What is a red-temperature top order?.

Chapter 261 Q can even come up with Q. Are you playing your game?

Chapter 261 Q can even come up with Q. Are you playing your game?
At the commentary table, no one felt too worried when they saw the Spicy Pot heading towards the bottom lane.

First, the Spear of Revenge had just released its W-skill Ghost and was patrolling the river.

Come on, in fact, the Snake team has a vision in the bottom lane at this time!
During the early laning, Song Wen deliberately leaned towards the river, giving RNG's bottom lane the illusion that he had a field of vision in the river.

In fact, the Snake Team did have vision at this time, but it was not done by the Spear of Revenge, but by the sexy fans!

When the Snakes team pressed hard in the bottom lane, Sao Fan went directly to the bottom lane to help Song Wen insert a scout guard.

Therefore, Song Wen's reconnaissance guard was not put down at that time.

When the guard of the sexy fans ended, that is, when RNG felt that the Snake team's bottom lane vision had disappeared, Song Wencai came to the river and took advantage of the opportunity of releasing the ghost to land another reconnaissance guard in the grass.

"There is indeed no problem with Xiangguo's idea, but the Snakes still have a lot of small details. Sometimes the outcome of a game is determined by the accumulation of these small details."

Ruofeng saw that the gap between the two sides was too big at this time, so he began to change his tone and started to call the Snake Team.

The so-called man can bend and stretch, and this is true for Ruofeng.

When Guan Zeyuan heard Ruofeng's words, he nodded and said:

"Then Xiangguo definitely has no chance this time."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that after Xiangguo reached the blue buff, he did not choose to walk straight down the road. Instead, he came to the wall of the blue buff, and a meatball hit through the wall. Then we walked towards the river, followed the wall and walked into the Xiaolong Pit!

The incense pot's route undoubtedly made everyone's eyes widen.

For Xiangguo, although judging from the known information, the Snakes' bottom lane vision should have disappeared.

But in fact, they only inferred whether the other party had vision from the movements of the skateboard shoes.

Therefore, there is no way to determine the visibility of the Snakes' bottom lane.

But he can be sure of the vision in the middle of the Snakes team!
At the beginning of the posture, place your reconnaissance guard at the F6 position.

After Malaxiangguo finished ganking and hit the road, he found that the river crab on the road was beaten, which proved that the cool fans also followed a route from bottom to top.

This kind of jungle route is destined to make it impossible for sexy fans to have vision in the river grass below the middle road.

Malaxiang Guo controlled the wine barrel to the edge of the Xiaolong Pit, waited for the CD of the E skill, and then passed through the wall of the Xiaolong Pit and crashed directly into the lower half of the snake team's wild area!
In this position, including the triangular grass on the bottom lane, the Snakes team's vision is completely blank!
The perfect detour of the spicy hot pot made the audience from a God's perspective exclaim again and again.

"Oh! Mala Xiangguo! He is so detailed! He is like a ghost now, and the Snake Team has not noticed his movements at all!"

The stateless expression also became solemn. The appearance of the wine barrel in this position and flanking from behind was very dangerous for the Snakes' bottom duo in front of the red square tower.

If it were someone else, Wu State could have directly sentenced him to death at this time.

But because he was black, Wu State still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, and could only say:

"It can be seen that Spicy Hot Pot really wants to win!"

"Yes, after all, this is very likely to be the last game. I think no matter what, at this time, every player really doesn't need to have any scruples, just show your best. , as for the final result, and the comments after the game, as long as you have a clear conscience, and Mala Xiangguo is doing this now, this is the e-sports we want to see!”

When the wine barrel appeared in the bottom lane, Brother Crystal couldn't help but cursed.

"I'm so stupid, there's something dirty behind me! When did Gouba come here!"

Song Wen and Crystal Brother began to retreat at the same time, but RNG's bottom duo had already pressed forward immediately.

After pulling the skateboard shoes out of the line of soldiers, there was no gap for the level A target to rub on the ground. Xiao Ming's Luo directly handed over the flash, and the W skill was about to lift the skateboard shoes.

Skateboard shoes did not move as fast as shoes. At this time, facing Luo's flash lift, it was no longer possible to twist it away by moving, and he handed over the flash directly to the rear.

