I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1 Presenting a bottle of cough syrup to Zhuge Liang

Chapter 1 Offer Zhuge Liang a bottle of cough syrup

Li Heng is probably the unluckiest time traveler in history.

Not long after he crossed over, his father earnestly persuaded him to drink poison.

The reason is also very simple.

He traveled to Jihan in the Three Kingdoms, and his father was a court physician. He prescribed medicine to Zhuge Liang to treat his illness during Zhuge Liang's fifth northern expedition.

The results of it?
Zhuge Liang's condition worsens!
Now Yang Yi and his gang are threatening to chop up the father and son and feed them to dogs.

Feed the dog!
The kind that doesn't even have scum left!
"Son! This is the poison I specially prepared. Take it and you will suffer less." Li Ruji said with a bitter face.

"I won't eat, I want to eat you." Li Heng shouted without raising his head, rummaging around in his bag for something.

Li Ruji sighed and said: "Taking poison is the most honorable way to die. You will suffer less. Come, I'll give you this bowl. I'll keep this bowl for myself. You drink first. I'll watch you die. I'll drink later." !”

Ignoring Li Ruji's mutterings, Li Heng breathed a sigh of relief after taking out a bottle of medicine from his bag. Sure enough, it was there.

cough syrup!

Sure enough!
He turned to Li Ruji and said, "Take me to see the Prime Minister."

"What are you going to see the Prime Minister for?"


Li Ruji immediately retracted his head and said with trembling fear: "Now there is still a chance to take poison. If you go, you will be detained and interrogated, and you may be cut in half!"

"Stop talking nonsense! If we delay any longer, we will really die!" After saying that, Li Heng strode out of the tent. Li Ruji hesitated for a moment and followed.

It is the spring of the 12th year of Jianxing. It is Zhuge Liang's last northern expedition and he is about to reach Wuzhangyuan in Guanzhong.

According to official history, Zhuge Liang died in the autumn and should have lived for four months.

But Li Ruji was unlucky and encountered Zhuge Liang's illness.

Now that the army was about to arrive in Guanzhong, everyone saw that Zhuge Liang's condition was getting worse, so they were naturally anxious and wanted to operate on this unlucky doctor.

Therefore, if Li Heng doesn't think of a solution at this time, he might really be doomed.

He died once, finally lived again, and had to die again?
no!Absolutely not!
Li Heng quickly arrived in front of Zhuge Liang's camp and was stopped.

Yang Yi, Zhuge Liang's chief minister, came out and said with a gloomy face: "Li Yuyi, I was just going to find you. The prime minister couldn't stop coughing after taking your medicine!"

Li Ruji was so frightened that he knelt down on the spot: "Yang Changshi, forgive me!"

"No one can save you now..."

Before Yang Yi finished speaking, Li Heng said: "Yang Changshi, please bring me to the account to treat the Prime Minister's illness!"

Yang Yi snorted coldly: "Who are you?"

"I am Li Ruji's son."

"You can't escape your guilt!" The firelight made Yang Yi's face gloomy and uncertain, and the surrounding soldiers stood with swords in their hands, looking solemn.

"If Yang Changshi says a few more words, I'm afraid the prime minister's condition will get worse again!"

"You don't need to take care of this. Doctor Zhang is inside taking the Prime Minister's pulse at this moment!" Yang Yi waved her sleeves and said, "Come here! Detain these two people."

The soldiers on one side immediately stepped forward and asked Li Heng to hold him back.

Li Heng said calmly: "The prime minister keeps coughing, is weak in energy and body, and is suffering from tuberculosis. I have a dose of medicine here that does not need to be boiled. You can take it directly. After taking it, the effect will be immediate!"

"Your father has been given a chance!"

Li Heng immediately raised his voice and said loudly: "Does Yang Changshi have to watch the prime minister die of illness?"

"Presumptuous! You are so brave!" Yang Yi's expression changed completely, "How dare you speak nonsense in front of the Prime Minister's tent! Someone! Drag this man out and behead him in public!"

"Yang Changshi forgives me, my son..."

Before Li Ruji could finish speaking, Li Heng grabbed the words, stared directly at Yang Yi, and said: "I would not regret dying! But this medicine can save the prime minister, but Yang Changshi blocked it. How could Yang Changshi It’s not my big man’s fault!”

Yang Yi was a little stunned when he said this.

Now Li Heng has no chance, he can only risk it.

Who made me unlucky to travel to the Three Kingdoms, and even more unlucky to have such an unlucky father!

Pit son!

At this moment, an official came out of the camp and whispered a few words in Yang Yi's ear, before Yang Yi said: "Let them come in."

