Chapter 394 Defeat Lu Xun!
In October of the fifth year of Yanxi's reign, the population of Nanjun reached 1.3 million.

When Du Yu reported on Jiangling's military defense, he provided Li Heng with a figure: Jiangling's total military strength could reach 200,000 in the coming year.

Now that Wang Ling and Zhuge Ke, two famous generals in the world, have arrived in Jiangling, Li Heng no longer worries about troop training.

In addition, Du Yu does unified scheduling.

Li Heng now finally understood the advantages of Du Yu deeply.

A genius like Du Yu is a genius at the level of academic master. He can see ten lines at a glance and has a photographic memory.

Since the popularization of paper, the number of paperwork from top to bottom has rapidly increased.

The average clerk can go back and forth a day to consolidate the content from several documents.

Du Yu is the kind of person who can quickly extract the most important information from vast official documents.

He can easily complete in half an hour what others would take ten days and a half month, or even a month to complete.

In Sun Quan's eyes, the current political struggle is that he is clearing out powerful officials for his son, so everything is still controllable.

He could also settle accounts, write military law, and write laws at the same time.

I won't kill you guys!
In the eyes of King Lu, my father originally planned to make me the crown prince because of the treacherous ministers who were causing trouble. Now that I am messing with those treacherous ministers, my father did not say anything. This is a tacit agreement to allow me to develop my power and successfully ascend the throne in the future.

In the eyes of the ministers, there are treacherous officials in the court. If they want to fish in troubled waters to gain political capital, they must kill their opponents!
But now King Lu's faction has all stood on the moral high ground.

He could handle a state's affairs at his fingertips, and he could still find time to drink tea and chat with Li Heng.

Sun Quan received a report: Zhuge Ke was in Jiangling.

In early November, Li Heng received a letter from Sun Quan and replied: Zhuge Ke has been feeling unwell recently and came to Han to see his uncle for consultation. As for when he will return to Jianye, I will write to ask the prime minister.

Now half of Jianye was silent, and half of Jianye was boiling.

In addition, he could quickly classify the many matters reported by Bu Zhi about the Nanman and list them in order of priority.

Including finance, civil affairs, justice and other aspects.

Dong Hong reported to Duke Wen in Xiangyang. He would read them all in half an hour each time, then make comments and make suggestions in various aspects.

You know, Du Yu was only twenty years old this year.

In the eyes of the prince, the emperor deliberately brought up King Lu to make him feel disgusted. Now most of the ministers support him. Since the bottom line has been broken several levels, let's do it!

I hope you take care of yourself!

However, the political situation in Wu State continued to deteriorate.

This story tells us that without a woman, if a man concentrates on his career, he will find another man to drink tea and talk nonsense with!
At the end of October, Zhuge Ke's whereabouts were finally determined.

Young people, don’t be ignorant of praise.

Sun Quan wrote a letter to Li Heng in anger, hoping that he could hand over Zhuge Ke.

I wonder if I won’t throw you all into the Yangtze River to feed the fish!

Every time Bu Zhi received his reply, he couldn't help but be shocked.

After Sun Quan received the reply, he became even more angry. He also heard that there were people from Jiangxia County and Changsha County running around in Wangnan County, and he was even more furious.

Although the princely faction also stands on the moral high ground, compared with national security, it is negligible.

King Lu's faction held it in their left hand to catch traitors and in their right hand they made sacrifices for Wu. They simply walked sideways in Wu's political arena.

When you get tired of walking sideways, you can still walk upright, walk upside down, walk lying down...

What? What was your tone just now?
Is this the attitude?

Traitor! Catch him!

I tell you! Although I lie down for seven hours a day, sleep with eight girls, eat nine tables of food, and drink ten bowls of wine, I still love Da Wu!

You handle official duties nine hours a day, and you also take people to the fields to inspect agricultural work.

But you don’t love Da Wu!
You don't really care about Da Wu!

Aren’t you just working overtime?

I love Dawu with all my heart! Can you compare?
Every time I, Zhang Xiu, go out, I say it three times for Da Wu!

what about you?
The Prince Faction suffered many setbacks in a row, so they all hid their heads and did not dare to show any anger.

But in mid-November, Governor Lu Xun finally took action.

Lu Xun wrote a letter to Sun Quan, outlining the pros and cons, expressing his loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, and his firm support for the prince.

The Grand Governor finally expressed his opinion!

The Grand Governor finally expressed his opinion!

The Grand Governor finally expressed his opinion!

This made the prince faction overjoyed.

Some people even cheered and started opening bottles of wine halfway through.

But things soon turned around. It is said that Emperor Wu was heard getting angry in the palace and split the table in half.

This matter quickly reached the ears of Zhang Xiu and Sun Hong.

The next day, Zhang Xiu publicly expressed his opinion: "It's interesting. The paper on which the governor wrote the memorial came from Jiangling, right?"

Sun Hong laughed loudly: "Some people! He has breasts and is a mother! He actually intercedes for the traitor!"

As a result, Jianye, which was already turbulent, suddenly exploded.

The Governor's intercession for Zhuge Jin undoubtedly aroused public outrage.

From the ministers to the scholars, and then to the common people, the anger was stirred up like an angry sea.

There are even public references to the wars against Jiangling in recent years, all of which ended in failure. These are the great governors...

Nonsence! What a bullshit governor! It's all Lu Xun's fault!
I really mistrusted Lu Xun before!
This kind of person had already started conspiring to collude with the enemy, but fortunately Sun Shangshu discovered it in time.

There is also Zhang Xiu and Zhang Shusi. He is worthy of being the son of Zhang Zibu. This man is simply the patron saint of my great Wu!
If anyone dares to say anything wrong about Zhang Shusi in the future, I will go to his house and beat him up!

On November 22, Zhang Xiu entered the palace.

Sun Quan has not been in good health recently and he keeps coughing.

"His Majesty……"

"I'm fine." Sun Quan waved his hand, "I'm here to ask you to go to Wuchang to meet Lu Boyan."

"What instructions does Your Majesty have for sending me to see Lu Boyan?"

Sun Quan's face darkened, he slapped the table and shouted: "Go tell him! He is just a minister! It's nothing. What does he mean by suddenly speaking for the prince? What does he mean!"

Zhang Xiu was horrified and said: "Your Majesty, please calm down and the governor will supervise him..."

"You want to plead for him?"

"I don't dare! The Governor has indeed gone too far!"

Sun Quan picked up the edict in his hand and threw it to Zhang Xiu: "Go! Go to Wuchang! I want you to scold him in front of everyone! Let him know! He is a minister!"

"Here! I'll go right now!"

Zhang Xiu took Sun Quan's edict and set out from Jianye.

When he set out, he also sent a secret letter to Jiangling.

It was probably November 28th that Li Heng received this secret letter.

After reading it, Li Heng became excited.

Good guy, this situation is back on track!

Is Lu Xun going to be scolded to death by Sun Quan's people?

Once Lu Xun dies, won't next year...

(End of this chapter)

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