Chapter 568 Alien Ghost

Ye Zhen's actions seemed to everyone to stop the alien from talking.

Sure enough, under the scalpel in Ye Zhen's hand, the little gray man's head was cut off.

He immediately stopped talking.

Then it’s time to move on to the next step.

It’s time again for the connection phase that everyone loves to see.

Now it's not just ordinary viewers and some scientists.

Even some people in charge at the national level wanted to talk directly to Ye Zhen.

I want to ask Ye Zhen some questions.

the remaining countries in the world.

Some European countries also want to have direct dialogue with Ye Zhen.

But now it is beginning to decline. In the past, the United States was just the little brother on which the sun never sets.

No one wants to become nourishment for the walking dead.

Here in Japan, the responsibility falls on their Onmyoji.

People all over the world are calling Yangcheng TV station.

When it comes to hacking technology in the world, it’s all over the world.

But this time Ye Zhen didn't have to wait long.

This is the reason why the communication system crashes every time.

But the problem is that now audiences all over the world are calling at the same time.

Soon there was a voice on the phone.

"No matter what, we must contact this person named Ye Zhen."

The United States can still rank high.

"This Chinese named Ye Zhen is definitely not simple."

There are not only the world's largest particle collider and the world's top scientists.

After hearing what Abe Haruko said, they dialed harder.

That's Great Britain, where the sun never sets.

Reverse engineering research has been ongoing. It is no wonder that American technology has always been leading.


After all, before the United States, the established Western powers belonged to the empire on which the sun never sets.

Almost at the same time.

But this time, something strange happened backstage at Yangcheng TV station.

Ye Zhen's face was full of smiles, "Hello, I am Ye Zhen."

If the United States really has a few flying saucers.

The same is true in Europe.

"We must get through this phone call no matter what." Abe Haruko gave the death order.

"Please, please let me connect!"

"I don't care what means you use, I will connect the phone this time." The lieutenant general directly issued a death order.

Because there are people in every country monitoring Ye Zhen’s show.

"Where did the call come from this time?"

This number of visits has exceeded the attacks of ordinary hackers.

Back then, Mustache fought against the entire world on his own.

"You must draw me!"

If it were in ancient times, they would be the same place as the Qintian Prison of China.

"I just want to have a word with Teacher Ye. Is it that difficult?"

"Why isn't the address displayed on it?"

"Otherwise, all of you will become fodder for the walking dead." Abe Haruko looked at her men with a smile.

People in the EU have already used the power of the state.

"Do you think they really have alien corpses in the United States?"

In the Onmyojia, these Onmyojis are working hard to make phone calls.

The lieutenant general in Area 51 has already asked his hackers to directly invade the communication network of Yangcheng TV Station.

Although he was smiling, it sounded extremely cold to them.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

When everyone saw that the call was connected, they knew that there was no hope for them.

"Why isn't it me this time?"

After the people in Yin and Yang House saw that Ye Zhen's phone number had been answered.

His face turned dark immediately.

The same goes for people in Area 51.

"We've got the best hackers out there."

"Why is the interception and connection still not successful?"

The lieutenant general was so anxious that he hammered the table again.

Because the lieutenant general had pounded the table many times before and swept away everything on it.

The tables are now made of stainless steel.

The lieutenant general punched the table, causing even the stainless steel tabletop to dent a little.

Only a strange voice came from the other end of the phone.

It's just that the voice has a slightly hoarse and uncoordinated mechanical sound.

"Human." That's what the other person said as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "Mr. Alien, do you have any questions?"

The other person said: "I can feel your fear, humans."

"Fear of the unknown."

"You humans are just criminals imprisoned on Blue Star."

"You are all remnants of the old empire."

"You will be tortured here for the rest of your life."

The audience also heard what the man on the line said. Ye Zhen intuitively told him that this was the person on the other end of the phone.

It's the one that just possessed the Gray Man's prop.

I just don’t know what method the other party used, and now they are reconnected on the phone.

"You will never be able to break through the empire's spirit trap."

"Life after life, your souls can only live in pain."

This time the situation was reversed.

