Chapter 708 Two Types of Spiritual Realms

Ye Zhen’s current knowledge reserves.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that he is well-versed in history and knowledgeable about the present, and that his knowledge is as vast as the ocean.

Ye Zhen could feel that the vine's consciousness was slowly becoming complete.

From the initial babbling, he can now fully communicate with Ye Zhen.

Just when Ye Zhen wanted to instill more knowledge into the vine's consciousness.

Ye Zhen could feel the call to return.

"So it is the key." Ye Zhen continued to impart knowledge to the vines that had awakened their consciousness.

Ye Zhen was wondering if that was the way humans learned knowledge.

If this method can be used, how much time will humans save?

Because now we are in the learning stage.

Many of the things are from more than two hundred years ago.

One wants to study the frontiers of current knowledge.

You need to learn all the previous knowledge.

In terms of today's human academic qualifications, it would be a Ph.D.

Only when you get a Ph.D., can you be considered to have reached the forefront of a certain field.

Most people are almost 30 years old by the time they graduate with a doctorate.

This is just a small branch.

There is no intersection with other subjects.

Why are there fewer and fewer all-rounders nowadays, and they are almost non-existent?

Because the amount of knowledge accumulated by humans is really too much.

It would be very difficult for a person to study even a small branch of it.

Not to mention a breakthrough.

So when Musk said he was developing a brain-computer interface.

Many people are fantasizing about a situation where they can download knowledge into their brains.

Will it have arrived already?

After a while, Ye Zhen returned directly to the real world.

This time, this high-dimensional spiritual realm has a somewhat baffling feeling.

Ye Zhen went to a future that was suspected to be the end of humanity.

A strange plant was enlightened there?

Ye Zhen instilled some of the fundamental things of Chinese civilization into the vines.

Like the "Book of Changes" and "Hetu Luoshu".

All of them were poured into the vines.

In addition, there are some basic knowledge in science.

All the way from Euclidean geometry to non-Euclidean geometry.

Ye Zhen didn't know how much the vine could absorb.

This is actually equivalent to Ye Zhen teaching a primary school student some knowledge that is not at his level.

When Ye Zhen opened his eyes, he looked at the familiar ceiling in the sky.

Ye Zhen knew that he had returned to the real world.

This time, the high-dimensional spiritual realm gave Ye Zhen a completely new understanding.

"It's not just about being able to go to the past timeline."

"Can we go to the future?"

"Or is that the past?"

Ye Zhen initially judged that the high-dimensional spiritual realm just now was the doomsday future of mankind.

Because of some remaining building and artifact fragments.

They are all in line with modern civilization.

Rather than any other weird architectural style.

This is one of the points.

Another point is the scarcity of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Because in other timelines, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would not be so thin.

"Why would the high spiritual realm send me to such a future this time?"

Ye Zhen doesn't understand.

If the higher-dimensional spiritual realm can still travel to the future.

This is actually not a good thing for Ye Zhen.

Because this means that after opening the high-dimensional spiritual realm.

Ye Zhen had another consideration.

"Why is the popularity value reset to zero again?" Ye Zhen looked at his remaining 3 million popularity points.

1 million popularity points are used to open a higher-dimensional spiritual realm.

In addition, Ye Zhen reserved the remaining 200 million popularity points. However, this time when Ye Zhen went to the high-dimensional spiritual realm, he basically did nothing.

It just awakened the consciousness of a strange plant and instilled some knowledge in it.

"Is it a problem of information volume?" Ye Zhen thought for a moment.

Before returning, Ye Zhen transferred all the knowledge he had to his past.

Just like swallowing a whole apple.

No matter how much the other party can absorb.

Ye Zhen felt that this was his only chance.

There may not be such an opportunity in the future.

This would be an opportunity for Tengman, if he hadn't met Ye Zhen.

Its consciousness cannot be awakened by Ye Zhen.

"Or did I awaken its consciousness?"

Information also has weight.

Ye Zhen instilled such a large amount of knowledge, and the corresponding popularity value was also consumed.

"So transmitting a large amount of information will also consume popularity points."

"Or is it because this is a high-dimensional spiritual realm in the future?"

Ye Zhen had done similar things before.

It’s just that that information was destined to appear long ago.

Ye Zhen was just a promoter according to the history he was familiar with.

Ye Zhen had thought about it before.

If I didn't do those things that should have happened in history in the past timeline.

What will happen?
It’s not that Ye Zhen doesn’t want to, but he can’t do it.

If Ye Zhen changed the course of history, he might be trapped in the spiritual realm and unable to return.

They will also be directly wiped out by the way of heaven.

Because Ye Zhen didn't originally belong to that time and space.

It is only with the help of the system that one can travel to the past.

Ye Zhen has a deeper understanding of the higher-dimensional spiritual realm.

"There are two types of high-dimensional spiritual realms."

"One is to send me into the future."

"The other one is one I know well, and it takes me to the past."

"If I were to return to the high-dimensional spiritual realm of the past, I could only make limited changes."

"If I can't tell what the spirit realm wants me to do."

"Then I might be trapped in the spirit realm forever."

“If the popularity is high enough, some points and contexts can be changed.”

"Thus changing the flow of the entire timeline."

"And go to the high spiritual realm in the future."

"There doesn't seem to be any such doubt."

“Because the future is uncertain, I can do whatever I want.”

"But correspondingly, doing anything also requires consuming corresponding popularity points."

Generally speaking, our current cognition is certain about the past.

The future is uncertain.

No matter how powerful you are, you cannot change what has happened in the past.

This is common sense.

Just when Ye Zhen was thinking.

Tu Shan's voice sounded outside the door.

"It's time to eat! Stop masturbating in there!" Tu Shan knocked on Ye Zhen's door.

Ye Zhen got up from the bed, slowly walked out the door and went downstairs to finish his meal.

On the other side, the White Swan Hotel.

The dinner party of Yangcheng TV also started.

Producer Chen looked at the guests coming and going.

Director Chen from CCTV was of course also invited.

The two of them held their tall champagne glasses.

"Look, the guy with the Mediterranean hairstyle is the richest man in the next province."

"The one wearing red high heels over there is the CEO of the largest biopharmaceutical company in our country."

"And that one is the president of the Chinese Martial Arts Association."

Director Chen introduced people from all over the country to Producer Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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