Chapter 401 The aging Sima Yi
Lu Ju didn't understand.

Li Heng said: "The ministers and officials of Jianye are all outstanding men just like you. Sufficient military strength cannot eliminate the villain's slander against outstanding men. Since ancient times, outstanding men are all aware of current affairs."

Lu Ju was stunned for a moment after being told this.

This is so beautifully said, but why does it sound like your general is mocking me?

Du Yu said on the side: "Sun Quan probably wanted to stall the battle and let Sima Yi take action, but he didn't know that Wuchang didn't last even a day. Once Jianye knew that Wuchang had been captured, the ministers who were slandered by villains like Lu Gong, How will you choose?”

Only then did Lu Ju react.

On the same day of the 20th, news of the Han army's dispatch of troops to Wuchang was sent from Jiangxia County to Luoyang.

It caused shock in the Luoyang court.

Sima Yi kept coughing, but he still sat in front of the case, concentrating on these urgent reports from the south.

Gao Rou reminded: "Master, please finish drinking these medicines first."

Even if the Han army did not take any action, when they learned that Jiangling or Xiangyang had new tricks, they were on pins and needles and began to gather together to study.

For example, Wang Hun mentioned many times: We must not be fooled easily. We will oppose anything Li Jian does.

Liu Fang's words sounded a bit strange, but no one present objected.

As we all know, once troops are sent out, if you want to withdraw them, you have to shed several layers of skin, not to mention being watched by multiple enemies on multiple fronts.

"This must be Li Jian's conspiracy." Liu Fang condemned, "Li Jian is full of tricks. He knows that attacking Wuchang will hurt both sides and take advantage of us. How could he do such a stupid thing?"

From all aspects of analysis, no strong evidence can be found to support the reason for sending troops.

Isn't this the beginning of a war?

Everyone really can’t understand this game.

If Cao Wei's national power was 100 points in the year when Li Heng just traveled through time, after three tax increases during Cao Rui's period, Cao Wei's national power had been reduced by 10 points.

For example, not long ago, Wang Chang, who was stationed in Nanyang, submitted a report on spying on the meat consumption of the Han army in Xiangyang. The princes in Luoyang gathered together and discussed the topic of how many kilograms of meat the Han army had in each bowl of rice.

This time there was a big movement, and it was against the background that Cao Weichang had just abolished banknotes, and sent troops to Wuchang.

The ministers sat on both sides, silent.

When Xiangyang was taken away, Cao Wei's national strength was reduced by another 10 points.

As soon as Li Heng was mentioned, they thought that Li Heng must be planning a new conspiracy now.

Then to the huge investment in Guanzhong, Cao Wei Minsheng lost another 10 points.

Li Heng sent troops to Wuchang.

Some people suggested that the Wei army also add meat, but some people firmly opposed it, thinking that this was Li Jian's conspiracy and that he was deliberately leading the Wei army to add meat to the soldiers.

Okay, now comes the problem.

The three countries constrain each other and cannot be ignored by individual subjective will.

Since the last time Li Heng penetrated Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Jizhou in one go, and blocked various rivers in the Central Plains, which seriously affected the people's livelihood in Luoyang, these people have developed a kind of panic towards Li Heng.

"Li Jian sent troops to Wuchang and sent out most of the troops. What did he think?" Sima Yi murmured.

Then Li Heng walked sideways in the Central Plains, and another 10 points were deducted.

Then to the effect of banknotes, another 20 points are subtracted.

Of course, this does not mean that Cao Wei has always been losing points. At least Cao Wei has papermaking, refined salt refining, some government soldiers, and the popularization of Quyuanli.

These at least add at least thirty points to Cao Wei. After all, Cao Wei is large and has a mature bureaucracy.

It is not easy to bring down a big country from within. The national power is still very strong, but the shadow these people cast on Li Heng is real.

After a moment of silence, Master Sima asked, "What's the conspiracy?"

Liu Fang hesitated and said: "Sending troops to Wuchang is a lie, but mobilizing us to attack Xiangyang is true."

Master Sima said: "Li Jian and Sun Quan are at odds with each other. If we are mobilized to attack Xiangyang, Sun Quan will definitely take the opportunity to seize Jiangling. He will still be attacked on both sides."

"Last time he was also attacked on both sides." Liu Fang said, "And he even went to Yuzhou in person..."

"He can't be sure of winning every time, let alone use the same strategy every time." Sima Division said, "More of our troops have been transferred to Jingzhou."

"Then how to explain his behavior?" Liu Fang spread his hands.

"I think he is just eager to destroy Wu!" Master Sima said, "He wants to swallow Jiangdong before we can react!"

"I'm afraid he won't even be able to get through Wuchang." Gao Rou said.

"Don't forget, Lu Boyan is dead, and Zhuge Ziyu is also dead. I also found out that even Zhuge Ke surrendered to Jiangling, and the people in Jianye fought bloody battles over Prince Wu and King Lu." Master Sima said with certainty, "In addition, Sun Quan prints more paper money than us, and the price of food in Jianye has reached 800 wen per catty."

Master Sima said this, his point of view was different from everyone present.

"We all know now that paper money is a conspiracy of the Shu people against us, isn't it the same for Sun Quan?"

Everyone fell into silence.

"Even if it has a great impact on Sun Quan, at least the Wu army's distribution of troops in Wuchang and Jianye cannot be defeated in a short while." Gao Rou said, "I still can't imagine why he sent troops?"

"If you can't imagine it, just observe it first." Sima Yi finally spoke, his face was pale and his breath was a little weak, "I'm worried that this is not Li Jian's strategy, but Zhuge Kongming's strategy."

"How do you say this, Master?"

"The attack on Wuchang is false. When we push into Jingzhou with heavy troops, Kongming's attack on Tongguan is true." Sima Yi slowly closed the military report.

Over the years, he has been playing with Li Heng.

But he will never forget those good times in Guanzhong when he was fooled around by Zhuge Liang.

The scene of that strategic shift is still vivid in my mind.

After Sima Yi said this, everyone suddenly realized.

"Add more scouts and keep an eye on Wuchang and Xiangyang."

"Where's Jianye?"

"Li Jian can't be stupid enough to bypass Wuchang to attack Jianye." Sima Yi tidied up.

he is sick.

His health is worse than in canon.

Because the situation he faced was more complicated than in official history.

He can no longer use paper money. Now Cao Wei still uses the previous straight money.

However, the commodity economy is developing in an irreversible situation, but Zhibaiqian has had a huge impact on the commodity economy, especially the trade between Yangzhou and Wu.

What's even more terrible is that the Guanzhong front has been reduced, but military expenditures have not been reduced at all, and with the rise of Li Heng in Jingzhou, military expenditures are still increasing.

"Two years, we will rest for another two years and then send troops to attack Jingzhou." Sima Yi's eyes suddenly became sharp and his tone changed.

But at this moment, an emergency report suddenly came from outside.

"Report! Urgent report! Wuchang has been captured by the Shu army!"

(End of this chapter)

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