I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 22 Li Heng: Start siphoning the population from today

Chapter 22 Li Heng: Start siphoning the population from today

"How can we sell this?" Xue Liang was even more confused. "Food is the most precious thing in the world."

"Food is indeed the most precious, but that's for us. For a small group of people, food can be wasted at any time, and even the food in their home granaries can rot there!"

Xue Liang looked at Li Heng in shock, feeling that what he said was incredible.

Li Heng sighed, ancient society was stratified, and powerful people would never allow civilians to know what kind of life they were leading.

Otherwise, Zhang Jiao will not come out one by one, but in nests.

"Wherever there are people, there is business. You don't have to worry about this. Just do as I say."


There are five counties in Longyou. Although there are constant wars, the total population is still at least [-].

However, it is worth noting that Wei's financial system was basically in a primitive state.

When Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang, he minted small coins arbitrarily in order to make money. As a result, the five-baht coin system collapsed.

Since then, the Central Plains and Hebei have been at war, and food has become hard currency.

Later, Cao Wei officials tried to re-cast currency, that is, to recreate the Han Dynasty's five-baht coin.

However, it failed several times.

The reasons for the failure are also very simple: first, in a society with constant wars, people are insecure about currency, and food is the boss; second, Cao Wei's territory is indeed large, but there are not many copper mines.

What situation have these two points created?

Money was created, but not much, resulting in extremely high currency value.

The extremely high currency value has little impact on other industries, but it has a devastating blow to food prices.

A large number of powerful people used money to forcefully buy grain, resulting in low prices and hurting farmers.

In the end, Cao Wei officials had to stop.

The final situation was that Cao Wei had a large territory and strong strength, but its business was flat.

Ji Han, on the other hand, was completely different.

When Dong Zhuo was making small money, Liu Zhang's road to Shu was blocked. The small money only circulated to Chang'an and did not continue southward.

The copper mines in Jihan are also relatively rich. When Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were in power, they minted a large amount of currency respectively.

For Jihan, which has a small territory and small population, business is one of its important financial incomes.

This instead gave Li Heng an opportunity to show off his skills later.

Of course, there is definitely no way to collect money from selling paper to Longyou right now. Even places like Luoyang are facing a large money shortage, let alone Longyou.

Harvest food!
That's right!

Collect this kind of hard currency!

In the evening, Dong Hong came back. His clothes were soaked with sweat, but he still stood upright. There was no expression of dissatisfaction on his face, but his fatigue could not be concealed.

"Ming Gong, a total of 33 households, each with fifty acres of land, have been registered."

Li Heng took it and took a look, and was a little surprised: "Did your leg not break?"

"I asked them to measure it." Dong Hong explained, "Three of them are educated and can write, but they just fled to Weinan. They helped me. I plan to let them be officials. I will submit the report .”

"Just arrange it."

Li Heng murmured in his heart, Dong Hong looked strict, but he was flexible when doing things.

"Do you want to meet Mr. Ming?"

Li Heng smiled and said: "I'm gone. If you think it's okay, then it will definitely be okay."

Dong Hong was a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Heng to believe in him so much.

At this time, Wang Fugui hurried over.

This time he was not alone, but the whole family came.

"Lang Jun, Lang Jun."

"What else do you have?"

"Thank you, Mr. Lang, for buying the land for us. Thank you, Mr. Dong, for helping us buy the land."

After Wang Fugui finished speaking, he asked his wife to present a cattail leaf fan to him and said, "We have no other property, so we made a cattail leaf fan for Mr. Lang. Please don't dislike it." "Thank you, thank you." Li Heng answered quickly. Come over here and say, "Thank you for your troubles. I'm just following the Prime Minister's instructions."

Li Heng saw two children standing next to Wang Fugui, a boy and a girl. They were both thin and obviously malnourished.

This would never be the case in the 21st century.

Wang Fugui said: "To be honest with you, Langjun, when I was outside Chencang County, there were some refugees there, and many people complained. If Langjun can implement benevolent policies, more people will definitely come to join them."

Li Heng immediately asked: "Why are the people complaining?"

"First, there are bullies in the village who are left unchecked and often harass the people and collect food rations; second, the food tax in Chencang County is too high, reaching [-]%. As long as Lang Jun implements benevolent policies, the people will definitely be willing to come."

Dong Hong said: "Sima Yi must have known that we were coming before and ordered the people below to prepare military rations, and the people below squeezed some of it."

"Wang Fugui!"


"Go and tell those people, just come to me to plant the land, divide the grain [-]-[-], and come to me to get the plow!"

"Okay, I'll go right away! Lang Jun is really a blue sky!" Wang Fugui was overjoyed, but then asked, "What if more people come? Can Lang Jun's land be divided?"

"Don't worry, no matter how many people come, I will give you as much land as you want. There won't be enough plows!"

After saying goodbye to Wang Fugui and his family, Xue Liang said with emotion: "These people are more anxious than Lang Jun. Everyone wants to have a stable place to live."

Dong Hong on the other side sneered: "Ming Gong, if hundreds of people suddenly come tomorrow, do you have enough plows?"

"If it's not enough, make it!"

"Where do you get so much iron?" Dong Hong glanced at him and raised his chin again, "The most important thing to pay attention to as an official is to be careful with your words. If you want to deceive people by talking nonsense, it is not a long-term solution!"

"Uncle Tian."

"Lang Jun, what's the matter?"

Li Heng asked: "Where does the iron in your blacksmith shop come from?"

Tian Meng hesitated for a moment, and Yanchang suddenly became a little dodgey.

"Uncle Tian, ​​if this happens, do you know what you can get?"

Tian Meng looked at Li Heng with doubtful eyes.

"Master Wang is here now. The Prime Minister wants to open up fields in Weinan. Do you know how many craftsmen are needed and how many weapons need to be forged?"

Tian Meng shook his head.

"Now is the time to employ people. You don't want your son to spend the rest of his life working in the iron industry, right?"

These words immediately struck Tian Meng's heart. The reason why he was so active was actually to rely on Li Heng to find a way out.

Tian Meng hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "I know there are iron ores in the back mountains."

Looking at Tian Meng's honest look, Li Heng confirmed that he was not lying or talking nonsense.

Back Mountain?

The mountains to the south of the plain on the south bank of the Wei River are peaks extending from Taibai Mountain and belong to the Qinling Mountains.

Li Heng's mind was spinning rapidly. He waved his hand and asked Xue Liang and Dong Hong to come over.

"Come closer."

Several people came over.

"There are iron mines in the back mountain." Li Heng stared at Dong Hong and said.

Dong Hong's eyes immediately lit up.

"Don't report it. If Yang Yi finds out, do you know the consequences?"

Dong Hong sneered: "You can imagine, how could I not know!"

"That's good. Let's organize people to mine the iron ore. Xue Liang and Tian Meng both know how to forge iron. Let's mass-produce farm tools first."

Xue Liang said: "Okay! Lang Jun, leave this matter to me, don't worry!"

"You make paper, and Mr. Tian forges iron."

But Dong Hong said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Now it's not just as simple as clearing the fields. After a while, there will be more people, and the food will not grow immediately. What will they eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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