Chapter 595 Fish-headed Man Witness Report
The day after Ye Zhen’s show aired.

In a city on the west coast of the United States.

Some local residents claimed to have seen something with a fish head and a human body jumping into the river that day.

If this matter had happened in the past, it would not have attracted everyone's attention at all.

But this happened after Ye Zhen's program was broadcast.

The local TV station is still thinking about how to capitalize on the popularity of Ye Zhen's show.

After all, Ye Zhen's show is so popular that everyone would be jealous of it.

Everyone suffers from not having a chance to take advantage of it.

When the local TV news reporter heard this, didn’t he immediately notice the news?

Soon they sent reporters to the local town.

The reporter and the cameraman sitting in the interview car were chatting.

The blond female reporter wearing professional attire asked, "Did you watch Ye's show yesterday?"

The cameraman wore a peaked cap and held a precious camera in his hand.

"Of course I have. Who wouldn't watch Ye's show now?" the cameraman said with a smile.

"But how could such a coincidence happen?" the blond female reporter asked, "We just finished watching Ye's program yesterday."

"He just finished talking about things related to people under the sea on his show."

"Today we received reports from the public that they saw a fish-headed man jumping into the river that day."

The cameraman yawned, "Maybe it's just to gain some popularity."

"After all, things like this happen all over the world."

"We just have to do our own thing."

The blond reporter didn't know what he was thinking, "It would be great if mermaids were real."

The cameraman burst out laughing, "As long as it's not a black mermaid."

Apparently he was satirizing the new "Mermaid" movies that have been made in recent years due to political correctness.

The protagonist mermaid in this movie is a black actor.

The beauty is called diversity.

Soon they reached their destination.

Residents gathered around the local TV station's interview vehicle when they saw it.

"Reporters, you are finally here!" An aunt rushed over.

At this time, the blonde female reporter Ginny was not ready at all.

But the people around him had already begun to discuss it.

After finally getting everything ready, reporter Ginny picked up the microphone and started the interview.

I saw an old man with a red neck walking over.

"After watching Ye's show yesterday, I went fishing as usual."

"Unexpectedly, I saw a dark figure in the distance."

"I saw it." The red-necked man said very passionately, "That's a man with a fish head!"

When reporter Ginny heard this, she took her microphone and asked, "Are you sure you read it correctly?"

"I swear in the name of God, I am absolutely not wrong."

"That's a humanoid creature with a fish head, a fish-headed man." The red-necked man almost shouted.

Some people on the side also gathered around.

"I can prove that what Uncle Sam said is true." A boy came out.

He looked to be in his early twenties.

But his strong, dark skin does not match his age.

Even at such a young age, he already looks old.

If it weren't for those eyes that were full of agility and vitality, you wouldn't believe that the child in front of you had just turned eighteen.

"My boat had just returned from fishing that day and I was on my way back."

"I saw the figure of a fish-headed man. It was a creature I had never seen before."

"Just looking at it from a distance, I felt a sense of evil." When the boy said this, he still felt a little trembling.

Many people say they have seen the fish-headed man with their own eyes.

Some people even said they took photos.

He said that he saw the fish-headed man looking like this at that time.

"I believe this is the underwater man that Ye mentioned."

"People under the sea exist!"

As a reporter, all Ginny has to do is report truthfully.

Soon the news that local residents discovered the fish-headed man spread throughout the United States.

It began to spread like a virus on various social software in the United States.

Not only the United States, but people from many countries have come forward to speak out.

They have all seen people under the sea, and some of them took out pictures they had taken.

If it were before, there wouldn't be such enthusiasm at all.

But the problem is that Ye Zhen's show has just finished broadcasting, and everyone has almost acquiesced.

There really is another highly intelligent civilization under the sea, but we have not discovered it.

Some biologists also came forward to explain.

“On the Time of Evolution and the Circumstances of Life.”

"The ocean is wider and more complex than our land." "From the perspective of natural theory, it is not impossible for people under the sea to exist."

And more than one anthropologist came out to support Ye Zhen.

If you want to say which school of thought is the happiest, it is of course those who believe in human aquatic evolution.

Although this theory is very unpopular, no matter how unpopular it is.

There are still people supporting and researching in academia.

Just like we all know now that the Blue Star is a sphere.

But there are still many people who still believe that our Blue Star is flat.

I think the comment is correct.

These are different doctrines with different supporters.

Before that, local comments were correct and mainstream.

The planet theory is the fallacy of the minority.

Following Ye Zhen's popularity, everyone on the Internet is discussing it.

"Now that even the people from the bottom of the sea have come out, should this world be so passionate?"

"Dinosaur men, fish-headed men, gray men, and the terrifying erectus."

"My dear, it turns out our world is so wonderful."

"But why hasn't anyone come forward before?"

"Thank you God Ye for opening up our horizons!"

Now everyone understands that the whole world is far from what we see.

We think humans are special and unique on Blue Star.

As everyone knows, this is just the fantasy of arrogant humans.

Not to mention the entire vast and boundless universe.

Some people have begun to offer high-priced rewards for evidence of mermaids, fish-headed men, kappas, Wuzhiqi, etc.

He said that all he had to do was take out the corpses of these living creatures or capture them alive.

The living reward is 100 million US dollars, and the dead reward is 30 million US dollars.

If it's something like hair and scales, there's a bonus worth millions of dollars.

But for ordinary people, it is a very tempting reward!
For $100 million, you won't have to worry about breaking your legs for the rest of your life.

And it's not just private chaebols who offer such high-priced rewards.

Even some big countries have begun to offer bounties.

Everyone has seen these official attitudes.

Many people who want to fish in troubled waters come up with all kinds of deceitful things.

Go out and deceive others.

I want to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Someone said holding a mermaid skeleton specimen.

"This is a specimen passed down from my ancestors, from the Western Zhou Dynasty."

"Sharman, do you understand? The asking price is 80,000, and we won't sell it for a penny less."

There are also mummies that say there are mermaids.

But after testing by some professional institutions, it was discovered.

It was nothing more than the bones of a human child spliced ​​together with the bones of some kind of fish.

Now that life sciences are so advanced, you can know everything clearly by testing DNA.

It’s no longer the era where you can deceive people just by making a random model.

But among some people who want to fish in troubled waters.

There is indeed a life research institute that found that in a certain sample.

The oldest gene of mankind was discovered, and it is a gene that is completely different from that of modern humans.

and is accompanied by characteristics of marine life.

Generally speaking, they are the owners of genes, which are older than modern humans.

The ancestors of modern Homo sapiens.

In the evolutionary tree, it is in the branch of amphibians.

Down below are the amphibians, the beginning of life's march onto land.

Up there are still creatures in the ocean, such a strange individual.

The person who sent this book was an old man in his eighties.

"This is my ancestral treasure."

"According to my great-great-grandfather's great-great-grandfather."

"He was once a sailor at sea and fell overboard."

"But he was rescued by a mermaid, and the mermaid gave one of her scales to my great-grandfather's great-grandfather's great-grandfather."

At first, researchers at the testing agency were dismissive of the story.

Because of such stories, they heard as many as eight hundred in one day.

Until the test results come out.

These scales indeed belong to an unknown ancient marine life form.

Its genetic map is very similar to that of humans, even closer than that of chimpanzees.

(End of this chapter)

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