During the retreat, Feng Nu began to predict the charged wind, hoping to block Xayah's approaching speed. However, facing the blowing hurricane, Uzi was obviously anxious and did not want to waste the opportunity to output, so she directly chose to flash forward!
The skateboard shoes were already jumping back and forth on the ground with the help of Luo, but the Mala Xiangguo seemed very stable. While drinking, he walked straight towards the skateboard shoes with his W skill. When he was almost touching his face, he released his E skills.

At this distance, there is no way to avoid the skateboard shoes without flashing, even if there is a weapon spirit!

"Black is in danger this time! The barrel's E skill is so tight! It hit! Oh! What a reaction! Black's purification instantly resolved the control. Judging from the visual effects, there was no pause at all! But UZI Still outputting!”

Uzi flashes forward, and when he activates his W skill, he hits the skateboard with his A.

And Xiao Ming also jumped directly to the barrel, pouring all the output into the skateboard shoes.

Song Wen controlled Kalista, leveling A while jumping back. Seeing that her health had bottomed out, at the critical moment, Feng Nu slowed down Xia with a W!
"Black! The ultimate escape from Twelve Drops of Blood! Jiugong and Luo have no skills, and Xia can no longer catch up with the spinning and jumping skateboard shoes! The three RNG people turned their attention to Feng Nu, but Brother Crystal is in good condition , and there is a flash in his hand, it is impossible for anyone to have a baby this time!”

"Wow! This wave of RNG is so uncomfortable! Can't it kill skateboarding shoes?! Spicy Hotpot has done everything it can to the extreme!"

Hearing Guan Zeyuan's sigh, Wushu couldn't help but said:

"To be honest, this Bo Xia has a big problem!"

Ruofeng, who was the best at assessing situations, had already changed sides and nodded.

"Indeed, it stands to reason that there is no reason for Kalista to survive this wave."

Guan Zeyuan originally thought Wu Zi was embarrassing Wu Zi. After all, Wu Zi had been moving A and shaking his head just now. It looked very smooth and there was really nothing wrong with it. At this time, when he heard Ruofeng say the same thing, he asked road:
"Hey, what do you say?"

"Uzi is a bit greedy for output! Although Kalista immediately took over the control of the wine barrel, in fact, Kasumi at that time could completely WQAE and directly control Kalista with three feather overhead hooks. In this way , Kalista is bound to die. As a result, Uzi wants to use two more A’s, but the opponent is Kalista. If you use two more A’s, you won’t be able to control the opponent with three feathers!”

After Wu State finished speaking, he seemed to have discovered something new, and said in a slightly puzzled tone:

"And I just discovered that Uzi's Xia is the master of Q. Do you have any unique understanding of this?"

This version of Xayah is generally the main E and secondary W, or the EW counterpoint.

After all, this hero can be ranked in T1 because he can reap the benefits of the incense burner.

The W skill can bring high continuous output ability to Xayah, while the E skill can bring high instantaneous burst damage to Xayah.

In contrast, the Q skill has no benefits in this version. It is usually a level one, used to stack passive and quickly shoot feathers.

Ruofeng thought for a while and analyzed:
"I think it makes sense for him to dominate Q in this game. After all, RNG's bottom lane is now in a pressure-resistant situation. If he dominates Q, he can better resist pressure and facilitate last-hitting."

After hearing Ruofeng's analysis, Wu State nodded seriously.

"What you said does make sense. If you look at it this way, Uzi has a very deep understanding of Xia. There were rumors on the Internet that Uzi can't know Xayah. It really costs nothing to spread rumors."

He paused and hissed again, his tone becoming strange.

"But I just checked. When Uzi faced WE in the semi-finals, he had a big advantage in the bottom lane in that game. Uzi's Xayah was also the main Q player. What does Ruofeng say about this wave?"

Before Ruofeng could say anything, the director had already started the replay of the gank wave in the bottom lane.

After replaying it, Wu State discovered that the reason why Kalista was able to escape just now was really due to Uzi!

Because Uzi’s Q skill is placed crookedly!

"Hey! Uzi's Q here didn't hit Kalista! I thought at the time that Uzi was just trying to hit Kalista with a few extra A's, relying on the burst of his E skill to directly kill Kalista. The result was Is it because the Q missed? Wow, this is a bit confusing. This wave of Kalista is bound to die, but you play Xia Lord Q, but the Q is deflected, what's going on!"

Ruofeng opened his mouth but was speechless.

