Chapter 607 Eat you

Staring at such a strange scene.

The gray-robed monk beat his body, and his skin began to melt.

The face of the gray-robed monk began to show blurred flesh and blood.

"Damn it! I'm getting out of here!"

"They're all crazy!"

"This is an evil spirit! How could he be from a decent family!"

Some people looked at their own vomited internal organs in fear.

My spirit started to break down.

I just came here to see it, why did it end up like this?
During the whole process, the monk in yellow robes was watching closely.

Various human structures tumbled in the flesh.

The whole scene fell into a weird and bloody scene.

"The magic skills given by Master are indeed extraordinary."

Monk Fa Cai immediately started walking on the bloody field.

The flesh and blood of the Buddhist monk Dharma seems to have self-awareness and life.

Start cleaning the flesh and blood on the ground.

Instead, he became trance-like, as if he had entered an unknown state.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and internal organs were all vomited out.

I find that my face is like a sticker that can be peeled off at will.

But now this aunt with a tight skin vomited out her lungs that were riddled with holes.

Started to collect flesh and blood all over the ground.

As some suffered nervous breakdowns, they vomited out more entrails.

Even those who are still conscious are unable to move their bodies now.

The ground was covered in a mixture of red, white and black offal.

It's just that the scene in front of me is like a bloody hell.

But he licked his tongue and looked at the group of people who were practicing vomiting.

Everyone present has entered this strange state.

"I feel more comfortable than ever before." A man who had vomited out all his internal organs raised the corners of his mouth to the base of his ears.

Some people actually survived for a while after vomiting everything out of their bodies.

"Now this Buddhism is the world of our Yuanji sect." Monk Fa Chan has thought about everything.

She had lung cancer, the king of cancers.

It was like seeing something delicious.

"Now Yuan Shen and his disciples are no longer in the sect."

Aunt Bancun pulled her face with both hands, and the skin on her face was pulled down directly by her hands.

On top of this, there are also some human bodies with blurred consciousness and naked flesh and blood.

"Everyone's illnesses should have been cured."

And the cancer cells began to metastasize throughout the body.

Some of them began to touch their faces.


After spitting out her lungs, Auntie felt her body light up.

Fa Cai walked out at this time.

The aunt who just suffered from cancer had the disease in her lungs.

"Having hammered one's body to eliminate all kinds of diseases, seek new ones and shed the old skin." The remaining half of the body of Monk Fa Tan maintains his human body.

"It seems that our goal of achieving eternal life is getting closer and closer."

"I will work hard to get rid of all diseases, and seek new ones to shed the old skin." The aunt began to laugh wildly, "Thank you Buddha, thank you master!"

"Another batch of fresh flesh and blood."

"Monks never tell lies."

Half of Monk Fa Chan's body began to melt and turned into a ball of rotten flesh.

You can see all kinds of different human anatomy in it.

"Hahaha!" Auntie seemed to realize something.

At this time, Monk Fa Tan started to get excited.

Just the remaining half of the body.

The place for the eyes became a mouth, and the place for the ears became a mouth.

A mouth grew out of the throat.

A mouth grew out of the palm of his hand.

The same goes for the position of the head.

Mouths seemed to have sprung up, covering half of Monk Fa Tan's body.

These mouths all make the same sound, with a hint of Sanskrit and Buddha nature.

It's like dozens of people chanting at the same time.

"Having a hammer on one's body and doing one's business will eliminate all diseases, and seek new ones to shed the old skin."

The other half of the body seemed to be eating.

Absorb all the bloody things on the ground. The other tourists standing there were the disciples who had just joined Buddhism.

Now they understand why it was so troublesome for Fa Cai to say that it was not necessary.

Ye Zhen watched the whole process.

"Sure enough, enduring hardship does not make you a master."

"Only cannibalism." Ye Zhen released the concealment technique and came out.

The young monk in gray robe is like an introduction.

It directly triggered this strange ceremony.

Turned everyone into unknown flesh and blood.

Fa Tan, who was halfway through eating, looked at Ye Zhen who seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Why is there still someone here?" Monk Fa Tan turned to Ye Zhen's direction.

Suddenly all the mouths of the monk Fa Tan stopped chanting sutras.

There was a scream!

"Ah! What delicious flesh and blood!" Monk Fa Tan felt his body trembling.

Every cell in his body is sending a signal.

Eat the person in front of you! Eat the person in front of you!
Such an idea is extremely strong.

"Eat you! Hahaha! Eat you!" Monk Fa Tan simply ignored the remaining flesh and blood on the ground.

Rush directly towards Ye Zhen.

Monk Fa Cai turned directly into a large tumbling mass of strange flesh and blood.

It turned directly into a big meat ball and squirmed towards it.

The huge mass of flesh that covered the sky and sun flew up into the sky, trying to swallow Ye Zhen whole.

But Monk Fa Tan, who was flying in the air, suddenly fell directly to the ground.

It's like being sucked down by something.

The whole piece of meat was pressed to the ground.

Monk Fa Cai felt as if a mountain of tai was pressing down on him.

His entire body couldn't move at all.

Ye Zhen controls the gravity field and directly exerts multiple gravity on the meat ball.

"Eat you!" Many mouths appeared on the meat ball.

Every mouth was drooling with transparent saliva.

While drooling, he screamed, "Eat you!"

However, Monk Fa Cai, who was pressed to the ground by the gravity field, could not move at all.

Ye Zhen gently clenched his fist at the disgusting big ball of meat in front of him.

The big meat ball was instantly torn apart by gravity and turned into meat paste.

Anyone who transforms into any kind of creature and is crushed like this will definitely die.

But Monk Fa Tan, who was crushed to pieces by Ye Zhen's gravity field, was not dead yet.

The finely chopped meat paste on the ground began to squirm, and began to absorb the flesh and blood on the ground that had not been swallowed before.

"Can't this kill me?"

With Ye Zhen as the center, a thunder net erupted directly.

Directly kill every physical cell.

Every blood and flesh cell was destroyed by Ye Zhen.

Waves of burning smell rose up in this corner.

"This vitality is too tenacious." Ye Zhen sighed, "The desire for law is much stronger than the last time."

Ye Zhen also encountered a similar big meat ball last time.

But the physical body of Dharma Desire was obviously not as powerful as the one in front of him.

Even Monk Fa Tan never thought that he didn't even have a single cell left behind.

However, this has already attracted the attention of the rest of the people in Buddhism.

"What happened there?"

"Senior Brother Fa Cai seems to be over there."

"I'm so envious. This time it seems that it's Senior Brother Fa Chan's turn to practice."

"It's okay, we can still have a sip of soup."

"Come on, let's go over and see what's going on."

Soon some Buddhist disciples came over.

"Where's Senior Brother Fa Tan? Why is he missing?"

"Didn't we just introduce a group of new disciples?"

"Where are the people? Where have they gone?"

Suddenly a monk saw Ye Zhen's figure.

"It's him!"

"It's the person who killed Senior Brother Fayu last time!!"

"Ye Zhen, it's Ye Zhen!"

(End of this chapter)

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