What is a red-temperature top order?.

Chapter 246: Anyone with red temperature in the world should take a milk bath to help them

Chapter 246: Anyone with red temperature in the world should take a milk bath to help them
[Congratulations to Hongwen Bathhouse on its successful opening! 】

[Death Announcement Congratulations on the opening of Hongwen Bathhouse! 】

[Wei Zhen congratulates Hongwen Bathhouse on its opening! 】

[Guan Zeyuan congratulates Hongwen Bathhouse on its successful opening! 】

[Xiran congratulates Hongwen Bathhouse on its successful opening! 】

[Zhao Enjing congratulates Hongwen Bathhouse on its successful opening! 】

[Lee Sang Hyuk congratulates Hongwen Bathhouse on its successful opening! 】

The three people in dormitory 301 walked through the red carpet in front of the Hongwen Bathhouse. Gao Jianlin smacked his lips as he looked at the congratulations placed on the flower baskets on both sides.

"As expected of Brother Wen, this is so impressive."

With the release of the official promotional video of the Snake Team, the entrance of Hongwen Bathhouse is already crowded with people.

Wei Zhen hasn't reacted yet.

"How many Uzis can you eat in one meal?"

Immediately afterwards, countless sharp eyes fell on Gao Jianlin.

No one cares what Gao Jianlin is shouting.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhen felt a shudder in his heart, and regardless of the embarrassment at the moment, he asked:
"How did you know?"

Gao Jianlin's eyes were sharper. He stared at the fat man next to him for a long time and said in surprise:
"Hey! You! Aren't you the prestige of Karma?"

"Brother, are you Song Wen's roommate?"

Only a few people in their small circle knew that he was valued by the club because of his hard work. The media had never exposed it at all. How did the person in front of him know?

Sensing the suspicious look in the other person's eyes, Gao Jianlin took out his student ID card from his yukata pocket.

"Brother Wen told me, haha."

Gao Jianlin replied without hesitation:

Liu Xinjian and Zhou Wen stood outside the crowd, watching Gao Jianlin's only head floating up and down in the sea of ​​people, and sighed:
"Why did Lao Gao change his clothes and still carry his student ID card with him?"

Hearing Gao Jianlin's words, Wei Zhen's eyes opened wider and wider.

"You know me."

The man was stunned for a moment, then looked ecstatic and started shouting at the top of his lungs!
"Brothers! There is a shady roommate here!!!"

Has any unscrupulous self-media been exposed?

"Hey, what are you doing! Didn't we agree that everyone is a fan of God!"

"Yes, I am the boss of the dormitory, and my two buddies can all testify."

"Of course I know. I heard that you wanted to join the Snakes team, and then you proved yourself crazily during the spring split. However, because you worked too hard, you were appreciated by the LGD club, and instead let imp go to the Snakes team. This job Great and noble sentiments, how could I not recognize you?”

"Brother Wen?"

Before Gao Jianlin could react, he saw a vast sea of ​​people rushing towards him like waves.

Although the game has not started yet, the hall is already full of people, which shows the enthusiasm of Uzi fans.

Several people were stunned for a moment, Liu Xinjian nodded and said:

"You are also fans of God, right?"

Countless Uzi fans gathered here, wanting to take a bath and drink milk in the red warm bathhouse.

As Gao Jianlin spoke, he patted his chest, looking extremely proud.

“Did you see it, the Philosophy Department of Capital Normal University, Grade 07!”

"Can you masturbate when you are out in the dormitory?"

"Tell me, when does Heide usually go back to school!"

Gao Jianlin turned his head, only to find that Liu Xinjian and Zhou Wen had disappeared at some point.

However, the word "Song" undoubtedly touched the nerves of the people next to him. Some people's ears twitched and they turned their heads.

Seeing that he was recognized, Wei Zhen smiled and made a small gesture.

"Yeah, Song Wen, Brother Wen, my college roommate, we are all close friends."

"Of course it is, otherwise we wouldn't be here."

As soon as the three of them sat down, a fat man poked his head over next to them.

In the middle of the lounge on the second floor, there is a huge LED electronic display screen, which is showing the live broadcast of the League of Legends Summer Finals.

Gao Jianlin urged and walked in with long strides. The three of them answered the greeting lady's fans' questions skillfully, changed their hands of cards, washed themselves casually in the bathhouse, and then arrived at the rest hall on the second floor.