How to wash this wave?
Take a shower!
In the live broadcast room, I saw that Xayah's Q could be bent the moment Kalista was charged, and the barrage exploded.

[Q can be used as a Q, how about playing your game! 】

【6666, this is the most beautiful Xia, Wen, have you seen it? 】

[Damn it, mentioning this Wen, I suddenly remembered, is Xia Zhu Q the same companion who taught Uzi? 】

【ah? Zundu is fake. 】

[Do professional players trust a companion? impossible? 】

[Is it impossible? Uzi still believes that Wen is a woman. 】

[If this Heizi is really abstract, why would he call it Wen? It reminds me of Heizi Wen haha. 】

[When you said that, I suddenly had a bold idea. 】

【Don’t think about it! 】

RNG player seat.

Seeing Kalista escape with more than a dozen drops of blood, Xiao Ming subconsciously wanted to sigh, but thinking of the current atmosphere in the team, he still forced himself to speak:

"It's okay, it's okay. I've already made a lot of money by hitting the opponent's double call this time."

Uzi remained silent and did not speak.

As the controller, he naturally knew that his Q was crooked at that time, which caused the damage to be so small that he failed to kill Kalista.

But since no one noticed it, why did he take the initiative to take the blame?
Everyone makes mistakes, and Kalista only has a dozen drops of blood left in the end. If the wine barrel and Lodo hit an A, Kalista would be dead.

However, he obviously underestimated how engrossed Mala Xiangguo was at this time.

"Uzi, did you bend your Q just now?"

Uzi, who had a guilty conscience, turned red.

"Ah? Is my Q crooked? No, why is my Q crooked?"

Xiao Ming glanced at Uzi silently.

Judging from Uzi's performance, it is enough to prove that there is nothing wrong with what Mala Xiangguo said.

And Uzi himself obviously knew this very well.

If Uzi didn't have Q Wai, or really didn't know about this, Uzi's temper would have exploded long ago.

"I'm really convinced. This mouse pad is so sticky. I feel extremely uncomfortable every time I move the mouse."

The spicy hotpot finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You have such a tough mouth, why are you here to pave the way for joining the Snake Team?"

Hearing the spicy hot pot mocking him, Wu Zi blushed instantly. Just as he was about to have a seizure, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind. As if he realized something, he subconsciously shouted in response:
"If I had joined the Snakes, I would have won the championship!"

In one sentence, the entire RNG voice fell into complete silence.


In the absolute silence, a suppressed but helpless laughter attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at it——

Little tiger.

"Hahahaha rough!"

Xiaohu seemed to have heard the funniest joke. He laughed so hard in his position that he missed the sports car in the blink of an eye.

I used to be a very observant person. Even when I smiled, I had to put myself behind Uzi. I accidentally laughed first, and I had to interrupt with the S key to wait for Uzi to smile before I could continue laughing. Now I have become a person who can stand alone. General Tiger who laughs alone.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Spicy hotpot followed by exaggerated laughter.

For a time, the RNG player bench was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

The smiles of the two people were soon released through the live broadcast.

[Nima, the game is about to be lost, how can Xiaohu and Xiangguo still laugh so happily? 】

[The bank card has been credited. 】

[I said that although RNG may not be able to defeat the Snake Team, there is no reason to be directly swept. Now the case is solved. 】

[Nakano’s eyes are on my dog ​​brother? 】

[I’m just a passer-by and have no feelings for Uzi, but it’s really disgusting to see a player on a team smiling so happily even after losing the game. 】

[I feel sorry for the puppy. 】

[So why did RNG lose the game? There are still fans of the hacker who can’t understand, and they keep bragging about the hacker and belittling puppies. How can a team with two eyes win? 】

[It’s really a pity for the puppy. He still had a chance to win the first championship in his life. 】

[Xiaohu and Mala Xiangguo Shi only laughed after Uzi finished speaking, so what exactly did Uzi say? 】

[This is a bit embarrassing. How could my god have a talent for comedy? 】

[The lip language master will translate it for everyone. What Uzi said should be: "If I had joined the Snakes, I would have won the championship long ago!"]

