Chapter 597: No. in ratings on six continents
Ye Zhen, who returned to his office, first fed his little turtle.

As Ye Zhen raises it for a longer time, the little turtle is now more spiritual.

The small black eyes seemed to be able to speak.

After feeding the turtle something to eat.

Ye Zhen casually dealt with the documents piled up on his desk.

Documents and various information that others may spend a whole morning looking through.

Ye Zhen finished reading it in less than five minutes, signed his name and made suggestions.

For Ye Zhen, this shouldn't be too simple.

After finishing things and feeding the little turtle.

Ye Zhen went directly to the conference room for the meeting.

Ever since Ye Zhen became the deputy director.

People on the TV station were more respectful and flattering to Ye Zhen.

If it were said that each of them had great admiration for Ye Zhen before.

That is a kind of recognition of ability. After all, he can be the first person in the country's ratings.

This is an unprecedented first for any TV station in the province.

But now Ye Zhen is the deputy director, and his identity is completely different.

After all, he is a leader.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and they will talk about factions and sides.

Anyone who is not blind knows that Ye Zhen has a bright future.

He took the position of deputy director at a young age.

The current director is Director Huang, and Ye Zhen is from Director Huang's faction.

Everyone wants to work under Ye Zhen, or be branded as Ye Zhen's faction.

"Director Ye, I wonder if I can work on your side?"

"Director Ye, there is a document here that you need to review and read."

"Director Ye, good morning. Have you had breakfast?"

Ye Zhen nodded to everyone along the way.

Entering the conference room, the rest of the people were already there.

Because Ye Zhen's identity is different now.

Ye Zhen can be the last one to arrive.

"Okay, let's get started." Ye Zhen looked at the head of the backend data department.

The supervisor felt unnatural as he was stared at by Ye Zhen.

Although Ye Zhen has now reached Shenying, she is restrained.

Appearance looks like ordinary people.

But Ye Zhen's momentum would feel inexplicably oppressive to ordinary people.

The head of the backend data department stood up.

"According to our statistics yesterday."

"Our program "Into Popular Science" has already ranked first in ratings on six continents!"

"Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Oceania."

"The ratings of "Into Popular Science" rank first."

"This is an unprecedented feat." When the supervisor announced the news, his voice could not stop shaking.

It was the ultimate excitement.

When he said this, the employees in the audience began to applaud spontaneously.

"Antarctica's ratings, there is currently no data." The supervisor looked at the tablet in his hand.

When Ye Zhen heard this information, he had already expected it.

Because Antarctica is a place for humans.

It is still like a forbidden area.

Except for some very few scientific research stations, there are basically no long-term residents.

You can imagine how bad it is here.

So generally speaking, this will not be included in the ratings.

Because there are no residents here, let alone anyone watching TV.

Therefore, it makes sense that there is no data for Antarctica in this ratings statistics.

Even if there are people living there, there may not be anyone watching Ye Zhen's show in this place of ice and snow.

"Okay, I understand." Ye Zhen nodded and motioned for the head of the backend data department to sit down.

The task of becoming number one in the world doesn't seem that simple now.

Antarctica is the last target that Ye Zhen needs to conquer.

The most desolate place among the seven continents.

It is not an easy thing to want everyone here to watch Ye Zhen's show.

Later at the meeting there was some discussion about the future of the station.

And what to do with other programs in the future.

Because of Ye Zhen's super-traffic existence, the entire Yangcheng TV station became popular.

There is also a place in the world.

The local government has given the green light to start approving a piece of land for Yangcheng Radio Station.

Off to build a new TV building.

This is a fund allocated by the state, which directly makes the local government smile crookedly.

Because this is equivalent to driving the local economy.

Now the Yangcheng TV station is given the green light not to mention being in Yangcheng, but also in eastern Guangdong Province.

As long as the TV station needs it, everything is easy to negotiate. Now many foreigners are coming to Yangcheng for tourism.

Just to see Ye Zhen, even if it doesn't work.

