Lord of Puro

Chapter 374 There is great wisdom in laziness

Chapter 374 There is great wisdom in laziness

Li Banfeng's clothes hung on the judge's pen, waving his arms, flying triumphantly.

He firmly believes that he is the Earth God, the Earth God who can fly.

Judge Bi wanted to scold him, but was too lazy to speak. Flying with him was already hard enough.

Under the cover of the projector, Li Banfeng flew quietly to the altar table.

He picked up a bottle of peach blossom wine on the altar table and drank it.

Nectarine couldn't see Li Banfeng, but she was very happy when she saw the wine being drunk.

Blood will be spilled next.

Nectarine said to Xiaofeng: "This is the plot of land you use to take refuge. Come and spill your blood."

Xiaofeng nodded, and just as he was about to pierce his palm with the knife, he suddenly felt a powerful force approaching, making the two of them unable to lift their heads.

"Hooahahahah~" Li Banfeng roared, making the two of them tremble in fright.

Nectarine lowered her voice and said, "It seems that the Earth God doesn't want you to spill blood."

Xiaofeng looked stunned: "Is there such a thing?"

"I'll do the sprinkling, anyway, we don't usually separate." The nectarine pricked his palm and spilled blood, and Li Banfeng felt a wave of heart palpitations again.

This heart palpitation did not make Li Banfeng feel scared, but made Li Banfeng even more excited. He was even more sure that he was the owner of this land.

There is only one day left and the exam is about to begin.

Li Banfeng is going to summon all the creatures on the earth, and then select suitable monsters to take the test on Nectarine and Xiaofeng.

This moment is very important to Li Banfeng. If Nectarine passes the exam, his land will see the first light of day.

He picked up an earthworm on the ground and said seriously: "This is a big deal, do you understand? We are going to open up wasteland, do you understand? We are about to have a bright future, do you understand?"

The earthworm kept struggling in Li Banfeng's hand.

Judge Bi snorted: "Repay me the capital."

Li Banfeng looked at the earthworm in his hand and suddenly became too lazy to talk to it.

After becoming lazy, the stupid cultivation skills were resolved, and Li Banfeng became more awake.

He couldn't go looking for aberrations to take the pioneer test. If he did, his identity would be exposed immediately.

Meng Yuchun had to help him do this.

Li Banfeng found Meng Yuchun, and Meng Yuchun said with a troubled face: "I'm actually not very familiar with your territory. I'm afraid those weirdos won't listen to me..."

"You don't admit your debt, right?" Li Banfeng yawned, "We signed the deed, have you forgotten? I saved your life, have you forgotten? Being ungrateful will lead to retribution, do you know? "

Meng Yuchun's face turned red: "I'll just go..."

When they arrived at Li Banfeng's territory, Meng Yuchun called her two best sisters, Hongdie and Huangdie, to help her deliver a message, telling the weirdos on the territory that someone was coming to open up wasteland, and those who wanted to take the school exam should come to her. Leave your name and receive the reward after the event is completed.

Li Banfeng rubbed his eyes, holding back his sleepiness and said, "Where is Xiaodie?"

Back then, Xiaodie was seduced by the drama queen and revealed some of Meng Yuchun's secrets. While Xiaodie was turning into a cocoon, the trickster pretended to be Xiaodie and found out where Meng Yuchun lived.

Meng Yuchun sighed and said: "She is still young and ignorant. She has just turned into a butterfly. After all, we are sisters, and I left her a complete body."

Li Banfeng looked at Meng Yuchun and said, "Did you hang her in the house?"

"I didn't hang it in the house. I hung it at the entrance of the cave. It's windy there and it's drier."

Li Banfeng sighed and wanted to say something, but was too lazy to say it.

Home builders don’t have many friends, and they are very sincere to their friends.

But don't trample on this sincerity. A person may only experience the anger of Zhaixiu once in his life.

Not long after, the yellow butterfly and the red butterfly came back.

Their expressions were very awkward, and the weirdos here didn't have much respect for them.

The news had spread, and in Meng Yuchun's world, the monsters had to give them a serious answer whether they were going or not.

