Chapter 3 Sima Yi’s decision
Li Heng left Zhuge Liang's camp. The lights outside were bright, patrolling soldiers were walking back and forth, and the Qinling Mountains behind him were majestic and mysterious in the night.

Li Heng's emotions were ups and downs. Through this incident, he entered Zhuge Liang's field of vision.

According to the next series of plans, if it is effective, it will be possible to join Ji Han's senior management, but it will take time.

But if you get to that point, you will inevitably experience many risks and face more risks.

Thinking of this, Li Heng was a little irritated.

There were a lot of troubles within Ji Han alone, including the competition between the local forces in Chengdu and the external forces brought over by Liu Bei.

The continuous confrontation between Ji Han and Wei, and the obstruction of the Qinling Mountain Road, forced the Han army's Northern Expedition to attack quickly, but each time it ended due to logistical problems.

The most terrible thing is that Ji Han itself has a small territory and a small population, so the ceiling of its comprehensive strength is there.

If you want to pull it up, you must not take the conventional route!

And in the fifth Northern Expedition, Sima Yi was cunning and cunning, Cao Rui was not a fool, and Sun Shiwan on the eastern front ran away as soon as he was beaten.

Li Heng sighed, it is not so easy for the Prime Minister to farm in Guanzhong!

At this time, Yang Yi went to Zhuge Liang's camp and saw the paper Zhuge Liang gave him. She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "Prime Minister, is this...paper?"

"No doubt, it's paper."

"It's the first time I've seen such fine and smooth paper!" Yang Yi was surprised. After she realized what she was doing, she couldn't help but ask, "Who did this paper come from?"

"Li Heng gave it to me."

"Li Heng?" Yang Yi paused and couldn't believe it, "Li Heng gave you the medicine?"


"He can also make paper?" Yang Yi frowned, feeling strange.

Donating medicine and paper again, what does Li Heng want to do?
Zhuge Liang ignored Yang Yi's suspicion and said, "Wei Gong, go and assist him. He needs manpower now."

"Making paper?"


"But food is the most important thing now. Papermaking is a waste of manpower..."

"Give him a group of people first, and don't think too much about the rest."

"Prime Minister, I have something you don't know whether to say or not?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"Li Heng offered the medicine and then the paper. I'm afraid he had an ulterior motive."

"Whether there is any other purpose, I don't care for the moment, just go and help him first."

Seeing Zhuge Liang's decision, Yang Yi stopped saying anything, but she didn't have a good impression of Li Heng in her heart.

"Yes, Prime Minister, don't worry, I will try my best to do it."

After leaving Zhuge Liang's camp, Yang Yi went out and found Li Heng in a hurry.

"How many people are needed to make paper?" Yang Yi asked straight to the point.

"First come 100 people."

"What do you mean, 100 people come first and then add more later?"

"Whether we add more later, we will see after more than a month, it will take too many people at once, and Yang Changshi may not be willing to do so. After all, the farm is about to begin."

"It's good that you know!" Yang Yi nodded, "Although the paper you make is very good, don't be so naive as to think that paper can be reused. Paper is good, but it can't change anything. Now we need food."

Yang Yi is Zhuge Liang's confidant, and Li Heng is just the son of an imperial physician. There is a huge identity gap between the two.

Yang Yi's tone was somewhat arrogant.

He felt that Li Heng had his own motives for offering the paper at this time and wanted to make political speculation.

Li Heng didn't care about Yang Yi's attitude and asked: "Then, will Yang Changshi give it to these 100 people or not?"


"Thank you Yang Changshi."

Yang Yi did not stay longer, but turned and left, walked a few steps, then turned around and said: "You don't have much time, I will keep an eye on you, it's best not to be clever!"

Li Heng ignored Yang Yi.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with Yang Yi's cognition. Logistics required not only strict statistics, but also the quantity of food itself.

For logistics, the most important thing now is farming.

However, farming requires a lot of statistical and management work. If you want to farm quickly and efficiently, you cannot do without paper.

However, even the Tang Dynasty could not solve the problem of large-scale paper production in batches.

