I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 10 Preparing the Step 3 Plan

Chapter 10 Prepare the third step plan

Yang Yi recounted the conversation with Li Heng.

Zhuge Liang took the papers, looked through them carefully, and touched them with his hands, feeling the texture of the papers.

"Prime Minister, Li Heng said that this time it was made in a hurry, so the quality..."

Zhuge Liang stared at the papers without blinking and said, "It's excusable, I understand."

"Prime Minister, you should immediately send someone to protect the papermaking factory."

"There are a few things I want you to do." Zhuge Liang put down the paper in his hand and said to Yang Yi, "The first is to send a team of people to dig a canal from the Wei River specifically for Li Heng to make paper, and the wastewater is treated separately; the second is to check How many more people does he need? The third is to send people to find enough bamboo."

Yang Yi realized it immediately.

Paper is being made on the banks of the Weishui River. If the Wei army reacts, they may cross the river overnight to destroy it.

The Prime Minister is very thoughtful, and the first point is the most important.

Yang Yi said: "Prime Minister, don't worry, I will take care of it. Do Hanzhong and Chengdu need to be opened separately?"

"Don't be impatient just yet. The paper is still very rough right now. During Li Heng's manufacturing process, the entire manufacturing process should need to be further improved. We have to give him time."

"Yes." Yang Yi responded.

"From now on, each village will be issued ten pieces of paper every month, and the progress of the field will be reported every ten days. Logistics and transportation. Each official will be given fifty pieces of paper a month, and the staff will be given a hundred pieces of paper. I want food. Detailed records of every node.”


What Zhuge Liang is best at is actually refined management.

Many people say that Zhuge Liang is not good at employing people. This is basically said casually by people who have never done actual management.

Ji Han is different from the Wei State. Ji Han's family has a weak foundation, strong external enemies, and 90.00% of the people inside are unwilling to go to the Northern Expedition.

If there were men in Ji Han's family, the men would go to war, and the women would go out to farm and weave.

If a small country wants to conquer a big country, it must mobilize everyone.

So, can Zhuge Liang achieve the highest state of not caring and taking care of things?

Can't do it!
Everything must be done personally to ensure Jihan's refined operation.

This is why it is said that he burned his longevity in an attempt to mend the sky.

In the end, the star fell in Wuzhangyuan, and he could only leave with hatred.

Now that we have paper, Zhuge Liang's refined management is undoubtedly even more powerful.

Zhuge Liang has only explained the current farming and current logistics and transportation.

In fact, what he didn't say is the most important.

For example, will the number of farms increase significantly in the future?

Once the scale becomes larger, the requirements for meticulous management of documentation will be higher, and the value of paper will be more obvious.

For example, will Chengdu set up a papermaking factory in the future to manage the counties and counties in Jihan? Will all offices be paper-based?
The state machinery needs to operate efficiently!
Yang Yi was about to go out, but seemed to remember something, and said: "It seems that I wrongly blamed Li Heng. He is indeed not an ordinary person. Not only is he good at medicine, but he can also make paper. Now he has indirectly solved many problems such as farming statistics. .”

"Prime Minister, according to the Han system of reward based on merit, do you think Li Heng should be given an official title?"

"What kind of official title?"

"Major of the Department of Weaving and Dyeing."

"You can decide this matter." Although Zhuge Liang said this, he had other thoughts in his mind.

Papermaking is considered a great achievement, but it is obviously inappropriate to give it to such a small official.

But he also planned to observe Li Heng again.

Moreover, in his eyes, Li Heng was very young, and he wanted Li Heng to stay at the grassroots level for a while to hone his character.


The official ultimatum was quickly delivered to Li Heng.

The Chief of Weaving and Dyeing was a ninth-rank official in later dynasties.

But he is an official after all.

This official position belongs to the Shaofu Supervisor.

Mainly assists in weaving and dyeing.The Weaving and Dyeing Department is mainly responsible for crowns, ribbon organization, weaving and dyeing, and the production of brocade, Luo, yarn, silk, damask, silk, silk, cloth, etc.

Of course, Li Heng certainly cannot be responsible for the above. He is only responsible for papermaking.

Li Heng felt that it didn't matter in his heart. Everything had to be pushed forward step by step.

If you make your own paper, the credit is definitely more than that of such a small official, but if it is promoted too quickly, the foundation is unstable, and it is not necessarily a good thing to participate in the power struggle too early.

At noon, Li Ruji ran over and greeted in a friendly tone: "Son, I heard that you have become an official?"

"You knew a little too quickly."

"Don't I care about you?" Li Ruji looked around, leaned over and said, "Is it because I cured the prime minister's illness?"

"The prime minister's illness has not yet been cured and remains to be seen. Even if he is given an official position, I don't dare to take it!"

"What's that for?"

"Making paper!"

"Oh, paper making, no wonder I was given a small official position, but I have to tell you about this, I am older than you, you should respect me more from now on!"

"Yes, yes, I definitely respect you. By the way, how much food do we still have?"

"What food?"


"Why do you ask?" Li Ruji glanced around again and whispered, "Don't worry, it's enough to eat. Every time I give it out, I save some. If you want to have a few good meals, it's no problem. .”

Seeing Li Ruji like this, Li Heng couldn't laugh or cry, but sometimes he felt warm in his heart.

This father is still very good.

"How many more are there?"

"A thousand catties."

"One thousand pounds?"


"I know! Don't worry, I won't eat the good stuff! It's what Aweng saved by being frugal. How can I be willing to eat more?"

Just then, the trumpet sounded.

Li Heng followed the news and went away. Some people took the command flag and began to gather soldiers.

Li Ruji said: "We are going to fight again. Fortunately, you are my son. Study medicine well and don't have to go to the battlefield."

"There seem to be a lot of people dispatched this time!" Li Heng said doubtfully.

"Don't worry about this. Remember, it was just a coincidence that you cured the prime minister's disease, but they already know about your superb medical skills. If you don't learn medical skills quickly, you won't be able to explain it later!"

Having said this, Li Ruji smiled so happily.

"Now you have to learn even if you don't want to!"

Li Heng was too lazy to pay attention to him. He walked to the edge of Wuzhangyuan and looked at the slope below. Groups of soldiers were already marching in order.

The Prime Minister's army also appeared.

Li Heng knew immediately that the prime minister was planning to take Beiyuan out of his plan.

Immediately, Li Heng looked north.

In that vague area, Guo Huai was stationed there.

He looked east again.

According to this progress, the two sides will soon enter a state of protracted war.

Li Heng is ready to implement the third step of the plan.

That afternoon, Sima Yi, who was in the Chinese military camp, received intelligence from the scouts.

Looking at the generals and counselors around him, Sima Yi said calmly: "The main force of the Shu army has been dispatched. I heard that Zhuge Liang personally led the army. There are sufficient troops and they are marching west now!"

(End of this chapter)

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