【? ? ? ? 】

[The whole family burst into laughter. 】

[It’s just embarrassing. Although I am also a black person, if Uzi doesn’t have a B-face, it’s impossible for him to say such a thing, right? 】

[This lip-reading master belongs to me, and it was this ID that hacked the contest translator and showed him drinking milk. 】

【6666666. 】

[My God is so great that I can wipe out all grudges with one crown. 】

In this game, Mala Xiangguo can be said to be the most handsome guy in the game. There were several conflicts between the two sides, and it was all caused by Mala Xiangguo's gank.

And in a corner where no one is paying attention, a certain Vietnamese is growing silently.

Although the saucy fan is often scolded for being independent, he is not good at all.

What's more interesting about this person is the jungle. If he plays in the AD position, Chun Chun is the Vietnamese Uzi, with first-rate development ability.

After grabbing Xiang Guo Su San, he directly chose to put pressure on the middle.

The sexy fan was keenly aware of the business opportunities in this. After clearing his jungle area, he went straight into the upper half of the incense pot. Then we happily ate the stone man and the big bird left behind by the fragrant pot.

The sexy fan who had had a good meal cut the screen and took a look at the upper and lower channels.

The bottom lane has just been beaten home, and it is a bit far away from me. It is obviously not suitable to go to the bottom lane.

Although he was caught on the top lane, he was faced with a big bug, and the wine barrel had just appeared in the bottom lane, so Kennen of Holy Spear brother was still pressing the line, and it was obviously not very easy to get over a big bug tower. realistic.

So the sexy fan turned his attention to the middle.

Lucian was ravaging Galio to his heart's content.

The slutty fan didn't think much, and swaggeringly controlled Bobby towards the middle.

Compared to the twists and turns of the spicy hot pot, the gank of the sexy fan is extremely simple and crude, and he walked directly out of the F6 trail on the red side.

Lucian has his own movement, and he also holds flash in his hand. A hero who is originally going to gank such a flexible hero will definitely need an online hero to use his weaknesses to seduce him.

But the sexy fan just said "I'm coming" to the posture, and then rushed out without waiting for the posture to react.

The saucy fan's sudden gank stunned the posture for a moment.

After all, his mid lane is almost never visited by sexy fans, so he felt a little flattered for a moment, and he hurriedly pressed W to taunt.

He originally wanted to charge up his W and dodge to catch Lucian by surprise, but Galio's sudden activation of his W clearly alerted Xiaohu, and he immediately used his E skill to pull away.

And Xiaohu soon saw Poppy coming out from behind him.

Zhi Zhi saw that Lucian had distanced himself, and it was obvious that he couldn't catch him, so he couldn't help but complain.

"No, you can't fucking wait a minute. I was trying to pull something off with him just now, but if I suddenly hit him with a W, he'd be dead!"

"It's hard to catch him when he's in a dodge."

As the slut fan was talking, she walked towards the bottom of the blue side's tower. When she was passing by the soldier line, she suddenly turned around and gave a hammer, directly knocking to death the four red side's melee soldiers who were crippled by the wind of war.


Exploded 84 gold coins in anger.

The sledgehammer is eighty, plus the four-character mantra given to him by the gesture.

After doing all this, facing the gesture of being yelled at, the sexy fan even stood under the tower and returned to the city, smelling the experience of the two soldiers again.

The director originally placed the camera in the middle, but when they saw the sexy fan's behavior, the stateless people in the commentary box all laughed.

"The cool fan has gone too far. The jungle area is not enough for him to brush. He also needs to dirty the posture of the troops!"

Guan Zeyuan also couldn't help laughing and said:

"This wave of saucy fans has really gone too far. I feel like he didn't have good intentions when he first came to gank the middle lane!"

After hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, Wu Xiu quickly corrected:

"Hey, you can't mess with this. Sexy fans really need to be cultivated and need economic development."

"Is Poppy a hero that needs to be farmed?"

"But Poppy must develop well in this round!"

Wu State looked at the lineups of both sides and explained:
"First of all, Poppy is the only front-row hero on the Snake team, and the most important thing is that RNG is a chopper team. As long as Poppy develops and stacks armor to death, then for RNG, It’s very uncomfortable.”

"Brother Wen, look, look at the sexy fans, this guy is a human! Is this something a human can do?!"

In the Snake team's player box, his posture was still in a defensive state, and he kept talking to Song Wen.

The slutty fan who had been selectively unable to understand Chinese finally couldn't stand the gesture and started to fight back.

"I'll take four of your soldiers."

"You are not the only jungler, why should you take advantage of four of my soldiers?"

