Chapter 603 Strange cause and effect
Pan gave up his luxurious hut to Ye Zhen.

Go to someone else's thatched hut and spend the night alone.

In this ancient and barbaric era, every adult man is a very important fighting force.

Especially a warrior like Pan, who can be admired by everyone.

The same is true for Pan's younger brother, Gu.

He is also a fierce man who is not inferior to his brother in any way, and is even more skilled than his brother.

Such an important combat capability, if one member is lost.

That was a huge loss for their tribe.

It can be said that basically the whole tribe relies on the hunting of the two of them.

Only then can we live a good life.

The small things in everyone will be magnified infinitely.

This night, no one bothered Ye Zhen anymore.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhen woke up early.

It can be said to be extremely dirty.

After getting up, Ye Zhen immediately started practicing.

Basically, 90% of the prey in the tribe is brought back by these two brothers.

How could Ye Zhen think that the other party was beautiful?

If Gu died, things might not be so easy for the tribe.

After a while, a huge mountain-like vortex began to form above Ye Zhen's head.

Gu's wife knelt down directly and said, "Let me serve you well."

An unknown animal skin was padded on the back.

"I have nothing to give you, the cultivator. I can only dedicate myself to you."

Can it be brought back to the timeline of the real world?

People in the Pan tribe raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Just when Ye Zhen was getting ready to sleep.

"Who taught you this?" Ye Zhen didn't understand. Is this the same in this era?
Gu's wife gritted her teeth and said, "Please, Master Cultivator."

"Hepan said, don't make any small moves."

Even people who take baths every day are covered with dandruff and various bacteria in Ye Zhen's eyes.

To use the words in the novel, this is the difference in concentration between heaven and earth.

"Get out." Ye Zhen's voice was indifferent, ever since Ye Zhen's eyes were upgraded to [Spiritual Eyes].

"This is like saving our entire tribe."

Ye Zhen, with sharp eyes and quick hands, asked directly: "Are you Gu's wife?"

It's just that Ye Zhen doesn't know how much cultivation he has grown in this high-dimensional spiritual realm.

This is the ancient barbaric era, where there is no hygiene at all.

This is the oxygen concentration in different eras.

This version is different.

"Otherwise I don't mind disappearing this tribe."

Just when Ye Zhen was lying in the primitive thatched house.

They may not have brushed their teeth or washed their faces from birth to death.

"Is there any terrifying beast born here?"

Sure enough, after Gu's wife exited, He Pan completely told Ye Zhen's words.

"Thank you for saving my husband." Gu's wife took off the animal skin and wanted to sit on Ye Zhen.

The woman nodded weakly, "I heard from my brother that it was you, Master Cultivator, who saved my husband."

Gu's wife was frightened by Ye Zhen's tone, and retreated on her knees tremblingly.

Ye Zhen was breathing normally during yesterday's process.

The oxygen 18 absorbed is also more than what I usually absorb when I practice.

"what happened."

Ye Zhen felt that there was someone standing in front of him.

Ye Zhen started "Heaven and Earth Jue".

Fortunately, Ye Zhen has a habit of not recognizing the bed.

Spiritual energy within a hundred miles radius began to gather on Ye Zhen's head.

"The color of the sky and the earth has changed! It's going to be bad."

Everyone panicked.

Pan also looked solemn in front of the power of nature.

The power of all individuals seems so small.

Standing next to Pan was Gu, who had regained his energy after a night's rest.

"Brother." Gu Ye looked at the whirlpool in the sky, "Why does this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth seem to be right here with us?"

Pan nodded, "It seems to be near us."

Tribes all over a hundred miles around saw this strange phenomenon.

"That direction, I remember it seems to be the direction of the Pan tribe."

"That's right, it's Pan."

"Last time, their brothers even stole prey from us."

"Hahaha, their tribe is going to suffer now."

Nearby, Pan's tribe can be considered to be of average-to-lower strength.

Because Pan and his two brothers were there, there were some big tribes around.

The two were invited to join, but both brothers declined.

The entire spiritual energy vortex lasted for an hour.

During this process, everyone was panicked.

Only at this moment, Ye Zhen finally finished taking a breath.

He exhaled a long piece of turbid air.

"These two hours of practice are comparable to my month of practice." Ye Zhen finally understood.

Why is the twenty-first century known as the Age of Ending Dharma?

As Ye Zhen stopped practicing, the vision in the sky also dissipated.

The whole process was like nothing happened. This is Ye Zhen's first time practicing in the high-dimensional spiritual realm.

