I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 40 The next strategy for dealing with Sima Yi

Chapter 40 The next strategy for dealing with Sima Yi

Dong Hong was shocked.

In an instant, Dong Hong began to sweat on his forehead.

He glanced at the ground, suddenly stared at Li Heng, and asked: "Sima Yi can really strengthen the wall and clear the country?"

"If you were Sima Yi and tried to attack our camp but failed, what would you do next?" Li Heng asked, "Watch us grow bigger?"

"Then don't we have to..."

"That's right, we need to speed up the recruitment of people now. It will take some time for Sima Yi to strengthen the wall and clear the country, and it is a very troublesome matter to strengthen the wall and clear the country."

Li Heng said calmly.

"The advantage of strong walls and clear fields is that it prevents us from expanding our fields, but the disadvantages are also obvious!"

"What's the harm?" Dong Hong asked instinctively.

"First, the city may not be able to accommodate so many people; second, most of the people entering the city will no longer be food suppliers, but consumers; third, the number of people in the city suddenly increases, and conflicts will quickly arise. , the Wei army had to send troops to forcibly control it, which actually weakened the city's defense."

Dong Hong immediately said: "Then the way to crack it is for us to send people to attack?"

"What if we can't attack it for a long time?"

"Are you saying that their number of people suddenly increased and there was not enough food to eat..."

"Have you never fought in a war?" Li Heng suddenly interrupted Dong Hong's innocent thoughts and asked.

"How do you say this, Duke Ming?"

Li Heng looked at Dong Hong and said lightly: "When the crisis reaches a certain level, those people will no longer be consumers of food, but will become food."

Dong Hong was once again shocked by Li Heng's statement.

Dong Hong had been in Chengdu before. He was the grandson of Dong Yun.

The Dong family was originally a wealthy family in Jingzhou. His father, Dong He, entered Shu during the Liu Zhang period and was the leader of the Dongzhou faction.

Dong Hong has lived in Chengdu since he was a child and has a carefree life. He is not interested in military affairs. Hearing what Li Heng said, he was inevitably shocked.

Li Heng continued: "We are encircling the fields and building momentum now, which is the first step to defeat Wei, but it does not mean that we will be able to sit back and relax after that. Sima Yi is one of the few capable ministers and famous generals in the world, and he is not that easy to deal with!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start robbing people now!"

"Do you think the Prime Minister has not started to prepare?" Li Heng smiled faintly, "The Prime Minister has already seen the fifth step, but even the Prime Minister cannot move mountains and seas in a short time. To gather people, we can only do it step by step. If you can’t give it away, the quickest thing I can think of is to give it away with cloth!”

"Okay! Okay!" Dong Hong jumped up excitedly, completely ignoring his image, "Is this why you spent so much manpower opening canals before?"

"And the papermaking factory!"

"Yes, yes, the paper mill goes to exchange for food to ensure that people have food to eat when they come. Is this textile machine specially prepared to rob people?"


"So, before the last battle in the rain, you expected that Sima Yi would strengthen the wall and clear the country?"

Li Heng smiled and said, "I just made a wild guess."

"I want to see Fei Sima, and I want to go with Fei Sima to report to the Prime Minister!"

"What are you reporting to the Prime Minister?"

"Recommend you. You are really wronged to be the county magistrate now. You are talented, but I am not as good as you! I want to recommend you!"

Dong Hong clenched his fists excitedly, and the way he looked at Li Heng had completely changed.

"Ziling, you are too young." Li Heng sighed.

In his previous life, Li Heng had been working in the shopping mall for many years. He knew people's hearts very well.

If he is promoted now, he can become an official like Yang Yi and help Zhuge Liang deal with many detailed issues.

At worst, you can use your position to pressure people and promote the progress of things.

But in that case, he would definitely make enemies quickly.

His father was just an imperial doctor who followed Liu Bei to Shu during his period. He was not from a well-known family and had no support.

Once Zhuge Liang dies unexpectedly, who will protect him?
According to the original history, Zhuge Liang died this year.

Although he offered medicine to Zhuge Liang, who can guarantee that Zhuge Liang will not die this year?

Besides, he was not familiar with Ji Han's government system, and now he rashly asked for a high-ranking official. Even if Zhuge Liang appreciated his talent and offered him, he would face many problems in the tedious work that followed.It would be better to be a county magistrate here and have sufficient autonomy.

Maybe Zhuge Liang fully considered this when he gave him this official position.

In the end, Li Heng felt that he could quickly play his role in Chencang County and promoted, but his hands and feet were tied.

"The Prime Minister has his own arrangements, so don't get involved."

Dong Hong was even more surprised.

Why are there still people who don't want to be promoted?
Is this kid testing his sincerity?
"Ming Gong, I am sincere and recognize your talent."

"Talent is sometimes worthless." Li Heng turned around and walked towards the county government office, "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Go build more of these spinning wheels, we're running out of time!"

"Yes, yes! Wait for me!"

"Xue Liang!"


On the seventh day of July, after a new rain, the sky was as blue as water.

After Du Yu got off the carriage, he saluted the person standing at the door: "I have foreseen Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yu said: "I have heard about Du Jun for a long time, and it is a great honor to meet him today."

"How dare you dare."


"Please, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yu welcomed Du Yu into the house.

The Tianshui Zhao family began to make a fortune after becoming a famous general during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty.

Later, the Zhao family in Zhuo County were all branches of the Zhao family in Tianshui.

Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, was from the Zhao family in Tianshui.

During the Cao and Wei Dynasties of the Three Kingdoms, the Zhao family in Tianshui surrendered to the Cao family.

The Zhao family is also the largest powerful person in Tianshui County.

Du Yu walked all the way in and saw pavilions and pavilions intertwined among them, making it extremely prosperous.

The Zhao brothers ordered a banquet to be entertained.

After all, Du's family background in Jingzhao was not small, and Du Yu's father and grandfather were both important officials in the court.

"Du Jun made this trip in person, which I never expected."

Du Yu replied: "Last year's silk was not delivered as scheduled. I feel guilty. There can be no more mistakes this year, so I went there in person."

Zhao Yu's younger brother Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Du Jun is young and has an extraordinary spirit. He will become a great person in the future!"


After saying that, Du Yu suddenly took out a few pieces of paper from his sleeves and said, "I came here today, but there is something else I want to present to you two."

"Oh?" Zhao Yu looked at the paper in Du Yu's hand, confused, "What is this thing for?"

"Mr. Zhao will know it as soon as he sees it."

On one side, the maid took the paper, walked to Zhao Yu, and presented it to him.

Zhao Yu took it, and it was delicate and silky. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but be surprised: "This is... this thing looks like silk but not silk, it looks like paper but..."

"What Mr. Zhao said is absolutely true, it is indeed paper."

Zhao Jun on the side was greatly surprised. He quickly got up and came over to observe carefully.

"This thing is paper?"

"Paper indeed."

(End of this chapter)

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