It was not until bamboo was used to make paper that the problem of large-scale paper production was solved.

That had to wait until the Song Dynasty. The bamboo paper of the Song Dynasty made Shu the country's paper-making center.It's normal for Yang Yi not to believe it.

I'm afraid Zhuge Liang doesn't believe it either. The reason why Zhuge Liang is willing to give himself a group of people may be because he wants to give it a try. It doesn't hurt anyway.

When he returned to the camp, Li Ruji hurriedly asked: "How is the Prime Minister's condition?"

Recalling what happened in the camp, Li Ruji was still frightened.

"Everything is stable."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"If the Prime Minister does something wrong, our whole family will die, you know, right?"

"I know!"

Li Ruji wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered: "If I had known earlier, I would have given you the poison in the food, so that I wouldn't have caused this problem today, so as not to suffer all the pain."

"Father, look at what you said, isn't it a good thing to treat the Prime Minister's illness?"

"It's a great thing, but it's not your turn yet! The Prime Minister's illness is not easy to cure. Can your cough syrup only be used for a while?"

Oh, this old guy can actually see that cough syrup can only be used for a short time?
"The Prime Minister has a very good attitude towards me."

"The world is fickle. You have made such a mistake, and now everyone is trying to cure the Prime Minister's disease on you. If there is a slight mistake, you cannot escape the blame! If the Prime Minister's disease is not eradicated, your brain will be cured. No peace! And my head..."

The more he talked, the more frightened Li Ruji became.

But Li Heng joked: "If the prime minister's illness is cured, won't our old Li family become prosperous?"

"It's okay to have a successful career. I've already thought about it. If the prime minister has any shortcomings, we should kill ourselves by taking poison."

What the hell!

This old guy!
If you open your mouth or shut it, you will drink poison!
Li Heng couldn't help but cursed secretly, can't you hope for something better?

"Father, just stay here for now, I have something else to do."

"What's the matter with you?" Li Ruji asked with a long face.

"Just leave it alone."

After speaking, Li Heng sat down and started eating.

The food during the Three Kingdoms period was relatively rough, and there were only two meals a day. Li Heng still had something to eat at this time because Li Ruji was an imperial doctor.

After eating, just as he was about to go to bed, someone outside called out: "Is Li Heng here?"

Li Heng heard the sound and went out and saw a young man.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"I'm Zhang Cuo. Yang Changshi asked me to come and select 100 people for you." Zhang Cuo said with arrogance in his tone.

Li Heng took a glance and saw that there were indeed 100 people under the fire.

But these 100 people were all thin and emaciated. They were probably the weakest group that Yang Yi had chosen for himself.

But it doesn’t matter, papermaking is enough.

Before the Han army left the Qinling Mountains, the Wei army had also taken action.

In Sima Yi's camp, the Wei generals were sitting on both sides, with Sima Yi sitting in the main seat.

"Zhuge Liang has been preparing for three years. This time the attack is fierce, we cannot underestimate it."

Sima Yi drooped his eyelids and spoke indifferently, but he kept playing with the wine glass in his hand.

Everyone else was silent.

Not to be underestimated?

Is not this nonsensical!

During Zhuge Liang's four Northern Expeditions, the Wei army never took advantage of the frontal battlefield.

In each of the first four Northern Expeditions, there seemed to be special coincidences that caused Zhuge Liang to retreat.

But if we dig deeper into the root cause, there is only one reason: the Han army lacked food and grass!

This year's Wei army all suffered from "Zhuge Liang's fear". Not to mention they dare not underestimate him, I am afraid that no one dares to really fight Zhuge Liang head-on.

Even Sima Yi himself was walking on thin ice.

Xiahou Ba said: "Grand Governor, we should camp north of the Wei River and confront the Shu army across the river, not south of the Wei River!"

Sima Yi said: "No! The south of the Wei River is densely populated. Zhuge Liang's coming this time is not just about fighting. He will definitely draw lessons from the past and farm south of the Wei River. If we hand over the south of the Wei River to him, With Zhuge Liang's ability, within half a year, all the territory south of the Wei River will be occupied by the Shu army!"

(End of this chapter)

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