I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 377: Public opinion war between Han and Wei?

Chapter 377: Public opinion war between Han and Wei?
In September of the fourth year of Yanxi, the rice in Jiangling was ripe. At a glance, the boundless golden color stretched out on the Jianghan Plain.

Farmers in the fields sang enthusiastic songs and harvested rice to their heart's content.

After finishing their work, they would go to a restaurant at the intersection and have a few drinks.

Especially the high-altitude wine that has recently become popular in Jiangling City is the favorite of these people.

During the Three Kingdoms period, those who could drink alcohol were basically aristocratic families, and the alcohol content in ancient times was very low.

The ancients paid attention to elegance when drinking.

Generally speaking, they are not used to drinking such high-altitude wine, and they will not drink such high-altitude wine without any problem.

However, civilians are different.

Historically, high-alcohol alcoholism was spread among the lower classes of society at the beginning, and it focused on one word: relieving addiction!
High-strength wine can help a lower-class farmer feel satisfied at the lowest cost, so it is particularly popular among common people.

Li Heng took advantage of this.

Can a commoner in Guizhou drink?
So a group of people who had just come from Changsha and were skeptical happily ran towards Jiangling City ahead.

He doesn't actually expect to make much money from selling wine. The main thing is that wine can indeed help people vent their dissatisfaction.

Although the number of people who fled from Cao Wei was less, only a few thousand, the news among the people in Yuzhou had spread that they had gone to Jingzhou to live a good life.

Those who had just come from Changsha happened to see someone drinking while passing by, and they were curious and shocked.

Because in October, people from the Yuzhou area traveled over the mountains and ridges to Jingzhou.

When things got to this point, not only Sun Quan's balls hurt, but Cao Wei also started to feel pain in his balls.

Moreover, many people ran around in the middle of the night. Some people even prepared some wood, tied it up and launched it into the water, then floated it along Yunmengze.

Almost every day, at the ferry near the police station, you can see many people rushing ashore like crazy.

This kind of pain is mainly concentrated in various states and counties in Yuzhou.

By the end of September, according to preliminary statistics, at least 100,000 people had fled from Wu.

After scolding him, he began to write to Li Heng: Dear Li Jian, we have lost a lot of people here recently. I heard they went to your place! For the sake of peace between the two countries, please show them the way home.

The massive population loss alarmed the top officials of Wu State.

They even asked those who were drinking what they were drinking. Why did the expression of pain appear on the face after taking a sip, and then turned into an expression of enjoyment?
I was even more shocked when I was told it was wine.

Lu Xun's rural supervision strategy was useful at first.

In October, Li Heng replied to Sun Quan with a letter: Dear Sun Zhongmou, I received your letter and I am deeply saddened to learn about such a thing. However, I have never seen anyone coming from Wu State, and I have also carefully asked the people around me, and they have not seen them either. If you are really worried, come over and take a look. I promise to send someone to help you find those people.

When the news reached Jianye, Sun Quan broke down and cursed, greeting all eighteen generations of Li Heng's ancestors one after another.

Some traveled over the mountains and ridges from Runan County, while others went to Jiangxia County and traveled all the way from Jiangxia County to Jiangling.

When there were more people running away, the three families next door looked at their posture and said, OK, let’s go too!

Some people knelt on the ground and cried with joy, while others cheered heartily.

In particular, helping heavy manual workers relieve their negative emotions will also be helpful to social stability.

This can't help but let the people of Yuzhou once again spread the story of Han Dynasty General Li Heng.

For a time, rumors spread all over the countryside in Yuzhou.

Some people say that people in Jingzhou wear silk to carry dung. Some people say that the hoes used by people in Jingzhou for farming are made of gold.

Others say that people in Jingzhou can eat a hundred bowls of rice every day!
Some people also say that as long as you go to Gangneung, you can find money everywhere on the roadside.

Therefore, this month, Sima Zhao, who was stationed in Xuchang, Yuzhou, received news from many places claiming that people were fleeing in various counties.

A group of them were killed, but some could not help but escape.

After reading those reports, Sima Zhao was stunned for a long time.

He reviewed these reports carefully, but still couldn't figure out why the local government would give such ridiculous reports.

Finally, he concluded the matter: some unscrupulous people refused to pay the taxes they owed this summer, so they ran away!
What the hell is going to Jingzhou to make a fortune?

Can you make a fortune in that poor place in Jingzhou?
Li Jian has been jointly blocked by us now. He is waiting to pick up mud in the fields and eat it!

Get rich?

These unscrupulous people are becoming more and more whimsical!
Regarding this kind of thing, Sima Zhao issued a serious order to all counties and counties in Yuzhou: anyone who escaped would be made a slave.

So, this incident was treated as if it never happened.

It wasn't until November when the governor of Runan County reported something to Luoyang that Cao Wei paid attention to it.

In early November, large-scale population migration occurred in three counties in Runan County.

To put it nicely, it means migration; to put it badly, it means to run away.

The total number of people was about four thousand, and these people fled towards the mountains late at night, which was the direction Li Heng crossed last year.

All counties were notified the next day, and then reported to each level.

This caused the Runan governor to panic, so he rushed to Luoyang.

Then, Luoyang launched a heated discussion about the people's escape.

The dignitaries in Luoyang really couldn't understand why these people ran away if they didn't want the good land.
This thing is simply unbelievable.

So Sima Yi sent Wang Hun to Yuzhou to investigate.

Wang Hun rushed to Yuzhou within a few days, and then hurried back to Luoyang after staying in Yuzhou for a few days.

After hearing Wang Hun's report, Sima Yi hadn't spoken yet, but Gao Rou couldn't sit still: "You mean, there are rumors among the people that if you go to Jingzhou to have land and money, you don't have to pay taxes?"


"This is impossible. How can these unscrupulous people not be able to tell the difference between right and wrong?" Gao Rou said in shock, "Do these people really think they can pick up money when they go to Jingzhou?"

"I think it's probably Li Jian who is crazy and spreading paper money everywhere."

"No." Master Sima, who had been silent, said, "The people I sent reported that the people in Jingzhou are very strict in exchanging paper money, and when the people in Jingzhou want to borrow money from money banks, they need to show land deeds and property certificates. The money banks will also send people Verify carefully. There is absolutely no such thing as Li Jian spreading money everywhere in Jingzhou."

"Then how do you explain this?" Gao Rou was confused. "These people are crazy and want to travel across mountains and rivers to Jingzhou. They don't know that being caught is a felony?"

Everyone was silent now.

Wang Hun said: "Although there are only a few thousand people, the court must intervene. The lower official believes that this is the rumor war that Li Jian is best at. He achieves his own goals by deceiving the people. He has done this more than once. We should fight back." "

(End of this chapter)

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