Chapter 612: Breaking holes and patching up the sky

“Are you curious about a place with such a harsh environment?

Why do we need to build a scientific research station there?
Not long ago, our country established its fifth scientific research station on the continent of Antarctica.

In fact, our country has established a scientific research station here in Antarctica.

It only takes a few decades.

In 1985, our country established its first scientific research station in Antarctica.

The name of this scientific research station is called Great Wall Station.

Four years later, our country established a second scientific research station called Zhongshan Station.

After that, it's a long time.

It was not until 2009 to 2014 that our country established the third and fourth scientific research stations.

It was not until 2019 that my country's first domestically produced ocean-going icebreaker Xuelong 2 was officially put into use.

It can accommodate almost three hundred people living at the same time.

Argentina has seven, the United States has six, and Japan has four.

People from other countries cannot build scientific research stations near you.

Because this is to jointly safeguard Antarctic resources for all mankind.

Kunlun Station and Taishan Station.

The more you capture, the greater your advantage. "

In addition to this, there is the most important point.

At this point, our country is qualified to join the discussion.

So when others are studying how to develop and study Antarctica.

I don’t even know how to build a scientific research station.

Including the recent Qinling Station, my country has established a total of five scientific research stations in Antarctica.

Why are so many scientific research stations established?

Because of this, our country began to strive for strength.

Even to go to Antarctica, I don’t know how to get there.

And member states that are qualified to discuss and study.

He was asked out on the spot.

After establishing a scientific research station in Antarctica, it is equivalent to occupying this territory.

But at the beginning, our country knew nothing about it.

It can be said to be a place rich in resources.

Let’s discuss this so-called last piece of pure land for mankind.

Generally speaking, a person can only stay at an Antarctic research station for a maximum of one and a half years.

Our country experienced such a humiliating moment at that time.

Because there was no such thing as an icebreaker in our country at that time.

There are no other countries that have established scientific research stations in Antarctica.

There are only countries that have established scientific research stations in Antarctica.

After it is established, what should be done here and how to go for scientific examination.

As everyone knows, it is not easy to establish a scientific research station in Antarctica.

But why create so many?
Because different scientific research stations undertake different scientific research tasks.

They can only listen, but have no power to make decisions or participate.

Others will use confidentiality as an excuse to let other countries out.

Compared to the rest of the countries, the former Soviet Union has eight.

But working in Antarctica is not an easy task.

However, Antarctica does not belong to any country under international law.

Antarctica accounts for 70% of the world's freshwater resources.

It seems that there are many scientific research stations in our country.

So this is equivalent to taking up space.

A total of fifty-four countries have signed the Antarctic Treaty.

But an Antarctic scientific research station, the Great Wall Station, was established.

After hearing Ye Zhen’s popular science.

There are also coal mines worth 500 billion dong, 100 billion barrels of oil, and 5 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.

Audiences at home and abroad learned for the first time that Antarctica is such a place.

"I was curious why Antarctica is white on the world map. It turns out it's because it doesn't belong to any country."

"So Antarctica has so many resources."

"But this little thing isn't worth spending so much time on."

"I feel like there must be some hidden secret here."

Except for the audience.

Researchers at the Chinese scientific research station in the Antarctic scientific research station are also watching Ye Zhen's program. "The signal is not bad. I can finally watch the same program."

"This is the first time I've seen Mr. Ye's program live here in Antarctica."

"But Teacher Ye still knows a lot about this aspect."

They became the first people to watch television programs in Antarctica.

It is also unprecedented.

Before the development of science and technology, this place could be said to be an absolute forbidden area for humans.

Even surviving here is a luxury.

some geographers said slowly.

"It is now recognized that Antarctica was only discovered in the past two hundred years."

"Antarctica consists of continent, continental ice, and islands, with a total area of ​​1424.5 million square kilometers."

"The mainland area is 1239.3 million square kilometers, the continental ice area is 158.2 million square kilometers, and the island area is 7.6 square kilometers."

"But in recent years, some researchers have discovered that Antarctica..."

Professor Yan Xin remembered the time in the last century.

"For the first time, we humans have discovered that there is a huge hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica."

"Finally, after research, it was found that this was because humans abused Freon, a chemical ingredient."

"This stuff was the main refrigerant in many refrigerators and air conditioners in the last century."

"And this thing was widely used at the time."

"The scientist who discovered Freon won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry at the time."

"That was until the damaged ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica."

"That's when we knew things were going to be bad."

We at Blue Star can have what we have today.

It can be said that the existence of the ozone layer is indispensable.

The ozone layer intercepts a large amount of ultraviolet rays.

Ultraviolet rays are extremely lethal to organisms on Blue Star.

If you look at disinfection and sterilization in hospitals, they use ultraviolet lamps for long-term irradiation.

This is harmful to all living organisms.

"You all know what the chemical formula of ozone is, right?" Professor Yan Xin asked.

Not to mention researchers like them, even junior high school students know it.

O3, this is ozone.

"So to a certain extent, the ozone layer is a protective layer formed by spiritual energy?" One of the researchers said, touching his chin.

At that time, everyone discovered that if this continued,

If the ozone layer is destroyed, the end of mankind will really come.

Therefore, various treaties were signed at that time to prohibit the use of Freon.

Only now is the ozone layer slowly beginning to recover.

Repairing the ozone layer is not that simple.

This is tantamount to making up for the sky!

The current development of human science and technology still does not have such capabilities.

We can only rely on nature to slowly repair it.

What humans can do is to limit the use of Freon.

Don't let the hole in the ozone layer continue to expand.

In the Sahara desert.

At this time, Professor Zhou and his group were still hiding in the tent watching the small black and white TV brought by tour guide Hassan.

"I didn't expect our country to be so interested in Antarctica." Professor Zhou didn't know much about this aspect of knowledge.

The same is true for Lao Wu, "I only see that our country is getting stronger and stronger."

Si Xiaoping was thinking on the sidelines, "Is there really no civilization in Antarctica?"

Because Si Xiaoping has basically no knowledge about Antarctica.

In Bureau 749, Ning Xiu and Song Xuan began to "monitor" Ye Zhen's program again.

It’s just that the recent 749 games have been quite busy.

They are trying to find out which force is responsible for wiping out the flourishing Buddhist sect.

This is a very unstable factor.

Song Xuan asked Ning Xiu, "Captain, I have seen some information in the bureau's system."

"It seems that Antarctica is not as simple as we thought."

Ning Xiu nodded, "The establishment of the scientific research station was not just for scientific research."

"Because there was a first-level abnormal event in Antarctica that year."

(End of this chapter)

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