Chapter 609 Bone Buddha Statue
The Dharma fan who was watching the show was no longer calm at this time.

"Purple Thunder of Life and Death?" As a senior brother, Fa Chi is certainly well-informed.

The purple thunder and lightning on Ye Zhen's hand just now.

It contains destruction and vitality at the same time. It is destroyed after being deprived of vitality.

Completely obliterating Dharma anger from heaven and earth.

In fact, Fa Ai did not underestimate Ye Zhen.

The first move is the killer move, the rocket headbutt.

Even a powerful extraordinary person will definitely be killed by Chu Jian if he encounters this move.

Then he freed his body to run rampant.

It even turned into a hundred-hand flesh tree, which was the strongest form of Dharma anger.

"Almsgiver Ye, you should have relieved yourself." The Dharma-Crazy monk forced out a smile.

"The Master said on the river: He died like this! He did not give up day and night."

"Why did the Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva disappear?"

"Only by taking refuge in our Buddhism can we escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

Just now, an unknown number of disciples went berserk after watching the Fa, their brains falling into chaos.

The sage said that one can learn something new by reviewing the past, and this is indeed true.

Since Ye Zhen can easily erase Dharma, it means that Ye Zhen has the ability to erase him.

In their eyes, they had never seen anything so magical.

They felt the insignificance and vastness of human beings from Fa'ai.

In addition, I saw the Hundred-Handed Flesh Tree that evolved from the rampage of Dharma.

Confucius stood on the river and looked at the corpses of his enemies floating on the river! Floating day and night.

"Stop being so stubborn."

The Hundred-hand Meat Tree was wiped out by Ye Zhen.

This is Ye Zhen's new understanding of "The Whispering Words" after he obtained the status of a saint.

It is indeed like an illusion, whether it is the appearance or disappearance of the Hundred-Handed Flesh Tree.

In the eyes of ordinary disciples, Dharma is the mainstay of Buddhism.

"Illusions, all hallucinations!"

Ye Zhen wants to wash away Buddhism with blood and make it a river of blood.

Things that only appear in movies and novels actually appear in the real world.

"Promise me to change my mind and be a new person in the future, and I can accept you as a disciple for my master, Master Yuanji."

It turned into smoke and disappeared before their eyes.

"Let's all die." Ye Zhen moved lightly.

"I haven't had time to worship yet!"

Many monks are like crazy people.

Given time, it is really possible to be cultivated into a positive state by Dharma anger.

"Hahaha, impossible! How could a Bodhisattva die?"

It's like I'm joking with them.

It is a worship of the unknown and the divine.

"Ah! Where is the Bodhisattva?"

Sweat began to form on the fat monk's round head.

When human beings see such strange objects, things beyond their own brain recognition and understanding.

Ye Zhen walked towards Fa Chi.

There is already a prototype of the legendary Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva.

"If you kneel down and admit your mistake now, take refuge in my Buddhism."

The Dharma Madman shouted loudly: "Donor Ye, are you sure you want to be the enemy of our entire Buddhist sect!?"

What does this sentence mean when translated?

But just when some of them knelt down to pray to God and worship Buddha.

The worldview they had been building since childhood was shattered.

In the eyes of these disciples, Dharma is the same as the real Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva at this moment.

Without fear, there is only adoration and madness.

"You have to understand that you are in a sea of ​​misery."

"It's safe to turn around, donor Ye." Dharma Chi is still trying to persuade him.

Dharma Chi seemed to really want to convince Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen shook his head and said, "You are possessed."

The Dharma-crazy monk didn't understand how his Buddhist sect could provoke such a murderer like Ye Zhen.

"Do you really want to commit such a heinous crime of murder?"

"Do you want us Buddhists to be ruined?"

"You are committing an unforgivable killing." Fa Chi continued to brainwash Ye Zhen.

"What about the ordinary people and disciples who were eaten by you?" Ye Zhen only asked one sentence.

Dharma Chi smiled at this time, his face as pious as a Buddhist disciple.

"That's their Buddhist bond."

"They didn't die, they became one with us."

"In the future they will become Buddhas with us forever."

