I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 388 Thank you, Master Sima, for sending talents to the big man.

Chapter 388 Thank you, Master Sima, for sending talents to the big man.
Sima Yi was confused when he heard this.

He didn't know what Yang Kang was talking about, but he pretended to already know and asked, "You don't know?"

"That was all what Linghuyu forced the subordinate to do."

The Sima Master on the side was also filled with questions.

Sima Yi said: "If you don't want to, can he force you?"

"Forgive me, Grand Master! I really have no choice but to lower my rank. Linghu Yu said that the Governor of Yangzhou, Wang Yanyun, would support him!"

"Why support him?" Sima Yi blurted out. Having already said this, he was too lazy to pretend anymore.

"Support him to support the King of Chu! Support him to support the King of Chu! This matter has nothing to do with Xianguan! Xianguan came to Luoyang specially to report to the Taifu!"

Yang Kang responded quickly. He originally came to Luoyang to report on work.

But when he heard that Linghu Yu was dead, he thought it was Sima Yi who had learned about the situation, so he quickly told everything.

Sima Yi and Sima Shi looked at each other.

On the same day, Sima Yi summoned his confidants to the Taifu Mansion and presented evidence that Wang Ling intended to rebel.

After dark, Sima Yi began to write to Wang Ling, praising him for how awesome he was in Yangzhou.

While boasting, Sima Yi began to write a letter to Guo Huai, and asked Guo Huai to immediately mobilize 30,000 troops to approach Shouchun by water from Chenliu.

In early June, Wang Ling suddenly received a letter from Sima Yi. After reading the letter, Wang Ling always felt that something was wrong.

But I can't tell.

It wasn't until the seventh day of June that he received the news that Linghu Yu had died of illness, that he realized something was wrong.

But it was too late. On the tenth day of June, Guo Huai's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses had arrived at Ruyin County, Runan County, Yuzhou by ferry from Chenliu.

This place is only two hundred miles away from Shouchun and can be reached directly by boat.

On June 11, another letter from Sima Yi arrived, accusing Wang Ling of treason.

In the letter, Sima Yi expressed his anger at Wang Ling's rebellion, and at the same time persuaded Wang Ling nicely, we are all ministers of the Wei Dynasty, and those who are ministers should not embarrass those who are ministers.

As long as you surrender, for the sake of Emperor Taizu Wu, this matter will be over. From now on, you can go to Luoyang to retire, and I guarantee that you will enjoy your old age in peace.

Wang Ling immediately summoned his son to discuss the matter.

"Guo Huai has strong soldiers and horses, but my headquarters only has 5,000 men." Wang Ling said, "Sima Yi said that as long as we surrender, we can go to Luoyang and become rich men."

"Sima Yi also said the same to Cao Shuang at that time." Wang Guang said.

"Then what should we do now?" Wang Jinhu asked.

Wang Guang said: "Go and find Zhang Chang. It's too late to leave now."

"Going to join Li Jian?"

"This is the only way. Sima Yi already has the evidence for us to raise troops."

Wang Ling was silent for a moment and said, "Let Zhang Chang come see me."

Not long after, Zhang Chang came.


"I'm going to Gangneung now. How long will it take to get there?"

Zhang Chang said: "We can arrive within half a month, get on my ship."

"I'm worried that Wu Guo will know that I left Shouchun and cooperate with Sima Yi to arrest me."

"Don't worry, my ships are all doing business with Lord Wu. No one dares to search them. The Yangtze River is safe."

"Then please."

That night, after Wang Ling cleaned up, he left Shouchun with a dozen of his cronies.

On June 14, Guo Huai arrived in Shouchun and sent someone to send a message to Wang Ling, only to learn that Wang Ling was no longer in Shouchun.

Guo Huai immediately sent people to search everywhere, and at the same time wrote a letter to Sima Yi.

But no one knows where Wang Ling went.

On June 20, Sima Yi received a letter from Guo Huai and learned that Wang Ling was missing, so he immediately sent someone to Jianye to inquire.

But on June 25, Wang Ling had already landed at Jiangling Ferry.

Wang Ling looked slumped, thinking about how prosperous he was in Cao Wei in the past few decades.

Now he had to retreat and surrender to the enemy. I don’t know if that Li Jian will look down on me!

Just as Wang Ling was getting off the boat sadly, a group of young people strode over.

"The person coming is Prince Wang Yanyun!"

A young man in a long blue coat said while striding upright.

Wang Ling was slightly startled and took a closer look. Although the young man's skin was dark and rough, he had a handsome face and a sharp gaze.

"That's right, Your Excellency..."

Zhang Chang strode over and saluted: "I have seen the general."

Wang Ling said in surprise: "You are Li Jian..."

Realizing that he had been rude, he quickly changed his words: "I don't know that the Han general is here. Please forgive me!"

Li Heng held Wang Ling's hand and said with a smile: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I finally arrived in Jiangling today!"

"Your Majesty, you're welcome!"

It was Huan Fan who came up to say hello.

"Yuan Ze?" Wang Ling was shocked. He never expected to see an old acquaintance here.

Damn it!

Huan Fan laughed and said, "Yes, I came to Jiangling. I tried to persuade Cao Shuang, but he didn't listen. I knew that returning to Luoyang with him would only lead to death, so I came to join the general!"

"Oh! You want to kill me!" Wang Ling was overjoyed.

"The general is a hero of the world. It's great that Yuan Ze can come to Jiangling. From now on, we will fight against thieves together!"

"Let's fight against thieves together!" Wang Ling was so excited that he almost cried, "The general is willing to take me in, I'm so grateful!"

Li Heng said: "Don't say that. Cao Wei stole the Han Dynasty, and Sima the old thief harmed the good people of the world. Everyone must punish him!"

Later, Wang Ling introduced his sons one by one.

Especially when Wang Guang was introduced, Li Heng said with great respect: "I've heard of your name for a long time!"

Wang Guang is a very talented person.

After Sima Yi gained power, he asked Jiang Ji: How is Wang Ling?

Jiang Ji replied: Wang Ling was unparalleled in both civil and military skills.

Sima Yi asked Wang Guang again, and Jiang Ji replied: Wang Guang is even better than Wang Ling.

Wang Ling and Sima Yi are both very talented people.

The difference is that Wang Ling is a stubborn and straightforward person, while Sima Yi is a man with deep knowledge.

People like Wang Ling need to meet the Ming Lord, otherwise they will easily be killed by people like Sima Yi.

The reason why Li Heng put up such a posture to welcome Wang Ling was that after destroying Wu, he wanted to send Wang Ling to send troops from Jianye north to attack Hefei!
Wang Guang returned the favor to Li Heng: "I have long admired the great general's reputation. I have benefited a lot from reading The Wealth of Nations."

"Oh, Gong Yuan has actually read my "The Wealth of Nations". Then I will have a good chat with Gong Yuan when I have time."

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Next, Li Heng introduced the Jiangling officials who came with him one by one, and then welcomed Wang Ling into the city.

Wang Ling was finally relieved.

After entering the city, Wang Ling and his son were shocked.

Wang Ling couldn't help but ask: "General, what are they doing?"

"Oh, paving roads."

"What kind of road is that? It looks very smooth."

"It's called Cement Road."

"Concrete road?" Wang Jinhu clicked his tongue in surprise.

"This Jiangling City is actually more prosperous than Luoyang!"

Wang Ling saw it with his own eyes, and he suddenly remembered Li Heng's philosophy of governing the country that Wang Guang had mentioned to him before: division of labor and collaboration.

(End of this chapter)

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