In fact, there is an e-sports room on the third floor, and there are various themed spa rooms on the fourth floor, where you can also watch live broadcasts, such as the Lu Xian jungle themed room, the Pu Pu Mao milk themed room, the red warm fried bacon themed room, etc.

"Hurry up, there are so many people, there won't be any seats left later."

But Gao Jianlin and his team still chose to squeeze in the hall, which is the best way to watch the game to create a more atmospheric atmosphere.

"What color are the black panties?"

"Pretending is like the wind, always with him."

There was a commotion in the hall until a countdown started playing on the huge electronic screen.

There are still five minutes left before the summer finals.

10, 9, 8, 7...

Everyone fell silent and sat in their seats.

In fact, most people's patience has begun to run out at this time, and they just want to start the game as soon as possible.

The last five minutes were spent playing the official LPL promotional videos recorded by the two teams for the finals, including the trash talk session.

But when everyone thought about this competition, there was a king who returned from the philosophy department of a top domestic university, and they all became full of expectations.

When the countdown came back, the screen went dark, and then three golden characters RNG appeared on the screen.


There was a burst of boos.

"It's too much, it's too much!" Someone stood up to maintain order, "Everyone is a fan of God, please pay attention to your position!"

RNG's exciting matches throughout the season were flashed back in flashbacks in conjunction with the passionate commentary at the time, and the final scene was fixed on Uzi's five-kill Kasumi in the semifinals.

"Wen, you saw the most beautiful sunset!"

In the lounge, many people shouted, followed by a burst of laughter.

Gao Jianlin moved his butt. During the riot just now, someone kicked his butt. It was still aching.

But this did not hinder his agitated heart at this time.

"The atmosphere is really good."

On the big screen, RNG players began to appear in the camera.

This group of young e-sports players seemed obviously a little embarrassed when facing the camera. All they said was the same set of old official words.

However, a group of people still chatted without saying a word.

"There's a saying, a little tiger is worse than a hair hanging on his head."

"Aren't you going to drink Yuan Bang today? It's time!"

"Letme, why are you still doing interviews? You just went to Mask of Pain, haha!"

"I heard that letme and Heide have a pretty good relationship in private."

"You haven't noticed, then the relationship between placing the order first and being the black one is good. He is obviously the first victim."

"I know, this is called Stockholm Syndrome." Amid the discussion, Uzi appeared.

The little fat man was wearing an RNG team uniform, and his fleshy face showed a deliberately sinister look.

“This year is a year of change for me.”

"There are a lot of unfriendly comments about me on the Internet, but I have overcome them."

"I will become more mature and determined."

"S7 is my version and my era!"

Hearing Uzi's words, Gao Jianlin couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I'm so stupid, why am I so arrogant now? I'm so mature!"

Wei Zhen on the side came over again, smiled and said:

"Uzi has performed very well since he started again. Judging from the recent data chart, his data is indeed ranked first in the entire LPL. Even Imp is worse than Uzi. Of course, this does not mean that Imp is inferior to Uzi. After all, the two teams have completely different tactical priorities. The Snake team focuses more on the top lane, while RNG focuses on four guarantees and one lane. "

Hearing Wei Zhen's words, Gao Jianlin became obviously nervous.

"Then this snake team won't overturn."

"As long as imp plays normally, it won't be a big problem."

After saying that, Wei Zhen looked at Gao Jianlin again.

"Are you really Song Wen's roommate?"

"Of course, I never lie to anyone."

Wei Zhen hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said:

"Then can you help me find out if I have a chance to join the Snakes next season?"

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers, interrupting their chat.

It turned out to be a promotional video for the Snakes.

To everyone's surprise, compared to rng's strict promotional video, the Snake Team's promotional video was a bit outrageous just because of the location.

In the picture, Ge Zi is wearing a yukata and sitting in a sauna.

The sharp-eyed people noticed that this place looked familiar and laughed:

"Holy shit, isn't this the sauna room of Hongwen Bathhouse? I just came out."

Zhi Zhi sat cross-legged in the sauna, and the hot temperature made Zhi Zhi's body covered with sweat.

The gesture narration also sounded at this time.

"Bathing is a science."

"The purpose of steaming in the sauna is to allow me to experience the moment of excitement when I jump into the bath."

"Just like in the competition, they say I'm messing around, they say I'm fishing, but they are always surprised by my sudden burst of energy."

"This is the first lesson in taking a bath - if you don't keep warm, don't take a bath."

Zhi Zhi wiped the sweat from his face, walked out of the sauna, jumped into the bathtub, and the camera followed.