The two of them are friends of the Earth God, and they can't deviate from each other in terms of face and sense of proportion.

But in Li Banfeng's world, the monsters didn't pay much attention to them.

Most aberrations don't recognize them.

A few people recognized their strangeness and ignored Meng Yuchun.

Some weirdos didn't know what happened before, and thought that the Earth God in this world was still the Lord of the Mountain.

Some monsters knew that the Mountain Lord was gone, but they regarded it as a land without a master, and did not regard Meng Yuchun as their local god.

Li Banfeng yawned again and didn't seem to care much: "Don't worry, there will always be someone to try your luck in a business that guarantees no loss of capital."

As for the weirdos and the pioneers who took the exam, if they can beat them, they will fight, if they can't, then they will leave.

If you win, you will earn a fortune, and if you lose, you are not afraid. As long as you are not too reckless, you will not be injured, let alone lose your life. Basically, there will be no loss, unless you encounter special types like Ma Wu and Genzi. .

So Li Banfeng wasn't worried that no strange monsters would come to his door. He was worried about another thing.

That night, Nectarine went to bed early in the tent to prepare for the next land reclamation.

I slept until late at night, in a daze, and I didn't know what time it was. Suddenly I heard Xiaofeng whispering in a low voice: "It really does exist. I won't lie to you. There really is something here..."

Nectarine opened her eyes: "What's there?"

Xiaofeng pointed to the corner of the tent and trembled: "There are really snakes here. Are they here to test us?"

Nectarine was startled and looked around the corner. There was indeed a snake in the tent. It was as thick as two fingers and more than two feet long. Its body was blood red and there was a black stripe wrapping around the middle of the snake's body.

This is a black-finned snake unique to the New Zealand and is highly venomous. This snake is obviously red, why is it called a black-finned snake?
That's because the red snake body is a puppet, and the black striped part is the snake's body. If you don't understand this and attack the snake body directly, the snake will not be injured, but may wait for an opportunity to fight back.

Nectarine had some knowledge, and her eyes were fixed on the black lines.

She used her Huanxiu skill, and the black-finned snake's blood rushed to its head. It felt threatened and quickly left the tent.

Nectarine took a long breath and said to Xiaofeng: "Next time you encounter a snake, tell me as soon as possible. You also have cultivation, why don't you even dare to shout?"

Xiaofeng lowered his head, his eyes were red, and he said aggrievedly: "I am just a useless person, I have been dragging you down."

Nectarine sighed and hugged Xiaofeng into her arms: "Why are you crying? I can't even say a few words to you. It's all my fault for spoiling you. Go to bed quickly. In the next three days, we will have a lot of bad fights." beat."

At noon the next day, the first aberration to take the exam came to the boundary.

This is a bamboo with a bamboo pole and bamboo leaves. It jumped into the field.

Li Banfeng had also seen this kind of strange thing when he was clearing up wasteland. He didn't take it too seriously at the time. The middle of the bamboo was hollow. As long as there was a passage, Ma Wu could take it down smoothly.

But nectarines have no advantage over bamboo.

After playing for more than an hour, the nectarines and bamboos were evenly matched.

Meng Yuchun flew with Li Banfeng in mid-air, hiding his figure and watching the battle silently.

Nectarine's cultivation has not improved much and is still at the first level. This bamboo is almost at the same level.

Two rookies pecking each other, to Meng Yuchun, it was really not interesting, but the more he looked at it, the more strange it seemed to Meng Yuchun.

"Is this woman a homesteader?" Meng Yuchun pointed at Xiaofeng.

Li Banfeng was too lazy to answer and just nodded.

Meng Yuchun frowned and said: "This child must have reached a higher level. It may be because he has been away from home for too long and his fighting strength is weak."

This explanation was very reasonable, but the ensuing battle situation made Meng Yuchun even more confused.

Xiaofeng was unable to help and kept adding to the burden. On several occasions, Nectarine got into a tough fight to save her.

If she doesn’t know how to fight, will this girl not know how to hide?

After three hours of fighting, the bamboo was finally beaten away by the nectarines.

Nectarine was panting and sat on the ground unable to stand up.

