I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 379: People are in Wu Guo, but hearts are in Han

Chapter 379: People are in Wu Guo, but hearts are in Han

Hearing this, Li Heng laughed, Huan Fan laughed, and even Du Yu laughed.

Du Yu said: "Uncle, I know you are not alarmist, but do you think Sun Zhongmou dares to fight?"

It can be said that Du Yu did not give Zhang Xiu any face.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the smiles of several people, and Du Yu almost said in his question: What is Sun Quan going to do to fight us?
Zhang Xiu was not angry. He said: "The defense of Jingzhou has now become the unanimous goal of Wu State. Prime Minister Gu Yong is a Jiangdong nobleman, Grand Governor Lu Xun is also a Jiangdong nobleman, and Chariot and Cavalry General Zhu Ran is also a Jiangdong nobleman. The Jiangdong nobles are annexing Huainan. They are not interested because there is the Yangtze River. But they are very interested in Jingzhou because the Yangtze River flows down to Jiangdong. Jingzhou is the gateway to the west and Wuchang is the last line of defense.”

Zhang Xiu briefly stated the core of Wu's current political and military strategies.

It means that this matter is not because I, Zhang Xiu, are trying to scare you, but because of national defense and security, they know the severity.

Du Yu said: "Wu State's sending troops to attack Jiangling will only increase consumption again and return in vain. It is nothing more than weakening us. But don't forget that weakening us will make you weaker. Sima Yi came to his senses and took If you leave Jingzhou, will you really return Jiangling to Wu?"

Zhang Xiu was silent.

"If Wu Guo doesn't attack us now and strengthens its defense, it can still protect itself. After the attack, if it further weakens itself, it will only lead to death."

Du Yu said: "It seems that Sima Yi really spent a lot of money this time. He was even willing to use his war horse."

Later someone tipped off, and Sima Yi finally reacted, but pretended not to know, paralyzed Wang Ling, and then quickly mobilized his army to attack Yangzhou.

Li Heng nodded. He agreed with this point.

So why was Sima Yi so afraid of Wang Ling when Li Heng was in the Central Plains last year?
It was precisely because of the wartime situation that he did not trust Wang Ling, so he did not dare to give the tiger charm.

As the governor of Yangzhou, Wang Ling had an overview of the military and political power of Cao Wei. Unfortunately, this power was subject to certain conditions.

This means that if Sima Yi wants to deal with Wang Ling, there is a lot of room for tactical maneuverability.

The tiger talisman was given and the order to mobilize troops was issued. Wang Ling also used ten thousand ways to watch the fire from the other side. In the end, Sima Yi's face was swollen.

This is also the case in history. Wang Ling always asked Luoyang to give him the Tiger Talisman on the pretext of attacking Sun Wu, and Sima Yi almost believed it.

In fact, Wang Ling is in a rather embarrassing position now.

Du Yu used an understatement to express the current international situation. In fact, he was telling Zhang Xiu: Don't think that we don't know what to choose next. You also know what to choose next. Don't talk about the situation and get to the point. !
After a moment of silence, Zhang Xiu said: "Yuan Kai's words are reasonable. Our lord is indeed unable to fight at any time. As for the large number of people fleeing to Nanjun, my lord has no choice but to condemn your country."

"I'm worried about Wang Ling." Zhang Xiu said, "Wang Ling is in Yangzhou. If he has any objections, he can contact Jianye at any time. As you all know, Sima Yi has a lot to deal with now. If Wang Ling and Jianye join forces, Sima Yi is worried The general once again went north into the Central Plains, so Sima Yi was very cautious about Yangzhou."

The situation is different now. Now that Li Heng has withdrawn, Sima Yi's elite troops from Guanzhong have also been transferred back one after another, and they still have the capital's tiger talisman in their hands.

After a pause, Zhang Xiu continued: "This year the envoy from the Wei State came to Jianye, and the one they arrived was Wang Su of the Wei State, who is also a famous minister of the Wei State. The two sides opened a horse market in Huainan this year, and the number of horses traded was ten times as high as in the past. More than 100 horses are traded at a time, three times a month. In order to show sincerity, Wei mobilized private horse breeders to ensure that horses would not be cut off for Jianye. "

Wang Ling can mobilize his own troops and horses at any time, but the troops outside his headquarters need Luoyang's Tiger Talisman.

Assuming that Wang Ling had all the power to mobilize troops and Sima Yi's army arrived in Yangzhou, he would not have been defeated so quickly.

Having power or authority is currently Sima Yi's biggest shortcoming.

The only uncertain factor is Sun Quan.

Now Sun Quan has also taken care of it, using war horses to bribe him continuously.

Whether it's Guanqiu Jian or Wang Ling, with the cards Sima Yi has in his hand, he can basically handle them all as long as he keeps his composure. It's just a matter of time.

"Is it true that no one in Jianye is willing to go north now?" Du Yu asked again.

Zhang Xiu sighed and said: "No, no one is willing to go north now. Jiangxia County has added important troops this year."

"How much more?"

Zhang Xiu hesitated for a moment and said: "There are currently 100,000 troops in Jiangxia County, and the commander-in-chief Lu Xun is training day and night. But..."

"But what?"

"However, the massive loss of people in Jiangxia County and Changsha County has had a great impact on the logistics of the western front. Now Jianye has to consider replenishing some grain and grass from Jiangdong. It may also have to transfer some people, and the transfer of people is still going on. In dispute."

Although Zhang Xiu did not explicitly express his surrender, Zhang Xiu told so many inside stories, which was almost equivalent to a surrender certificate.

Li Heng had some understanding of Zhang Xiu's situation. The Wuchang military group headed by Lu Xun did not like Zhang Xiu, and even hated him.

The Jiangdong civil servant group headed by Gu Yong also disliked Zhang Xiu because Zhang Xiu was from the Huaisi faction.

But as the leader of the Wu Kingdom, Sun Quan would definitely reuse Zhang Xiu, because the court was already out of balance and Sun Quan could not find a reason not to use Zhang Xiu.

However, Zhang Xiu's current situation in Wu State is so embarrassing.

Sun Quan is already old. If Sun Quan dies one day, his political career in Wu will basically be over.

Li Heng raised his glass and suddenly said: "I can promise Sun Zhongmou that Nanjun refuses to allow people from Jiangxia and Changsha counties to come."

"General..." Zhang Xiu was stunned.

Li Heng showed his big white teeth and said with a smile: "As for the rest of the matter, let Sun Zhongmou and Lu Boyan handle it themselves. You can't let me do everything myself. I am not a minister of Wu State."

"The great general is righteous."

Zhang Xiu's mind suddenly changed. He knew that Li Heng was just making a statement, and the people would still flee if they should.

And this statement was taken back by the general to restore his life.

Zhang Xiu stood up and bowed: "General, if you have any orders, just tell them."

Li Heng, Du Yu and Huan Fan looked at each other and said with a smile, "How can I say this, uncle?"

"I don't want to hide it from the general. It's really difficult for me to be in Jianye. I hope the general can take me under his wing. I'm willing to do my best for the great man."



"Uncle is a talented and handsome man." Du Yu said, "But if uncle can continue to stay in Jianye now, it may be more helpful to the big man."

(End of this chapter)

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