It turned into Ye Zhen asking questions.

"Who are you?" Ye Zhen asked the other party in a low voice.

Almost global audiences are watching Ye Zhen’s show.

This time even the audience felt something was wrong.

"This can't be someone who just finished watching the show and wants to come over and prank you."

"Could it be that the Gray Man is on the opposite side? But isn't the Gray Man dead?"

"Didn't you hear what Teacher Ye said before, the soul is conserved?"

"The soul is immortal?"

The little gray man let out a jeering laugh, "Are you scared? Human beings."

Ye Zhen heard that the other party did not want to have a good communication.

Instead, he wanted to come and spread fear.

"Why didn't you return to your so-called empire?"

"It won't be because your soul can't go back if you die here."

"Were you also caught by the spirit net?" Ye Zhen said calmly, with no expression on his face.

This time it was the Gray's turn to be silent.

"Human, you are looking for death." The little gray man was obviously convinced by Ye Zhen.

This is indeed the case.

His soul indeed cannot break through the Empire's spirit trap.

He almost became a Blue Star, just like Aloy back then.

"Since you have nothing to ask, let's stop here." Ye Zhen smiled, "Thank you very much for your call."

The people in the background immediately hung up the connection.

"Okay, that's it for today's program. See you next time." Ye Zhen raised his hand to say goodbye to everyone.

As the line went dead, the audience had no idea until now.

Was this process staged intentionally by the TV station?

After all, many TV programs have scripts.

"The person connected here can't really be an alien."

"How could it be aliens? You might as well say that the props that were moved just now are real aliens."

"But why do I feel that the phone connection this time is so weird."

After Ye Zhen stepped off the stage, the rest of the logistics staff were ready to go up and clean up.

Especially the people in the props department.

"Do you feel that the place seems to have become colder?" One of the people wearing a hat crossed his arms.

"Maybe the air conditioner is turned up a little." Another person looked at the ceiling.

Director Chen and Producer Chen watched Ye Zhen come down from the stage and both went over to ask Ye Zhen.

"Did you arrange the resurrected little gray man and the connected gray man just now?" Director Chen went over and asked Ye Zhen directly.

"The effect is really good."

Producer Chen was slightly skeptical because he also thought this was arranged in advance.

But what Producer Chen didn't understand was, "How on earth did you do it to allow specific people to connect successfully?"

"Technically speaking, this is simply impossible."

Ye Zhen's words made them both break into cold sweats.

"Everything just happened has nothing to do with me." Ye Zhen whispered: "The little gray man is really resurrected and moving on his own."

"That person on the other side of the phone might be the Gray Man."

Producer Chen and Director Chen were stunned at first, and then showed a hint of disbelief.

"Are you kidding?" Director Chen obviously couldn't accept this fact.

Producer Chen said in a deep voice, "I'm just going to tell you where you learned the technique of controlling dolls and your amazing ventriloquism."

It turns out that this is really the Gray Man coming back to life.

Now, Producer Chen and the two of them looked at the little gray man on the stage, feeling a creepy feeling.

Ye Zhen turned around and walked directly to the stage again.

"Don't clean up these props yet." Ye Zhen asked the people in the props department to leave first.

The people who came up to clean up had to retreat.

Ye Zhen was half sitting on the operating table, holding the prop head of the Little Gray Man in his hand.

He raised it directly in front of his face, "I know, you haven't left yet."

Ye Zhen and the little gray man looked at each other with their big dark eyes.

"Exists in a spiritual body, or in a soul state."

"Scientifically speaking, it is a quantum form of magnetic field life form."

"In the novel, they are just ghosts."

"So you can control the phone connection and talk to me directly."

The rest of the people saw Ye Zhen talking to himself in front of a prop alien's head.

It seemed strange, but no one said anything.

At this moment, the eyes of the little gray man's prop head moved.

"You are indeed different from the other humans on the Blue Star." The little gray man with only one head left spoke.

Sure enough, just as Ye Zhen said, the soul of the gray man was at the scene.

"How should I call you?"

"Alien ghost?"

(End of this chapter)

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