Chapter 615 The legendary explorer of Antarctica

This is also a tacit secret.

Because there are very few people who can go to Antarctica.

In a place like Antarctica, there are projects like the Antarctic Research Station as a cover.

In fact, the real purpose of going to Antarctica is to study and excavate the super-ancient civilization in Antarctica!

But not many people really know this reality.

Even the researchers involved in the Antarctic scientific research station.

I just really thought that I was here to do scientific research.

The researchers in Area 51 know how mysterious this place is in Antarctica.

Back to Ye Zhen, “Because of the special environment in Antarctica.

After hearing Ye Zhen's words, some viewers felt their breathing began to quicken.

But we all know that Atlantis did not sink.

In their eyes, Antarctica is an eternal barren land.

"At that time, the United States, the former Soviet Union and Germany, all three countries, had engaged in arms races in Antarctica."

Everything here is frozen.

The destination of Professor Zhou and the three of them this time, the Eye of Sahara is the legendary Atlantis IV.

Everything that happened at that time was sealed. "

"Is it the same as Mu and Lemuria?" Old Wu was very keenly aware of what Professor Zhou wanted to express.

Professor Zhou was silent, "But now it seems that Antarctica may also be a lost continent."

The Antarctic continent is not at all like the ice and snow we see now.

Professor Zhou and their side.

Only then did the Antarctic continent drift to where it is now.

"Oh my God, is this true?"

"I have also heard this urban legend. It is said that Germany froze a number of troops here in Antarctica!"

It is a normal continent, but because of the huge changes in the world.

What about Antarctica? This continent was only discovered by humans in the 19th century.

The blue star's magnetic field has shifted.

I think Atlantis might be the current Antarctic!
But now we all know that Atlantis is not in Antarctica at all.

But in a place no one expected.

"Did Antarctica really have such a period of normal climate?"

"Why don't I believe it? How can I prove this?"

If we dig now, we will definitely find that the Antarctic continent retains its original appearance.

The eyes of the foreign audience lit up.

However, there are others who question it.

Professor Yan Xin is very confident, "Antarctica now seems like a lost continent."

Now we all know that this ancient map is evidence of a super-ancient civilization.

Only some scientists know.

Antarctica was also considered one of its goals.

"It's very possible that various countries are stationed there just to study super-ancient civilizations."

Then it was sealed in ice, which was like a time capsule.

"So it is possible that a very complete super-ancient civilization has been preserved here on the Antarctic continent!"

"I also heard that the German Empire has a secret base in Antarctica!"

Atlantis is known as the lost city.

There are many places in Antarctica that we currently don’t understand.

In Ye Zhen's previous programs, the Lost Continent was mentioned many times.

How can there be periods of normal climate?

In addition, the people who were looking for Atlantis.

It was only in the last century that we began to gradually understand Antarctica.

Si Xiaoping smiled and said: "Back then, some people still said that Antarctica was Atlantis."

Obviously some people don't believe it.

And a long time ago, in the civilization of the previous era.

Professor Yan Xin really guessed this correctly.

If it weren't for such an icy and snowy environment, there's a high probability that those things wouldn't be preserved.

And because of such harsh geographical environment, the Antarctic continent is far away from humans.

It was not discovered by humans until modern times.

"When talking about Antarctica, we have to mention around 1920 of the last century.

America’s adventure and exploration of the polar regions.

At that time, the United States sent pilots to fly and patrol over Antarctica many times.

The purpose is to understand this new continent just right.

In the process, there was a pilot named Bird. He can be called a legendary polar explorer

Performed many flight missions in Antarctica.

What has he achieved?

The military rank is rear admiral and a pioneer of aviation in the 20th century.

Polar explorer, the first people to fly over the North and South Poles.

Bird can be said to have made outstanding contributions to the exploration of Antarctica.

From 1933 to 1935, Byrd conducted a second, more extensive exploration of Antarctica.

Many areas of the icy continent were surveyed and mapped.

His scientific expeditions made extensive use of radio transmissions and aerial photography.

In 1934, he spent five months alone in the seismic zone of the Ross Sea Ice Barrier in Antarctica.

This led to the discovery that there are large amounts of coal in the mountains of West Antarctica.

Subsequently, he made the third, fourth and fifth expeditions to Antarctica.

When he last explored Antarctica in 1955, he was nearly seventy years old.

No one mapped Antarctica more thoroughly than Byrd.

A U.S. scientific research station in Antarctica is named after Bird. "

After hearing Ye Zhen's explanation, everyone understood how great this pilot named Bird was.

It can be said that we now have Antarctic mapping and various data.

A large part of it was recorded by Bird during his many flights that year.

Even some viewers in the United States didn't know that such a soldier existed in their history.

"I think it's enough to make a personal legend movie."

"That's right, pilots like this are indeed rare."

If you look at it from an ordinary person's perspective, Bird is indeed very good as a pilot.

But they know that things are definitely not that simple.

Audiences who are familiar with Ye Zhen know that this pilot named Bird is definitely not that ordinary.

There must be something hidden inside.

Ye Zhen smiled, "It was just during Bird's several Antarctic expeditions.

Something strange is happening.

Some of these strange things are officially recorded.

Part of it was accidentally discovered by Bird's son in Bird's diary after Bird's death.

Three years after Bird's death, Bird's son was sorting out his father's belongings.

A diary was discovered, which recorded a very bizarre experience of Bird's.

So much so that Bird didn't dare to say it at all at the time. "

Everyone knows that training a pilot is very difficult.

A pilot is worth more than an equal weight in gold.

Not to mention an excellent pilot like Bird, who is even more of a treasure in the army.

The most important thing for a pilot is not to have psychological problems.

You need to go for psychological check-ups regularly.

This is the experience gained from the sacrifice of human lives during World War I.

Bird was the same way back then, he was afraid of what he would say if he spoke out.

He will be disqualified as a pilot because what he encountered in Antarctica was too outrageous.

So many years later, no one believed it.

The audience was very curious.

"What happened to pilot Bird?"

"Let me just say that Teacher Ye specifically mentioned this person, it's definitely not that simple!"

Ye Zhen failed here.

"Let's first talk about some strange places in the previous Antarctic expeditions."

"In 1946-1947 Bird conducted his fourth expedition.

But this time the test was very different.

And it's very strange and exaggerated.

At that time, World War II had just ended.

Why do I say it's strange? You will know just by listening to the configuration of this exploration.

The expedition was organized by the U.S. naval authorities.

U.S. Navy Secretary James Forrestal dispatched a large fleet of 40 ships and aircraft to the Antarctic.

The fleet includes the flagship "Olympus" and the aircraft carrier "Philippine Sea".

There are 13 US Navy support ships, 6 helicopters, six airships, two seaplanes and 15 other aircraft.

The fleet arrived in the Ross Sea on December 1946, 12.

Have you found the problem? "Ye Zhen looked at the camera and asked everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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