You can also go to Yangcheng TV Station to take photos and check in!
Yangcheng has been a major port for China since ancient times.

The thirteen lines back then were the most civilized in the world.

This is true even now, so Yangcheng has always had many foreign elements.

Eastern Guangdong Province is the place with the largest number of overseas Chinese in China.

It can be said that there are Chinese people all over the world.

Wherever there are people, there will be Chinese people doing business. This is no joke.

"That's it for today's meeting." Ye Zhen stood up and straightened his collar, "The meeting is dismissed."

Everyone likes Ye Zhen, the new leader.

As long as Ye Zhen is capable, young and has no airs.

Meetings are held when there is something to talk about, and they are disbanded when there is nothing else.

There is no such thing as those of the older generation.

After the meeting, Producer Chen walked to Ye Zhen and coughed lightly.

"Ahem, Director Ye." Producer Chen showed a mysterious smile on his face.

"You don't have a secretary yet, right?" Producer Chen lightly bumped Ye Zhen with his shoulder.

"It's so inconsistent with your identity and status to not have a secretary to handle affairs."

"I have a few candidates here, do you want to take a look?" Producer Chen took out several personnel files from somewhere.

"They are all female college students who have just come in recently." Producer Chen looked like he knew what he was doing.

"See if there is anything suitable." Producer Chen handed it to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen flipped through it casually.

All of these personnel graduated from prestigious universities.

Each one is professionally relevant.

There are even some with PhD degrees in journalism.

Each one requires talent with knowledge and good looks.

Why can a small local TV station like Yangcheng TV receive such a resume?
There are even foreigners who graduated from foreign Ivy League schools.

Everyone wants to work in their TV station.

They were all attracted by Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen threw these files on the table in the conference room.

Producer Chen knew at a glance that Ye Zhen didn't like it, "No problem, we have so many people to choose from now."

"What type do you think you like?" Producer Chen was obviously very interested.

Ye Zhen patted Producer Chen on the shoulder, "Xiao Chen, work hard and don't do anything fancy."

In fact, among these people, some entered Yangcheng TV Station through the back door.

People outside don’t know where they heard it.

After learning that Ye Zhen became the deputy director.

The position of Ye Zhen's secretary has not been filled until now.

Many people have used their brains.

Being a secretary when you have something to do, being a secretary when you have nothing to do, this has become a joke.

Everyone knows the importance of the position of secretary.

As the saying goes, there are seven-rank officials in front of the prime minister's door, and there are no barking dogs in front of the noble family's house.

If you become Ye Zhen's secretary, wouldn't it take off?
Isn't it even impossible to become Ye Zhen's other half?

Taking a step back, it would be great to become Ye Zhen's lover.

Nowadays, countless beauties on the Internet want to give birth to monkeys for Ye Zhen.

When I saw Ye Zhen’s video online, I called her husband.

Ye Zhen is more popular than some fresh meat.

Everyone has discovered, what kind of little fresh meat are you chasing? Isn't Ye Zhen ten thousand times stronger than them?
He is knowledgeable, good-looking, and still one of the best in the world.

So now Ye Zhen has become many people's idol and dream lover.

Producer Chen stretched out his index finger and shook it gently, "Boy, do you know how many people are staring at your personal secretary position outside right now?"

Ye Zhen looked indifferent, "I don't need it."

Based on Ye Zhen's ability to handle things, what secretary can be better than him?

Just kidding, Ye Zhen already possesses some of the abilities of Laplace's Demon.

Within a certain range, Ye Zhen can speculate on the future based on existing things.

This ability is almost like predicting the future.

Just like some of the current large data models.

As long as enough data is stuffed into it, the training is sufficient.

All situations are predictable.

Now Ye Zhen has similar abilities.

Ye Zhen returned to his office.

The voice of the system came from my mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 1.5 million popularity points]

Because there are no ratings statistics for Antarctica.

So this time there are only rewards for popularity points.

Including the previous popularity value, Ye Zhen's popularity value has now reached 3.8 million.

(End of this chapter)

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