Chapter 577 Fierce battle with Onmyoji
Because as long as they kill Ye Zhen, they can survive.

You can also get rewards from the Yin Yang Sect.

They came here this time actually to make meritorious deeds.

"This time, he must die." Governor Kawaguchi looked distressedly at the ancient talisman that turned into ashes in his hand.

This is a precious ancient talisman that will disappear once you use it!
Governor Kawaguchi also found out after checking many ancient Chinese books that the effect of this ancient talisman was to summon thunder.

That is a divine punishment! Although Governor Kawaguchi didn't know how powerful this was.

But when it was first used, the sky was filled with brilliant light.

Governor Kawaguchi felt a shudder, of course because of the light snow falling in the surrounding environment.

Governor Kawaguchi looked at the black crow on the side with a complicated expression.

"His shikigami can actually affect the surrounding environment."

The enchantress turned pale, covering her chest and looking in the direction of Ye Zhen.

There is quite a pitiful look.

"My natal golden fire is an attack on the spirit!" Enchantress is full of confidence in her attack.

Because there are very few attacks against the spirit.

If there is no special means, it can only be a hard resistance.

But when the smoke dissipated.

Ye Zhen's figure still appeared in front of the three of them intact.

After the enchantress's natal golden fire rushed into Ye Zhen's sea of ​​consciousness, it was annihilated before she could attack.

The enchantress immediately spat out a huge mouthful of blood, and the snow-white ground and bright red blood complemented each other.

"How is that possible?" Enchantress felt as if her natal golden fire had disappeared, as if she had sunk into the sea.

The other black crows also vomited blood.

Because Ye Zhen is holding Xue Nu's neck in his hand, this shikigami is, to put it bluntly, a spiritual thing.

After encountering the alien ghost, Ye Zhen has mastered the method of dealing with the spirit body.

With a gentle squeeze from Ye Zhen, the snow girl turned into a ball of brilliance and dissipated into the heaven and earth.

The light snow falling around me also stopped.

"Monster." Enchantress only had endless fear in her eyes at this time.

Governor Kawaguchi didn't understand why Ye Zhen suffered the thunder of punishment from heaven.

There was still no damage, and even the clothes were not wrinkled and spotless.

Ye Zhen already knows their strength and types.

Slowly walked up to the Enchantress, who originally wanted to run away.

But the enchantress who lost her natal golden fire was already extremely weak.

The enchantress stumbled and fell to the ground, and the exquisite fan on her body also fell to the ground.

Ye Zhen approached step by step, and the fan on the ground was crushed by Ye Zhen.

"Don't kill me, I can do anything."

"As long as you don't kill me, I can do anything for you!" the enchantress immediately revealed her sweetness. "

"A gentleman is not powerful if he is not serious." Ye Zhen pressed the Enchantress's head to the ground and embedded it deeply into the ground.

Governor Kawaguchi saw Ye Zhen's actions and immediately used his last ancient charm.

The dark yellow ancient talisman gave off a bright light, directly covering Governor Kawaguchi.

When the light disappeared, Governor Kawaguchi had disappeared.

"Is it something like a magical talisman?" Ye Zhen looked in the direction of Governor Kawaguchi, "Is there such a thing in this era?"

According to legend, "Water Margin" is one of the four great classics.

Dai Zong, the magical Taibao inside, can travel eight hundred miles a day.

This is something that normal people simply cannot do.

Some people say that Dai Zong used the magic talisman to achieve such speed.

Unexpectedly, this turned out not to be a legend.

The remaining black crows are already dying, because the natal shikigami is connected to the life of the master.

Black Crow has never met someone as evil as Ye Zhen.

He can actually use his physical body to crush his own shikigami with his bare hands.

"Who are you?" Black Crow didn't believe that Ye was really a human being. Instead, he might be some kind of alien beast wearing human skin.

In "Liao Zhai", there are many transformed fairies and monsters.

"Zi Buyu has strange power and chaos." Ye Zhen punched through Black Crow's chest.

Ye Zhen felt that he was gradually becoming familiar with the shackles of gravity on his body.

"Sure enough, fighting is the best catalyst." This was a trivial battle, which made Ye Zhen familiar with the shackles of gravity on his body.

Ye Zhen decided to triple the gravity from 2.5 times on his body.

After destroying the remaining two corpses.

Ye Zhen launched his own magnetic field detection.

Everything within a hundred miles is reflected in Ye Zhen's mind.

