I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 399: The King of Jinling loses his temper

Chapter 399: The King of Jinling loses his temper

The ministers were whispering in the hall.

"Prime Minister, today is not the morning of the morning. Your Majesty summoned us suddenly. What's the matter?" Liu Ji, the chief minister, asked Zhu Ju.

Zhu Ju shook his head: "I don't know either."

"It must have been discovered that someone is having an affair with a Shu thief again."

Shangshu Sun Hong snorted coldly and glanced around. No one dared to look at him.

Today's political correctness is no joke, even Lu Xun was killed.

King Lu is simply walking sideways now.

Not long after, Sun Quan strode in with a very ugly look on his face.

After all the ministers saluted, Sun Quan got straight to the point: "There is an urgent report from Wuchang. Li Jian has sent troops to Wuchang!"

As soon as Sun Quan said these words, the officials in the palace were shocked.

"Your Majesty, where did this military report come from?" Liu Ji couldn't help but ask.

"What arrived from Wuchang early this morning was written by the Grand Governor himself."

Sun Quan was sitting on it. His gray beard was a little messy and it could be seen that he had not taken care of it. The servant on the side brought Sun Quan a breakfast, but Sun Quan had no intention of eating it.

"Your Majesty, I don't think you need to worry too much about this matter." Liu Ji said, "Li Jian obviously took advantage of some internal changes in our country and felt that an opportunity had come. But in fact, Wuchang has strong soldiers and horses, and it is impossible for him, Li Jian, to break through the Wuchang defense line. "

"What if?" Sun Quan stared at Liu Ji.

Lu Xun was dead, and he felt insecure.

Over the years, Lu Xun has been responsible for all battles, big and small.

Even if he, Sun Quan, failed many times in Hefei, he knew that as long as Lu Xun was still there, Wu would be able to survive.

Lu Xun has the ability to turn decay into magic.

"Li Jian has been building up his army in Jingzhou these years, and even the Wei army can't stop him. This time he attacked Wuchang, not on a whim." Sun Quan said, "Lu Boyan has just passed away, and Sun Tzu has just arrived in Wuchang. He is a stranger to everyone. I am worried that something will happen. question."

At this time, Sun Hong said calmly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Li Jian does not dare to stay in Wuchang for a long time. The Wei army in Nanyang is eyeing Xiangyang. What's more, there is also a Wei army north of Wuchang. Li Jian is very cunning. How could he be in Wuchang?" How about a head-on fight with us?”

Although everyone hated Sun Hong, they all agreed with him.

"Will he cross the Wuchang defense line and go straight to Jianye?" Sun Quan suddenly asked.

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

"Your Majesty, Li Jian will not do that." Even Gu Tan, who has never been good at military affairs, stood up and said.

Isn't this obvious?

Bypass Wuchang, go straight to Jianye, commit suicide?

Li Jian broke his brain in Jingzhou?

"You are all right!" Sun Quan's face was still gloomy. "You all think Li Jian is very smart. He has caused us a lot of suffering over the years. Since he is so smart, why did he attack Wuchang?"

Now everyone fell silent.


Why did they suddenly attack Wuchang?
How to fight this situation?
The Wei army in the north is not showy. Does Li Jian think he can fight two?

After a moment of silence, Prime Minister Zhu Jucai said: "Your Majesty, I believe that Li Jian is a man of many tricks and is best at telling lies, and this time is no exception."

"Oh, what do you mean, Prime Minister?" Sun Quan asked.

"Based on the current situation of the Three Kingdoms, if Shu wants to attack further, it can only start from Guanzhong. I believe that the Shu army's dispatch of troops to Wuchang this time is not to send troops to Wuchang."

Sun Quan was slightly startled and said, "You think Li Jian sent troops to Wuchang, but in fact Kong Ming sent troops to Luoyang from Guanzhong?"

"Yes, I think so. Sending troops to Wuchang is a dead move. Li Jian will not do that. Even if he wants to do that, Kong Ming will not let him do that."

Everyone couldn't help but nod and agreed with Zhu Ju's inference. Sun Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and this was the only reason that made sense.

"I remember that it had only been more than a year since Kong Ming captured Guanzhong. Now he is eager to leave eastward?"

"Kong Ming is already old, so he is naturally eager to use troops." Zhu Zhidao said, "Furthermore, I heard that Cao Wei has issued a decree to abolish paper currency. Probably Kong Ming thought that Cao Wei was in chaos, so he wanted to take this opportunity to attack Wei in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, yes, your Majesty, judging from the current defense lines of the three countries, attacking Wuchang is a dead end. The Shu army just wants to deceive the Wei army."

"What do you think of Cao Wei's abolition of paper currency?" Sun Quan changed the subject.

"I believe that Cao Wei is in urgent need of copper coins and it is inevitable that paper money will be dishonest." Liu Ji immediately said, "Cao Wei can only abolish paper money, but we don't have to use it."

Sun Quan asked, "Are the food prices in Jianye a little high?"

Liu Ji replied: "Your Majesty, the price of food is indeed a bit high, but it is not too high."

"how do I say this?"

"Food prices are high, but people also have a lot of money in their hands, so they appear to be high, but in fact they are not."

"How come I heard that in some places, a large number of refugees appeared, and I heard that it was because of paper money?"

"Your Majesty, there are some refugees among the people every year. Those who associate this kind of thing with paper money are probably the work of Shu people. They hope that we will abolish paper money."

Now Sun Quan was completely relieved.

"It seems that the incident in Wuchang is not a big deal, but it cannot be taken lightly." Sun Quan said.

"You can send an envoy immediately to scold Li Jian for retreating and warn him. If he doesn't listen, don't blame our King Wu's army for marching westward." Liu Ji said confidently, "At this time, if Kong Ming wants to leave the pass and attack Wei, he will not He will really turn against us again!”

Sun Quan swept away the previous haze and laughed: "Okay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint voice came from outside the hall: "Report! Urgent report!"

The ministers couldn't help but look outside the palace.

A hurried voice came from outside the hall: "Your Majesty! We have discovered that a large number of Shu army warships have crossed Ruxukou!"

Sun Quan suddenly stood up and froze in place.

The ministers all exclaimed.

"Come in quickly!" Prime Minister Zhu Ju shouted.

The messenger walked in quickly, holding an urgent report in his hand.

"This is impossible!" Liu Ji shouted, "This is absolutely impossible!"

Zhu Ju took the urgent report, quickly read it, his expression turned pale, and hurriedly presented it to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan felt his breathing become heavier. He took it and stared at the urgent report in disbelief.

They were still discussing the attack on Wuchang before. The emperor and ministers analyzed it and concluded that attacking Wuchang was just a strategy to attack the east and attack the west.

After a moment of calm, the enemy troops had already crossed Ruxukou.

Where is Ruxukou?

That was the mouth of the Yangtze River where Sun Quan went north to attack Hefei several times.

Wu's defense line consists of two parts, one is the Jingzhou defense line centered on Wuchang, and the other is the Jianye defense line centered on Jianye.

To defend the Jiang, you must defend the Huai, but it is a pity that Huainan is in the hands of Wei.

Sun Quan's way of guarding the Huaihe River was very special, and he continued to make northern expeditions to Hefei.

Later, when the crusade could no longer be carried out, Ruxuwu was built at Ruxukou and a large number of troops were accumulated here. It was located between Chaohu Lake and the Yangtze River.

This was to prevent Cao Wei from going south along the Ruxu River from Hefei and entering the Yangtze River, threatening Jianye.

But the Shu army directly crossed Ruxukou!

(End of this chapter)

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