Due to various things before, Ye Zhen really had never practiced like this.

"If you can always practice in the high-dimensional spiritual realm." Ye Zhen seems to have discovered a way to quickly improve his strength?

But just when Ye Zhen thought he had found a loophole.

A mysterious feeling called Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen found that he was leaving.

"I didn't do anything, why did I leave?" Ye Zhen felt confused.

This time in the high-dimensional spiritual realm, it can be said that Ye Zhen has been the most relaxed one.

It didn't even take any effort.

It's just that during the previous hike, I felt a little tired and bored.

After walking for four hours, we met Pan's tribe.

But now Ye Zhen is leaving.

As white light emerged from Ye Zhen's body, Ye Zhen's figure disappeared into the luxurious thatched house.

Just as Ye Zhen walked away, Pan entered his thatched house.

"Master Cultivator." Pan looked at the empty thatched house and immediately ran outside the house and shouted.

"Master cultivator!" Pan found that Ye Zhen had disappeared.

He had obviously never seen Ye Zhen come out.

In this primitive era, in order to prevent sneak attacks by wild beasts and strange beasts.

There are people patrolling every night.

The plate especially draws attention to the thatched house where Ye Zhen lives.

If there is any movement, be sure to notify yourself as soon as possible.

But from yesterday to now, Ye Zhen has not been seen coming out.

"Those are cultivators, brother." Gu said softly from the side: "They come and go without a trace, these are them."

Pan nodded, "I think too much. Cultivators simply cannot treat things with common sense."

"But brother." Gu felt confused, "Cultivators are not as scary as you said."

"Seems pretty easy to get along with."

"It's like pulling out bones and eating people alive."

"Using people to conduct various experiments."

Pan immediately looked serious and said, "Gu, you must not have such thoughts."

"It's just that we got lucky this time."

Gu stopped talking.

Ye Zhen, who returned to reality, didn't even know why he returned.

But Ye Zhen discovered a serious problem.

That's my popularity value, and there are only 200 million left.

Before entering the high-dimensional spiritual realm, Ye Zhen still had about 200 million popularity points.

This was reserved by Ye Zhen in order to deal with the high-dimensional spiritual realm.

But now there are only 200 million left.

Ye Zhen began to think about everything he encountered in the high-dimensional spiritual realm.

"Can it be said that walking in the wilderness is difficult?" Ye Zhen began to analyze.

"I didn't know what era it was before, I thought it was just an ordinary wilderness."

"Maybe I'm just lucky and didn't encounter any strange beasts."

"Otherwise, the four hours of walking would really not be easy."

Just like when Ye Zhen came to the high-dimensional spiritual realm before.

Then he met two legendary beasts, Yaoyao and Jiuying.

Ye Zhen almost died that time.

"Maybe it's just my luck." Ye Zhen could only think this way.

"And to treat that person named Gu, does it cost 2 million popularity points?"

"Who is this? Does it need such a big cause and effect?" Ye Zhen didn't understand.

I did something terrible by accident.

Ye Zhen thought about it and suddenly found that the Qi he had practiced in the high-dimensional spiritual realm had been retained.

"Is it the reason for this cold energy?"

There is another possibility, that is the Qi that Ye Zhen absorbed in the high-dimensional spiritual realm.

It consumed Ye Zhen's popularity.

Because this can be regarded as Ye Zhen bringing things from the high-dimensional spiritual realm into the real timeline.

It is reasonable for such behavior to consume huge popularity points.

For example, Ye Zhen wants to bring someone from the past timeline back to the current timeline.

What will happen?
If possible, it would definitely require spending a huge amount of popularity points.

That's an immeasurable amount.

Because this is not just as simple as changing history and the world line.

In other words, Ye Zhen brought Qi back from the past timeline.

Scientifically speaking, it brought back part of the oxygen-18, which is a real substance.

However, Ye Zhen couldn't confirm the reason.

"This time, the high-dimensional spiritual realm went to a lonely place."

"It's just that my cultivation level has increased a little."

This time it can be said that the effort and reward are not proportional.

But it can be regarded as letting Ye Zhen understand the rules of this spiritual realm more clearly.

Coming out of his room, Ye Zhen shouted, "Let's eat."

"What? Are you willing to eat?" Tushan snorted.

In Ye Zhen's [Spiritual Eyes], all the opposite sexes are no different from pink skeletons.

All the so-called beauty and appearance are now just special manifestations of different proteins and cells in Ye Zhen's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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