Meng Yuchun shook his head and sighed: "With this quality, they dare to open up wasteland, I'm afraid they may not be able to hold on until tomorrow."

Li Banfeng asked Meng Yuchun, "Can the land god intervene in land reclamation?"

Meng Yuchun was startled: "You want to help them? Yes, you can. You can be hard or soft.
The hard thing is to take action secretly and directly drive away the aberrations who come to take the school exam, but this must be done covertly, otherwise next time someone opens up wasteland, no aberrations will be willing to contribute.
The soft one is to give some benefits to the aberrations and let them go through the motions and be done with it.

But the benefits are difficult to calculate. What aberrations care about most is cultivation. If you give too much, it will be unfair to those aberrations who have really contributed. If you give less, the aberrations will not give up easily. After all, this is also related to their reputation. . "

Li Banfeng nodded, Meng Yuchun had made a lot of progress.

Under the leadership of Li Banfeng, many pioneers came to Meng Yuchun's land. She accumulated a lot of experience and learned a lot of knowledge from the experienced weirdos on the land.

Li Banfeng asked again: "What if I don't fight the monsters?"

Meng Yuchun was stunned: "Then who are you going to hit? Is it possible to hit these two girls?"

Li Banfeng did not answer, but asked another question: "Can you tell fortunes?"

Meng Yuchun shook his head and said, "I can't."

"Have you ever seen a homesteader who can tell fortunes?"

"I have seen this before. I know a otaku spirit who is particularly good at divination. She once taught her divination skills to her otaku cultivator. However, the level of otaku cultivator's skills depends on the level of his own cultivation."

Li Banfeng pointed at Xiaofeng and said, "How many levels of cultivation do you think she has?"

"She looks clumsy. I think she is only at the first level."

"Can a one-story house builder rely on divination skills to seek good fortune, avoid disaster, evade powerful enemies, and escape hundreds of miles away?"

"Isn't this too difficult?" Meng Yuchun was stunned for a moment and then asked, "You shouldn't ask me this. Isn't seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune a technique for your traveling practice?"

Li Banfeng shook his head and said: "It's difficult, it's really difficult. I'm afraid I can't do this just by seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck.
It was her house spirit who was chasing Xiaofeng. Her house spirit must be better at divination than she was, and he could definitely figure out where they were going to escape.
Neither Zhaixiu nor Huanxiu are good at escaping. How did they escape all the way here? "

Meng Yuchun said in surprise: "Do you suspect that the two of them are cheating?"

"It's not two, it's one. I can trust Nectarine," Li Banfeng said, "So I ask you, can the God of the Earth take action against the land developer?"

Meng Yuchun shook his head and said: "This can't be done. There is a contract between the Earth God and the land developer. If you attack them, it will be a violation of the contract."

"What happens if you break the contract?"

"I'm not sure what the specific consequences will be, but you'd better not do this kind of thing, and once the matter spreads, no one will come to your place to open up wasteland again."

Li Banfeng frowned slightly and said, "This matter seems to be difficult to handle. Can you find an obedient monster to take action for me?"

"That's okay, but the level of the aberrations can't be too high. They only want one mile of land. The aberrations we send out are generally at one or two levels of cultivation.
Some earth gods are particularly disgusted with a certain pioneer and will send third-level aberrations to take the test. Some aberrations that barely reach the fourth level can also try. "

"I'm afraid the monsters on the third and fourth floors won't be enough."

Meng Yuchun shook his head repeatedly and said: "If a higher level monster enters the land, it is equivalent to violating the contract."

Li Banfeng kept staring at Xiaofeng.

Seeing Li Banfeng's solemn expression, Meng Yuchun also realized that the situation was unusual: "If this woman can really hide her cultivation so deeply, she really needs to find a ruthless person to deal with her.
I have two wandering monsters under my command. They signed a contract with me. They cannot run wild in my land, but in other lands, they are still not bound by the rules of land reclamation. "

Li Banfeng smiled: "I seem to know those two people."

PS: When dealing with the Mountain Master, Li Banfeng helped Meng Yuchun subdue two wandering monsters. See Chapter 319 for details.

(End of this chapter)

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