Bathing area.

That's where you take a bath.

The sexy girl was sweating profusely and standing by the bed, rubbing her white flesh vigorously.

Brother Crystal lay on the bed and shouted loudly:

"Vietnamese, you haven't eaten! Don't you like brushing? Please brush harder for me!"

The sexy fan sighed helplessly and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"The Lucian jungle bathing package you choose, the key is not how strong it is, but how fast it is. As long as the speed is fast enough, the brush will be fast."

"It's just like a game. As long as I brush fast enough, the jungle area on the opposite side is my jungle area."

"This is the second skill in taking a bath - the high-pressure water gun can take away the temperature more quickly."

Brother Crystal lay on the bed and shouted:
"I don't want this, please give me another set meal."

The sexy fan clenched his palm into a fist and said, "I'll give it to you in exchange for a small fist stone set."

Along with the wailing sound of crystal, the scene came to the dining area on the second floor.

Tabe, Imp and Brother Holy Gun gathered around a table.

"Come, let me have a drink first to celebrate imp's success in quitting drinking!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank all the wine in the glass. Only Imp, who had given up drinking, looked aggrieved.

Tabe took out a glass of milk from the side and comforted:
"The same model that Brother Wen stole from Zhu Kai. If you can't drink wine, just drink milk. This is the third knowledge of bathing. Milk bath can make the skin smoother."

At this time, Zhi Zhi, Brother Crystal and Sao Fan also came up. A group of people sat together, Zhi Zhi asked:
"Where's Brother Wen? We're going to play in the summer finals soon. You won't be looking for a young lady to go to the spa, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Kai walked out from around the corner.

"In 1974, I fought in Southeast Asia for the first time in free fighting and won the championship. In 1980, I defeated the Japanese heavy gunner Thunder Dragon. Then I swept the Japanese karate masters for three consecutive years and won the all-Japan free fighting championship. Ancient Chinese boxing method The only descendant, Gui Zaiwen, is known as the nemesis of karate and is nicknamed the Devil Muscle Man."

Accompanied by the soundtrack and narration, Song Wen walked out with his upper body naked, and his abdominal muscles and chest muscles immediately caused the mother fans to climax on the spot.

There was also a commotion in the rest hall of Hongwen Bathhouse.

"Wife! Wife, what's wrong with you!"

"Hey brother! Please excuse me, my wife fainted!"

"Oh, it's okay. Your wife's blockage was too serious before. Now she sees the blackout. The impact is too strong all of a sudden, causing an imbalance in the internal and external pressure, breaking through the bottom line defense, and the flood surges up to the high ground, so it causes a short-term If you feel faint, just lie down for a while and wait for the water to flow back and the internal and external pressure to regain balance. "

Song Wen walked all the way to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and Zhu Kai was already following behind him, putting on Song Wen's bathrobe.

He looked at the bustling approach outside the window and stretched out his hand slightly. A glass of 45-degree milk, rotated fifty times clockwise and fifty times counterclockwise, came into his hands.

The camera slowly moved back and passed through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Suddenly, the loud sound of fireworks exploding sounded, and through the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you could see countless gorgeous fireworks lighting up around Song Wen.

Song Wen nodded slightly, raised the goblet in his right hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and saluted the camera with a smile in his eyes.

The camera freezes on this scene, slowly dimming.

For mom fans, this time the Snake Team’s promotional video is a big satisfaction.

But for the ultimate black fans, it’s really a bit disappointing.

After all, during the Spring Judgment, Song Wen said very politely, "Who is in favor and who is against," but this time he just pretended to be a cup and didn't say a word? !

Too pretentious!
"That's it! That's it!"

Someone in the lounge hall was already shouting in dissatisfaction.

But soon, the sound of several people talking came from the black screen, as if they had forgotten to turn off the microphone after the filming was completed.

"Brother Wen, don't you drink this milk?"

"There's going to be someone who needs this more than me today."

"you are right……"

"Don't call him by his first name. Remember our bathhouse rules."

"Everything in the world that has a red temperature should be bathed in milk. Whenever the world bathes, everyone in the world bathes together. Wherever the world milks, everyone in the world drinks together. If the Crow God needs it, the world will bathe, and all the milk in the world will go to the Crow God. "

Zhu Kai's voice became farther and farther away.

"Is he a little too greedy?"

"Keep your voice down, be careful of divine punishment..."

(End of this chapter)

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