I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 386 Wang Ling defected to the Han?

Chapter 386 Wang Ling defected to the Han?

May, Huaiyin.

Wang Guang walked in quickly. Wang Ling and Wang Jinhu were inside.


When Wang Ling saw his eldest son coming in, he said, "Linghuyu wrote to me. He thinks that we can make King Cao Biao of Chu the new king. Cao Biao is the younger brother of Emperor Wen and the son of Emperor Taizu Wu. He is a virtuous man."

"Father, I thought this matter would end here. Guo Huai is in Chenliu now, and Chenliu is not far from Baima. If the matter is leaked, our whole family will suffer."

"Sima Yi seized power and killed Cao Shuang. This was an unkind act."

"Cao Shuang is stupid and appoints some frivolous people. In the name of doing business with Li Jian, he makes a lot of money into his own pocket." Wang Guang sighed and said, "Although Sima Zhongda acted ruthlessly, since he came to power, He indeed selected people more talented than himself to rectify the situation."

What Wang Guang said is correct.

Cao Shuang's defeat was not due to political conspiracy, but to himself.

The so-called Gaopingling Incident was just the result.

Before the Gaoping Ling Incident in history, Cao Shuang did many foolish things and lost the hearts of the people.

The reason why Sima Yi's reputation in later generations was relatively poor was because his descendants failed to live up to expectations and caused the Eight Kings Rebellion.

If there had been no Eight Kings Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, they would have worked hard for generations just like the Han Dynasty, and then defeated all parties, and even pushed the battle line to the Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia.

Not to mention that Sima Yi farted in Luoshui, even if Sima Yi farted in Luoshui, he would be mentioned on the same level as Liu Bang.

There is a big V who defends the smell of Sima Yi’s shit.

Then we have to talk about Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's personal military talent was only surpassed by Zhuge Liang's, and Sima Yi's personal administrative talent was equally matched by Zhuge Liang's.

Sima Yi was serious about promoting talents, and he was not a narrow-minded person.

Later Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and even Sima Yan were all qualified.

But Wang Ling didn't think so. He said: "Not everyone in the world obeys him. If we act righteously, all counties and counties will take action."

"If father insists on this, why not send someone to Jingzhou to meet Li Jian?"

"Why are you meeting Li Jian?"

"When my father is raising troops, if Li Jian can send troops to Nanyang again, even if it is just a pretense, Guo Huai will not be able to stay in Chenliu with peace of mind."

"Isn't there Sima Zhao in Xuchang?"

"Does father think Sima Zhao is Li Jian's rival?"

Wang Ling nodded and said, "You are right. I will send someone to Jiangling secretly now."

"No need. I know people from Jiangling. You can summon him to see your father now."

"Do you know anyone from Jiangling?"

Wang Guangdao: "Li Jian has also wanted to contact his father for a long time."

Wang Ling was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Well, Li Jian, I'm not looking for trouble, but you planted someone here for me."

"He is a businessman, nominally a businessman from Wu State, but actually a businessman from Jiangling."

"Bring him to see me."

Not long after, a middle-aged man followed Wang Guang in.

"I, Zhang Chang, have met the prince."

"How long have you been coming to Huaiyin?"

"Always there." Zhang Chang said.

"Where are you from?"

"I am from Wan County, Lujiang County."

"I heard that you are from Li Jian?" "Yes."

"Since you are from Wan County, Lujiang County, why are you willing to be loyal to Li Jian?"

"To be honest with the prince, my wife, children, and parents are all in Jiangling."

"Were you threatened?"

"No, no, I volunteered. A few years ago, Jianye wanted to use troops against Huaiyin and the taxes were extremely high. Many people in Anhui County fled. I was one of them. I fled from Wankou to the Yangtze River and happened to meet merchants heading west. , The countercurrent heading west requires a lot of rowers, so my family contributed and followed the caravan to the border of Gangneung. "

Wang Ling saw that this person spoke skillfully, and it didn't look like he was lying.

Moreover, since his son Wang Guang is very resourceful, he must have checked the details before making the recommendation.

"Originally I thought that because I was in an unfamiliar place, I would not be able to establish myself in Jiangling, but at that time the general was dividing the land, and my family was happy to settle down in Jiangling. I am a native of Wu, so I was selected to do business in Wu."

Wang Ling nodded and said with a smile: "So you have been active in Lujiang County and Huainan County?"

"Yes, I have been active in this area. From the Yangtze River to Wanshui, you can reach Chaohu. Chaohu follows Shishui and Feishui to Shouchun. I have been doing trade on this line. Especially last year, Wei State After reaching an agreement with Wu State, the trade between the two parties expanded."

"Since you are Li Jian's man, you are lurking in Jianye. Why are you lurking in Huaiyin?" Wang Ling's face darkened, "Could it be that Li Jian has already set his sights on me in Huaiyin?"

"That's not true. The general just wants to understand the business situation in Yangzhou. Yangzhou is recognized as a prosperous place for trade. The general wants to sell refined salt here."

"Then how did you meet my son?"

"You are a prominent figure in the Wei Kingdom, and your son's talent is well-known far and wide. I want to do business in Shouchun, and getting to know him is the best choice."

Wang Ling nodded again.

Zhang Chang continued: "To be fair to the prince, I do have something to do when I come here this time. The general asked me to send a message to the prince."


Zhang Chang took out the letter.

Wang Guang took it, opened it, and said, "It's an encrypted letter."

"What does it mean?"

"The general's intention is that if the prince raises troops to deal with Sima Yi, the chance of victory is very slim. If the army is defeated by then, he can find Zhang Chang and follow the waterway into the Yangtze River to reach Jiangling."

As soon as he said these words, Wang Ling's expression suddenly darkened.

Wang Jinhu on the side was furious: "How dare you! How dare you do this!"

Zhang Chang said calmly: "If the prince is angry, you can kill me. I have no grudge against the prince, and the general has no grudge against the prince. It is just a way out for the prince to escape, nothing more."

Wang Ling's face softened slightly and he said, "Why did Li Jian say that I want to rebel against Sima Yi?"

"The general has a wonderful plan."

Wang Ling and everyone looked at each other in shock. Wang Ling said, "Don't talk nonsense. Master Sima is the pillar of our great Wei Dynasty."

"What the prince said makes sense."

"How dare you dare to instigate this? Come on, drag me out and kill you."

"Prince, please be patient." Zhang Chang said, "I know you are worried now that I was sent by Sima Yi to test you, so you can arrest me. When you raise your troops, if you win, kill me. If If you lose, let me go, and I will arrange a ship for you to go to Jiangling. I have many people on this trade line, and I will ensure that you and your family can retreat to Jiangling."

Wang Guang said: "Father, why rush to kill him immediately?"

Wang Ling heard this and said: "Lock him up first. I will never tolerate such people who stir up dissension!"

Zhang Chang was arrested.

Wang Ling asked Wang Guang again: "Have you confirmed the identity of this person?"

"I have already found out, and there are many more Shu merchants on the Yangtze River than we imagined. Sun Quan has nominally cut off all contacts with Jiangling, but Wu Guogong and ministers are secretly making a lot of money."

Wang Ling couldn't help but sigh: "These people are actually willing to do business with Li Jian!"

(End of this chapter)

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