After Li Heng walked in, he saw Zhuge Liang sitting in the main seat. The desk was piled with bamboo slips and documents.

Zhuge Liang looked haggard. He stretched out his left hand to feel Zhang Yuyi's pulse, while his right hand was still holding a pen to write.

Seeing this scene, Li Heng felt quite emotional.

He prefers the history of the Three Kingdoms, and his favorite among the Three Kingdoms is Zhuge Kongming.

Kong Ming has been adhering to one sentence all his life: devote yourself to death.But now, he only has the last few months of his life left.

Li Heng held the bottle of cough syrup tightly.

Cough syrup can't eradicate Zhuge Liang's illness, but it can alleviate it.

The medicine to cure tuberculosis is also in Li Heng's bag.

This backpack is not a golden finger, it is just something he carried with him in his previous life. During that time, he happened to have tuberculosis, and the medicine was in the bag.

Unexpectedly, Bao also traveled through time.

As the name suggests: others are penetrated by soul, and Bao is penetrated by flesh.

"The Prime Minister is not seriously ill. He is just worried about state affairs and is ill. He only needs to rest more and drink some tonic to recover." After checking his pulse, Dr. Zhang said, "But the wrong medicine was prescribed, which made it worse." illness."

Zhang Yuyi almost named Li Ruji directly.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

"How can Dr. Zhang treat the Prime Minister?" Yang Yi asked hurriedly.

"If you took the wrong medicine, the method was very simple, but now it may take some time."

Yang Yi's face immediately darkened, and her eyes swept over like a knife, staring at Li Ruji and Li Heng.

Li Heng did not avoid Yang Yi's gaze. He said, "What Dr. Zhang said is nonsense!"

Doctor Zhang couldn't help but frown, but without looking at Li Heng, he said calmly: "Who is Shuzi?"

"Li Heng, son of Li Ruji." Li Heng took a deep breath. Now he had no room for maneuver and could only bite the bullet and let Zhuge Liang take the medicine.

never mind!

"Your father prescribed the wrong medicine, how dare you come again?"

"My father did not prescribe the wrong medicine. The Prime Minister's illness has been caused by long-term accumulation and is caused by consumption. It is not nothing serious as you said. Let me guess, why you said it is nothing serious. When the time comes, you will Even though the medicine is prescribed, the Prime Minister’s illness is still not good, so you can put all the blame on my father and avoid taking responsibility!”

"Nonsense!" Doctor Zhang's expression immediately changed, "Prime Minister, I'm afraid these father and son are the spies of the Wei State, and they came to murder the Prime Minister."

"Prime Minister, here is a potion of medicine. You don't need to boil it. You can take it directly. It is guaranteed to cure the Prime Minister's illness."

After speaking, Li Heng took out the cough syrup.

In fact, he had wanted to donate medicine for a long time, but he never found the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, this time, I had to face a dead end before I had the opportunity to take it out.

When Li Ruji on the side saw it, he was so frightened that six souls lost five souls.

He doesn’t know about his own son?
I used to let him read medical books and he could fall asleep.

Now you are confident that you can cure the prime minister's disease?

It's over! It's over!

There was a chance to commit suicide by taking poison before, but now there is really no chance, and the death will be miserable!
Yang Yi stared at the medicine bottle and immediately asked: "What medicine is this?"

"cough syrup."

Yang Yi looked at Dr. Zhang, who sneered: "I have been practicing medicine for decades, but I have never heard of cough syrup! This is obviously poison!"

"Prime Minister, you only need to take my medicine and you will get better immediately!"

Dr. Zhang asked: "What if it doesn't get better?"

"If it doesn't get better, my father and I will commit suicide here!"

When Li Ruji heard this, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"What's your fate? You..."

Yang Yizheng was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhuge Liang: "Okay, I know my own illness."

After speaking, Zhuge Liang put down his pen, glanced at Li Heng, and asked, "How to take this medicine?"

"Just take it directly."

Zhuge Liang picked up the cough syrup, looked left and right, and Li Heng said: "Twist it and it will open."

Zhuge Liang did as he was told and took a sip.

"Prime Minister!" Yang Yi on the side widened his eyes and prepared to stop him, but it was already too late.

The imperial doctor Zhang also sweated a lot, and immediately said to Li Ruji and his son: "What nonsense! You are nonsense! How could you deceive the Prime Minister like this!"

Zhuge Liang put down the medicine bottle and his expression changed slightly, which made Yang Yi even more nervous and even panicked: "Prime Minister..."

(End of this chapter)

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