"I don't even blame you. Why did you push the middle lane? I was scared when I went to counter jungle."

The saucy fan's words made Zhi Zhi's eyes widen and his mouth wide open, and he was so shocked that he could not speak.

Obviously what this Vietnamese guy said was not human, but why didn’t he know how to refute it?

It was just such a delay that by the time he spoke again, the attack of rabies had passed and his tone was a little weaker.

"Then why do you want to go against others? If you are afraid, you don't have to go against others."

"How can I farm if I don't resist the jungle? If I kill him for a set of big birds, does it mean that he has lost a set of big birds? Doesn't this mean that I have eaten two of his big birds? Doesn't our team have the same Gained twice the economy?”

The sexy fan suddenly turned on the output mode, causing Zhi's brain to shut down.

Although the sexy fans are always disgusted with him, if they scold him a few times, the sexy fans will never retaliate.

Why is this Vietnamese guy so eloquent now?

"me you him……"

Seeing the gesture, he was speechless, and the slutty fan didn't forget to touch up the knife.

"You are so incompetent yourself, and you want to force others to be like you. I look down on you."


Zhi Zhi's mind felt like a Uzi had broken into him, a volcano was about to erupt, and the Tianling Cap was about to be lifted off.

Even Brother Holy Spear on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

"No, slut fan, how did you learn so many slutty words?"

Hearing Brother Shengqiang's question, Brother Crystal on the other side was laughing so hard that he almost breathed his last.

"Gou Ba, who do you think he can learn from? Brother Wen gives Chinese lessons to saucy fans every night."

Brother Shengqiang nodded: "Oh, I learned it from Brother Wen, so that's normal."

Song Wen ignored the resentful look cast by his gesture.

He had already plucked chicken feathers all over the ground in the bottom lane, and he was so happy that he almost rolled his eyes.

After returning to the city, the sexy fans also began to gather around the lower half of the area.

In this game, judging from the current progress, the Snakes don't actually need the fans to do too much. Brushing is indeed the best choice.

Because RNG's lineup has no AP.

As long as the fans of the sluts can build up, and one person stands in front, one man can be in charge.

And the further into the later stage, the greater the disadvantage of the Chopper team will be.

RNG took out the Chopper Team because it had to gain an advantage in the early stage. In the current situation, only Xiangguo killed a wave of Kennen on the top lane. The progress was far from enough for RNG.

And the most important thing is that Uzi was in the bottom lane and was hit by Song Wen again.

Although this time there was not as much pressure as in the second game. After all, Uzi didn't have much time to stay in a normal laning environment in the second game, but he was still sixteen knives behind Song Wen.

When the game reached nine and a half minutes, Xiao Ming took the lead and left the line.

Seeing Xiao Ming disappear, Song Wen immediately said:

"The canyon is going to be moved on the other side. Brother Crystal, you go first."

The fan who was actively brushing up was stunned for a moment and asked:
"Do you want to fight for this vanguard?"

For the Snakes, letting go of this vanguard would not have a big impact.

Although the Snakes team looks very balanced in terms of lineup and is a very strong teamfighting lineup, in fact, these heroes have not yet reached their power stage.

At this time, the economics of the top laners on both sides are basically the same. Although Brother Shengqiang was caught to death once, TP did not suffer much loss when it went online. They only had one small piece of clothing.

But the damage of Kennen with this equipment is far from enough.

The lineup of the Snake team is slightly biased towards the big move wave flow, but the conditions for the big move wave flow to win the team battle are not only enough tacit cooperation, but also sufficient output.

The posture is to resist pressure in the middle, and he directly comes out with cloth shoes. Now the Snakes team has output people, except for Kenan, the only one is the Spear of Revenge in the bottom lane.

But although Spear of Vengeance is ahead of Uzi in terms of equipment, it actually only has one attack speed boots and a Bilgewater Scimitar.

Although the bottom lane has an advantage, it has not yet exploded into a head count, so the economy is not far ahead.

As for RNG, Lucian already has a certain amount of combat effectiveness at this time. With a double-shooter lineup, facing the undeveloped Bobby, he can quickly tear apart the Snakes' front row.

Therefore, saucy fans don’t really want to play in such a group that they have little confidence in.

"Fight, fight, you can fight."

Seeing that Song Wen insisted on fighting, everyone began to move towards the location of Dalong Pit.

