life form like the Grays."

"The Grays are just tools?"

To put it bluntly, the Grays are actually just slaves.

After hearing this, artificial intelligence scientists also thought deeply.

"If we really invent so-called strong artificial intelligence in the future."

"Would that look exactly like the gray man in front of me?"

"We will also send artificial intelligence robots to perform various dangerous tasks."

"Explore some dangerous places on the Blue Star and explore some unknown areas in outer space."

Humans do do this.

In terms of artificial intelligence, it can be said that it is a silicon-based organism that is completely different from humans, a carbon-based organism.

If there are other life civilizations in the universe.

If we send artificial intelligence out to see.

It must be a specially designed artificial intelligence robot.

It also needs to adapt to various extreme environments. After all, this is the advantage of robots.

What will happen if some alien carbon-based lifeforms see artificial intelligence robots?
What if the artificial intelligence robot died on the alien planet?

How will it be viewed by aliens?
Will the situation be the same as we are now?

This is indeed a very thought-provoking thing.

Famous biologists at home and abroad exclaimed that it was impossible.

Some of them are Nobel Prize winners.

“Is the scientist who created the Grays the Creator?”

"You can create a race, which is no different from God."

"Perhaps God was a scientist in the field of life back then?"

"So what is written in the Bible is actually true? Is it an experimental process?"

To those in the Vatican, this was blasphemous.

Although it has developed to this point, it still has the authority to create life.

It still only appears in God, which seems to be a boundary that humans cannot cross.

"Blasphemy, this is complete blasphemy!"

"This heretic is going to be burned to death, and he is actually deceiving the public with his lies!"

"Burn this heretic at the stake!"

How could people in the Vatican recognize what Ye Zhen said?

Can God still be an alien?
Pope Francis was unusually silent, because the Pope knew that what Ye Zhen said was true!

Because the content of this interview is exactly the same in the Holy See!

"Biological intelligence, is this the path to genetic ascension?" Professor Yan Xin thought of a possibility.

Is the civilization of the Grays taking the path of genetic ascension?

There may also be some so-called psychic abilities, of which the ability to communicate with one's mind is evidence.

"What kind of civilization would it be like if the Grays could be created?" Professor Yan Xin couldn't think of it in his mind.

But Si Xiaoping, who was in the Weisheng trio, smiled.

"Isn't this just the level of Nuwa's creation of humans? Isn't it a category in mythology?"

I heard Si Xiaoping say this.

Professor Zhou also came to his senses, "This is indeed creating a new creature."

"It is indeed mentioned in various myths."

Lao Wu also responded, "It's just that our technology can't do it."

The three of them didn't find it particularly strange.

In game 749, Song Xuan felt that the Grays were a little pitiful.

"The Grays are nothing but drudges."

Ning Xiu wanted to know, "What do these little gray people want to do when they come to our place?"

"Is there something they covet here?"

If that's the case, why don't they invade our Blue Star directly.

Do they need to be watching us secretly?

Ye Zhen then said: "This first day of questioning is over.

Because the whole process was narrated by Aloy.

On the second day, Elroy said he suddenly couldn't feel the Grays' consciousness.

We can no longer communicate.

At this time, someone from the military stood up and said that they suspected Aloy was lying.

No communication took place at all.

Aloy is making everything up. "

(End of this chapter)

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