Now Ye Zhen's mental power can spread to a radius of hundreds of miles.

But even so, Ye Zhen still didn't find Governor Kawaguchi.

"This allowed him to escape?" Ye Zhen searched, but still could not find Governor Kawaguchi.

Ye Zhen didn't spend any more time on this and returned to his car.

While driving, Ye Zhen called Ning Xiu. Ning Xiu received a call from Ye Zhen, "Consultant Ye, what's going on so late?"

"Captain Ning, someone from the Japanese Yin Yang Sect has come in recently." Ye Zhen said straight to the point.

Ning Xiu frowned when she heard the name of Yin Yang Sect, "Yin Yang Sect? Are you sure?"

Ye Zhen replied, "I'm sure."

"The Onmyoji is the state religion of Japan, and they will not go out and take action easily."

"It's not like Jiuju's group." Ning Xiu and Ye Zhen explained.

"Are you okay?" Ning Xiu seemed to think of something, "They are not kind people."

"One ran away." Ye Zhen replied truthfully, "I sent you his appearance and characteristics."

Ye Zhen just wanted to remind Ning Xiu and the others.

Ning Xiu nodded, "I, I understand."

After saying that, Ye Zhen hung up the phone and returned to his villa.

Tu Shan had already been waiting for Ye Zhen at the door.

"You kid, where did the ghost go? Do you still have this..." Tu Shan asked Ye Zhen with his hands on his hips.

But Ye Zhen grabbed Tushan's delicate ears with her backhand.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Tushan stood on tiptoe, "Let go!"

At this moment, Xia Lingling jumped out of nowhere.

Tu Shan ordered Xia Lingling, "Lingling, bite him!"

Xia Lingling immediately jumped over to Ye Zhen's feet, rolled up Ye Zhen's trousers and opened her mouth.

But he was kicked away by Ye Zhen.

Tu Shan saw Xia Lingling like this, "Trash! What's the point of raising you!"

Xia Lingling knelt on the ground beside her and looked at Tu Shan with fascination, "Master is right."

"I was wrong!" Tu Shan saw that Ye Zhen had no intention of stopping and immediately lowered his head to admit his mistake.

A man is a man who can bend and stretch.

Ye Zhen then let go of his hand and said, "How much do you know about Yin Yang Sect?"

"Did you mess with those guys?" Tu Shan heard Ye Zhen's words, "It's over, they are like bone-eating maggots."

"I'll haunt you until the day you die."

When he said this, Tushan seemed to be recalling some bad memories.

"Isn't this your Japanese state religion?" Ye Zhen continued to ask.

There are some information and materials that cannot be known by collecting them on the Internet.

To really understand something, you still need to ask the local people.

Tushan thought for a moment and looked up at the ceiling.

"Actually, a long time ago, Japan's state religion was Shinto."

"This is a religion that originated from the local area, just like Taoism in China."

"But as time has progressed, it has now been replaced by the Yin Yang Sect."

Shintoism began as nature worship and believed that all things have animism.

One of their most popular sayings is that there are eight million gods between heaven and earth.

Everything can be a god.

However, in the process of development, it was slowly replaced by Yin Yang teaching.

"It's just that Onmyoji actually incorporates Shintoism into it."

"Just like Buddhism was first born in India, but now not many people in India believe in Buddhism."

"On the contrary, it spread through China and flourished in the rest of the world."

"I heard that in the Yin Yang Sect, there is a genius who is rare in a thousand years."

"He became the leader of the Yin Yang Sect at a young age."

"It seems her name is Abe Haruko." Tushan told everything he knew.

On the other side, Governor Kawaguchi escaped using ancient spells.

I don't know where I am now.

The ancient talisman in his hand is the Wanli Magic Talisman used to escape.

Governor Kawaguchi was lucky to have this ancient charm.

"The ancient talisman saved my life again." Governor Kawaguchi now needs to figure out where he is.

Governor Kawaguchi found himself still within the confines of Eastern Guangdong Province.

It's just in a city far away from Yangcheng.

Finally, Governor Kawaguchi contacted his contacts in China.

If we go back now, we will only end up being dragged to feed the walking corpses.

But if you want to escape.

Governor Kawaguchi had never thought about this possibility, but in this case he would become a criminal.

Will be wanted by the entire Japan.

Governor Kawaguchi still has family and friends.

"How can we kill that kind of monster?" Governor Kawaguchi recalled Ye Zhen's horror, "Maybe it's only possible if the leader comes in person."

(End of this chapter)

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