Uzi was still standing under the tower.

Because Kalista's offensive style is so strong, Uzi obviously didn't dare to come out to take the lane without the support. He could only wait until he finished the wave of soldiers under the tower and reached level six before going to support.

Although this will cause him to arrive at the destination a little later than Kalista, Vanguard still has ten seconds to refresh, so he is not in a hurry. After Xia reaches level 6, he has life-saving skills to do better output.

However, what Uzi didn't know was that a burst of exclamations broke out in the audience at this time.

After leaving the skateboard shoes on the line, he did not actually go directly to the upper river. Instead, he walked to the wall. With a Q skill, he jumped directly into the red square jungle area, and then walked directly in the direction of the blue BUFF.

And this happened to avoid Xiao Ming’s view of the entrance to the blue BUFF river!

When Uzi completed the bottom lane and successfully upgraded the tower sword to level six, he almost didn't think much and started to rush towards the upper half.

Uzi, who was alone, naturally did not dare to walk across the river, so he chose to go around his own wilderness area.

At this time, the skateboard shoes had already plunged into the blue BUFF grass!

"Hey black! This wave is really insidious. Leave the lane one step ahead and come to the wild area to wait and see!"

"This person is so brave. How dare he enter the opposite jungle alone as an ADC! And Uzi doesn't seem to notice it at all!"

Song Wen controlled his skateboard shoes and stayed in the grass. Not long after, he saw Uzi walking towards him.

The skateboard shoes just disappeared quietly in the grass. Even though Uzi's Xia had already come within the attack range, he did not choose to take action.

"Black! He's still squatting! Uzi is already on his face! Let's do it!"

It wasn't until Xia reached the edge of the grass and was almost touching the spear of revenge in the grass that Song Wen finally took action.

AQ started and instantly pierced Xia's body with two spears!

Uzi was startled by the sudden attack, but he quickly reacted, turned on the acceleration of his W skill, and retreated while leveling A.

But even if Xia opened W, she couldn't move as fast as skateboards. Spear of Revenge danced with A and started dancing around Xia!

When Xia faced the Spear of Revenge alone, it could be said that she had no power to fight back.

Because Xayah's main explosive method is the barb from her E skill.

The more feathers the barb pulls, the higher the damage dealt. There is a direct proportional relationship between the two, so Kasumi often has to adjust her body position to maximize the damage of her E skill. .

But Kalista was jumping around and circling in all directions of Xayah, which directly caused Xayah's chicken feathers to fall to the ground in the southeast, northwest and northwest respectively.

This is also the reason why Song Wen waits until Xia touches her face before taking action, just to prevent Xia's barb from catching him and escaping from his grasp.

Faced with this situation, let alone Uzi's Xayah, who is mainly Q, even if she is mainly W, it is impossible to beat Spear of Revenge with A.

"Damn it, why is he here!"

Uzi also knew that he had almost no room to operate this time, so he couldn't help but cursed.

Seeing that the blood volume was getting lower and lower, Uzi still did not give up his intention to operate, and directly handed over his ultimate move.

Then Xayah had just taken off, and Kalista seemed to have already grasped the opportunity for Uzi to zoom in. Before that, she had already jumped behind Uzi.

When Xia's ultimate move ended and landed, Kalista fired two rounds from A to level A, and then used the E skill to pluck her hair!

[snake丶black (Spear of Revenge) killed RNG丶uzi (Niyu)! ! 】

"Oh! Black, in a bold ambush, he single-handedly killed Uzi who wanted to support the vanguard group!"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but raise his own questions at this moment.

"To be honest, I still can't understand why RNG's BP did this. I feel that although Xia Luo is very strong in this version, she really has no ability to compete against Kalista!"

"It doesn't matter," Wu State said with a smile, "Confidence is the seventh piece of equipment for ADC. Uzi's three-piece set is equivalent to a four-piece set, so it will be easier to fight then."

In the live broadcast room, seeing Uzi being killed alone, the barrage instantly became lively.

[It’s hard to hold on, and it’s too cruel to attack. 】

【Animal God! ! 】

[Thanks to the animal god, he not only killed Uzi once, but also made me feel itchy all over. 】

[Uzi always kills people in unexpected places. 】

[I thought RNG was going to make a big move, but I didn’t expect it to be a big one. 】

(End of this chapter)

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