Chapter 710: The Superpowers of Area 51

In everyone's eyes, Ye Zhen looks frail and weak.

Just like countless white-collar workers working in offices in cities.

Anyone who has worked in television knows this.

The intensity of work in this industry is terrifying.

Especially the recording of some programs has to start in the morning and last until the early morning.

The whole process is non-stop.

Not to mention Ye Zhen, who has been updating the program intensively since the very beginning of his career.

And it has been tending to an upward trend.

Even ordinary people can see how much effort Ye Zhen has put in.

Many times, Director Chen and some other people.

Everyone wants to hire a content creation team to help Ye Zhen.

See if you can help reduce Ye Zhen’s workload.

Because human abilities and inspiration have their limits.

How can one person fighting alone defeat teamwork?

They wanted Ye Zhen to free up some time.

But after watching Ye Zhen’s previous program content.

Their content team has no idea where to start.

Various professional contents and knowledge, as well as various unknown secrets.

Basically, the content of their previous programs is completely different.

Producer Chen just said it silently at the time.

"Don't even think about replacing Ye Zhen."

"You can't do it."

Their idea of ​​wanting to help Ye Zhen reduce his workload was genuine.

But it is also true that he wants to replace and reduce Ye Zhen's weight and influence.

After seeing Ye Zhen’s show became popular.

It’s not that there are no TV stations that want to imitate Ye Zhen’s program.

I want to eat some of the exhaust from Ye Zhen’s show.

But they found that such a program was impossible to imitate.

Basically every program requires a large number of professional talents.

Something unique and unknown is needed.

All the information also needs to be aggregated and combined.

This is simply not something humans can do.

It’s not that some major TV stations haven’t thought of a solution.

They also imitated Ye Zhen's show.

Experts from many industries were invited and a large amount of manpower and material resources were mobilized.

It took a long time to come up with a show.

The program was chosen to be broadcast one day before Ye Zhen’s program was broadcast.

It can be said that it grasps people's psychology very well.

And at that time, Ye Zhen's show was highly anticipated.

It's like being addicted, even if Ye Zhen's show is not on the air.

They were either watching reruns of Ye Zhen's show or looking to see if there were any similar shows.

This gap in programs gives some programs hope.

Being able to get some soup from Ye Zhen was enough to nourish them.

So some TV stations invested heavily.

What will we say after the show airs?

The response was quite good.

Some even say that this is a new star who can replace Ye Zhen's show.

Because the host of this show is a beautiful woman wearing black stockings.

After all, many people nowadays are perverted, and it is human nature to like looking at beautiful women.

Plus their first show was a calculated one.

It was developed after inviting many experts to conduct repeated research.

The beautiful host in black stockings also graduated from a double first-class university.

Knowledge already exists.

So after the first episode was aired, the response was pretty good.

Among all the imitation programs, it can be considered as passing. However, after Ye Zhen's program was broadcast the next day.

Their show was a complete failure.

Moreover, the production cost and time of the program are very high.

Each episode requires the beautiful host in black stockings to recite many difficult and obscure concepts.

They have an entire content team behind the scenes working on this.

But in terms of quality and production speed, the program cannot compare to Ye Zhen's.

Only then did they realize how terrifying Ye Zhen was.

After that, almost no one thought of anything else.

At the same time, they were also shocked that Ye Zhen had such amazing energy.

Every episode of the show is almost perfect.

Now I heard that Ye Zhen’s health has finally gone wrong.

Only then did they realize that Ye Zhen could also get sick and was actually a human being.

Everyone has witnessed it during this year.

In their opinion, Ye Zhen's high-intensity program production is burning himself out!

However, it was able to achieve the top spot in the world's ratings.

The burn is worth it.

At the dinner at the White Swan Hotel.

There were a few foreign friends who seemed a little out of place here.

Although there were some foreign friends at the scene, they were very few.

They are all representatives sent by foreign biological companies.

"This Ye Zhen didn't show up?"

"Then our trip here was in vain."

"Then what about the mission the military district has given us?"

There were three foreigners standing here at the White Swan Hotel.

An old black man was drinking freshly squeezed watermelon juice.

That smooth skin and the flesh hidden under the clothes.

Like a bodyguard from a movie.

Standing opposite the burly black man is a short-haired transgender man.

She considers herself a male and dresses like a man.

Very short hair and a pretty face.

With a cigarette still dangling from his mouth, he said, "It will be hard for us to explain this."

The remaining person was a blonde beauty with a curvaceous figure wearing a white evening dress.

"Didn't the lieutenant general say that we should cooperate with South Korea and Japan?"

"We haven't been able to contact them since we got here."

"Are they kidding us?" the blonde said, twisting her hair with her fingers.

The tomboy foreigner wiped her nose with her fingers.

"Do those two countries have such courage?"

After Lao Hei finished a glass of watermelon juice, he ordered another one.

“We managed to get in with great difficulty.”

"Who would have thought that this person named Ye Zhen is not here today."

These three people were exactly the super-powered people sent by the U.S. Area 51 Lieutenant General to assassinate Ye Zhen.

They were able to come in thanks to the tomboy's abilities.

But after they came in, they found that these things were quite delicious.

It’s much better than the food they eat in the US military zone.

"Mike, how much more do you want to eat?" The tomboy looked at Lao Hei who was eating fried chicken in one hand and holding watermelon juice in the other.

"We still have a mission to do."

Lao Hei showed his white teeth and said, "It's a waste if you don't eat it."

"Don't you want to eat something? This Chinese food is delicious."

The blonde touched her flat belly, "No, I've been trying to lose weight recently and I feel like I'm gaining weight again."

After saying that the blonde took out a makeup mirror and looked at herself in the mirror.

Lao Hei pushed the delicious fried chicken in front of the tomboy.

The tomboy scolded, "I'm a vegetarian! Are you stupid?"

Lao Hei smiled and said, "I almost forgot, Ruth, you are a vegetarian now."

(End of this chapter)

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