"Climbing to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!" Dharma Chi showed a look of yearning on his face.

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Ye Zhen could see it in Fa Chi's eyes. He really thinks so and is not deceiving himself or others.

Or say one thing and do another.

But he truly believes in his heart that this can lead everyone to become a Buddha together.

"According to the qualifications of these mortals, it is impossible for them to become Buddhas in their lifetime."

"And we gave them a chance." Dharma Chi asked, "What's wrong?"

"Everyone, come together! Revenge for Uncle Fa Ai!"

"It is our duty to kill this evil spirit."

"The people who actually killed our Buddhists deserve death!"

"No need to talk about morality with this evil devil, let's go together!"

All the monks seemed to be going crazy and surrounded Ye Zhen.

Without exception, their bodies began to show abnormal flesh and blood.

Ye Zhen knew that they were also cannibals.

"Die." Dark lightning like ink erupted from Ye Zhen's body.

God-killing magic thunder.

As long as Ye Zhen passed by, all Buddhist disciples would be killed by Ye Zhen.

The Dharma-mad monk whispered, "Amitabha."

Fa Chi grabbed the fellow disciple on the side with one hand and pulled out the bones with the other hand.

The white bones without a trace of flesh and blood were pulled out one after another by the Dharma Madman.

Countless bones gathered on the body of Dharma Madman.

Like an adhesive, the flesh and blood on Fa Chi's body glued all the bones together like running water.

Buddhist disciples who are still alive today.

Basically, they have practiced the "Fu Sutra".

It’s not like there are no disciples who refuse to practice this technique.

At the beginning, there were still 20 to 30% of the disciples who were unwilling to change their practice.

So they become the material for others to practice.

They also found that people with stronger bodies will allow you to get twice the result with half the effort when absorbing.

This is why they need those foreign tourists to practice magical skills.

Because there is a huge difference between the flesh and blood after practicing magical skills and those that have not been practiced before.

This also allows them to absorb it better.

A behemoth that was even bigger than the Hundred-Handed Flesh Tree that had just been transformed by Fa Anger's rampage appeared.

It was filled with human heads, and empty human heads were piled up one after another.

Countless ribs, leg bones and other parts were attached to the flesh and blood formed by Dharma Madness like armor.

Compared to the Dharma-crazed Hundred-Handed Flesh Tree.

The transformation of the Dharma Madman is full of bones, without any trace of flesh and blood.

Just like a dead thing, it has the aura of death.

This is the skeletal Buddha body revealed by the Dharma idiot.

There is no majestic Buddha nature at all, but instead there is an eerie feeling of death.

Looking at the transformed white bone Buddha statue, Ye Zhen's God-killing Demonic Thunder struck on it.

It had no effect, the layers of white bones were like good insulators.

"Is it a statue of bones?" This was the first time Ye Zhen saw this thing.

But the countless white skulls began to make hollow and repetitive sounds.

"Ye Zhen, stop being so stubborn."

"Join us and you will have eternal life."

Like repeated mantras.

The sound coming from the white-bone skull kept echoing in Ye Zhen's ears.

The space at Ye Zhen's fist began to distort, as if it was sunk in.

Use gravity to distort space in a large area and attach to the fist.

Ye Zhen punched out.

The dense white bones on the bones of the Buddha made a crackling sound.

It fell down with a crash and turned into powder.

Ye Zhen's punching hand opened and clenched.

All the flesh, flesh and broken bones were twisted in space.

The Dharma Madman's flesh and blood were mixed with countless white bones and were squeezed by the space.

"Explode." Ye Zhen spit out one word.

Since his mental power has been greatly improved and he has mastered the perfect level of micro-control.

The power Ye Zhen had previously mastered could be even more fancy.

Unidentified debris flying all over the sky was scattered everywhere.

It was like a rain of flesh and blood.

But those dirty things will automatically avoid them when they get close to Ye Zhen.

Next, Ye Zhen began to clean up the remaining people in Buddhism.

Until the evening.

Ye Zhen just came out of White Horse Temple.

Fa Yuan, who was anxious outside, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Zhen coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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